God of Fishing

Chapter 1789: Trial No. 1

When the old tortoise said this, Han Fei wondered: "Disassemble here?"

Old tortoise: "Well, if you are here to disassemble the aura, then other people may follow you. Surely you don't want this?"

Han Fei said in heart: "Aren't you nonsense? There must be half of the hostile forces in it. Am I so generous? You said, no one else knows how to use this energy?"

Old tortoise: "If they have heard the preaching of the gods, they will definitely use it. But, do you think they have heard it?"

Han Feixin said: nonsense! Thirty-six Xuantian, where is the god?

Han Fei: "Listening to Wu Hao's statement, this door should be opened every other day. In that case, I will walk forward and cross 2,000 meters to open the distance. People in the back can't see clearly what I am doing. Well……"

Just do it, and when everyone else is feeling the pleasure brought by this avenue, Han Fei actually took a step forward and took three steps in a row.

Many people looked at Han Fei in astonishment: The power of this great avenue is so pure, if you don't feel it well, why should you rush forward?

Wu Hao was also slightly surprised: this person's resistance is so strong that it is rare in the world. Under this terrifying coercion, if you want to survive, if you don't have physical conditions and spiritual strength, it's impossible.

Now, Wu Hao saw Han Fei stepping forward in one breath. what does this mean? This means that this person's physique is much stronger than his own.

Wu Hao couldn't help but looked back at Shengtong Xue Zhan's eyes, saying that he was behind instead, and this person seemed to be the arrogant one who would never be born.

And Han Fei said as he walked: "Girl, don't use the power of the great power in your body indiscriminately. It can be used to dismantle the aura. You can secretly stuff it into Master Six, but don't let it steal it. Don't try to dismantle it yet. Solution, lest others see..."

After hearing this, Xia Xiaochan's eyes lit up and nodded: How did Han Fei know these secrets?

She thought that this pure power of the Great Dao was only used to improve the physique and act as a kind of cultivation energy. It turns out that this kind of power can be used to dismantle Reiki!

At this time, Han Fei continued to move forward.

To be honest, Han Fei's heart is ecstatic: his own spiritual energy dismantling method is still a bit worse than 90%. If there is another breakthrough now, as long as it can improve by 12%, it will be a great joy.

Han Fei moved forward, and when he tried to walk less than 30 meters, a spiritual vortex suddenly formed behind him. Countless top-grade spirit stones are spinning, and surging energy is surging.

Someone actually broke through the cultivation barrier in this realm.

Just after this person, there was another woman next to her who broke through the barrier.

Han Fei recalled: These two women seemed to be twin sisters. They also appeared in the battle for Tianque, and they seemed to be called Gu Yuyin and Gu Yule. When I heard this name, I knew that it came from Brahma Yintian.

At this moment, some people around handed over: "Sister Gu Yu, congratulations on the avenue of the two of you, for another breakthrough."

Some people are curious: "Sister Gu Yu, can this energy help the rhythm breakthrough?"

Gu Yuyin responded to the crowd: "This power is more in line with our Brahma Yintian rhythmic practice. Breakthroughs are also beyond my expectation."

Listening to Gu Yuyin's meaning: to break through, it is because of others' roads. As for the specific reasons, they don't know.

However, the curious people, all of the geniuses, are also thinking: to make breakthroughs, there will be continuous breakthroughs, right?

Han Feixin said: 80%, it was one of these two people who found part of the use of this pure Dao Power. So, it's a breakthrough now.

But Han Fei was not in a hurry, it was too early to open the door next time. I have time, so I should cross over 2000 meters first.

With the motivation to cultivate, Han Fei bites the bullet and wants to move forward. It only took less than two hours to stand at the 2,000-meter pass.

At this moment, not only Wu Hao is looking at Han Fei, Beitangxuan of Wujitian, Xiahai of Golden Wutian, Cang Hongyu of Jianglongtian, Song Kaiyuan of Taixuantian, Li Kaitian of Wuliangtian, Jianhui of Sword God Palace, Liuli Lu Ran of the heavens, Bai Muling of the Yuren clan, and Situ Yuhong...

These people also want to know: What is the situation 2,000 meters away?

Among them, Bai Muling and Situ Yuhong had crossed the 1,800-meter line, and they looked at each other.

Bai Muling said, "Guess, what will he do later?"

Situ Yuhong: "I don't think he has anything to do. Before, how strong was he when he showed his strength, you forgot? Just this mere 2000 meters, I think we can reach it, let alone this guy?"

Bai Muling shrugged helplessly: "Yes. It's your Royal Highness. She seems to be using coercion to sharpen herself and want to make a breakthrough here."

Situ Yuhong: "It's okay to make a breakthrough here. You can't attack each other on this road. Your Royal Highness has a lot of resources, and there are six starfish guarding her. Anyway, it's impossible for these people to do anything."

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, Han Fei lifted his anger and moved forward.


After moving this step, only Han Fei's body was seen, and it sank a little. Han Fei's waist and shoulders were slightly bent.

"Boom boom~"

Around Han Fei, a light red mist exploded instantly. And his qi and blood appeared outside the body.

At that moment, the invincible will appeared, condensed into a golden giant, and immediately attached to Han Fei's body surface.


Behind, many people sighed.

Wu Hao was the first to be shocked. He was surprised and almost lost his voice: "This is, Invincible Road?"

Many people, although they have not seen Invincible Road, somehow know some legends about Invincible Road from various historical materials.

In other words, it is not a legend.

Wu Hao knew: In Chaos Tian, ​​his little uncle, was it not this way? In Wujitian, it is said that some people have also taken this path.

However, the invincible road is an extremely rare road after all.

As far as Wu Hao knew: There were only three people in the 36 Profound Sky in the entire riot. The Hundred Demons, Haitian Humans, and Shark Humans have not yet been heard.

Finally, someone exclaimed: "It's Wudilu, who is he?"

Beitang Xuan squinted his eyes: "In Thirty-Six Profound Sky, the only people who have walked the road of invincibility are Wu's adversary of Taiqing Palace, Chen Fenghuo of Chaos Sky, and Li Xinghen of Promise Sky. These are the only three people."

Beitangxuan squinted: First of all, this is definitely not Li Xinghen. This senior is in retreat, the strength is infinitely close to the king, and he is one of the most likely to become the king of the Promise Heaven.

It is even more impossible to be Chen Fenghuo of Chaos Heaven. This person is the king. Because of his existence, Taiqing and Wuji have protected themselves two invincible road powerhouses very well.

After all, a person who walks without an enemy will only leave behind one person.

Beitangxuan shook his head slightly: This person is not from Taiqing Palace. People in Taiqing Palace have always been lonely and tall, and they have met once, which is by no means like this.

Therefore, Beitangxuan felt: Perhaps these thirty-six Xuantian, another strong man who walks the road of invincibility has emerged.

Bai Muling and Situ Yuhong looked at each other once again, only to hear Bai Muling say: "It seems that we still underestimate him. There are no simple characters who can walk this way. Those are the guys who are not kings and benevolent. However, Thirty-six Xuantian walked the road of invincibility, there are several, he is afraid that the rest of the life will be difficult, right?"

Situ Yuhong: "But this guy, it seems more than just taking the Invincible Road. In the Invincible Road, you can fight the king with one hand? Don't say, although I don't like this kid, the princess chooses people. The vision is quite poisonous."

Bai Muling: "You fart. What does this fat look like, don't you have any points in your heart? Are we handsome?"

Situ Yuhong; "I'm talking about strength."

The corners of Xia Xiaochan's mouth raised slightly, and she had always been confident in Han Fei. Han Fei survived even when facing the Pure Emperor's Code.

Now, she doesn't believe: There can be anything that can be difficult for Han Fei.

And Bingxue Chuling, looking at the clone beside him, felt helpless, and said to his heart: That's not all Han Fei's power! Han Fei still has a clone here!

At this moment, Han Fei is actually not feeling well. The main reason is that the pressure is too strong, the invisible pressure is too heavy. There is a feeling of letting him walk the jasper stone bridge.

But fortunately, it was not exaggerated to the point where the bones broke and the whole body was bloodied like the last time I was on the Island of Taboo... I want to come, because at that time, I was really too weak!

Now, Han Fei did not intend to use the power of the avenue to force it forward.

After all, the duration of the great power is limited.

Going forward now, in case you can't hold it at that time, it would be too dangerous.

Therefore, relying on the power of the body to move forward step by step is the right way.

Of course, Han Fei knew: his current strength is incomplete.

Just listen to Han Fei's voice transmission to Bingxue Chuling: "I will take back the power of the clone for the time being."

Bingxue Chuling responded in surprise: "So many people..."

Han Fei: "It's okay, I won't let others doubt."


When everyone put their eyes on Han Fei, they saw the Saint Child Xue Zhan in Snow God Palace, suddenly surrounded by an ice rosette.

Immediately, some people were surprised and said: "The ice and snow lotus of the Snow God Palace? Isn't this the Dinghai treasure of the beginning of the ice and snow? How did it get into the hands of Xuezhan?"

Only saw the ice and snow lotus actually begin to close.

In the blink of an eye, it became an ice lotus flower.

Since then, no one can perceive the situation of Snow War ~www.ltnovel.com~ but most people think that it must be the wave of Dao energy just now that touched Snow War, and he must practice immediately.

But Xia Xiaochan was puzzled, and secretly said that Han Fei should have taken back the clone power, right?

I thought that Han Fei had reached the point where he wanted to get back the power of his clone. After 2000 meters, it was definitely not something ordinary people could hold.



When everyone paid attention to the snow battle again, Han Fei in front of him suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: It feels so good that the power is back!

The power of a half-king realm clone is not weak. Even in Han Fei's current state, the half-king power that can be projected out does not exceed five.

If the half king who wants to project is stronger and reaches the level of Tianjiao, then there can be at most three half king projections.

Now, with the return of strength, Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to move forward.

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