God of Fishing

Chapter 1804: Wear 1 mask, no one loves it

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The identity of Xia Xiaochan is of course important. Ye Qinglong took a trip to the land of Wang Yu and lost Xia Xiaochan...

Regarding this matter, after he returned, there was really no way to explain it to Chun Huang Dian!

But Ji Xuan faintly felt something wrong: This time, the number of strong men fell, although the difference was not very big from previous years. However, in any case, Ji Chen has no reason to fall.

Even Bei Tang Xuan of Wuji Tian, ​​with a personal blow from Yun Tianhe, nearly died?

Obviously, this is very wrong.

From any angle, the person who can almost kill Beitangxuan shouldn't be a half king.

Just from the name Black and White Impermanence, everyone of course can't find any problems. However, this person's journey of invincibility is great news.

Therefore, Ji Xuan and Ye Qinglong are planning to find this person by checking the avenue.

In this way, if Han Fei simply disguised himself with spells, they felt that they could still find some clues.

This method of finding people is not slow.

Although everyone is unwilling to show their power of the great avenue, they are not revealing the avenue itself. Seeing and practicing are two different things, so everyone doesn't really care.

I saw Ji Xuan and Ye Qinglong looking for them one by one. The Taiqing Palace was the first to bear the brunt, mainly to prove their innocence.

Liulitian and Taixuantian...

Mu Shui thought about it: "Can the strong do whatever they want and check the roads of others?"

On the boat, a middle-aged man glanced at Mu Shui Sisi, who immediately shut up. Just listen to the humanity: "The king's affairs, don't take care of it."

After half an hour.

Ji Xuan and Ye Qinglong came to the boat in the Snow God Palace. At this moment, Han Fei and others are already standing here.

Han Fei wears a mask, which does not mean that the strong cannot see him.

It's just that after wearing the mask, Han Fei expressed that he didn't want others to watch it, and no one would take the initiative to watch it. This behavior, extremely impolite, represents provocation and makes enemies for oneself.

On the side of Xueshen Palace, Han Fei was the only person wearing a mask in the audience, which could not help but attracted the attention of Ye Qinglong and Ji Xuan.

Of course, in front of the snow girl, the two did not directly look at Han Fei's mask.

Just listen to Ji Xuandao: "Snow Girl Taoist friend, can you let the Ling Disciple uncover the mask?"

Every time Ye Qinglong and Ji Xuan explored a ship, everyone's eyes moved to nowhere.

At this moment, when Ji Xuan asked Han Fei to reveal his face, many people's heart moved: Everyone's curiosity about the mask of Snow Fight is not just a moment.

Mu Shui Sisi returned the voice transmission to Mu Xi, who was next to Liulitian, "Xixi, look and see, he is about to reveal the face. After the face is revealed, you can feel at ease to propose a kiss."


Suddenly, the king of Liulitian glanced at Mu Shui Sisi. Then, he glanced at Mu Xi again and couldn't help saying, "What's the matter?"

Mu Shui Sisi stuck out his tongue, and said in his heart: I didn't mean to.

Mu Xi's face flushed immediately, and she quickly said, "Teacher, it's not what you think, it's all Sisi teasing me. It's just that fellow Xue Zhan saved my life."

"Oh? Saved your life? That is indeed a thank you."

Mu Xi: "..."

At this moment, Snow Girl glanced at Han Fei and said lightly: "Snow Fight."

Han Fei said lightly: "Seniors, forgive me. Xuezhan covers my face, but I don't want my appearance to affect my Dao Xin."

After speaking, Han Fei slowly took off the mask with one hand.

Immediately afterwards, what was revealed was a handsome face that was almost perfect, white and tender but not feminine at all, his eyes were calm and determined, and his angular features seemed like a gift from heaven. The eyebrows are arrogant, the corners of the lips are slightly thin, and there is a natural, slightly upward curvature.



I only heard Taixuantian, Mu Shui Sisi exclaimed: "This is too handsome, isn't it? Xixi, you made a profit..."


The king of Supreme Profound Sky was quite faceless, and he gave Mu Shui Sisi disgustedly, and then slightly arched his hands around him: "Just laugh, laugh."

And Liu Litian’s Moon King couldn’t help but stunned for a moment: “Well, this way... Mu Xi, have you been in the match? We can indeed go and make a kiss..."

Mu Xi was embarrassed.

Although she was dumbfounded, she stomped her feet and waved her hands quickly: "Teacher, it's not like that. I haven't talked to anyone."

The Moon King smiled slightly: "So what? It is not easy for practitioners of my generation to have a strong Dao heart. It is not easy to meet a heart-moving person. Especially for our Liulitian, there are already few men. This inheritance of the family still has to be done by someone. Well, the king turned around and asked Xue Nu about this..."

Mu Xi: "..."

Han Fei used his face, of course.

This face is not Zhang Xuanyu's, but who can it be? Only with Zhang Xuanyu's face, Han Fei could control it perfectly, because he was so familiar with this guy.

At this moment, Ji Xuan and Ye Qinglong also faintly understood: Han Fei's purpose was so concealed.

Of course, although the person is a little handsome, there is no need to cover it up. It can only be said that Xue Zhan's Taoism is not firm enough.

Ji Xuandao: "Little friend Xuezhan, please show the avenue!"

Nodding slightly, only feeling that Han Fei's surrounding roads suddenly changed. His whole body was surging, and a powerful force was inexplicably displayed.

Just listen to Han Fei's words: "The junior avenue can double your strength."


Not only Ji Xuan, but even Ye Qinglong couldn't help being surprised: a great way to directly increase combat power! Born for war, this son has already reached the half-king state. If the strength doubles again, I'm afraid it will be on par with Ji Chen and Beitangxuan. Even slightly better.

Of course, although the two of them were amazed by Han Fei's talent, this talent was far worse than the king of the power Yun Tianhe described by Bei Tangxuan...

In their view: Han Fei's talent is probably similar to those of Li Kaitian and Wu Hao. It's the absolute arrogant arrogant, but it won't be able to kill such powerful people as Beitangxuan and Ji Chen, let alone pass the pressure of the bronze gate... because this is impossible!

The two looked at it a little more and confirmed that there was no problem. After all, no one could walk through different roads. The two nodded slightly and continued to check the others.

In just a few dozen breaths, Snow God Palace has already found out. As for the Snow God Palace, the only people who knew Han Fei's identity were Xue Nu and Bing Xue Chu Ling.

As long as these two people keep it well, there will be no problem.

When Ye Qinglong and Ji Xuangang left, they saw two glamorous women appearing outside the Snow God.

Xue Nu was slightly surprised, then nodded: "I don't know what happened to the Moon King?"

Moon King's real name is Qiu Yue Ming, in Liuli Tian, ​​he is second only to Liuli itself. Yes, the master of the fairy palace of Liulitian, whose real name is Liuli.

Just listen to Qiu Yueming's words: "Here, I mainly thank Xue Zhan for his salvation to the bad guy Mu Xi."

Xue Nu couldn't help but glanced at Han Fei, and said to her heart: If it's just thanks, why should the king and his disciples come in person? Now this posture is clearly interesting to Han Fei.

Xue Nu smiled slightly: "Please let the moon king board the ship."

Beside Qiu Yueming, Mu Xi looked like a quail, her face flushed without daring to lift her face.

Many people in Xueshen Palace understood something. They were curious at the moment, and only listened to the Xue Nu said: "All go back to the cabin, Xuezhan and Chu Ling stay."

Qiu Yueming's heart moved, and Xue Nu asked everyone to go back. It was enough to stay the **** battle. Why did you leave Bingxue Chuling?

It seems that Xue Nu herself has selfish motives: Is she trying to promise Bing Xue Chu Ling directly to Xue Zhan? So, tell the moon king in this way.

But who is she Qiu Yueming?

Liulitian, at any rate, is also one of the super powers in the inner realm, which is more than a grade higher than Snow God Palace. If Mu Xi and Xue Zhan come together, your Snow God Palace will be protected by Liu Litian.

At this level of relationship, don't you believe that you don't want it?

But seeing Qiu Yueming... it seems that she didn't understand what Xue Nu meant, and she smiled slightly: "Xixi, don't you return the things to others?"

Mu Xi shook her body when she was called, and quickly took out the sun and moon shells she had prepared. With his head down, he walked in front of Han Fei and handed Riyuebei to Han Fei.

"Thank you again, fellow Xue Zhan, for your life-saving grace, this Sun Moon Shell, you are on the battlefield."

When Qiu Yueming and Xue Nu looked at Han Fei, they did not notice that Han Fei's shadow overlapped with Mu Xi. At that moment, a piece of pure black appeared under Han Fei's feet, which quietly touched Mu Xi's body.

I only saw Han Fei's face indifferent, with no emotion in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Yueming was a little worried: Is it possible that this kid is so cold that my apprentice doesn't like him?

Han Fei took the sun-moon shell and said lightly: "Actually, it's not necessary."

At this moment, Mu Xi's inner activity was intense, and her heart said: It's all here, not too shameful.

Just listen to her: "Friend Xue Zhan, what you deserve is yours. You killed people, and I saved them. If you don't even accept this sun and moon shell, I will have a great road barrier in my heart. "

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Then I will accept it."

Qiu Yueming immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and only listened to her: "Sister Xue Nu, this heroic saving the beauty is also a good story. As you know, my glazed sky woman has always had a very high vision. There are very few men in the world who can see the Dharma. My apprentice is even more so, but it makes me feel bad. Now that I see Xue Zhan as a talent, why don't you and I contribute to this story?"

Xue Nu was about to refuse with the Snow Fighting Enchanted Avenue, only seeing Han Fei, she slowly re-covered the mask on her face.

There was no emotion in Han Fei's eyes.

Just listen to him: "When the mask is worn, no one loves it."

Pause time.

Snow Girl: "..."

Qiu Yueming: "..."

Bingxue Chuling: "..."

Bingxue Chuling still wants to see how Han Fei ~www.ltnovel.com~ refused?

As a result, the gods "wore a mask, no one loved it"? You give me some face! The one talking to you is a king after all!

Mu Xi's face suddenly turned pale: How did she experience this? What's so special, even a good person card is not as good as... a good person card, someone will say, you are a good person.

Mu Xi was stunned for a few breaths.

As a half-king state, she quickly adjusted her state: "Fantasy Xuezhan misunderstood. Teacher has this temperament, and I want to... Teacher, let's go back!"

Qiu Yueming glanced at Xue Nu and then at Xue Zhan. I had heard that Xue Nu was especially fond of her disciples, so it seemed right. This snow fight is not big or small, not even a bit tactful.

"Smelly boy, don't meet my elder mother in the future, or you will be hit."

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