God of Fishing

Chapter 1812: This is an issue of Anthropology


Han Fei laughed and said, "Come on, try your brother's craftsmanship."

As the saying goes, "Haste is not good", Yin'er and herself are unfamiliar after all, even if he calls Brother, they are still unfamiliar.

When Yin'er first came into contact with hot pot, the whole person was fascinated.

Not to mention Yin'er, even Xuan Feng looked at Han Fei in astonishment.

This is totally different from the previous powerful and domineering Immortal Palace Lord.

Xuan Feng couldn't help but remember that Pearl and Dragon Dance had said that this guy is a master chef, known as the invincible hand of the riots. In the past, only Tao was a nonsense between pearl and dragon dance. But now, it seems that this is really the case.

Han Fei: "Yin'er, is it delicious?"

Yiner: "Hmm!"

Han Fei: "Want to eat every day?"

Yin'er tilted her head, glanced at Han Fei, and said to her heart: This elder brother looks like a villain who abducts children.

Xia Xiaochan pinched Han Fei's waist silently, and said, "What are you talking about? Eat."

Han Fei: "..."

After a meal.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Senior Xuanfeng, since Yin'er's spiritual vein level is too high, why not seal off this power from the beginning?"

Xuan Feng shook his head slightly: "Seal the strength, how about using strength to repeatedly wash the body? You should see that Yin'er is very strong."

Han Fei nodded slightly. Although this physique is not as good as he was at the beginning, in the same situation, it is indeed stronger than that.

But I heard Han Fei said: "That's good, but this way of improving the body will eventually leave some mixed power in Yin'er. Although Yin'er looks strong now, there is still a lot of room for it?"


Xuanfeng said in surprise: "If it is a physical training technique, Yin'er is now afraid that that period has passed. If you want to completely rebuild the foundation, then you have to abolish your cultivation base and start again. But Yin'er, you Tianmai. Even if it is rebuilt, it will be much faster."

Han Fei shook his head: "You don't need to repair it."

Xuanfeng was surprised: "I don't need to cultivate again, is it possible to start practicing now? Now, Yin'er has been suppressing for a long time, but if you are not careful, you have to overcome the catastrophe."

Han Fei said: "I have a big technique. Not to mention that the entire riots can be ranked first, but it is definitely among the top three. This technique can remove impurities from the body. Given Yin'er's current situation, I am afraid that after the impurities are completely removed, It's impossible to say that the strength will even be reduced to the point of entering law enforcement."


Xuanfeng's eyes widened: "How can there be such a big technique? If there is this technique, the entire riot of the sea can also be ranked first. There is no such thing as the top three."

Han Fei smiled and said, "Yin'er, let's be happy."

Yin'er did not dare to neglect.

Now, Han Fei seemed to her to be a super powerful existence.

She is still a bit confused now, can't imagine that her brother is the lord of the fairy palace, and her mother and father are also the lord of the fairy palace.

All this came too suddenly.

Before, she hadn't asked the teacher. However, the teacher never said, just said to her to wait, maybe you know the answer by saying wait.

Ask yourself how long to wait?

The teacher said she didn't know.

Yin'er still remembers: When she asked this question from the beginning, she was still a child under ten. So far, more than 50 years have passed, and finally I have waited for this answer.

Yin'er just relieved a little when she saw Han Fei pointing towards the center of her eyebrows.

At this point, Jin Guang has a great time.

After a glimmer of sunlight, Han Fei looked at Xia Xiaochan and said, "Girl, you can also be happy."


Xia Xiaochan was taken aback for a moment, and wondered: "Is it possible that this exercise can be useful to me?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "What do you think? This technique can be practiced in any realm, so let's talk about it later."

For Han Fei, Xia Xiaochan felt relieved, so she did not resist.

Han Fei does not intend to keep "Wu Di Xuan Body".

In Han Fei's view, this great technique is only a transition after all. As long as I am willing now, I can immediately spend 1000 wisps of Chaos Qi to deduce it.

It's just that this great physical refining technique is enough for the time being.

Because the physical exercises deduced may not have any universal characteristics. It's as if the indestructible tyrant body finally became the Taixuan body. Although the ranking is high, the cultivation conditions are simply harsh.

Now that Han Fei has this "Innocent Profound Body", he intends to pass this technique to the Mob Academy.

At that time, all the disciples of the Mob Academy will be cultivated into peerless talents. In the future, we will have some people when we fight against the riots.

Xuan Feng was puzzled: "What kind of violent sea's first physical training technique, did you pass it on?"

Han Fei smiled faintly: "The rioting sea is still too small. In the outside world, who has seen it here? It's just a mere exercise, my sister does not pass it, my wife does not pass it, who can pass it?"

At that moment, Han Fei's aloof temperament appeared again.

Xuan Feng froze for a moment, and then said: "The Avenger has already been named in Wudi City. Two Dinghai strange treasures, many people are paying attention to you."

Han Fei disdainfully said: "Where am I, where is the Avengers."

Xuanfeng: "Show me the Supreme Yin-Yang Chakra, and the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler."


Xuan Feng said, "Although I already believe that you are the son of the Lord of the Palace and the Lord of the Nine Palaces, I will see it thoroughly after all. No matter how strong you are in the formation and how much you know about Yin and Yang, you should see what you should see."

When Han Fei raised his hand, Jiugong Qiyun Ruler appeared in his hand. The ruler moved and landed on the "Ping" hexagram.

After that, Han Fei's heart moved, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai appeared, just listening to him: "Since you know the Yin and Yang sky so well, you should know them?"

Xuanfeng's eyes were hot: "Twin Yin and Yang to swallow spirit fish."

Han Fei asked, "What is Yin'er's gifted soul beast?"

Xuan Feng shook his head slightly: "For some reason, I haven't been able to awaken until now."

Han Fei frowned slightly, he wasn't sure about this, maybe Yin'er would be a little different from himself, and he would have to wait for the Yin and Yang souls to reunite to awaken.

Without entanglement with this problem, Han Fei's heart moved, and the small Yin-Yang Chakra appeared beside him, but he did not use the upper Yin-Yang Chakra because it was unnecessary.

Just listen to Han Fei: "If you hadn't been looking after Yin'er for so many years, I would not have shown you so much."

Xuanfeng: "There is one last thing, I want to know, why is Yiner missing a ghost?"

Han Fei tilted his head and looked at Xuanfeng: "I also want to ask, why did Yiner appear in Liulitian? Why do you look after her?"

Xuanfeng was surprised: "You don't know?"

Han Fei: "I don't know at all."

Xuanfeng: "Hundreds of years ago, I faintly heard the call. In the emptiness, I could occasionally hear the call of the palace lord, but it was not very clear. Until one day, a projection clone of the lord of the nine palaces appeared with Yin'er. In front of me. Before and after, with only time to say a few words, the projection of the Lord of the Nine Palaces disappeared."

Han Fei: "What did you say?"

Xuanfeng: "He said wait. Take good care of Yin'er. If it is not convenient, you can go to Liulitian to seek shelter."

Xuan Feng said: "The Witch Pirate Group wanders at sea all year round. I originally wanted to take Yin'er with me. But later, I discovered that Yin'er was so talented that he was not a common line at all. However, his spirit was greatly damaged and he needed to be kept quiet. Then I went to Liulitian to find shelter."

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief: "As long as it's not the Liulitian I found at the beginning, otherwise, I'm afraid that the favor of the Guangfeng family will not be repaid."

Xuan Feng: "Where is the lord of the palace? Where is the lord of the nine palaces?"

Han Fei shook his head: "I don't know. Maybe it's in the course of time, but this is not something we should consider now."

When Xuan Feng heard about the long river of time, the corners of her mouth twitched: It is indeed impossible to think about it.

Mortals can't touch that ghost place. Even if you are yourself, you can get a glimpse of time at best. But to jump into time? It's almost the same as looking for death.

Xuan Feng: "Since the savior is not something we should consider, what is it?"

Han Fei grinned: "Heh! Thirty-six Xuantian~www.ltnovel.com~ How long has it been controlled by people like Taiqing Palace? I'm afraid, have you all lost your way?"

Xuanfeng's heart moved: What do you mean?

Just listen to Han Fei: "Senior Xuanfeng, the witch pirate group is still the witch pirate group. The Avengers are still the Avengers. When the Yin and Yang days will return, we still need to wait. I still need time to grow."

Xuan Feng: "What is your growth?"

Han Fei: "Do you want to go outside the riots, take a look?"

Xuanfeng squinted his eyes, but heard Han Fei sneer: "Do you think my goal is Thirty-Six Xuantian? No, no, no, at the moment I realized Daoxing, the goal was no longer Thirty-Six. Xuantian. Even if I know that there are kings or even emperors here, so what? A group of clowns who have spent 100,000 years still immersed in the riots. As everyone knows, the spring and autumn of the outside world, the geometry of the world..."

At that moment, Han Fei had a real kingly appearance.

The vision pattern and the vigorous aura are more like a king than the kings Xuan Feng has seen.

Han Fei said indifferently: "The current riots are in a mess. Except for a higher aura, more resources, a larger place, there is nothing remarkable. The so-called king is the king if it sounds good, and it is a group of people Sea-level practitioners. Although they are strong right now, but being strong for a while does not mean that they have been strong. Yin and Yang Tian and these people are not a matter of enmity, but a matter of human reunification."

The reason why Han Fei had this emotion was not because Jiang Linxian said he wanted to find a way to unify the 36 Immortal Palace. Rather, after seeing these people himself, he only felt that it was just a group of strong people ruling a group of weak people. Just this, but also divided into internal and external domains, the heart is only for a palace.

An imperial palace blocked these people for 100,000 years.

To be honest, Han Fei looks down on this pattern.

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