God of Fishing

Chapter 1809: Step on the void, fist reflect the sky

   Han Fei couldn't help but kill one person first.

   then said to the old man: "Are you crazy with me?"

  Han Feina is a real fight all the way to fight, experiencing countless battles. When he is angry, his murderous aura is wild, and when he is mad, his blood rushes to the sky.

  At this moment, Han Fei just raised his head and killed one person. Although not the Feng family, she is also the proud girl of a small family.

   At a young age, he has reached the realm of advanced explorers. As a result, Han Fei killed him in public, how overbearing?

   The third grandfather was just about to be furious, but he heard someone stop him: "Who is your Excellency? Why do you take my Feng Family to start this way?"

   Although this person was speaking to Han Fei, his eyes turned to Xuanfeng.


   Only half of Feng Ling's body was seen, which broke directly and exploded into nothingness. A scream shook the entire Feng family.

"you dare!"

  Han Fei’s Hundred Beast Souls roar, can't they still roar?

   Hearing only Han Feiyin was like rolling thunder, it made Feng's family up and down, below the Venerable Realm, and couldn't even bear it. Fortunately, a large formation emerged, blocking this voice.

   I just listened to Han Fei shouting: "I gave you a face? Where do I look? Who is the master, can't you tell?"

   After a while, Feng Jia went up and down, dare not to speak. The person was pinched in Han Fei's hand, just like this lunatic, he said that he would do it without blinking his eyelids. This was obviously a provocation.

   At this time, the Feng Family, the majority of the kings, could not sit still. This face has been slapped, so if you don't make a move, how will the other big clans and all kinds of powerful people in Tianbao City look at the Feng Family?


   I saw these six kings, and they all shot together.

   Of course, these six people knew that the battle could not be started in Tianbao City, they had to fight into the void. Walking, the half-kings fight, how can the hundreds of millions of people on the floating island bear it?

   Only when these people wanted to pull Han Fei into the void. Suddenly, Han Fei stepped out, with a finger to clasp the Xuan and Jin Guang to poke, directly bombing one person.

Following that, Han Feidou turned the stars, his figure erratic, as if appearing in multiple places at the same time, or pinching a fist, or holding a big hand, or stepping on the void, the ability to **** out the aura within a hundred miles in an instant, that contains a strong Taoist rhyme Slaps or fist marks did not give these people a chance to break through the void.


   "Boom boom boom!"

   Three books were exploded in one face. Although the two of them did not explode, their bodies were also broken.

   Under the understatement, Han Fei wiped out the six people. If he kills, the half kings of the Feng family can be slaughtered.

   In this scene, the whole Tianbao City was shocked.

   "Hey! Who is this son, has a new king born in the sky?"

   "Secondly, the speed can be called unparalleled, the power is amazing, the wind family is half king, and no one has the power, where did this person come from?"

  "While waving his hands, he smashed the half king, but he could still control the power without any spillover, it was a subtle control."


   Of course, although Han Fei continuously smashed the half-king powerhouse, he didn't kill him, just shocked.


   When the venerables of Tianbao City were astonished, they saw that above the void, Qiuyue Ming broke through the void, and only heard her say: "Fengpo, what's the matter? Why do you let others do it?"

   However, he saw Xuanfeng move slightly, blocking Qiu Yueming's body, and said lightly: "Since you are looking for something, there is always a reason. Yuewang, why not look again?"

   Qiuyueming narrowed his eyes slightly.

   Others don't know, but the kings of them naturally know Feng Po's strength.

   This person has already stepped into the sea-opening realm, and his strength is not weak. He has been farming in the Jingxin Taoist Academy. Apart from farming, he also accepted one apprentice. How can you suddenly participate in today's affairs?

   Qiuyueming saw Feng Po actually blocking her way, and then look at the strength that Han Fei showed just now: This person, but a half king, but slaughtered half a king like a shrimp, is it sacred?

   But since Feng Xinlan hasn't shot yet, you might as well take a look first.

   After being shot by Han Fei in this way, after the rebirth of the half kings, their faces were extremely ugly, and they looked at Han Fei extremely solemnly.

   headed a human speech: "Who is your excellency? Where did you come from, such a big fanfare against my Feng family?"

   At this time, they had no idea of ​​dragging Han Fei into the void to fight, because they couldn't fight at all, and they even suspected that they had met the king.

   Han Fei grinned: "The arrogance is finally collected! Oh, but I can't talk to you. Let Feng Xinlan come out."

  The six half kings of the Feng Family's complexion flushed: Who can stand this provocation?

   But you can't find the king if something goes wrong. The king comes forward, and small things become big things. Just listen to the old man said: "The old master of the Feng Family. What is the matter, why bother the king of the Feng Family? If not, just solve it here!"

Han Fei didn’t care, he just listened to him: “Want to solve it? Okay, Feng Ling, Wind leisurely, deceive my sister, want to seize her heavenly veins. If the owner arrived in time, I might have done it. Let’s talk about it, Feng Family How should your Feng Family calm my anger?"


   "Your sister?"

   At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Han Yin'er.

   This little girl is also a legend. Tianmai has long been seen through by people, and has always been collected in Jingxin Taoyuan for practice. Because there are Feng Po and Jingxin Taoist Academy, usually no one is worried about this.

   I took a look at Feng Ling and Feng Youran. The ancestors of the Feng family could probably confirm the truth of the matter.

   It’s just that they really can’t think of: This little girl has such a background?

   Qiuyueming was also slightly surprised: this little girl, never heard of relatives or friends?

   When he came out, his talent was truly amazing.

   But, soon everyone discovered that something was wrong: this female soul body was mutilated, and she would die after crossing the catastrophe. Lifetime, it can only be stuck at the pinnacle of law enforcement. This has eliminated the heart of many strong people to accept disciples.

  Feng family, there is a sea king who is here, and it is a matter of loss, even if it is to save Fengpo's face, as long as the children and grandchildren do not die, this step is always to give in.

   Otherwise, how do people think of Fengjia?

But he listened to the half-kingdom headed: "This fellow Taoist, once this has happened, the Feng Family will punish them severely. Fortunately, the sister is innocent. For this matter, the Feng Family should pay millions of the best spiritual stones for make up."


   Han Fei smiled lightly, the fluctuations in his body's breath made everyone realize that it was not good.


   I only saw Feng Ling in front of Han Fei's eyes, and he blew himself up and fell on the spot. Feng Ling is just an explorer, and when it explodes, it really falls. There is no saying that it will be reborn.

   "Hugh succeeded in being fierce."

   Several half kings of the Feng family burst out one after another.

   Several people were furious: Who would have expected that Han Fei would kill as soon as he said? What are you so special? Give a reason anyway! Can't agree, can you talk about the conditions? What do you mean by killing people at every turn?

   But even so, a few people didn't dare to do anything. If it weren't for the cheering king, they wouldn't dare to confront Han Fei at all.

   Qiuyueming frowned deeply: "Fengpo, is it past?"

  Fengpo smiled lightly: "It's all right to pay for life."

   is Yin'er, can't help but listen to her saying: "Teacher, or else... or... forget it, forget it?"

   However, the teacher who has always loved him shook his head slightly: "Some things are committed and you can live. Some things are committed and you can't live. In the world of spiritual practice, people are always different from each other."

   Qiuyueming's heart moved: What does Fengpo mean? Are people different from person to person? Is it possible that this little girl has a shocking background?


   I saw a beautiful woman suddenly appeared above Feng's house.

   dressed in Tsing Yi, his eyes were cold. Just listen to her saying: "It's over. Your sister is a human, and I'm a child of the Feng family, how can you let you slaughter? Today, things are difficult."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: "I! I came out anyway. King, I think I can afford to stand up? But it’s never a good thing to stand in front of me. Isn’t it a good thing? Opportunity, you can offer a condition that I can't refuse. Don't let me take it by myself..."

   At this moment, everyone's gazes at Han Fei changed.

   Facing the king, he was leisurely and at ease?

   Only this courage is rare in the world. I don't know what identity this person is?

   If Liu Litian has this number, he Feng Family, it is impossible not to know!

   just listen to Feng Xinlan said: "What a half king, who gave you the courage to challenge a king?"

   Han Fei contemptuously said: "Give you another opportunity to organize language, and come up with a condition that I cannot refuse."

   Feng Xinlan squinted her eyes slightly: "What if I don't?"


   As soon as the sound of wind heart orchid fell, the person disappeared without a trace. I saw a circle of rings falling in midair. However, in addition to this round of rings, there is also a Tongtian fist mark.



   saw the ring, it was blown away by a punch. The explosive power of terror swept the world.

   "Stop it."

   Qiu Yueming shouted.

  The power of the king, the world, the horrible explosion, locked in this space.

   Just listen to Qiu Yueming shouting: "You want to ruin Tianbao City? Can't you? Dignified king, are you so naive?"

   Regardless of whether it is Qiu Yueming or Feng Xinlan, they are shocked at this moment inexplicably: Who is this guy? But he is only half the king, and he can actually shake the king? Still not going back...

   "Jie Jie! I gave you a chance. But you didn't listen, it's a pity..."


   Under the eyelids of Qiuyueming and Feng Xinlan, Han Fei manipulated Feng Youran and exploded. The self-destructive force was grasped by Han Fei, and then exiled into the void.

   Han Fei's strength shocked the entire Feng Family.

   Xuanfeng watched this scene quietly from beginning to end, and said to his heart: The son of the palace lord, his strength is so powerful! Sure enough, he deserves to be the heir to Yin Yang Tian. This is stronger than what Pearl described to herself.

   At this time, Han Fei said lightly: "You missed an opportunity, now I will give you another chance. Give me a compensation that cannot be refused. Otherwise, the Feng Family will not exist."


   At this moment, not only Feng Xinlan exploded, but even Qiu Yueming looked at Han Fei in shock: Are you so crazy, right?

   Feng Xinlan gritted his teeth and said: "This king wants to see, how do you move my Feng family?"

   Qiuyueming shouted: "I don't care who you are, this is my Liulitian. Dare to be fierce in my Liulitian, this matter is no longer just a matter of the Feng family."

   Han Fei looked back at Xuanfeng.

   At that moment, I saw Xuanfeng smile slightly, only to hear her say: "Yuewang, take a look again!"

   Qiuyueming yelled coldly: "What else to look at? This slaughter is fierce, cholera Liulitian. Fengpo, you are looking after the Lord without Liuli, and you are going to rely on me to sell the old?"

  Fengpo said lightly: "In this case, Moon King, don't blame me for doing it to you."

   Qiuyue Minghan said: "Fengpo, are you planning to stay in Liulitian?"

   Feng Po shook his head slightly: "Yes~www.ltnovel.com~ I am indeed, there is no need to stay in Liulitian."

   I only saw Han Fei's side, shadows of mountains and rivers appeared, and Xia Xiaochan appeared.

   When Xia Xiaochan appeared, she was a little confused at the time: What's the situation? Who will fight with this?

   Just listen to Han Fei said: "Girl, help me take care of my sister. I will meet the king of Liulitian."

   Although Xia Xiaochan didn't know what happened, the moment she saw Yin'er, she appeared beside Yin'er and Fengpo for the first time.

   Feng Po gave Xia Xiaochan a slightly surprised look, and said to her heart: Han Fei is not worried about herself!

   And Han Yiner and Xia Xiaochan looked at each other. When the two of them looked at each other, Xia Xiaochan showed a smile: "Little sister."

   Yin'er blushed, immediately lowered her head timidly, hesitated for a moment, and said with difficulty: "Sister-in-law?"

   The kings saw Han Fei call out a half king. What was wondering was that Xia Xiaochan was a half king, but Han Fei actually took the small world with him.

   A strong person who can carry a small world with him, this opportunity is not small.

   The next moment, only Han Fei disappeared instantly.

  Han Fei's feet, Baili Void, directly cracked and shattered. On Han Fei's fist, the intent to kill was soaring and unparalleled, reflecting the sky.

   Just listen to Han Fei: "Since you don't give it, then I will pick it myself."

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