God of Fishing

Chapter 1816: Book exploration

Han Fei does not trust this so-called ally.

He can probably guess: In the past, Yin Yang Tian had a good relationship with these companies. But before Tai Xuantian came here, Xuan Feng didn't say anything to herself.

After all, tens of thousands of years have passed, no matter how good the relationship used to be, can it still be so good now? Han Fei doesn't want to gamble.

Just listen to Han Fei: "How many, are you going to talk about this in front of so many people?"

Just listen to Lu You said: "Why don't you show up for a while?"

Han Fei said, "I am in a state of appearance now."

Everyone: "..."

Especially people like Mu Shui Sisi, they all learned from history that there is a magical technique like the Twin God Art. No one has really seen it!

Now, when Han Fei came, they couldn't help making them speechless: He was a dignified and half king, but he couldn't even find the other person's figure?

I have scanned the perception many times, and it is clear that there is nothing!

Lu You did not ask anymore.

Several of them can feel Han Fei's location. But it's just that I feel nothingness. There was faintly surging chaotic air.

If you wait for someone to make a move, then the Qi of Chaos should be used to explode.

Lu You couldn't help saying: "Anyway, I'm here for the Buddhist Scripture Tower in my academy, and you are here too. I don't mind if you choose a few great skills. If you have anything, let's wait until you finish exploring the book sea!"


Han Fei couldn't help but was taken aback: Are you kidding me? I came to steal the book. As a result, a group of you blocked me here, not only didn't you drive me, but also wanted me to explore the sea of ​​books? What is the reason?

Don't guess, it's a fraud!

Han Fei said, "You guys, you never waited for me to explore Shuhai, right? If you have something, I should tell you in advance. Otherwise, this Shuhai...I really can't explore it."

Lu You: "I will tell you after exploring the sea of ​​books."

Han Fei: "..."

outside world.

Han Fei's body of white mist is using the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler to test his fortune.

It was indeed the behavior of Lu You and others that confused Han Fei. After all, I wanted to steal something, but found that the master was waiting for him to steal? Moreover, he gave it to himself to steal...If there is nothing wrong with it, Han Fei can pull his head off and kick the ball.

However, when Han Fei took a test of his luck, he found that today's luck actually fell above the Ji Gua. Although it is not a good luck, but Ji Gua also shows that there is a good thing!

"Is it really possible to explore? The lord of these great immortal palaces is really so friendly?"

However, Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler will not deceive people. Even the Ji Gua appeared, so why didn't you explore it yourself?

In the Tibetan scripture tower, only Han Fei said with a smile: "Since some of you don't mind, then I will try."

Lu You smiled slightly: "You can explore nine times."


Song Kaiyuan and Mu Shui Sisi looked at Lu You at the same time, and said to their hearts: Is this unfair? Our family members are allowed to explore the sea of ​​books each time, but only three times. Why does this guy have nine chances?

Before Song Kaiyuan and the others were surprised, he listened to Lu You said: "But, you have to pay attention. Anyone who explores books in the Tibetan Scripture Tower will only have nine chances in his life. When it is used up, it is impossible to explore from here. Any book anymore."

Song Kaiyuan pondered: After all, this person is the contemporary immortal master of Yin-Yang Tian, ​​and perhaps his status is higher than his own. Therefore, he can also understand.

After being slightly surprised, Song Kaiyuan and others looked up.

There have always been very few people who are qualified to come to the Tibetan scripture tower to explore the sea of ​​books.

Han Fei can be said to be the strongest in the sea of ​​books and the highest status. I don't know, what book will he explore?

Just listen to Lu You said: "You need to release your soul and vitality, mirror the book sea, and then use the fish hook to explore the book, you will know at the first try."

Gemini magic, the heart is connected.

Although Han Fei didn't know what Lu You's ideas were, Han Fei was not worried. People clearly let themselves explore. If you don't even dare to do this, wouldn't you look too stingy?


Han Fei did not hide his behavior, and appeared in the blink of an eye at the top of the Buddhist scripture tower, at the bottom of the sea of ​​books.

At the bottom of the sea of ​​books, there is a round wooden platform for people to stand on.

Han Fei is standing here now, holding a fishing rod. In the sea of ​​books, the divine power shines and rushes straight into the galaxy in an instant.

Han Fei switched his avenue into his own avenue, Tianqi Avenue, and Invincible Road.

"Shoo, hoo~"

Although these people like Mu Shui Sisi couldn't see Han Fei, they could see the fishing rod hanging in the air and the **** weather, so they naturally knew there was someone here.

Suddenly, I heard Mu Shui Sisi's voice transmission: "Look, there are more stars in the sea of ​​books."

There is no need for Mu Shui Sisi to say, everyone will see the shining stars in the starry sky of the book sea becoming more and more densely packed.

However, the stars are near and far, and the brightness is strong and weak, as if the stars are dazzling.

However, the white-clothed master of the academy said: "There are so many stars in the book sea, which is not necessarily a good thing. There are too many choices, but I don't know how to choose."

In other words, at this moment, Han Fei suddenly had countless summons in his heart. When Han Fei glanced over, she could see at least hundreds of shining stars, trying to establish contact with herself.

Han Fei's lips twitched: How to choose this special lady? It feels like all good things!

Originally, Han Fei was planning to come over to find the master refining technique.

However, he had already deduced a wave when he was in Snow God Palace. Although it may not be the strongest, but in this riot sea, it is probably already the strongest.

After all, Wugou Profound Body was ranked in the top ranks in the body refining techniques of the Sea-Piping Realm. Of course you have to look for it, but the number of times is limited, you can't look for this first.

Han Fei's heart moved, he saw the sky full of stars, and wondered: This must be pointed at with the help of the Vientiane Navigation Device.

Immediately afterwards, in Han Fei's body, which was covered by the black mist, the Vientiane Navigation Instrument began to rotate.

Han Fei's first choice was naturally the eighth layer of "Void Fishing". Regardless of its name is Void Fishing or True Spirit Fishing, Vientiane Navigation knows what to choose.

And the voyager began to rotate, which means: there is something you need here.

In the straight eyes of Song Kaiyuan and others, after waiting for a long time, they only saw Han Fei suddenly throw the hook, and there was a shining star near the center of the tower on the hook.


The next moment, Han Fei saw an ancient fishskin book drilled out of the void. And this fish skin book is writing the words "The Eighth Layer of Void Fishing".

Han Fei was totally fascinated by himself: Unexpectedly, what he fished was "Void Fishing" instead of "True Spirit Fishing", which saved the step of his own deduction.


Shang Long wondered: "Why haven't this king heard of this great technique?"

Sword God Liu Qing: "The Tao Yun in this book seems to be dug from the imperial palace, right?"

Liuli: "Unheard of. Lu You, this is your book, should you know it?"

Lu You shrugged and sneered: "The tower is not my tower. I have never heard of this great technique. However, I remembered one thing."

Everyone looked at him one after another, and only listened to Lu You said: "Among the entire riotous seas of human practice, there is a practice that only has seven levels of fishing techniques, don't you know it?"

Liuli: "Are you talking about the true spirit fishing technique? The quality of that technique is just average, right?"

Lu You shook his head: "Although the appearance is average, it is a very small number, covering everything from the lowest level to the sea-shielding realm. Moreover, I have never heard of an eighth level..."

Everyone couldn't help being silent: Lu You knew much more about the world's spells and combat skills than they did. If Lu You's first thought was true spirit fishing, perhaps there is indeed a relationship between the two.

And Han Fei was shocked at the time: even if there is only one gain today, it is worth it. At least, this shows that there is still a way to go behind the Void Fishing Technique.

Originally, the Void Fishing Technique reached the seventh level-Void Descent Technique, which is already extremely terrifying~www.ltnovel.com~ This is different from the projection status of ordinary kings. The Descent Technique is said to span thousands of miles.

However, this ability, in Han Fei's view, was inferior to the Thread of Nothingness and Heaven Stealing Technique. The combination of the two is perfect.

Void descent technique, apart from giving yourself some clones and being able to fight multiple people, no other effects have been seen for the time being.

Now that he had obtained the eighth level of Void Fishing, Han Fei immediately stuffed it into the refining world. Even in the state of the black mist body, Han Fei's use of the refining world will not be hindered.

Han Fei got his hands on this great technique, and the corners of his mouth secretly evoked. Anyway, these people can't see their expressions. They only know that they are the Lord of Yin and Yang Heaven, but how do they know that they still have treasures like the Demon Refining Pot?

However, when the void fishing technique was released, the sea of ​​books and stars became denser. The number of stars has even reached the point where there is not much distance between them.

When Lu You and the others were very shocked, Han Fei's Marine Vientiane began to turn again.

This time, Han Fei wanted to find one of the strongest exercises here.

From the beginning, Han Fei's goal was to find physical exercises. Although I have already promoted the Wushou Xuan body, all these Buddhist scripture towers are here. If I don't look for it, I am sorry to come here by myself!


When a magical book gleaming with golden light emerged, Han Fei saw the body-refining exercises called "Chaotic Demon Body".

Below, the Immortal Palace Master said in shock: "This is not the Chaos Palace...Isn't this the immortal Chaos Demon Body of the Supreme Elder? Does your college even have this kind of body refining technique?"

Lu You shrugged: "How do I know? The book of the Buddhist Scripture Tower, the one who wishes to take the bait. He can get the Chaos Demon, which shows that his talent for refining is at least comparable to the old man."

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