God of Fishing

Chapter 1813: Taixuantian

After chatting with Xuanfeng, Xia Xiaochan had quickly comprehended the cultivation method of Wushou Xuan Body, and slowly woke up.

Seeing this, Xuanfeng didn't continue discussing with Han Fei, but asked, "Next, are you going back to Yin and Yang?"

Han Fei shook his head: "Before returning to Yin and Yang, there are still some things that need to be dealt with. Let's go to Taixuan Tian first!"


Xuan Feng was slightly surprised, and then reacted: "Are you going to steal the book?"

Han Fei was not good at that time: Can this be guessed too? I only said one name!

Just listen to Xuanfeng's words: "You both master the Gemini Divine Art and choose to go to Tai Xuan Tian, ​​you can guess it personally."

Han Fei: "Why, can't steal it?"

Xuan Feng: "It's not that you can't steal it, but as far as I know, there are almost no books that can be stolen in Taixuantian. Taixuantian Academy is a place for the strong to practice, and there should be a king."

However, Xuan Feng was also a little uncertain.

After all, Han Fei has twin magic. Even if you can't steal it, it won't hurt your life, and it doesn't seem like a big problem.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "I still have many things in the riots in the sea. The Witch Pirate Group is still the Witch Pirate Group. From today onwards, you and I can be regarded as not knowing each other. Give me a channel to the Supreme Profound Sky. As well as the nearby route to Wudi City, we can immediately part ways. Of course, I will take Yin'er."

Han Fei and Xuanfeng are not familiar, even if there is a relationship between Yin and Yang, but now there is no need to unite.

Besides, there are too many people, which affects oneself to walk around, but it is inconvenient.

Xuan Feng glanced at Han Fei deeply: "Yin and Yang days, when can I return?"

Han Fei shook his head slightly: "Then you have to see me, when will I be able to compete with the powerful..."

Although Han Fei thinks of his extraordinary strength, if his strength is multiplied and multiplied every day, it will be this riot, and there are very few people who can rival himself.

However, one person is strong, but there are so many kings in the rioting sea, and even the emperor.

Therefore, Han Fei's strength is not invincible.

If the yin-yang sky were to be born again, the turbulence caused would naturally not be small. He and Mu Wuhua alone cannot stop the rioting kings.

Even, they couldn't stand the impact of the two pirate groups.

Xuanfeng said again, "Can we return to the Yin and Yang sky?"

Han Fei shook his head: "No need! The Wild Abyss has limited resources and thin auras, and it is incomparable to rioting the sea in all aspects. The witch pirate group, if it is really for the sake of Yin and Yang, then save as much as possible. When I return, the end When there is a **** storm."

Xia Xiaochan was already awake at this time, listening to Han Fei's conversation with Xuanfeng, she said inwardly: What Han Fei didn't say, there is a hidden danger of the Royal Family of the Maiden...

If you forcefully leave, Pure Emperor Code is not stupid, you will find out after all.

At that time, Han Fei will definitely be targeted. Therefore, Han Fei said that he needs more power.


Seeing Xuanfeng, he threw a jade slip to Han Fei said: "Paper can't contain the fire after all. Since you have returned, you have appeared in Liulitian. Then, the news will eventually spread. Yinyangtian is about to be born. You can’t hold back the news of the riots for long. Now that you are the Lord of Yin and Yang, this is what you have to bear."

Han Fei grinned and did not speak.

there is always a solution to a problem.

From the moment Xue Nu saw through her identity, she was ready to reveal the news of Yin and Yang.

Half a day later.

When Yin'er woke up, Xuanfeng and Yin'er confessed in the cabin for a long time, and then the two parted ways.

When the pirate flag of the Avengers was raised, Xuan Feng felt a little sad: If she could, she really didn't want to see the dignified palace master of the Yin and Yang sky, in this form, appeared in the sea of ​​riots.

However, Han Fei's strength and grand vision made her see hope.

She is determined: wait and see.

For the time being, she will gather all the forces of the Witch Pirate Group. Over the years, the low-key has been too long, and it's time to really plunder.

Yiner said goodbye to Xuanfeng with tears.

When there were only Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan on the boat, she was stretched and too restrained.

Han Fei immediately called out Nian'er.


When Nian'er came out, there was a little squirrel on his head and a big white rabbit in his arms.

But when she saw Nian'er Sa Huan said, "Brother, I went to Sister Mizusawa today to see the little crab. The little crab moved."

Han Fei's heart moved: Has King Crab started to recover?

However, this is not what Han Fei should care about now.

Just listen to him: "Nian'er, this is my sister Yin'er... Yin'er, this is the son of one of my deceased's predecessors, Nian'er. I guess, you two can play together and meet?"

Han Yiner was taken aback for a moment, and said to her heart: Is this another sister coming out?

But Nian'er was heartless and ran over: "Sister Yin'er, give you a white rabbit, it's soft..."

When Han Yin'er saw Nian'er kick the white rabbit in her arms, this was the first time she had seen such a magical creature. It was so cute.

The rabbit was not afraid of birth, and pulled straight in Yin'er's arms.

Han Yin'er: "What is this?"

Nian'er: "Tutu! Sister Yin'er, don't you even know Tutu?"

Just listen to Nian'er turning her head: "Brother, let's take sister Yin'er, shall we go to Tuli?"

Han Fei nodded slightly and looked at Yin'er and said, "Be happy, you and Nian'er go to the small world to have fun, go shopping. Your brother, I will go to Taixuantian and Wudi City. In the meantime, you may have to Delay a few days. In a small world, the aura is thin, but it will make you feel more comfortable."

When the shadows of mountains and rivers appeared, Yin'er and Nian'er went to Dinghai Tu.

Han Fei was only slightly relieved.

Xia Xiaochan: "Just let them in the Ding Hai Tu? Is it really okay?"

Han Fei said: "There are Xiaosie, and the old guys like Tree Spirit, which is not a big problem. Otherwise, Yin'er and I are not familiar with each other, but appear restrained everywhere. When we return to the yin and sun, we will put them both Enter the thugs academy. Think about it, it should take a while before they can understand the world. After all, Mr. Wen Renyu and others, more than we can teach students..."

When Dang Yin'er went to Dinghai Tu, Han Fei immediately swept the route left by Xuanfeng, quickly set sail, and moved towards Taixuantian.

I had a fight on Liulitian's side just now, and when Liuli went back, he naturally knew that someone was coming in Yinyangtian.

Liulitian also made friends with the three immortal palaces of Taixuan, Wuliang, and Sword God. If he didn't know the day, he would tell the others about this matter.

Therefore, this Taixuantian must go early.

Based on the routes given by Xuanfeng, Han Fei roughly judged the routes opened up. Its route is always twisted, because it is crooked and twisted, so it is certain that it has detoured a lot.

As for the detour, it is probably related to some dangerous creatures on this route. Powerful creatures also have territorial awareness.

The existence of the route is mainly to avoid these marine creatures with huge territories.

Of course, there should be no shortage of creatures that suddenly hit the route. But in theory, powerful marine creatures may not be able to run out of their territory and go elsewhere.

Therefore, Han Fei did not encounter any danger along the way. The only thing I encountered was that I felt a huge octopus in the middle of the journey, whose strength reached the pinnacle of the Venerable.

It is conceivable that this big octopus became Han Fei's object, and finally became a food material.

Until three days later.

Han Fei came to the waters near Taixuantian from this circling route map.

Taixuantian's exploration is extremely complicated, and the path of cultivation is also extremely complicated.

Here, colleges of all sizes add up to tens of thousands. Large and small, there are all you want to learn anyway.

Naturally, in these colleges, there will be some gaps in quality and level. For example, some schools have sages sitting in town, and some schools may be the strongest explorers.

Of course, in Taixuantian, there is a place recognized as the strongest ~ www.ltnovel.com~ that is the Academy.

The name of the academy is the best thirty-six Xuantian, and it is said to contain thousands of classics in the world. Thaumatology, all kinds of combat skills, in the academy, there are everything.

Taixuantian, Huntian City, the Holy Land of Shushan.

When Han Fei came to this place, the whole person was bad.

He has been wandering around here for a day, even after reading the memories of two people consecutively, he knows a lot about Taixuantian.

But what makes Han Fei speechless is: this academy is on this mountain of books. And Shushan itself is a formation, there are many wonderful formations, inlaid in it, this is one of them.

Second, this book mountain, because there are very few disciples. It is said that in the whole mountain of books, there are less than one hundred inner disciples and less than a thousand outer disciples. The disciples of the outer sect can't go to the inner sect, so this mountain of books is always desolate here, and no one is there to climb.

Han Fei glanced at the three-thousand-square-meter peak that rushed into the sky, and said to his heart: This thing, how many formations are waiting for him along the way? Even if you are a master of formation, want to sneak into it without knowing the formation at all? That's impossible!

After a day's delay, Han Fei finally couldn't sit still.

Just listen to him: "If these people don't come out all year round, how can I stay here and wait for a few years? No, I have to draw them out."

Lao Yuan: "There are probably no weak people who can be in this academy. How much do you have to make to attract people?"

Han Fei wondered: Do you want to touch this book mountain prohibition yourself and attract the academy's attention? When they sent someone to investigate, they quietly possessed and followed in.

Just as Han Fei was preparing to implement this plan, suddenly, he saw a figure above Shushan, breaking through the ban of Shushan, and unexpectedly came out.

Waiting for Han Fei to take a closer look: That's not Song Kaiyuan, who is it?

Han Fei was overjoyed immediately: God really helped me!

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