God of Fishing

Chapter 1808: Taiyin Xuanfeng

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The sudden appearance of Han Fei was naturally unexpected by these people.

At this moment, Han Yin'er was looking at Han Fei in a daze: I don't know why, when this person appeared, she felt a sense of intimacy inexplicably.

She instinctively breathed a sigh of relief, thinking this was the one the teacher had left to protect herself. Because the other party saved me, I feel friendly and close.

At this moment, I only listened to the wind leisurely kneeling on the ground, and said with difficulty: "This senior, junior... is the only son of the Feng family in Tianbao City. I hope that the senior will look at the face of the Feng family and raise your hands."

Han Feihan said: "What is the Feng Family? Today, it is the Liuli deity who has come. You can't survive, so why talk about the Feng Family?"

Everyone: "???"

Han Yiner secretly stuck out his tongue, saying that this senior is so domineering! Even compared with Palace Master Liuli.

Just listen to that Feng Ling said: "Senior, you can kill us. But, like this, there is no place for Han Yin'er and Feng Po in this Liulitian. Why not take a step back? The Feng family should offer a heavy gift, Make up for Han Yin'er."

Winner and loser, Feng Ling and wind leisurely, looked around, waited for more than a month, and repeatedly confirmed: Han Yin'er, without assistance, this is the move.

Unexpectedly: the other party is still blessed. Now that he is defeated, there is no other way but to admit defeat.

However, I only heard Han Fei sneer: "Just your little mouth, deceive my sister's pure heart... You think you can still live, don't you?"


Han Fei snorted coldly, and saw Feng Ling's arms explode, groaning in pain, lying on his side.

"Little girl~"

Feng Youran glared at Han Fei: "You know, if you really want to kill someone, this thing is going to be impossible? Who are you? If you know my Feng family, you know that my Feng family is a seven-and-a-half king, not everyone. It can be offended."

"Jie Jie~"

Just listen to Han Fei grinning, and looking up at the void: "Who am I? Then you can hear clearly. Wu Nai, the contemporary immortal master of Yin and Yang Tian, ​​Han Fei is also. You want to win the sky veins, that It belongs to my sister. The one in the void, come out! Today, I can kill or kill the three of them, and I have to kill if I don't. I want to see what Dragon Lake Lair is Liulitian, why can't I get through? "


Han Fei's words, like a bolt from the blue sky, hit Han Yin'er's heart.

For a while, she was at a loss, looked at Han Fei in shock, and said to her heart: How is this possible? How could it be possible to have a brother?

Moreover, is the contemporary fairy lord of Yin Yang Tian?

Who doesn't know: the yin and yang sky has long been perished in the riots? Where is the Lord of Yinyang Tianxian Palace?

Not to mention Yin'er, it was Feng Ling and Feng Youran, both of them were dumbfounded: the two of them felt that this person was a liar for the first time, which was simply impossible.

Feng Youran replied: "Impossible. Yin-yang sky has disappeared for 80,000 years. How could you come from Yin-yang sky? Still calling yourself Immortal Lord?"


When everyone said they couldn't believe it, Han Fei didn't even look at them.

Opposite Han Fei, a dark shadow appeared.

The next moment, I saw an old woman with white hair quietly appearing.

When Han Yin'er saw the old woman, she ran over quickly: "Teacher..."

The old woman sighed leisurely, stretched out her hand to stroke Han Yin'er's head, and then fixedly looked at Han Fei: "You finally came. Unexpectedly, it was not either of them that came."

When Han Yin'er heard this, she immediately raised her heart: What does the teacher mean? You finally came? Could it be...Is this person in front of me, really, his own brother~www.ltnovel.com~Get cash] Follow vx public. Public number [Book Friends Base Camp~www.ltnovel.com~ can also get cash!

Han Fei raised his head and looked at the old woman: "Witch, Xuanfeng?"

When everyone was stunned, the old woman smiled slightly: "How do you know that I am the witch Xuanfeng?"

Han Fei said lightly: "When I found the medicine field, I found that the aura in the medicine field was not normal. The whole medicine field is a formation, and the formation is natural. This is one of them. Secondly, this should be yours. The plan is that you want to test the siblings of the Feng Family, or the wind leisurely. Therefore, you leave with excuses and wait until today. Yin'er's strength is not strong, she has a heavenly vein, and it is impossible without the protection of the strong. I guessed that it was the Lord of Liuli who was watching over Yiner... But when I felt that the temperature here had dropped slightly to a limit that Yiner could bear, I determined that the person who came was not the Lord of Liuli, and the rhyme was wrong."

As he said, Han Fei looked at the old woman and said, "The only thing I can think of is your Profound Phoenix Witch."

I saw Feng Youran's heart trembled: Xuanfeng Witch? The pirate leader of the witch pirate group? Powerful king?

Feng Ling was also dumbfounded, Qian Yu was also dumbfounded: This Han Yin'er, the origin is so terrifying?

Even Yin'er looked at his teacher in amazement, shocked inexplicably. It turned out that the teacher was the head of the witch pirate group.

Han Fei turned his gaze to Yin'er softly.

In fact, Han Feizhi judged this situation because of Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler. And can guess, there is also a part of the psychology of gambling.

When Han Yin'er was shocked, she felt Han Fei's gaze, a little afraid to look at Han Fei, but was very curious. As for her life experience, she was not so surprised. This concentration is extremely rare.

Xuan Feng said indifferently: "Now that you know I am here, why do you still want to make a move?"

Han Fei glanced at Feng leisurely: "My sister is killed, how can you watch?"

Xuan Feng said indifferently: "Since you have done it, you can only do it to the end. The relationship between Yinyangtian and Liulitian is good, but the palace owner has been away from the rioting sea for a long time, and the relationship will always change. Feng Family, indeed Liulitian is a big family. Moreover, it is stronger than Feng Youran said. Otherwise, I would have already rejected this marriage in one fell swoop."

Han Fei tilted his head: "Only seven and a half kings?"

Xuanfeng smiled softly: "What do you think?"

Han Fei snorted, "Meaning, the Feng Family has a king?"

Xuan Feng: "There is a king, do you still dare to fight?"

Han Fei smiled slightly: "Liu Litian, how about the king?"

Xuanfeng: "There are four kings, the lord of colored glaze, Qiuyueming, Fengxinlan...I, Taiyin Xuanfeng."

Han Fei looked at Xuanfeng, "I didn't plan to meet you, but now that I have met, I understand. Who can you stop?"

Xuanfeng smiled infatuatedly: "Do you think I will help you?"

Han Fei: "Since you have been caring for Yin'er for so many years, it took you more than a month to fish out the malicious minds of these people... If you have other plans, you won't be able to do this, and you won't wait until now."

He only heard Xuanfeng smile slightly: "Today, the Lord of Liuli has gone to Taixuantian."

Han Fei's heart moved: Therefore, now Liu Litian, only Qiu Yueming and Feng Xinlan are left.

Xuanfeng's meaning couldn't be more obvious. The Lord of Liuli is gone, this is probably the last straw that urges the wind to take risks.

The departure of the Lord of Liuli also meant that besides Xuanfeng, Liulitian had only two kings left.

Now, looking at it this way: Xuan Feng asked if she dared to make a move, obviously because she wanted to see her courage and strength.

Just listen to Han Fei with a smile: "I dare to fight the Four Crazy Kings, and naturally I can handle Fengxinlan. If you want to see it, then watch it."

When it was over, Han Fei reached out and squeezed Feng Youran's neck.

Exploring the line of nothingness and sweeping the soul-searching technique, they immediately found out where the Feng Family was.

Just listen to Han Fei grinning: "After all, the yin and yang sky will return sooner or later. Today, let’s start!"


The island of flames, quietly fire, just listen to the roar of the world. The sound spread thousands of miles, rippling the void.

At that moment, in Liulitian, countless half kings and venerables opened their eyes one after another, looking in the direction of the peaceful fire platform.

I saw someone walking across the sky, stepping thousands of miles.

The man came into the fire, and there were bursts of void behind him, the fire burned all the way, and went straight to Feng's house.

At that moment, under the fairy palace, the face of Qiu Yueming who had just returned changed greatly: Taiyin Xuanfeng? No, who is that person?

Fengjia, a charming woman, sees through the void.

I only saw someone carrying the descendants of the Feng family, walking on the Xuxu. Is this posture a demand war?

this moment.

The entire Feng Family is like a big enemy. The strength of the visitor is extraordinary, and it is clear that he came to find fault.

I saw the Feng Family's six half kings in a row, their feet stepping on the void.

The other person may not be there, but luckily.

Among the six and a half kings, an old man shouted on the spot, "Who is the one here? What do you want to do with the descendants of my Feng family?"

Feng Ling and Feng Youran were scared a long time ago: Where have they seen this scene? The master of the Yin-Yang Tianxian Palace, the head of the witch pirate group, is actually hiding in Liulitian?

At this moment, who suddenly appeared, who could not be shocked?

Feng Ling only had time to shout: "Grandpa San, help..."

Feng Ling only had time to shout this sentence, and then there was no sound. Because her spirit has been controlled by others.

The so-called Grandpa Three is the youngest of the six.

It seemed that he was just a young man, and he only listened to this person shouting: "Bold madman, bullying is on my Feng family. I have my granddaughter released quickly, otherwise, the knot today is unsolvable?"

Han Fei raised his gaze: "This is the attitude of your Fengjia~www.ltnovel.com~ to respond?"


Following Han Fei's thoughts, the marginal figure named Qianyu blew himself up. In an instant, the soul flies annihilated.

At this time, Xuan Feng took Han Yin'er and was late.

The two of them were unhappy, they only heard Xuanfeng say: "Yin'er, I don’t know that you have an older brother as a teacher. However, this is very possible. His experience is not auspicious for me. Therefore, I will not randomly You give it to him. Let's see if he chooses to go with him in the end, see."

Yin'er was in a mess at this moment. If you are not excited, it is false.

As soon as this elder brother appeared, she felt a special kind of intimacy on the spot. It was a connection from blood, and she desperately hoped for this affection.

At this moment, seeing Han Fei start slaughtering people in front of Feng's family, Yin'er couldn't help but panic.

After all, Feng's family is not an ordinary family!

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