God of Fishing

Chapter 1795: Damn you guys

   In fact, Han Fei can still play as long as he comes to the projection at this moment. Even if he does not come to the projection, he still has many great skills that can be used.

   However, when I was a holy boy, I had exposed some of my strength. There are so many people here, and God knows who to pay attention to... and he saw through the identity of Xue Zhan.

   Han Fei didn't want to expose various combat skills and weapons such as Endless Water. Naturally, he didn't plan to do it here in the blood pool.

   Except for the blood pool, Han Fei thinks that everything is fine.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  Han Fei didn't use endless water, and saw the invincible will envelope the entire ship. Han Fei slapped the blood pool with his palm, only to see the wooden boat flying out as fast as an arrow.

   Because of Han Fei's strong strength, they wanted to leave, those people didn't even have a chance to keep him.

   Just listen to Xia Xiaochan's words: "Don't go far. Block the exit of the blood pond and grab one by one."


   Han Fei couldn't help taking a breath: "You are actually more anxious than me."

   Xia Xiaochan's face was ugly and said: "Just now, at least a dozen or twenty people had to attack us and not let them pay a price. Why let them pass?"

   Han Fei grinned: "This method is very good."


   I saw the wooden boat leaping over the blood pond, and a crowd of kings rushed towards the entrance.

   It’s just that, what puzzles many people is: At the entrance, I don’t know when, there was more grayish-white fog?

   The mist was so light that everyone didn't care, but thought it was caused by the turbulence here.

   However, when most people walked to the entrance of the blood pond, they saw two people, one black and one white, blocking their way.

   But he heard a woman from the Taiqing Palace with a bad look: "The two are trying to stop me from waiting for more than 300 people by their own efforts?"

   However, I only listened to Xia Xiaochan's words: "Bai Muling, Situ Yuhong, everyone from the scorpion race listened to the order."

   I saw Bai Muling and Situ Yuhong raising their heads in the crowd: "Your Royal Highness, what is your order?"

   For the rest, nearly 50 strong humanoids got orders one after another and quickly gathered together.

   The next moment, I just listened to Xia Xiaochan's words: "Smiling and committing a crime, dare to attack my palace? Take it."

   However, many people in the Yuren group were taken aback: The identity of Xiaoxiaoxiao is extraordinary. Moreover, the strength is also extremely strong, but at the same level as Bai Muling.

  倀鲛’s smiling face also suddenly changed: I was very careful in my actions, when was it exposed? Moreover, Xia Xiaochan dared to take down himself in an upright manner? What does she want to do?

   Bai Muling and Situ Yuhong immediately took action.

   The two great arrogances are at the same time, and more than 50 half kings of the shark human race are waiting at the exit. How dare they fight with each other with a smile?

   I just heard her shout: "Mingzhu, do you dare to kill me? My master will not let you go."

   Xia Xiaochan snorted coldly: "Your master is here, and you have to call your own princess. What are you? Today, if I tell you to die here, you have to die here."

  倀鲛 smiled and said, her complexion changed a lot: Xia Xiaochan seemed to her to be just a little brainless before. Looking at it again today, the killing is decisive, as if a person has changed.

   saw her bursting back, and she yelled: "It's okay if you intend to kill these people, but even me? What a pearl princess, I have seen it today."

   He turned his head around with a smile, and said coldly: "Thirty-six Xuantian, you still don't rush into the battle, do you want to die?"

   Actually, there is no need to smile, but Bei Tang Xuan of Promise Heaven is ready to speak.

   just listened to him: "Why are your affairs in your own family's family blocking my way? Two people, do you have to go to war?"

   Xia Xiaochan looked at Han Fei, and Han Fei chuckled, "Go to war? The war has started from the moment you started to attack me. What's wrong? Did you forget what you just did?"

   Bei Tangxuan's complexion changed drastically: He discovered it?

   But, even if Han Fei finds out, what can he do?

   He admitted: Han Fei is strong. But no matter how strong it is, it won't be a king...Moreover, Han Fei stopped so many people, and the blood pool in the rear moved unexpectedly, and the situation was at stake.

   At this moment, you are blocking the door, which obviously provokes the anger!

Just listen to Beitang’s announcement: "Everyone, the blood pool is overturned, and disaster is coming. This person is blocking the way. It is clearly a bully who wants to destroy my 36 Xuantian. Even if it is the Hundred Monster Race and the Haitian Human Race, they In my eyes, it is just a remnant of blood. I am waiting for more than 250 people, am I afraid that they will not succeed? Let’s work together..."

  Han Fei knew: It is not easy to seal these people.

   Actually, even if there is a real sea-breaking realm powerhouse, such as the Bai Jiadi...Even if he is left open to kill, it will take more than ten breaths of time to strangle dozens of people at most. There cannot be more!

   The half king is not a target, not to mention those who can come to the land of the king's fall, they are all leaders of the major forces.

   Even if it is Qingyuntian, that poor Zhao Jin's strength is actually extraordinary, just because he met himself.

   Now, Han Fei is blocking the door, and more than 200 people have smashed.

   In their opinion: Blocking the door means killing them.

   There are only 50 people from the   鲛 people. Bai Muling and Situ Yuhong looked at Han Fei one after another, and said in their hearts: This big brother, where on earth are you from? We are 50 people, but we can't stand it!

   Someone shouted: "Your Royal Highness, it's dangerous."

   At this moment, more than 200 half kings rushed to kill, how thrilling the offensive was?

   Can the king stop? It's hard to say Han Fei, because he can't stop it anyway.

   And Han Fei looked at: The people here are almost all here, all the people who should be shot are shot, and only a small part of the people who have not shot are watching.

   Just when these people were only a few hundred meters away from Han Fei and the others, they saw Han Fei speak softly: "Boom!"


   "Boom boom boom~"

   but saw: A faint mist drifting around these people, unexpectedly detonated.

   After a while, a large swath of gray mist broke through the defenses of these people with the explosion of endless water vapor.



   "Not good, poison gas!"

   "Damn it, what's the smell?"

   "This is a strange poison, it can pass through the skin, penetrate the body, and vomit..."

   "It smells so bad, what kind of poison is it?"

  At this moment, all the Hundred Monster Race, Haitian Human Race, Thirty-Six Immortal Palace, who were contaminated, all began to retching. The **** appearance of Qiqiao looked extremely crippled.

  Wan Dutian’s Bai Jingjiu and Dongfang Mingshi brothers, at this moment, while retching, they are actually transmitting.

   Bai toasts: "Oh~ Brother, it's poisonous! This poison directly poisons the soul, it is definitely the best poison... vomit..."

   Dongfang Ming: "Junior brother... vomit... this thing is not poisonous, but it does have a great influence on the soul... vomit... If it is paired with soul poison, it must be extremely toxic...

   Bai Jinjiu: "Quickly collect poison... vomit..."

   When everyone else was retching, and his strength plummeted, Han Fei unexpectedly saw: There are two goods, they are actually going to his own sun and moon to collect the stench.

   Take a closer look, isn’t that really a toast?

  Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: These ten thousand poisonous people are really interesting, don't you really hate it?

   Han Fei pondered: Since they all want to get this odor in this situation... It seems that this thing should be an extremely rare poison-making thing for them. I just don't know, can this stench be sold as a poison? If I can, I am afraid I have to send it...


   I saw pieces of aura spread out.

   However, it’s not easy to break it because it's so alive and well.

   I saw Han Fei flick his fingers, returning ten thousand swords. Because the place was very narrow, Blade Purgatory was immediately formed. At the moment when this hand was displayed, some people who hadn't used it in the distance were dumbfounded.

   Among these, there is Song Kaiyuan of Taixuantian.

   Behind Song Kaiyuan, his junior sister Mu Shui Sisi couldn't help but be surprised: "Brother, what kind of magic is this or what kind of weapon? Why do I feel that this seems to be..."

   Song Kaiyuan: "Go back and discuss it again."

   Mu Shui Sisi's heart moved: "Can we still go back?"

   Song Kaiyuan: "Look at you...you forgot the slogans of these two people, what are they?"

   "Ding Ding Ding!"


  Han Fei's Blade Purgatory, dealing with a group of half-kings whose strength has fallen sharply, at least cutting through their aura body, that is no problem.

   As for some spirit gatherers, they can block the breath, which is normal, and Han Fei didn't care. ,

Just listen to Han Feijie smiled and said: "Impermanence kills life. The land of the dead, the valley of the living dead, black and white and impermanence, come to the sea again. Money opens the way, resources buy life. On-site transactions, no credit. Give me everything. Pay the money."

A group of more than 50 people from the   鲛human clan saw the many half-king realm powerhouses trapped by the formation, and looked at each other.

   My princess, with whom did she get mixed up? Two people poisoned more than 200? Who dares to believe it?

   Bai Muling glanced at Situ Yuhong: "Shall we help, call a formation?"

   Situ Yuhong showed emotion on his face at the moment, and just listened to him: "After all, the princess is still the princess of our royal family, but none of us are poisoned. Of course it should be called a battle."

   I just heard Situ Yuhong roar: "Give me all the money~www.ltnovel.com~ Bai Muling shouted: "The blood pool is about to collapse, do you still want to come out? "

But in the crowd, Beitang heard a loud shout: "Bastard... ugh… With 50 of you, how can you withstand more than 200 people… ugh... Don’t mess up. Let’s work together to break through this blade area, give I'm rushing!"

  Han Fei is most afraid of this kind of hard work.

   Even if his own strength is greatly improved, but more than 200 half kings shot together, then he must still be unable to hold it.

   This is not one or two Chinese cabbage, this is more than 200 half kings.

   After a round of impact, he can intercept a few at most. For other things, he still has to run.

   Therefore, Han Fei is also not panic. It seems that you have to increase the dose!

   I only saw Han Fei wave his hand, and a large swath of gray liquid like a stream bloomed. Seeing the more than 200 people who just wanted to rush over, the moment they saw the gray river again, they backed away.

   Nima: It was just gas just now, but now this guy has gotten a river out? Who can handle this?

   Suddenly, someone yelled: "Friends, do you really want to wait for me to die here?"

   I just listened to Han Fei yelling: "I said, give money, don’t you understand? Give money."

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