God of Fishing

Chapter 1803: Check

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Three days later.

Of the six remaining people in the Snow God Palace, only one came in the end.

This means: the remaining five people have fallen in the land of Wang's fall this time.

Han Fei knows: This ratio is pretty good. The probability of falling is about 20%, and he is worthy of the Snow God Palace.

As of now, the war has basically been settled. It's impossible, fighting all the time...

Those who go out have already gone out.

At least, the powerhouses of the Venerable Peak Realm have basically gone out. Including the people in the Snow God Palace, only four half kings such as Han Fei remained.

On the last hour, when the major forces were preparing to leave, a slight commotion appeared.

For example, the venerable peak realm powerhouse of Taiqing Palace unexpectedly discovered that Ji Chen had not come out. They didn't believe it, how could Ji Chen fall to the land of Wang Yu?

For example, Bai Muling and Situ Yuhong were still waiting eagerly for Xia Xiaochan and Han Fei to appear.

However, they are destined to be unable to wait.

For example, the people of the Five Elements are also shocked: How about the Five Elements Chenhao?

But most people walked together one after another.

The half-king Tianjiao of Zhanfengtian and Leihuotian came together. These three have a better relationship because the fairy palace is close. They all know each other's Tianjiao.

Zhan Fengtian's Li Xunfeng said: "Two, let's go together! This time, from the eyes of Snow God Palace, the results of the exploration are pretty good! It seems that few people have fallen."

Bingxue Chuling: "Maybe it's just luck."


outside world.


When a figure came out from the exit of the land of the king's fall, the king's perception swept across, the waves of the sea were surging, and the invisible coercion shrouded the sea.


Han Fei and Bingxue Chuling went straight to the Snow God as soon as they left the land of Wang Yi.

Han Fei felt: There were several perceptions of the king, sweeping past himself. However, he was not afraid, nor was he panicked at all.

On the Snow God.

The Snow Girl stood on the deck herself. At the stern, is the son of the Venerable Peak of the Snow God Palace.

Xue Nu gave them a faint glance: "You two, come with me."

No one will doubt this.

After all, everyone is looking for the key. After returning, the key should be kept by the palace owner for the first time. This is natural, and it is not easy to give it directly on the deck.

The two of them had just entered the cabin with Xue Nv, and only heard Xue Nv say: "To make a long story short, you are in the land of Wang Yu, and you are making a lot of trouble. If it's just making trouble, the question is, what is the matter with you and the princess of the king's family? What's going on?"

Han Fei said lightly: "I am a woman."

Snow Girl: "..."

The Snow Girl is also speechless: How long is this so long? Did you soak the princess of the mackerel royal family?

However, the two women reacted immediately: it should not be that simple.

Especially Bingxue Chuling, she guessed: Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan knew each other from the beginning. Where did you meet... This is worth pondering.

Of course, here, Xue Nu just greeted her.

Just listen to her: "She returned to the royal family?"

Han Fei shook his head: "I am here."

Xue Nu was stunned for a moment: You really dare to kidnap you!

However, at this time, even if Xia Xiaochan was asked to go back, she couldn't go back. Otherwise, how does the Snow God Palace deal with it?

Xue Nu said: "I didn't see your flaws. However, after a while, the mackerel royal family discovered that the princess is gone. Everyone knows that there are humans colluding with the mackerel princess, so they will definitely suspect. There are only these people, this matter If you don't find it out, you won't leave. So, you have to pay attention to two people, one is Ye Qinglong from the horrendous clan, and the other is Ji Xuan from the Taiqing Palace. These two people can be the kings of the audience, and their strength should not be underestimated. As long as they don’t see the flaws, you will succeed."

Han Fei said lightly: "I have already prepared. I will leave a half-king projection clone on the Snow God to prevent them from patrolling halfway."

Snow Girl: "Can you walk in front of so many people? In fact, you should pretend to be an accident and make people think you have fallen. In this way, no one will doubt it."

Han Fei smiled and said, "I don't think it is such a trouble. As long as they can't find anyone, can they stop the major forces and prevent them from leaving?"

Xue Nu: "That's not true. However, it is inevitable to look at everyone. After all, not only the princess of the mackerel royal family is gone, but the human side is also considered a traitor."

Han Fei nodded, knowing that things were a little more troublesome.

Han Fei turned his hand and took out 30 keys to the underground palace and said, "The 10 extra ones, thank you for your help."

Xue Nu quietly accepted these imperial palace keys.

In fact, since she knew Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan's disguise of black and white impermanence, she must know: Han Fei is definitely not the 30 imperial keys.

Han Fei’s imperial palace keys are probably over 200. Even more.

But what about this?

Han Fei has the imperial palace key on his body, which shows that Han Fei should have power behind him. If in the future this force will also go to the imperial palace, because of Han Fei's relationship, an alliance may be formed.


After a while, Xue Nu took the two people out of the cabin again and appeared on the deck again.

"Stupid, idiots..."

Suddenly, a voice burst out.

Many people followed the sound and saw that the ancestor Wandu pointed and pointed at Bai Jinjiu and Dongfang Ming, and almost nodded their fingers to their noses.

The ancestor of Wan Po snorted: "This is the most precious treasure, you have to change a mere 2,000 catties? No brains? This poison should all be brought in. You won’t pay for it? You won’t invite him to our Wan Po Tian. Secretly traded? Let him come to our world, I still lack such a little resource? Two idiots, I will punish you to go back to retreat for ten years."

"Yes, what the teacher taught is."

"Teacher, toast knows wrong."

No, seeing the ancestor of Ten Thousand Poisons suddenly furious, Lei Qing, the lord of Thunder and Fire, couldn’t help saying: "Old Huang, the apprentice came out safely, it’s not bad. If you come out, just reprimand...for making such a big disturbance, for fear of others wonder if it is or not?"

I only heard the ancestor of Wandu coldly snorted: "These two prodigal gadgets encountered countless treasures and poisons in the land of Wangyu, but they got back more than 2,000 kilograms. You said I am not angry? I really want to shoot to death. Both of them."

While talking, the ancestor Wandu glanced around. Even this glance passed Han Fei.

Although it was passing by, Han Fei knew: This old man clearly sees himself.

I was just afraid that others would know, so I glanced around on purpose.

Han Fei said in his heart: broken, exposed! I don't know Huang Jie very well. Although they told Bai Jingjiu that they exchanged poison for the purpose of poisoning others...

But who is Huang Jie? People grow old.

Before entering the land of Wang Yi, Han Fei personally went to Huang Jie's cabin and asked for a poison.

Han Fei couldn't help but felt nervous: Yes, he was too eager to change with Bai Jingjiu and Dongfang Ming. I should wait for myself to be free and take the initiative to take a trip to Wandutian...

Just now, Huang Jie was nominally reprimanding his disciples loudly, and he didn't seem to care who the black and white impermanence was, but he was actually sending some information to Han Fei.

The kings couldn't help being speechless: so many people died, but in this guy's eyes, only poison is the most important thing.

He only heard Huang Jie snorted: "I don't know which kid it is, let the old man find it, you can't do it unless you drain it."

Han Fei was speechless: It seems that there is one more person to deal with.

Xue Nu didn't look at Han Fei, but was a little surprised.

Huang Jielian was too lazy to pass the transmission, and he yelled in public, clearly speaking to someone.

Who else can this someone be besides Han Fei?

But the strange thing is that Huang Jie didn't call his name, and he helped keep the news. It seems that this person has a conspiracy against Han Fei!


An hour later.

There is not much time left until the exit is closed. However, in the land of Wang's fall, some people did not come out.

For example, Xia Xiaochan and Han Fei are the combination of black and white impermanence; for example, Tianjiao Ji Chen from the Taiqing Palace; for example, Five Elements Disciple Chenhao...


Seeing this scene, Ye Qinglong immediately said, "Ji Xuan, go to the land of Wang Yi to search?"

Ji Chen nodded, then shouted: "Everyone else is waiting here, and I will go back."

I only saw these two kings, disappearing directly on the ship.

After a stick of incense, when the two reappeared, their faces were almost ugly.

Just listen to Ji Xuan shouting: "All the kings of Thirty-six Xuantian, please gather everyone who participated in this trial on the deck. I think you already know the matter. There are traitors in the human race and the royal family of the sharks. The princesses got entangled and killed many human experts."

And Ye Qinglong ~www.ltnovel.com~ coldly snorted: "It is said that that person has a deep hatred with you Taiqing and Wuji immortal palaces. Who can be blamed? But this person, dare to take away my royal family. Your Royal Highness? Today, if you don't find it out, this matter cannot be ended so easily."


I just listened to the ancestor Wan Poison sneered: "The land of Wang Yu is so big, do you two have the ability to search in a stick of incense? I really want to hide it, I'm afraid you may not find it."


Ye Qinglong said coldly: "If you can't find it, you can find it before you talk. You don't need to talk too much."

"Jie Jie~ Ye Qinglong, speak to Lao Tzu to be polite."

At that moment, Huang Jie uttered a voice with a compelling momentum. It seems to be extremely powerful.

But immediately, Huang Jie regained his momentum, and said in a bad mood: "I will show you all. This king will look at you, is it changed?"

Huang Jie mixed up for a while, only to let Ye Qinglong and Ji Chen know: Don't do it to the point where it doesn't end well... Really want to fight? His ancestor of poison is the first one who is not afraid.

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