God of Fishing

Chapter 1824: Fangs of the Avengers (Part 1)

Although the king of the giant beasts was driven away on the route of Jiugongtian, Han Fei did not dare to stay too long. God knows, do you have many friends?

When the time comes, let's make an appointment to kill together, then this one will be unable to fight.

Half a day later.


The Avengers broke out of the void and appeared on a relatively harmonious course. On this route, the types of marine life began to increase, and the surrounding pressure was gone.

And this is the general route of Golden Wutian.

Because it is a general-purpose route, in fact, all major pirate groups are basically using it.

The road to Wudi City is not secretive, and only general routes can be used. Therefore, at this moment, Han Fei and the others have already escaped the danger of the Jiugongtian route.


Han Fei is deboning. After all, he chopped off a complete plunder limb, and a stump came back, absorbing a total of 37 strands of Chaos Qi.

At this moment, the big hot pot is boiling.


However, at this moment, I saw Han Fei eating alone.

Including Xia Xiaochan, Liumen Haixing... everyone was already sitting cross-legged.

The flesh and blood of the king, even if they are already half kings, they can't hold it even if they eat three pots!

Of course, these flesh and blood cannot directly help them break through.

Xia Xiaochan was the first to wake up, and then, Jianhui everyone woke up.

Just listen to Han Feidao: "At most three days, we will be outside the Wudi City. There are about 15 days before the so-called Invincible Inheritance. The next 15 days, it is time for you to start to play a role."

Song Kaiyuan: "Captain, Wudi City also has countless resources. Shall we land in Wudi City first, take a look at Wudi City, and then looting?"

Song Kaiyuan knew: Han Fei had a heart of plunder.

For Han Fei, he can grab the entire riot in the sea.

Even Song Kaiyuan felt: With Han Fei's character, if he really has to spend a long time in the riots, he must be among the top ten pirate groups.

Even if Han Fei breaks through, he might be able to stabilize the top three.


Golden Wutian, above the normal sailing route.

A ship made of red-yellow wood and inlaid with various special metals is slowly approaching. The ship is about 300 meters long, and there are as many as 21 people who are strong in the venerable state. There is one person who is strong in the sea.

At this moment, above the bow, two young people were chatting, among them Xia Hai.

Just listen to one of them: "Brother Hai, I heard that Wudi City never refuses to come this time. Why are there so few people from Jinwutian?"

Xia Hai chuckled, "How could it be possible to come all at once? What is the place of Emperor Wudi City? The fighting outside Wudi City is constant, and the situation is treacherous. We who are strong, unless there is a king hunting, otherwise, it is extremely difficult for anyone to hunt us. Therefore, We go ahead first. The real big army is still behind. It is said that Jin Wutian has reached nearly 300 people on this trip. This number is already quite a bit, and it already accounts for less than half of our Golden Crowtian powerhouse."

Another person smiled and said: "It seems that this time the Wudi inheritance is also a battle between dragons and tigers. If there are so many people from each family, wouldn't Wudi City become the place where the entire rioting sea and the most powerful talents?"

Xia Hai smiled and said, "What do you think? Even without us, Wudi City is the place with the most riots in the Canghai-class powerhouses. For the time being, the top ten pirate groups will talk about the thirty-six Xuantian and various races. The elders who escaped are countless years and months."

He only listened to another person: "This time, the real Tianjiao-level figure, I am afraid that there will not be much. Last time, the land of Wang Yi, even the Beitang Xuan was hit hard. This time, it is said that he cannot come. Except. Wu Hao, you belong to Brother Hai, the most proud of all!"


In Xia Hai's mind, Xue Zhan's **** mask could not help but appear.

The land of Wang Yan, that time was an accident.

People who shouldn't be mixed in, the servant even abducted the princess of the royal family.

This time, it doesn't matter if you encounter it. Because of this Wudi inheritance, there should be no situation where the strong will collide.

After all, inheritance is inheritance, more potential than who it is.

This time, he has a lot of chances.

However, he had to admit: that Xuezhan was not a good match.

It's a pity, why did the land of Wang Yi be fooled by that servant? If he was killed, how good would it be?

Suddenly, the void trembles, and everyone sees a **** ship emerging from the void.

Suddenly, there was a voice on the big ship of Golden Wutian.

"It's a pirate, skull banner, this is the Avengers pirate group."

"Fire Yuan Cannon is ready..."


As a result, before Golden Wutian made a move, he saw the bow of the ship on the Avenger, and the front began to deform, and the bow opened like a shark's teeth.

A black copper barrel appeared, and only a golden light of "brushing" came out.



I only saw the waves rushing into the sky, and a huge fire bird soaring above the golden sky ship.


The terrifying Dao Yun that surpassed the power of the half king, accompanied by the impact of the spiritual energy, once again bombarded the hull of Jin Wutian.

However, the big bird was scattered with fire yuan and bombarded twice in a row, but failed to break through the boat formation of Golden Ootian.

"Ha! How powerful do you think this rumored Avengers is? Co-authored, but that's all. The energy cannon and our energy cannon are not as powerful as it is."

"After all, it was just a little pirate group that had nodded in the limelight, and destroyed them."

Xia Hai's eyes were cold, and he shouted: "This Avenger is the culprit who killed Jin Yuan. Today, how dare to rob my Golden Wutian? Kill..."


This time, it was the turn of the Fire Yuan Cannon to hit the Avengers.

However, this time it was even more exaggerated, and I saw the Avengers stiffly holding fire yuan cannons, the bow array flashing, and the entire Avengers drilled out of the billowing waves of fire.

Han Fei saw that the opponent's ship formation was not terrible, so he shot directly.

I saw Han Fei coming out, smashing. I only saw the huge firebird ship array, which directly folded its wings.


At this moment, on the Golden Crow Skyship, a half-king realm powerhouse exclaimed: "No, this person actually broke 30% of the Golden Crow formation with a single blow! What kind of strength would this be?"

Xia Hai took out a jade slip for the first time, and shouted in a low voice: "Keep it on for me. As long as you insist on 50 breaths, once the Fire King arrives, these people will not be able to escape."

Xia Hai thought: Just stop Han Fei and the others for 50 breaths. Even this boat formation can withstand 20 breaths.

However, when Han Feiyi took more than 20 slaps in a row, and the terrifying force abruptly smashed the ship formation of Golden Wutian, Xia Hai's expression changed.

This person is so strong! As far as strength is concerned, it is more than a few times more than the ordinary half king.

At the moment when the ship formation was broken, 21 people on the Golden Crow Heavenly Ship, fused with the soul beasts, were ready to fight immediately.

And Xia Hai crushed a jade slip even more.

Anyway, just wait for the fire king to arrive.

What a pity if oneself resists, is injured, and loses this opportunity to inherit Wudi? It's better to take the king's blow and block this person first.

However, a figure wrapped in a fireball appeared in the void, blocking Han Fei's path.

And Han Fei didn't panic, he just listened to him unhurriedly shouting: "Want to join the Avengers? It's time to test your strength. Take a shot and grab them for me."

At this moment, people like Song Kaiyuan had already practiced the deception technique. People like Xia Hai couldn't find the appearance after the change.

Moreover, the four immortal palaces, Taixuan and Liuli, rarely show up in the 36xuantian.

Except for the land of Wang's fall, maybe everyone hasn't seen it for hundreds of years. Naturally, Xia Hai and the others would not fully know who had any means.

Therefore, everyone is not afraid of revealing anything in the fight.

I saw Li Kaitian shout immediately, put away his stick, and took out two big axes.

In addition to stick skills, his axe blade is also unparalleled.

At this moment, the giant axe was like a giant with a hundred feet of strength, and the light of the axe fell from the sky ~www.ltnovel.com~ sharp and sharp.

"Fire Fall, Skyfire Meteor Technique."

Jin Wutian's first ship, Tianjiao, is naturally not a weak chicken. Someone was good at the shield, and the fire shield was connected in front of him, and the sky fire fell behind him, locking Li Kaitian.

However, he underestimated Li Kaitian's ability.

Fighting with Han Fei, it naturally showed no strength. However, when fighting with the ordinary half king, Li Kaitian's double axe piled up with six supernatural powers.

Hearing only a "bang", this person was directly blasted to pieces.

As for those fire meteorites behind him, Li Kaitian yelled loudly, a gummy shield shadow appeared, and the fire was still intact that day.

Jianhui is quite relaxed. He had already brewed the sword intent, a sword came out, and the glory appeared. One person was beheaded, and one sun and moon shell was bought directly.

Lu Ran shot and directly displayed the Yuhua palm, directly crushing a person and his tortoise soul beast.

Even Mu Xi, because of advance preparation, integrated the talented soul beast early in the morning. A kind of thing called jellyfish immortal, has a thorn, can imprison the opponent for the first time.

Immediately afterwards, as soon as the white light sword shadow appeared, this person was also chopped up.

Mu Shui Sisi, holding a big bow, shot in the air, a phoenix bird moved. Among the arrow patterns, there is a stacking array. How could she really have no strength to be spoiled into such a woman by a college?

At this moment, Song Kaiyuan pierced out the sky-cutting pen, directly enclosing the other three into his own domain.

In the pen, there is a blue dragon, there is a blue dragon, there is a sword aura, there is a sword aura. Faced with Song Kaiyuan's violent storm, these three people were blown up in an instant.

At this moment, half of the strong on the Golden Crow Skyship were blown up in the first place.

Just listen to Han Fei not caring about the king's blow in front of him, but instead his voice is long: "Robbery, hand over the sun and moon shells, Rao Er will not die. Otherwise, all kill..."

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