God of Fishing

Chapter 1815: Kings set ambush

Although Mu Shui Sisi shouted not to be seen by his uncle, in fact, he was still used to it.

Otherwise, you are half the king, and you can act like a baby with the king? Can you still find a helper?

When Mu Shui Sisi and Mu Xi grabbed paper and pen and began to copy the book, Han Fei looked towards the top of the tower.

He didn't expect that he would come to the Buddhist scripture tower so easily. Xuanfeng also said to herself that Tai Xuantian's book is hard to steal... As a result, she didn't have to spend any time.

The two girls were copying books, and Han Fei had come to the center of the thousand-meter-high tower.

At this point, the bookshelf is gone. And above, there is a starry sky.

Han Fei has seen this scene. At the beginning, in the Flame Mountain of the secondary fishing ground, after climbing the pillar, I saw this kind of starry sky roof.

The sky above this kind of tower is actually connected to a void. And every bit of starlight actually represents an opportunity, a treasure...

Of course, in the Tibetan Scripture Tower, every point of starlight should represent a book.

Han Fei only felt that the whole person was not good. In this way of hiding treasure, you have to make more moves in order to be rewarded.

But once he took the shot, wouldn't it be discovered by others?

Han Feiqiang calmed down.

He still has a way to allow the old Yuan to use the tortoise shell seal of the sky, temporarily blinding this space.

Of course, doing this is very likely to be discovered.

Han Fei didn't want to be so fast, so Gemini ran out. After all, it was hard to come in. If you left without gaining a little bit, wouldn't it be a big loss?

Han Fei's purpose here was to find a great physical training technique that suits him.

Taixuantian has a huge collection of books, but if you pick a few dozen books, and then push the demon pot, if you merge it with the Wushou profound body, you may be able to get a more powerful technique.

Wushou Xuan Body, ranked 998 in the Pihai State.

Among the tens of thousands of seas, they seem to be extremely strong, but Han Fei knows that as long as there are enough physical training skills, he can develop stronger skills. Isn't it fragrant?

It's just that when Han Fei tried to fly into the starry sky, he found out speechlessly: The stars were retreating.


Han Fei immediately withdrew.

Unfortunately, I just tried to get closer. If this is a big movement, wouldn't it be exposed on the spot?

However, just as the stars were retreating, Mu Shui Sisi couldn't help looking up at the top of the tower.

"Huh! How did the sea of ​​books move?"

Mu Xi said: "Don't you always move around?"

Mu Shui Sisi shook his head: "That's not right! It was walking. This time, it was escape."


Just after Mu Shui Sisi's surprise, he saw outside, the white-clothed master uncle "sweeped" the ground and appeared in the tower.

Mu Shui Sisi was shocked and quickly transmitted his voice: "Uncle Master, I am not lazy."

However, the uncle in white clothes said indifferently: "Kaiyuan, come in!"

Immediately afterwards, Song Kaiyuan, Lu Ran, Li Kaitian, and Jianhui entered the Tibetan scripture tower.

Mu Shui Sisi voiced in surprise: "Why are you also punished?"

Song Kaiyuan shook his head helplessly: This silly junior sister, why is she always so stupid at critical moments?

Just listen to the man in white: "Well, this scene has been sung for you for so long, you should also show up. In the end, should you call you Xuezhan or Han Fei? Or, should you call you? The Lord of Yin and Yang Palace?"

Everyone: "???"

Except Song Kaiyuan, everyone else was dumbfounded: What do you mean?

Lu Ran and Mu Xi also looked dumbfounded: Xue Zhan? What happened to the Snow War?

Li Kaitian couldn't help saying: "Han Fei? Isn't that the leader of the Avengers pirate group?"

As for Han Fei himself, his face was also dumbfounded: what's the situation? I was discovered? I have seen through such a perfect concealment method?

Outside of Shushan, in a restaurant, Han Fei, Xia Xiaochan, and Yin'er and Nian'er were eating.

Suddenly, Han Fei's pupils shrank, and his head couldn't help looking in the direction of Shushan: "Excellent! This Shushan, is the unexplored prophet? How do you know that I am coming?"

Xia Xiaochan: "What's wrong?"

Han Fei said nonchalantly: "It was discovered."


In the Buddhist scripture tower.

Mu Shui Sisi and the others looked around with a dazed expression. In this tower, there are obviously only a few of them, who is Master Uncle talking to?

The white-clothed man said lightly: "Since it is confirmed that you are there, you must be there. You have just been to Liulitian, and I am so close to Liulitian, you have no reason to come."

Mu Shui Sisi: "Uncle Master, what are you talking about? Is there anyone here? Don't scare me..."

Mu Xi pulled Mu Shui Sisi: "Don't talk."

After a few breaths, I only heard a long voice: "I'm curious, when did the people at your college start calculating me? How do you know who I am? How do you know that I am sure to come back?"



Mu Shui Sisi and Mu Xi's eyes widened, and they both were taken aback. Co-author, just now I have been with a mysterious figure, where?

Mu Xi has a strange light in her eyes: Xue Zhan? Uncle Pirate King said, is the snow battle in the Snow God Palace?

At this moment, I saw Song Kaiyuan stand up: "Friend Xue Zhan, in the land of Wang Yu, I have guessed that you Hei Wuchang and Xue Zhan are the same person. Eliminate the possibility of getting out of your body and incarnate. The treasure of the sky, I guess it is ten in my heart. After leaving the land of Wangyue, Shishu quickly went to Wudi City to check some of your news. But in time, I found you and the leader of the Avengers Han Fei, I have had direct contact. Adding some things about Lei Huotian, it is not difficult to be sure that you and Han Fei are the same person."

Song Kaiyun said again: "I'm not sure that you will come. First of all, Liulitian and Taixuantian are very close. To be precise, the four immortal palaces are very close together. My Taixuantian is known as the book-collecting world, so I guess you might come back. Secondly, We predict that you will come to explore the historical books and investigate the many secrets of the riots... Although it is a guess, it happens to be. It is just that you have touched the sea of ​​books since."

As soon as Song Kaiyuan's voice fell, he saw another person appearing "swiftly".

Lu Ran couldn't help being surprised: "Master?"

Li Kaitian exclaimed: "Ah! Dragon Master?"

Jian Hui: "I have seen Lord Sword God."

Lu Ran's teacher is naturally Liuli, the master of Liuli.

The Dragon Master in Li Kaitian's mouth, formerly known as Shanglong, is the Lord of Immeasurable Heavenly Palace.

The teacher of Jianhui, the sword god, is the sword **** Liu Qing of the sword **** palace, the lord of the first palace.

The last one is Tai Xuantian's palace lord, Lu You.

These people, on the Snow God, the Snow Girl spoke about.

At this moment, Han Fei took a look: Good fellow! Nima, this is because I knew I was coming, and I'm all here waiting for myself!

Just listen to Han Fei said: "It seems that I have a lot of face, and I have attracted the four great immortals to show up together."

Liuli looked just like a girl, with a relaxed face, a white gauze and water in her eyes, she was a peerless beauty.

Just listen to Liuli said: "I went to Liulitian and fought Feng Xinlan a second time, so I want to pay back the favor? It seems that your abacus is quite loud."

Anyway, what Lu Ran and others heard was dumbfounded: so many big bosses are there, it is impossible to speak to the air, there must be someone here.

In the next moment, I listened to Mu Shui Sisi's voice transmission to Mu Xi: "It's the Gemini Divine Art, the Yin Yang Heaven Gemini Divine Art that has disappeared for 80 thousand years. God, he is here..."

The uncle in white looked at Mu Shui Sisi and shook his head helplessly: "I'm home stupid."

Han Fei understood: Mu Shui Sisi may be a bait and was deliberately put here.

When Mu Xi and others arrived, the uncle in white knew that with this girl's character, he would definitely not be able to stand it.

He also knew: Mu Xi must take the initiative to go in and be punished together. In fact, the two girls were tired of playing games together.

In this way, I also gave myself a chance to enter the Buddhist scripture tower.

Once you enter the Buddhist scripture tower, once you are tempted by the dense collection of stars, you will show your feet.

And all this was already in the calculations of these people. Perhaps, they calculated that there was more than one coincidence. For example, to imprison Mu Shui Sisi for the industry, he might have suspected that he was here a long time ago, so letting Mu Shui Sisi into the tower might also be fooled.

"No wonder, why did I say that this road is so easy? It's too easy to enter this mountain of books. I didn't think about it, all I saw were bait..."

Han Fei didn't hide it anymore.

At this moment, sitting on a bookshelf, he said lightly: "However, since you know that it is the Gemini magic, you should know that this Tibetan scripture tower can't trap me."

Just listen to Na Lu You said: "I wait and have no malice~www.ltnovel.com~ You don't have to run in a hurry. Don't you want to come to my Buddhist scripture tower to steal books? The old man, as the lord of the Supreme Profound Heaven, allows you to steal a few How about again?"

Han Fei was not good at that time: the so-called free is the most expensive. These people say that they have no thoughts, and it is absolutely impossible.

It's something Han Fei can't understand: Since these immortal palace masters knew that they were coming, why should they let these Tianjiao apprentices participate in witnessing this scene?

Co-authoring, revealing your own mystery, is it fun?

Han Fei: "Don't say it so badly. Why did you steal it? I borrowed it."

Lu You smiled softly: "Whether it is stealing or borrowing, since the yin and yang sky has appeared, it means that the distance is not far from returning. But in the current riots in the sea, can there be a place where yin and sun can be seen? A Snow God Palace, not at all It may protect the Yin-Yang Sky. Even with the addition of the four of us, Yin-Yang Sky is still difficult to stand on the riot sea. But, do you want to leave our four allies?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Ally? I don't know what conditions this ally needs?"

Just listen to the sword **** Liu Qing: "Leave, riot in the sea."

Han Fei's heart moved.

The next moment, just listen to Lu You said again: "If nothing happens, you should have a powerful compass in your hand."

Han Fei's pupils shrank slightly: How do these people know about the Vientiane Navigation Device?

Just listen to Liuli said: "Don't be surprised. That thing was originally made by a few of our companies. But 80,000 years ago, there were some accidents that caused Yin and Yang, Shuimu, Jinwu, and Jiugong to be brutally attacked. In the end, The Golden Crow fell, the Nine Palaces closed, Yin Yang and Shuimu escaped. I waited for the four companies to form an alliance, retreat to a corner, and continue to this day. Therefore, from the beginning, we have been allies."

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