God of Fishing

Chapter 1823: Pippi Shrimp Hot Pot

"Clang, clang~"

Thousands of blades fall on the carapace of the Black Night Mantis Shrimp almost every second.

Of course, this is nothing. No matter how powerful Blade Purgatory is, it has not yet reached the point where it can hang the king.

The battle between Han Fei and the Dark Night Mantis Shrimp can only be regarded as just getting into the heat.

Han Fei used the power of the Yin-Yang Reincarnation Knife to yin it once. But Han Fei's follow-up action was very quick, continuously calling on the Qi of Chaos, and doing his best, no longer giving the dark night mantis shrimp a chance to fight back.


Shocking thorn and knocking at the gate were also launched at the same time.

However, at this moment, I saw the white light burst from above the sky.

In Han Fei's eyes, he saw that the white light seemed to be a fist mark, and immediately thought: This should be the world spirit hammer of the dark night mantis shrimp!

After all, Han Fei sighed slightly: He was afraid that the advantage he had would be beaten back by this hammer.

Seeing Han Fei's hands, he immediately picked up two sledgehammers and hit them in the air.

"Boom boom boom~"

Han Fei was sliding across the sky, hammering shadows all over the sky.

Below, thousands of miles away, Mu Shui Sisi exclaimed: "This is the Hammer of Hundred Wars? In the legend, in the Age of Doom, the top hammer technique of the war giants?"

Song Kaiyuan also said with a solemn expression: "The super magic of the Age of Domination is inherently stronger than the current magic. The current magic, I am afraid that it will be lowered by one level when it is obtained. This hammer method , Can be used not only for battle, but also for forging... its peak effect is probably not much worse than Leihuotian's forging technique."

Li Kaitian said in astonishment: "With the power of one person, the king who smashes the line of giant beasts? How strong is the captain if he becomes a queen through the robbery?"

Suddenly, Mu Xi said, "Xia Xiaochan is gone."

Xia Xiaochan did not formally introduce them to these people. When she wanted to hide, Song Kaiyuan and the others would find it hard to find. Generally, it is difficult to find that she is gone without paying attention.

As soon as Mu Xi's voice fell, she only listened to the strange cicadas screaming from the battlefield.

I only saw that in the sky full of blades, I don't know where, there were many colors like colored glaze.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw: On the back of the dark night mantis shrimp, countless colored rays of light passed by.

Looking closer, where is the light? It is clearly a visual illusion caused by a person's speed too fast.


Everyone was dumbfounded and couldn't help looking at each other.

Mu Shui Sisi said in surprise: "Isn't it? Another existence that can hit the king with a half-king state?"

Song Kaiyuan shook his head: "It's not that way. Xia Xiaochan is holding the Dinghai Bizarre Treasure, and Jin Rui's energy rushes into the body of the night mantis shrimp. Coupled with the particularity of her identity, the strength of the soul beast, It's just worth breaking the carapace of the night mantis shrimp."


While everyone was talking, they saw a figure "swishing" out of the boat.

Just listen to Lu Ran shouting: "Jian Hui, what are you doing?"

However, Li Kaitian grinned and said: "Don't stop him. The half-king beat the king, missed this opportunity, but there is nothing. Jianhui this guy, has been madly brewing sword intent since just now. If this sword is not cut out, he It's impossible to stop."

"Boom boom boom~"

I saw the hammer in the dome that day, which was hit by Han Fei's double hammers a hundred times, and finally penetrated completely.

However, Han Fei's two sledgehammers were also stopped by the hammer.

Han Fei couldn't help sighing: It seems that the best magic weapon is no longer enough. Fighting with the king is a waste of weapons!

In other words, fighting with this special beast king is a bit of a waste of weapons. Four pieces of this superb magic weapon have already been destroyed. This is not enough!

Han Fei looked at Xia Xiaochan, and turned into a streamer on the back of the night mantis shrimp, setting off countless flesh and blood.

The speed of Tianchan's change caused Xia Xiaochan to have at least more than 30,000 waves at this moment.

And this Dark Night Mantis Shrimp does not specialize in physical training, but only comes with a carapace. Therefore, Xia Xiaochan could not be completely blocked.

However, Han Fei immediately transmitted the voice: "Girl, retire!"

Han Fei's words reminded Xia Xiaochan.

I saw the sky full of colorful light appearing, Xia Xiaochan flashed hundreds of times in an irregular route in one breath.


Dark night mantis shrimp, where have you experienced this?

If the opponent is also of Pihai Realm strength, that's fine. However, the opponent clearly only had the strength of the half-king realm. Was he beaten by a group of half kings? He felt that his shrimp grid had been insulted.

I saw its body suddenly rolled up, and the huge body turned into a super giant group. On the body, the thorn armor that had been dormant was exposed at this moment.

Within a thousand miles, thousands of rolling thorns appeared. It is Xia Xiaochan's retreat fast enough, but not as far as the attack of the night mantis shrimp!

Fortunately, Xia Xiaochan's reaction speed was relatively fast, and her extremely quick speed allowed her to avoid this strange attack.

But Han Fei saw it: This should be the Universe Stabbing Art of the Dark Night Mantis Shrimp.

He quickly came to Xia Xiaochan's side, grabbed Xia Xiaochan, stepped across a thousand miles, and withdrew from the battlefield here.

At this moment, Han Fei saw a sword gas soaring across the sky...

Oh no, I was taken thousands of miles away by Jianhui and brought here. I saw Jian Hui drew his sword instantly when he approached Han Fei.

Han Fei's location should be the limit that he can get close to the Dark Night Mantis Shrimp.

If you get closer, you should be looking for death.

Anyway, the body of the Black Night Mantis Shrimp is really too big, and Jianhui is not afraid of being missed.


Han Fei couldn't help but screamed in surprise: Jian regrets this move, Jian Qi is so powerful. In terms of the power of a single blow, it was comparable to a single blow from a king of the Bai Jiadi level.

This strength is indeed terrifying.

Even Xia Xiaochan said in surprise: "This guy is so strong. Even me, this sword may not be able to block it."

Han Fei shook his head slightly: "With his physique and strength, he can make at most a sword. You are here, I will chop this shrimp."

It's too late to say, it's fast, Han Fei saw Jianhui a sword shot, and the Yin and Yang Samsara sword was still erupting in the battlefield. Only saw Han Fei reach out and grab a large hip flask.

Xia Xiaochan recognized at a glance: Isn't that the big gourd that Han Fei picked up behind the bronze door? How can it be a weapon?

However, I saw Han Fei carrying the gourd and said, "Greatly..."

However, Hulu did not respond.

Han Fei immediately added: "Kill him and give you wine."


I only saw the gourd in Han Fei's hand for a while, and the boss was fattened a circle, from a half-foot gourd to a hundred zhang gourd.


The gourd continued to grow, and suddenly turned into a thousand feet...

When the gourd really wanted to shoot down, his body had grown to a terrifying size of more than 30 miles.

Not to mention Xia Xiaochan and other people, even Han Fei himself was dumbfounded.

At this time, the gourd broke the void, the void detonated, and the flames rolled the sky.

The night mantis shrimp heart said: It's just a gourd on the left and right, can it turn the sky upside down? Watch yourself blow it, smash it!


However, when the two collided, the entire body of the night mantis shrimp was deformed.

Just listening to the sound of "Kakaka" bursting apart, I saw that the carapace of the night mantis shrimp collapsed in an instant.

"not good!"

In this terrifying wave, Xia Xiaochan and Jianhui consciously withdrew. This thing, the two of them can't bear it.

At this time, the immature sword technique of Yin and Yang Reincarnation Sword, two sword techniques continued to erupt. In an instant, the body of the mantis shrimp was cut off.


I saw that huge mantis shrimp suddenly turned into a mist.

On the Avenger, a group of people looked at each other.

Li Kaitian: "Hi! Is this... the night mantis shrimp is dead?"

Lu Ran: "No? The captain killed the king?"

Song Kaiyuan: "If there is no change in the sky, there should be no success."

At the scene, Han Fei frowned and saw that the wine gourd had opened the stopper by himself. A huge mantis shrimp body was completely swallowed by this guy.

In the exploding mist, a young man dressed in black ~www.ltnovel.com~ and wearing a white cloak, one arm is growing rapidly, and his legs are growing.

This person looked at each other with Han Fei from the air. Although he was unwilling, he could only run away with a black face.

This time, Han Fei did not chase.

If you continue to fight, your own road will no longer be able to sustain. When the time comes, he will no longer be an opponent of others.


Coincidentally, the half-baked Yin-Yang Samsara Knife broke out again at this moment, slashing the black-clothed youth's eyelids.


When the black man disappeared into the void, the gourd also changed to its previous size.

"Swallowing the remains of a mountain-like king, how much do you keep for me?"

Han Fei was very speechless: "Big Brother. I killed him, so I got a snatching limb? Are you special, but I got a small body."

Han Fei couldn't help sighing.

It's a pity that Chaos Qi, otherwise, one's own Chaos Qi will immediately soar above 4000 strands. When he becomes a king, he might be able to break through as many as 5,000 wisps.

It's a pity, it's just a grazing limb, and it's not bad to have dozens of chaotic energy.

Han Fei stepped a thousand miles, returning from the center of the battlefield, everyone looked at him like a monster.

Just listen to Li Kaitian curiously saying: "Captain, are you dead?"

Han Fei said in a bad mood: "What is it to die? I ran away."


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Otherwise, now the captain of his own might be able to kill the king. The captain is so strong, what do you want them to do?

Even so, everyone's heart is unspeakable: Half-king has beaten the king away? If this is said, who can believe it?

Just listen to Han Fei's unhappy voice: "Continue to move in the void. After half a day, eat Pippi shrimp hot pot."

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