God of Fishing

Chapter 1802: Set almost

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"Soul Destruction Needle?"

Mu Xi's face turned pale, a little afraid.

Mu Shui Sisi's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but exasperated: "This seabed human race is so vicious! It's shameless to use even the soul-killing needle."

However, Han Fei said: "The winner is king, so why is it shameless to say?"

Mu Shui Sisi curled his lips slightly, but saw Mu Xi leaned forward quickly: "Thank you, Daoist Xuezhan, for your help, Mu Xi has no teeth to remember."

Han Fei casually threw the soul-killing needle over and said lightly: "Next time, be careful."

When it was over, Han Fei floated away without looking back. In one step, he stepped a thousand miles away and disappeared into the vision of the two.

Mu Xi still grabbed the soul-killing needle in a daze, only listening to Mu Shui thinking: "Okay, don't look at it. They are gone, co-authored, even your soul is hooked away?"

Mu Xi's face blushed immediately, and she groaned: "Chou Sisi, what are you talking about?"

At this moment, Mu Shui Sisi glanced at the sun and moon shells dropped by the strong undersea human race, and immediately grabbed it.

Only when Mu Xi said "Ah": "Sisi, did he forget to take Riyuebei away?"

Mu Shui Sisi said speechlessly: "What is forgetting? People didn't take it at all. Seeing you have been playing hard for a long time, I left it specially for you..."

Mu Xi's face flushed again: "Then, can't it? I still give it back to him?"

Mu Shui Sisi: "It should be paid back. This person was killed by him and saved your life. This sun-moon shell should belong to him. Okay, the fighting here is critical. It is better to pay it back after the war is over. Give him... I, you can still go to the Snow God Palace and sit there. If you can ask your master to go with you, maybe even the marriage can be given..."

"Ah~ Chou Sisi, I tore your mouth..."


On Han Fei's side, the old turtle said, "Are you doing this? Are you sure that she will return the sun and moon shells to you?"

Han Fei: "I'm not sure. However, Taixuan and Liuli have a good level of education. These people are still kind-hearted, and I will save her life. It is reasonable, even if it is to make the road clear. She will also send the sun and moon shell back."

The old tortoise said leisurely: "But where did the soul-killing needle come from? The emperor didn't see it."

Han Fei grinned and said: "I found it from the other person's Sun Moon Berry. Anyway, the fighting was fierce just now, they can only attribute to their failure to pay attention, and will not suspect that I took out the soul-killing needle."

Han Fei perceptively searched, looked around, and finally found Shen You in a corner, near the battlefield between Baihua Palace and Qingyuntian.

Before, on the side of the blood pool, let this guy run away. Unexpectedly, this guy hasn't left yet? Still hunting here...

Han Fei grinned: "Since you don't leave, you can't blame me."


Han Fei directly performed the twin divine technique, the body of white mist returned, and the body of black mist touched the battlefield over there. In this melee, with these people, it is impossible to find Han Fei's black mist body.

Therefore, Han Fei also approached blatantly.

Only for more than 20 breaths, when the body of the black mist floated and attached to Shen You's body, this guy didn't even notice it.

And the strong of Baihua Palace, of course, used Yaozhi to fight. Other people's manipulation skills are very extraordinary, this area has been covered by Yaozhi.

However, Shen You is not a simple commodity.

There were not many who could escape under Han Fei's hands. Even if Han Fei failed to display more power due to restrictions, he couldn't escape if he changed himself.

At this moment, there are two people in Hundred Flower Palace, one man and one woman, one to build the trap and the other to call thorns and thorns.

In the case of a three-way confrontation, it is like a terrifying sea beast blooming in the sea, extremely hideous.

However, the offensive of Hundred Flower Palace is strong, but if you look closely, you will find that among the massive jungle of monster plants, blood-colored centipedes are crawling everywhere. Large swaths of demon plants were riddled with holes drilled by the centipede.

The other manpower of the Baihua Palace was restricted by the other people of the underwater human race.

At this moment, Shen Youyin smiled coldly and said: "Two, as long as we hand over the resources in our hands, we will not end the war. You humans have not yet come together, and now, your Hundred Flowers Palace is even more short of manpower. If you neglect, I am afraid that your life will be hard to save. what!"

But I heard the woman from the Baihua Palace yelled: "Shen You, we know you are powerful. But, you should have suffered a serious injury before? You are not afraid of black and white impermanence again? I don't believe it, you still have a second escape opportunity."


Shen You laughed: "The woman in the black and white impermanence is the princess of the mackerel royal family. The man is obviously a strong human race. If they dare to easily show their faces at the entrance, then the mortal king will intervene. , Do you think they can escape?"

This land of the fall of the king is not limited to the noble state, but the king can actually. If people know that Xia Xiaochan and Han Fei are mixed together, whether it is Han Fei or Xia Xiaochan, both sides must not tolerate it.

At that time, it is completely possible for the king to break the rules and enter here.


Just when Shen You finished speaking, suddenly, a black mist enveloped him.

At the next moment, a sarcasm appeared in Shen You's mind: "Do you think you can fool me by taking the king? The ghost is ecstatic, and impermanence is demanding. Today, whoever comes, can't save you..."


Shen You suddenly changed color, and lost his color in shock: How could it be possible? he came? Where is he?

But the next moment, Shen You only felt that his body was cut, as if ten thousand ants were eating the heart.

For the first time, he even felt that his soul was broken through. There is an inexplicable force that is locking his soul, and then he can't move.

Just listen to Han Fei's leisurely voice: "No one can still show up in front of me grandiosely after having shaved my hand. You are the first one, I can't give this example. So, you fall!"


I only saw the shocking power burst out in that black mist. The person in Baihua Palace was directly retreated by Baili. The surrounding demons planted vines, which were instantly crushed to flat ground.

At this moment, the two of them looked dumbfounded.

The woman said: "Where is Shen You?"

Man: "I don't know! What is the black mist? It looks like a magic power. Is this guy in a demon? Blew yourself up?"

The woman was speechless: "No, it's not... he was slaughtered. His sun and moon shells are gone."


After a while, the two quickly went backwards.

This top powerhouse, in front of them, was killed? quietly. They didn't even see the shadow of the shooter. It can be seen that how terrible is the opponent's strength?

At this moment, there is not far away, on Qingyuntian's side, the son of Tianjiao looked at this side in shock: "Feng Shi, Huaying, you two actually killed Shen You? It's amazing... After going out, the limelight I'm afraid it will overwhelm Inner Tianjiao."

Hua Ying said with a black face: "Shut up, Wu Liuqi, this is not allowed to be said."

The young man known as Wu Liuqi grinned and said: "What a great thing... er, okay! I don’t say... but it’s useless if I don’t. The melee here will become a movie. Someone saw it."

Feng Shiyouyou sighed: "Hua Ying, we can't deal with this matter. After we go out, we must refute the rumors. Otherwise, the strength and reputation will not match, and the consequences will be serious."

Hua Ying nodded heavily: "Yes, someone who can easily kill Shen You, it can't be the two of us anyway."


Han Feike doesn't care what the two people in Baihua Palace think?

He already has twins together.

At this moment, Han Feizheng made a move to help a disciple of the Snow God Palace. At this moment, it happened to kill the opponent's Venerable Peak.

"Thank you, Mr. Shengtong, for your help."

Han Fei: "Hmm! It doesn't matter."

Such battles and plunders do not happen all the time. The people in the Snow God Palace are not high-profile, do not take the initiative, and are not afraid of fighting.

There are two half-kings of the Hundred Demon Race hoping to make an autumn wind and test the strength of the Snow God Palace. As a result, Han Fei killed one and Bingxue Chuling was seriously injured.

After a while, no one came over. Han Fei and the others also got leisure.


Outside the land of Wang Yi.

The faces of the kings were not pretty, especially the Taiqing Palace, Wujitian, and Jinwutian.

At this moment ~www.ltnovel.com~being on the ship of the Promise Sky, Beitangxuan was severely injured and fell asleep. After more than three hours, he finally woke up.

When I was awake, I saw the figure in front of me and quickly said: "Uncle, am I out?"

This person is the leader of this trip to Wuji Tian, ​​Bei Xuanbing, and also the uncle of Bei Tang Xuan.

Just listen to Bei Xuanbing said: "It's up to you to know... Use my last force to save your life. Otherwise, your life will be gone. The specific thing, the Xia Hai of the Golden Crow Heaven has already said. Human Tianjiao, united with Yuren The princess of the royal family hunted the three fairy palaces of Taiqing, Wuji, and Golden Crow. So far, our three great fairy palaces have suffered heavy losses."

Beitangxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and Xuan-level said: "Uncle, the non-nephew doesn't work hard. That person is so strong that he can resist a blow from the palace lord without falling. The nephew even suspected that his strength has reached the limit. Sea boundary."

Bei Xuanbing said indifferently: "This, we already know. However, due to the control of the major powers, we can't get in. Now, we can only wait. There are only so many human powers. You can see them one by one, after all. There is a problem."

Bei Xuanbing didn't struggle with this question anymore, but said: "Tell me about the bronze door."

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