God of Fishing

Chapter 1796: The real king 1 hit

   Han Fei is extremely arrogant.

   At this moment, when a poison is off, you can't open it.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "I can't stop all of you, but you can also give it a try? If you are not afraid of smelly! I will leave it here today, and everyone will throw a key to the imperial palace. You can leave. But if you don't throw away the sun and moon shells in the three immortal palaces of Taiqing, Wuji, and Golden Crow, you won't want to go out today."

   The blood pool at this time was rolling. Everyone must resist the stench while avoiding the **** skin and the collapsed void above the blood pool...

   But, no matter how critical the situation is, what's the matter with Hanfei?

   I just heard Han Fei sneer: "I'll be clear about what I said, and I'll target the three of you. I want to attack your grandfather?"


   The five children of Taiqing Palace drew their swords.

   However, Han Fei didn't even look at them, and threatened: "This pool of blood is about to fall over!"

   Many people have changed their colors.

At this time, Han Fei needed a wink, but saw Song Kaiyuan step forward: "Friends of the Taoist, in the Burial Soul Valley, we have already taken out all our net worth. At this time, I'm afraid I'm really nervous when waiting... In the four palaces, Sword God, Liuli, and Wuliang, each palace offers a key to the imperial palace. How about? It’s just that fellow Taoists can remove this heavy treasure because Song is afraid of being stabbed to death by it."

   Song Kaiyuan tapped endless water, and Chao Han Fei smiled slightly.

   Han Fei's heart moved: Does this person recognize endless water? Yes, he smiled so calmly, as if he had seen everything through.

Han Fei immediately rolled his eyes and grinned: "Look at it...this is called discussion and discussion! This is called friendly negotiation. Tai Xuan, Wuliang, Sword God, Liuli for four days, please leave quickly. "

   This time, Tai Xuan and other four immortal palaces, led by Song Kaiyuan, went straight to the exit.

   The half kings watched Song Kaiyuan throw out the four imperial keys, and Han Fei deliberately opened the gray water ball and let them leave.

   In the next moment, I saw Bingxue Chuling and Shengtong Xuezhan, one after another cheating.

   Xuezhan, turned between his hands, and took out four imperial keys: "I am the four of Snow God Palace."

   Han Fei opened the door: "Yes! Please leave."

Jin Wutian’s Xia Hai was angry and shouted: "Absurd, but just entering a door, do you really think you are tyrannical and invincible? Everyone, so many people, have you bluffed two people in this district? Give me kill……"

   This time, even Beitang Xuan did not say anything, and said to his heart: You are an idiot, everyone has let it go, and you know the three of us. Will others be enemies for the three immortal palaces of Taiqing, Wuji and Golden Crow?

   After a pause, I heard someone say: "Friends of Taoism, I am the two of Qingyuntian."

   Someone was holding a key to the imperial palace: "Friends of Taoism, I am four of Brahma Yintian."

   Cang Hongyu greeted: "Friends of Taoism, I will descend from the dragon to the sky."

  At this time, I only heard the people of the Hundred Demon Race say: "This fellow Taoist, I have 62 members of the Hundred Demon Race. As you said, it is the 62 imperial keys?"

   Bai Muling immediately transmitted the voice: "The relationship between the Hundred Demon Race and us is at odds. It doesn't matter if we are inferior races."

  Han Fei calmly said: Are you so special, do you really think of me as a member of your Shark?

Just listen to Han Fei solemnly said: "I said, here today, I will only target the Taiqing Palace, Wujitian, and Jinwutian. Everyone can let them go. Leaving here, we will still be enemies. At that time, who will live? Die, and then judge the superior..."

   When the half kings of the Hundred Demon Race heard, they immediately stepped forward.

   only saw the imperial palace keys, one by one thrown out. Han Fei’s path is right there, no matter which power you are, who pays, or who you let go.

   Bai Muling took a look: This fellow, even if you can't destroy them, you should pay more! One person, one imperial key, what is this? Is the friendship released?

   However, Bai Muling didn't know Han Fei's methods at all.

   An imperial palace key is very precious when taken outside. However, this is the land of Wang Yu, where life and death are at stake. Who can use this to save his life, who is still hiding it?

   Of course, this is mainly because Han Fei doesn't want much. Otherwise, if you really want all of their wealth, these people are all desperate, and Han Fei has this stench, and he can't stop it!

   But now, these people are afraid of the stench and will always comfort themselves: an imperial key, the opportunity to exchange it, it is not a loss!

   The Hundred Demon Races are gone, the Undersea Human Races also followed, and the other major fairy palaces of the 36th Immortal Palace are also gone.

   are all powerhouses in the half-king realm. Although the key to the underground palace in the land of the king's fall is difficult to find, it is not impossible to find a single one.

   Actually, everyone has a few or even more in their pockets. It's not a matter of handing over one!

   But Beitangxuan and others can only watch other people leave, but they can do nothing.

   And here, there are five people in Taiqing Palace, four in Wuji Tian and three in Jinwutian. Wu, there is also a Xiaoxiao who Xia Xiaochan called to kill.

   In total, there are 13 half kings.

   However, the 13 half kings do not give them the slightest confidence. Opposite, there are more than 50 people!

  For the Shark Race, humans are already rivals.

   This wave of Han Fei's operations is still doing the three fairy palaces of Taiqing, Wuji, and Jinwu. They accounted for three of the first four immortal palaces.

   Bai Muling and Situ Yuhong couldn't help wondering: This Han Fei and these powerful immortal palaces, 80% have a deep hatred... This is a dead hand!

   Xia Xiaochan’s voice transmission: "Are you sure you want to kill, none of these people will let go?"

   Xia Xiaochan considered: Han Fei is a human being after all, so he will definitely look at things from a human perspective. Even if it is herself, she has always regarded herself as a person. I always felt that I was incompatible with the character of Shark.

Opposite   , a Taiqing woman said: "I don't know who you are, but you should be a human being. What is the reason why you would rather help the Shark tribe and strangle me?"


   I just listened to Han Fei with a cold smile: "If just... Bei Tang Xuan did not attack me; if just now, your Taiqing Palace's sword qi did not sneak attack... I don't mind, let you go."

  Han Fei's meaning is very clear: the problem is, you guys did it!

   Beitang announced at this moment, and did not refute: "As far as I know, more than the three of us have shot."

Han Fei grinned and said, "Because you three are the strongest! Do you think I care about the other immortal palaces? So, if you are all so grown-ups... you have to pay the price if you do things. Lao Tzu also often robs him if he is Anti-killing, you can only admit that you are unlucky. If you have the ability, you come to kill me?"

   However, I only listened to Xia Xiaochan's words: "What is the opposite? All the people of the Yuren tribe follow the order, kill, and leave none."


   Xia Xiaochan is even more bachelor than Han Fei.

   Just as Han Fei was about to speak, Xia Xiaochan looked at Han Fei and said, "The villain died of talking too much."

   Han Fei: "……"

"That one……"

   Xia Xiaochan just gave the order, only listening to Situ Yuhong said: "Um, can you take away this stinky water?"

  Han Fei Riyuebei opened, and the smelly water was recovered.

   At that moment, I saw Beitangxuan and others, blasting out.

   There are more than 50 to 13, what if they run away? People like Bai Muling can go back to retreat.

   "Tsk tsk!"

  Han Fei felt for the first time: He feels like a thug, so comfortable! Unexpectedly, one day I don’t have to do it myself...

   Here, the suffocation is soaring, the blood pool is turbulent, and there are cracks everywhere. However, it hadn't collapsed immediately, that is, the water in the blood pool began to pour everywhere, and **** leopards crawled in a mess.

   After more than 30 breaths, the bottom finally collapsed. The half king of the sharks and the Beitang announced them, and they also hit outside the entrance.

   Only, this time it became 50 to 8. In this short period of 30 minutes, five people fell.

   Among these, none of them belonged to the Shark race. Among them, the two belonged to the Taiqing Palace, the two belonged to the Golden Crow Heaven, and the other belonged to the Wuji Heaven.


   I saw that Beitang Xuan slashed both of them. Although the two of them could still be reborn with a drop of blood, the strength of the Tianjiao level was highlighted at this moment.

   Suddenly, he saw the Beitang exclaimed: "If you want me to die, it depends on whether you have this ability? My king personally strikes. Who can stop me?"

   only saw a jade falling to pieces on Beitangxuan's neck.

   In an instant, the terrifying power shook the fields.

  Han Fei, who was watching the show, suddenly changed his expression: This guy's king blow, unlike others, is so powerful!

   I only saw Han Fei stepping out, possessing an invincible golden body, and his strength soaring to the sea level. On the front of the boxer, there is still a brand of formation.

   Mainly, after the aura dismantled 100%, Han Fei could almost perfectly release the power of the aura, which is the power of his own great power, which was 30% stronger.

   And this time, Han Fei saw: a man with a height of 100 meters, his eyes swept over.

  The human said: "Huh! What a shark human race, what a human traitor, deceive me Wujitian... so bold."

   Bai Muling suddenly shouted: "Retreat! Quick retreat...It's Boss Promise, Yun Tianhe made the shot himself."

   Han Feixin said: What is this Yuntianhe?

   However, Han Fei has now burst out with all his strength. It seemed that Yun Tianhe was indeed extremely powerful, so Han Fei also used Chaos Qi.


  The air wave rushes into the sky, UU reading www.uukahnshu. com is afraid that one hundred thousand waves will shake the sky and hit the sea.

   Xia Xiaochan was shocked when she saw this, and threw out the same jade slip. Unfortunately, it was half a beat slower than Han Fei's shot.


   I saw this labyrinth building under the Sea Heaven Palace, under Han Fei's fist strength, it instantly turned into powder. While Yun Tianhe's backhand, the sky fell apart and the earth cracked.

  Han Fei only felt the wave of billions, punching himself.


   Only saw Han Fei retreat a hundred miles, his body smashed into a heavy sea rock. Han Fei was bloody, with hundreds of bones broken.

   This time, it was a real wound.

   And after defeating Han Fei, Yun Tianhe's blow power finally dissipated when he faced the blow power of Pure Emperor Canon.

   But, immediately afterwards, there was another blow from the King on the Taiqing Palace.

   Xia Xiaochan's speed is extremely fast, has already come to Han Fei's side, look anxious: "What happened?"

  Han Fei: "Why is this guy so strong? I haven't suffered such a serious injury for a long time, wait for me to recover."

   Xia Xiaochan was relieved when he saw Han Fei and could say so much.

   Turning his head, Xia Xiaochan was angrily: "Keep on fighting for me, kill them all."

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