God of Fishing

Chapter 1794: Seabed collapse

   As soon as Han Fei came out, the bronze door disappeared, which was equivalent to breaking everyone's chances.

   At this time, Han Fei was guilty of public anger.

   However, Han Fei's strength cannot be underestimated.

   Anyway, this is a pervert who can rush into the bronze door, and I am afraid it will be difficult to fight.

   Only Song Kaiyuan said to the people around him: "Listen to me, no one is allowed to shoot, no."

   Hundred Monster Race and Haitian Human Race, but some people are eager to try.

  Wuji Tian's Bei Tang Xuan and the others couldn't help squinting their eyes, wondering what they thought.

   But then, everyone discovered: Behind Han Fei, the fog disappeared, and a cracked void appeared.

  Han Fei looked back, only to hear a "bang", the void exploded.


   I saw a stream of light, flying out. Because of the speed, some were embedded in the rock wall, some fell into the blood pool, and some were swallowed by the blood leopards on the blood pool.

   Most of them were intercepted in midair by these people in front of the bronze gate.

   But seeing someone holding an ancient sword, he suddenly shouted: "It's the key to the imperial palace, so many..."


   At this time, as many as 300 people came and flew over and scrambled. Many people selectively forgot about Han Fei... Fighting for the key to the imperial palace became one of their excuses.

   A half king said, "I'm not going to grab that person. This guy is not easy to deal with at first glance, so forget it."

   Among the undersea people, Shen You shouted: "You are not allowed to do anything with this person. The strength of this person is so strong that the ordinary half king is invincible."

   Xia Xiaochan grabbed the six-door starfish in one hand and appeared directly beside Han Fei, and said with concern: "Is it all right?"

   Han Fei shook his head. When he felt the breath of the half king on Xia Xiaochan, he couldn't help saying: "I'm fine, you broke through the half king, it's going well?"

   Xia Xiaochan nodded: "I don't need to cross the catastrophe. I have as many resources as I need. Originally, I wanted to use the power of these avenues to consolidate the cultivation base, but it was useless, so you came out."

   Han Fei hurriedly said: "Don't use it, don't use it. The power of these avenues is much better than consolidating cultivation."

   Seeing Han Fei’s exaggerated description, Xia Xiaochan was shocked, and said: Is this great power really so easy to use?

   When everyone was fighting for battle, Han Fei's heart moved, and a projection fell on the ice rosette.

   "Crack, click~"

   I only saw someone killing towards the Snow God Palace, while the ice and snow lotus was in full bloom at this time.


   Saint Tong Xuezhan reappeared in front of everyone. Everyone saw this guy, turning his fingers into a sword, with aura intertwined at the end of the sword.

   "Puff", I saw a Hundred Demon Race Tianjiao who was directly poked by Han Fei.

   The first spirit of the ice and snow sacrificed the sorrow of the snow, and a make up. The soul of this person was frozen.

   Han Fei stamped a fist in the void, and directly blasted the Hundred Demon Race Tianjiao into scum.


   This battle only lasted for a few breaths, and the underground world began to shake. The underground mountain body that should have been so hard had cracks.

   In the blood pool, blood leap surging. And the water in the blood pool began to rise slightly.

   Someone horrified: "No, the space here is about to collapse, so it shouldn't stay for long."

   Someone's complexion changed drastically: "If you want to fight, go out and fight, otherwise, you have to be buried here."

   Many people looked at Han Fei before they left, and said to their hearts: What the **** did this guy do, and he just collapsed here?

   And Han Fei is also inexplicable. Does this have anything to do with me? Besides, what kind of underwater palace, we haven't seen it yet... why is it going to collapse?

   Han Fei was also speechless, and looked at Xia Xiaochan: "Go! If you have anything, go out and talk about it."

   If you leave here, you have to use a small canoe.

   Here are all half-king realm powerhouses, small wooden boats, can carry geometry? These are just ordinary wooden boats. Really have to take a blow from the upper half of the king realm strong, it can be said that it will turn into powder in an instant.

   So, bombarding each other on the sea is not uncommon.

   Someone was bombarded by multiple people at the same time, the hull shattered, and the whole person fell into a pool of blood.

   The man still wanted to struggle out with his strength, but his body seemed to be tumbling, and he couldn't jump out of the pool.

   follows closely, and the picture is not good.

   I only saw countless blood on all sides, and rushed towards the man. However, in the blink of an eye, above the half-king realm powerhouse, blood leprosy piled up like a hill.

   Seeing, that half king is hopeless.

  At this time, Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan were also traveling by boat, and Han Fei fisted into the blood pond, and the boat was fast.

   Xia Xiaochan is going to leave, naturally no one will do it. However, in addition to the Shark Race, there are also Human Race, Hundred Demon Race, and Undersea Human Race.

   As soon as Han Fei entered the bronze door, he offended almost everyone. Regardless of whether he got something good or not, everyone thought he got a baby.

   At this time, I saw Shen You who had been robbed by the two Han Fei, and looked at Han Fei with a sneer: "I admit that you are strong, but this is not the outside world, give me petrification..."

   Shen You knew he was not Han Fei's opponent. However, there is no need to pay attention to fairness in fighting here.

   Shen You displayed a housekeeping stunt and directly petrified the small boat under Han Fei's feet.

   After this blow, the hull naturally lost its floating characteristics. Han Fei didn't have time to activate the forbidden law here... Therefore, their boat sank a little.

   I just heard Han Fei sneer: "A mere despicable method, and you want to stop me from going? Kill..."

   Han Fei squeezed his fist, invincible Dao Yun blessed, and crushed it with one fist. Wherever they passed, the crowd retreated. This punch was so fierce that most half kings found it hard to resist after seeing it.

   Shen You sneered: "Humph, how about letting you be strong?"

   In front of Shen You, a dark void opened up.

  Han Fei's punch has all fallen into it.

   And Han Fei's boat, turned into a stone boat, attracted a lot of attention.

   Some powerful humanoids shouted: "Your Royal Highness, I'll save you."

   There is a strong human, with a heart move, he secretly urges his soul skills to attack Han Fei.

   Among them, one of the soul skills is a soul knife, which cuts the soul directly.


  Han Fei's soul power is not weak. The beasts devoured their souls and smashed the knife head-on, and he couldn't help looking at the Beitangxuan of Wuji Tian.

   Beitangxuan's heart moved: Did he find out that he did it so secretly? What a keen insight!

   In addition to Beitangxuan, in fact, Han Fei also felt a spirit bomb killing technique from the scorpion race.

   But seeing Han Fei's embroidery needle shot, another stab of **** smashed the attack.

   "Get up!"

   I only saw Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan jumping up at the same time. The next moment, I saw a small wooden boat at the feet of the two.


   Shen You and others are all fascinated: Are you special, where did a small wooden boat come from? Will there be several more ships of this thing?

   Han Fei grinned: "The law is forbidden here!"

  At this moment, all of the corresponding combat skills on the blood pool that was filled with the sky and brilliance all died.

   I only saw Han Fei Quanying stimulating aura, bombarding the blood pool.

   Once the law is forbidden, many people's great skills are not available. With physical strength alone, how many people can be Han Fei's opponent?

   just listened, someone exclaimed: "Dashu is unavailable."

   Someone was astonished: "No, there is a problem with my grand technique."

   Someone hurriedly said: "The exercise is not working smoothly, there is a problem in this space."

   Han Fei grinned.

  Han Fei's small boat is like a sharp arrow. Because Han Fei had used the big knife technique, now Han Fei held a short knife and slashed with all his strength. The blade light pierced the entire blood pool.

   A knife passed, the wave diverged.

   Shenyou can't be under, the void spell just now is ready to be used again.

   When he sacrificed that magic spell, Han Fei discovered that: It turned out that it was a kind of king's method. No wonder it was able to counter the power of the forbidden spell. This was not Shen You's own ability.

   But just when Shen You thought...Han Fei couldn't kill him, he only felt that the imprisoning power of this void suddenly disappeared. And Han Fei's knife flickered directly, crossing his void barrier.


   How can Han Feigang comprehend the power of the Great Dao, even if Shen You Tianjiao is incomparable?

   only saw Shen You, who was directly cut into two pieces by Han Fei.


   Han Fei joined the boat and flashed past the void.

   Everyone was shocked: "This person is so fast?"

   Shen You was slashed, but his consciousness was still there. When he saw Han Fei suddenly appear, he immediately ignored a lot and blew himself up.


   The Half King Realm blew himself up, which directly caused the turbulence of the entire blood pool.

   For a time, half of the kings showed their magical powers and protected themselves~www.ltnovel.com~ which led to a deadlock here.

   Han Fei's face was ugly: "It's a pity. This person borrowed the power of self-detonation and sent a share of his own power. Above this pool of blood, I can't kill him."

   Shen You ran away, which made Han Fei very uncomfortable.

   As long as this is not above the blood pool, Shen You has died a long time ago, where will it be his turn to engage in these bells and whistles?

   Shen You escaped with a ray of soul.

   At this moment, although Han Fei wanted to turn the gun head immediately, he directly announced his shot at Beitang. But the truth is that at this moment, the entire depths of the ocean floor are full of blood.

   Blood leopards are flying all over the sky, and the water in the blood pool is spilled everywhere.

   In the melee, Han Fei was successively attacked by dozens of souls.

   And when Han Fei was dealing with Shen You just now, Xia Xiaochan was dealing with these spirit attacks.

   I only heard Xia Xiaochan say: "There are also people in the horren who want to kill me."

   Han Fei: "I found out, it seems to be that woman."

   Han Fei looked through the blood curtain, looking in one direction.

   Xia Xiaochan said: "Xia Xiaoxiao, I know this person. My relationship with her has never been good. I didn't expect that this person would dare to attack me."

  Han Fei: "Don't worry about this first. The space here is too narrow, we still have to leave here first."

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