God of Fishing

Chapter 1806: Liulitian

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"Reverse deduction of Reiki dismantling?"

Both Xia Xiaochan and Liumen Haixing were taken aback.

After a while, when Xia Xiaochan sat down and tried Reiki Dismantling for the first time, Han Fei saw that the power of the Great Dao was constantly being consumed.

Han Feixin said: Xia Xiaochan and Liumen Haixing have collected a lot of Dao rhymes from the lectures of that big brother.

It must be the reason that Xia Xiaochan and Liumenhaixing accumulated eight consecutive days of useless use, so they didn't use up these great powers until after 200 breaths.


As Xia Xiaochan opened up and saw Han Fei still standing here, she couldn't help but wonder: "How long have I cultivated?"

Han Fei smiled lightly: "200 breaths."

Xia Xiaochan was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise, "Just 200 breaths?"

After that, Xia Xiaochan suddenly exclaimed: "How is it possible that my...really energy dismantling degree has reached 94%?"

Six-door starfish also exclaimed: "Ah! The starfish is 95%? What kind of power is too terrifying, how can it be improved so much?"

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Girl, how many were you originally?"

Xia Xiaochan: "Eighty-seven percent."

The six-door starfish also said: "The starfish is 88%."

Han Fei frowned slightly: "It's only increased by 7%, not a lot!"

Xia Xiaochan and Liumen Haixing looked at Han Fei in surprise: "This is not much? 200 breaths, an increase of 7%. This has caught up with my seven or eight years of hard work."

As he said, Xia Xiaochan suddenly realized something, and then asked: "You went to the bronze gate, how much is your current aura dismantling degree?"

Han Fei immediately jumped, knowing that it was time for him to pretend to be forceful again. He only listened to Han Fei leisurely saying: "I! After years of hard work, I am finally 100% tired!"

Xia Xiaochan: "..."

Six starfish: "..."

Listen, is this talking human?

If the old tortoise is here, his heart must be complicated: this stinky shameless person has always used willingness to deduct aura dismantling. Almost effortless? There is still the face that he has been practicing hard for years...

This explosive growth rate is also limited to the Tao Yun born in this lecture.

Xia Xiaochan and Liumenhaixing can only use this once.

Therefore, their aura dismantling degree, in Han Fei's view, is still not high enough.

However, this is also helpless.

Because if you use your own Dao to reconstruct Reiki, you need to wait for Reiki dismantling to reach 99%, which is what you can do after you fully understand the structure of Reiki.

This made it impossible even if Xia Xiaochan and Liumen Haixing wanted to use their great powers to reverse the aura dismantling.

Han Fei also tried to explain to Xia Xiaochan and Liumen Haixing, but just like the old turtle, Xia Xiaochan and Liumen Haixing were confused, and didn't remember what Han Fei said.

However, Han Fei discovered that although Xia Xiaochan and the others couldn't remember what they said, there seemed to be some inexplicable understanding deep in their hearts.

This realization is like something hidden deep in the soul that needs to burst out all at once.

Xia Xiaochan: "I'll stay in a closed place for a few days, do you want to be with me too?"

Han Fei said, "I also need to pay attention to the outside situation. I will call you again when Liulitian is reached."


Ten days later.

Han Fei did not expect that to travel from Inner Domain to Liulitian, he would actually need ten daylight scenes.

In the words of Old Turtle, Liulitian's walking route in the inner region is extremely complicated, even very close to the sea of ​​mist. After going around, it took ten days.

In the past ten days, Han Fei didn't do anything. After all, this is equivalent to about a year.

In the refining world, Han Fei has not only completely consolidated the strength of the Half-king realm, but Wushou Xuan Body has also taken a step further.

At this speed, Han Fei doubted that if he had been practicing for at most ten years in the refining world, he would most likely reach the power limit of the half-king state.

As for the power of the soul? Han Fei's current power of the soul is afraid that he has reached the normal half-king, and there are many limits he can reach...

After all, in this riotous sea, not everyone has his own life level and bloodline level.


Pay attention to the public account: book friends base camp, pay attention to send cash and coins!

A place where the yin and the sun are declining.

Xia Xiaochan said: The male to female ratio here is 1:10.

After Han Fei quietly followed and got off the boat, he realized that it was so.

The main city of Liulitian is called Tianbao City, which means Tianbao Liuli, which means a god-given treasure.

The structure of Tianbao City is similar to that of the other fairy palaces. Because it was the same group of immortal palaces that were built that year, the structure of immortal palaces is not unusual.

Of course, the color of the city is a bit more bells and whistles than other fairy palaces.

This... Han Fei understands.

Where there are many women, it's normal to be more fancy.

Even if it is on a cloudy and sunny day, when a man buys a battle suit, it is all black, white and blue-grey. But in the women's refining workshop, the colors inside are fancy and colorful, in any color, and all kinds of jewelry. Shining bright, for fear you can't see it.

This glazed sky is still a place with a lot of women.

Including the architectural colors, they are all colorful.

After Han Fei slipped out quietly, he just wandered to an island at will, and found that the whole street was incense.

Without going to learn more about Liulitian, Han Fei didn't let Xia Xiaochan out in the first place.

What Han Fei thought was: The time to arrive at Liulitian is very short, as long as you find Yin'er and take it away, it shouldn't be troublesome.

No, the Vientiane Navigation Mirror quickly turned and pointed in a direction to the north.

Half a day later.

Liulitian Jingxin Taoist Temple.

Han Fei saw a plain-dressed girl in a medicine field in a mountainous bamboo forest.

He is not tall, only about 1.6 meters, looks like he is less than 20 years old, and is relatively petite.

In terms of appearance, it is not very brilliant, it is a bit worse than Xia Xiaochan and Luo Xiaobai, but it is also a good-looking one. Because of her petiteness and tranquility, it seemed that she had given birth to a face of first love.

When the breeze was blowing and the sun was shining on her face, the girl straightened up, showing a faint smile, and continued to wave her aura.

"Huh? The peak of law enforcement?"

Han Fei was stunned for a moment: This girl should be Yin'er right. Just this temperament, did not run away.

In Han Fei's heart, he forcibly raised his sister's temperament.

In addition to seeing Yin'er's strength at the pinnacle of law enforcement, Han Fei could also see that Yin'er was not a Fanmai at all.

Her body is absorbing the aura around her all the time.

Then, she squirted out these spiritual energy and watered the medicinal field, resulting in an abnormally high concentration of aura in the medicinal field.

"It's not Fanmai, and it doesn't look stupid? Why is the law enforcement peak now?"

Han Fei couldn't help thinking: Could it be because... Yiner's ghost and yang soul were separated? Yin'er should be in an incomplete state now. She is two steps away from being complete. One is the return of the ghost, and the other is to re-travel the Age of Doom and return safely.

Only when these two steps are completed, can Yin'er be Yin'er and, like himself, will complete the current time span from the end of the Dharma Age.

Han Fei is about to step forward and take people directly.

However, suddenly, he subconsciously pinched his hand, feeling something was wrong.

Immediately, Han Fei frowned, took out the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler, and tested it.

As a result, in this measurement, the ruler of the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler fell directly on the Xian Gua.

"Huh? Is there a strong one to take care of?"

It is possible for Han Fei to meet the evil hexagram, and in this Tianbao City, this is at least a king-level threat.

This means: Yin'er seems to be farming here, but is being looked after by the king.

"Could it be that there is the king of Liulitian?"

Han Fei couldn't help wondering: Why was Yin'er sent to Liulitian while he was sent to Earth?

Just as Han Fei was thinking, his mind moved.

But outside this large medicinal field, about 600 miles away, two women were walking with each other, flying towards the depths of the medicinal field.

The two arrived in an instant.

But listening to one of them, he shouted from afar: "Han Yin'er, stop, don't farm, we have found a way to heal you."

Yin'er, who was farming, suddenly heard that someone was coming, and then straightened up and looked up in the direction of the person coming.

When the two arrived, Han Yin'er leaned slightly and said, "Yin'er has seen Sister Fengling and Sister Yu."

No, just listen to the girl named Feng Ling, her eyes are high, she seems to be slightly unhappy on her face.

Just listen to her: "Han Yin'er, you should really thank my brother. If my brother had not seen you suffering and felt pity, such a good thing would never happen to you."

The girl named Sister Yu also said: "Han Yin'er, this time Master Youran visited famous doctors and finally got a big medicine from Yaowangtian, which can cure your serious illness~www.ltnovel.com~ You can break through normally and become an explorer."

Han Yin'er was taken aback for a moment, and immediately wondered: "Two sisters, can this work? Your Lord Youran is so helpful, Yin'er is ashamed."

Feng Ling snorted coldly: "If it weren't for my brother's love for you, I wouldn't have to go to great lengths to find famous doctors for you, and beg for this medicine. After this, you will be cured. , The marriage between you and my brother can be held."

Han Yiner's face was reddish, but she immediately looked at the cabin a hundred miles away, and couldn't help saying: "But, two sisters, can you wait a few days...when the teacher comes back, we can go again? Otherwise, if the teacher returns and disappears I am afraid I will be worried."

The girl named Sister Yu hurriedly said, "Waiting for what? It is Uncle Feng who asked us to come to the medicine field to find you. Uncle Feng and her old man, for this medicine, personally guarded the meditation fire station to look after. Let us come to you."

"Ah? The teacher asked the two sisters to come? But, why would the teacher wait for us at the Jingxin Fire Platform? That is the forbidden area of ​​Jingxin Taoist Academy, right?"

Feng Ling said coldly: "Nonsense. Healing you requires the power of earth fire. It is difficult to cure a non-meditation fire station. Do you think that the forbidden land is free to go?"

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