God of Fishing

Chapter 1807: A good pair of vicious brothers and sisters

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Han Feixin said: Am I wrong?

Could it be that Yin'er has such a high talent, but has been stuck at the pinnacle of law enforcement because of other diseases?

Uncle Feng? Since she was Yin'er's teacher, she made herself feel the evil hexagram again just now, thinking it should be a hidden powerhouse.

Han Feixin said: I came here by myself, it was really the time, just when someone wanted to treat my sister...

But it is.

Just like when I was at the beginning, a residual vein, no matter how I practiced, it is theoretically impossible to become stronger. It was because of the refining of the demon pot that made him embark on the road of cultivation.

The little girl's current situation is better than when she started at the beginning, and someone will find medicine for her.

The key point of this treatment is that if you directly abduct people by yourself, it would be strange if they don't go crazy.

Han Feixin said: It's better to stay still. If Yin'er had a disease, he would be cured soon, and he was taken away by him, would he become a bad person? Are you going to kill your own sister?

As for the marriage? It is impossible for the time being.

My little girl is the pinnacle of law enforcement. I haven't even been to the house yet, and people are still incomplete. Marry a fart?

When the time comes, just leave some resources and let the person go.

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If Yin'er really has a part in her heart, she will have to wait until after she has been to Yin Yang Tian!

No, under Feng Ling's explanation, Yin'er believed it.

So, the group of three began to fly towards the northern mountains and forests of Jingxin Taoist Temple.

It was an island of flames independent of this suspended island. Because it has been looked after by Jingxin Taoist Temple, few people come here.

According to Feng Ling, a special teleportation formation is required to go to the forbidden area. Therefore, the three of them used a jade slip as a teleportation array and went directly to that forbidden area.

But how big is Han Fei's perception?

They have already locked Yin'er, even within 100,000 miles, no matter where they go, they can find it by themselves.

Moreover, their goal is also very clear, which is to the north of Jingxin Taoist Temple. From then on, there was a mountain full of fire yuan about 4000 miles away.

In fact, in Liulitian, there is more than this place full of fire elements. There is also an island of extreme cold, an island of sunshine, and an island of five colors.

When Feng Ling talked about the forbidden area, Han Fei estimated that it was on one of these four islands. Unexpectedly, it was the closest island of flames.


Yin'er waited for the three to sit in the teleportation array, and after a while, appeared on the island of flames.

Only then did Han Fei's heart move and quietly went.

In Liulitian, Han Fei should have been cautious.

However, with Han Fei's strength, if there is no king in person to watch it, even if it is grandly flying over this Heavenly Treasure City, there is no problem.

It took Han Fei three interest times to arrive, which was already very low-key.

At this speed, Han Fei is confident: Even if the king comes close, he may not be able to find himself.

In the central area of ​​the Island of Flame, there is a deep valley sunken underground. In the valley, there is a pagoda. According to Han Fei's estimation, this is a good place for refining tools.

After the three of them arrived here, Yin'er was a little sweaty.

The temperature here, although it can bear it. However, the closer to the center, the greater the power of the ground fire and the higher the temperature. For law enforcement, it is still a bit difficult.

Quietly fire the platform, in the deepest part of the tower. Its temperature may reach her limit.

However, Yin'er couldn't help but smile at the thought of the teacher waiting for herself on the fire platform. Years of illness will finally be cured on this day?

It is false to say that it is not excited, but when Feng Ling and sister Yu look at each other, he nods slightly. The two of them took out two tokens in their hands, and saw a burst of light from them, condensed into a pattern.

Han Fei took a look: This is a directional teleportation array.

However, he saw something wrong.

In this formation, there are obvious patterns of fire on the kang. Even the teleportation array needs this kind of fire kang array pattern, which means that the place where they are going is extremely hot and the lethality is not small.

With Yin'er's current strength, going there should have been able to bear it.

However, Han Fei saw that Yin'er was a little anxious, and the power of the fire element absorbed by his body was much more than the aura accumulated before.

According to this absorption speed, I am afraid that only two or three hours, Yin'er will have energy overload, and can't hold it. Even, to burst into death.

Han Fei couldn't help wondering: What kind of disease can be so troublesome? I don't know if my apocalypse magic is better?

What if, once the apocalyptic magic technique falls, the illness will heal? Why suffer this sin?

After all, where they are going, there is a formation to protect them.

If Yin'er's teacher is really a hidden sea-breaking realm powerhouse, then if he rashly breaks through the space, he will definitely be targeted by the other party.

Maybe there will be misunderstandings and fights.

Therefore, Han Fei quickly clung to Feng Ling's body quietly.

The reason for being attached to Feng Ling, after all, is that his sister will be treated later. If it is attached to Yin'er, what if Teacher Yin'er sees it?

With a cautious attitude, Han Fei was also able to stand his temper.


When the void turned, I only felt the horrible heat wave.

This is not a magma fire, but a flame crystal burning in the void. Its energy is strong, I am afraid it has reached the level of heaven and earth spirit fire.

At that time, Han Fei's expression changed slightly: With this intensity of heat wave, Yin'er could last for an hour, it would be good.

Sure enough, Han Fei took a look: With Yin'er's natural ability, she can automatically absorb massive amounts of power, which will only increase her physical pressure.

And Han Fei looked again, where is there any Uncle Feng here? There is only a man in the middle-level venerable state. At first sight, this man was not that Uncle Feng.

Yin'er's reaction at the moment made Han Fei realize that he was cheated.

However, Yin'er's face changed drastically: "Two sisters, Master Youran, where is the teacher?"


But after hearing that Fengling's face, she immediately became radiant, and she only laughed: "Teacher? Are you looking for a teacher? Go back to your medicine field! Hahaha..."

Sister Yu also smiled slightly, changing her previous image of a good person, only to see her smiling contemptuously: "Han Yin'er, we know that you have the veins of heaven, and you are a strange talent in the world. But what, you are sick! Even your **** A disease that the pulse cannot contend. If Master Feng could treat it, it would have been cured for you long ago. How can you wait until now? You are still too stupid, you can even believe this nonsense..."

Feng Ling smiled contemptuously: "Han Yin'er, do you still want to marry my brother? As long as you seize your veins, my brother will become Liuli's most talented man. When his strength advances by leaps and bounds, he may be able to marry Mu Xi half king, or even Lu Ran Banwang might even think about it. How would he fall in love with you?"


Han Yiner's face was pale.

She couldn't think of: she always came to get close to people, secretly, it was such a face.

Even if it was Feng Ling, although it was obvious that she did not like herself a little, she came to the medicine field with Feng leisurely after all.

Moreover, the matter of seeking a marriage is only Feng Youran's force.

Originally, the teacher did not agree. But over time, seeing that this person has been persistent, so he didn't stop it too deliberately.

To this day, the teacher went out for more than a month and has not returned.

Unexpectedly, this wind is leisurely, and today is the original shape revealed?

Just listen to the wind leisurely said: "Han Yin'er, originally, I didn't want it. It's just that the old lady Feng is too stubborn and won't let you marry for a long time. To be honest, I originally intended to marry you. In the future, if I can give birth to it. Heir, it’s not too late to seize your veins. Oh, it’s a pity that before this old lady left, her attitude towards me became tough again. You say, what can I do? I must take advantage of this to seize you Tianmai...Who dares to kill me when Tianmai is here?"

"Even if Old Lady Feng returns, can she still kill me and destroy this celestial vein?"

Yin'er looked pale when looking at the people whose faces had changed drastically.

A jade slip appeared directly in her hand, and she only heard her say: "This is the strength of the teacher's one blow. No one can stop you... The wind is leisurely. Fortunately, you exposed so early. Otherwise, I would be fooled. It’s a shame to marry you."

Feng Youran shrugged: "Originally, I didn't want to marry you either! Why is Qianyu better than you? Look at yourself, you are not tall, you have no strength, you don't have any strength if you want to be in shape... , And quite a bit of temperament, what else do you want... If it weren't for your Heavenly Vessels, and my wind is leisurely, would you be so stupid to get married?"

While Feng Youran was talking, suddenly, the figure flashed, and the jade slip in Yin'er's hand disappeared and appeared in Feng Youran's hands.

Yin'er hurriedly attempted to detonate the soul, only to find that his soul was suppressed by Feng Youran.

Just listen to the wind leisurely saying: "Look, you are so stupid. If you secretly use the power of this jade slip from the beginning, maybe you really hope to kill us. But, did you take it out stupidly? You are a pinnacle of law enforcement. Is it possible that you think it can stop me?"

Feng Ling sneered: "Even if you succeed in killing us, you don't know how to get out here... With your celestial vein's ability to absorb power, you can only wait for death."

Yin'er backed back again and again, quickly aroused aura, preparing to explode.

She is determined to die. I would rather die than let this wind succeed.

Only ~www.ltnovel.com~ a coercion fell, Yin'er could not move.

Just listen to the wind leisurely said: "Don't waste your energy. I will take care of your heavenly pulse. I can only say that you are not lucky enough. You should be Liulitian's most shining arrogance, but you have serious illnesses. Occupy resources, It's like a waste...I'll be you for this arrogant one."


Only seeing Feng Youran pinch out with one hand, trying to catch Yin'er in front of her.

However, at the next moment, suddenly, a terrifying coercion came.

Except for Yin'er, the three Feng Youran were all creeping on the ground.

I only saw that Fengling and Qianyu, their bones shattered in half, their seven orifices bleeding, kneeling on the ground.

And that Feng Youran also knelt on the ground, the flesh and blood on his body was tearing apart.

I saw that beside everyone, a dark figure stood proudly with his hands on his back.

I saw him open his mouth leisurely: "What a vicious pair of brothers and sisters. What are you guys? Heaven-level spiritual veins, are you worthy to take?"

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