God of Fishing

Chapter 1830: The collision of the invincible road

Free theater.

There are four big ships before and after Wuji Tian. This time, the one who sits in Wuji Tian is not someone else, but Bei Xuanbing, who led the crowd to the Land of Wang Yi.

I don't know if it is overconfidence or other reasons, the frequency of the Wu Ji Tian fleet moving in the void is not very high.

On one of the big ships, a young man is sitting on the deck and practicing. I saw golden light on his body, and a will of terror descended from time to time.

This person is Li Xinghen, the supreme arrogant of Wuji Tian, ​​who has already awakened Invincible Road. His strength alone is the pinnacle in the Promise Heaven and Half King Realm, ranking first.

Last time, when I went to the land of Wang Yu, Li Xinghen thought he was going to grab a few keys. Why do you need to do something so simple?

Who knows, it was that time that a strong man who walked the road of invincibility appeared in the land of Wang Yu.

Therefore, this time the Wudi inheritance, Li Xinghen did not want to miss it.

Why is the speed of the void moving slower for the ship of Promise Sky? It's not that people are not running fast, they just want to wait and see...Is there anyone from the top ten pirate groups coming to looting?

This is the emboldened fairy palace.

Among the many immortal palaces, some were the kings who brought people over directly, some quietly touched them, and some people quickly went to Wudi City after entering the free war zone.

Very few really dare to drive slowly in this free theater. This Promise Heaven is one of those bold fairy palaces.

"Star marks."

Unconsciously, Bei Xuanbing appeared behind Li Xinghen.

Just listen to him: "Xinghen, this time, it doesn't matter if you can meet the kid on Invincible Road. I tell you, it is said that there is also a bronze door in the Wudi inheritance. Anyway, find a way to get in!"

Li Xingchen: "Uncle Master, what is so extraordinary about that bronze door?"

Bei Xuanbing said: "It's because I don't know. Uncle Shi has seen that door once before, but unfortunately he couldn't enter. Uncle Shi has never heard of anyone entering. In the land of Wangyue a few months ago, the black impermanence kid, Since I can go in and come out safely, it means that it is at least safe there, and there must be a great opportunity inside."

Li Xingchen nodded slightly: "Yes, Uncle Master. It took 1300 years to pass on this Martial Emperor's inheritance before opening it again. Naturally, I will not let this opportunity pass."

Bei Xuanbing: "You're all lucky. The last time you were last time, after 3200 years, you could die a half king. Therefore, it is not bad to be able to catch up with this trip."

Li Xingchen: "..."

When it was over, I only heard Bei Xuanbing's command: "Stay for an hour. If there is no pirate group coming over within an hour, you don't have to wait and go directly to Wudi City."


I saw that, hundreds of thousands of miles ahead, a large ship was drifting above the sea. A figure with a pair of knives in his hand was standing on the mast, looking towards this side.

Under his feet, a skull and crossbones flag was waving wantonly.

Bei Xuanbing sneered, "Is this man's brain not broken?"

Li Xingchen's eyes narrowed slightly: "It's the Avengers. I didn't expect that such a pirate group would come to stop my Wujitian? Uncle Master, let me take action?"

Bei Xuanbing sneered, "I still need me to deal with such a small role?"

Li Xingchen stood up suddenly: "Uncle Shi can watch the battle."

When the two sides were 20,000 miles apart, all of the four big ships of Wuji Tian saw the Avengers.

At this moment, Han Fei's thoughts moved, and the Avengers were included in the refining world.


Han Fei swung the chopper: "Robbery, give money."

To be honest, at this moment, on the ship of Wujitian, everyone looked at each other, all looking at Han Fei like a fool.

Someone was speechless: "This guy's brain is okay, isn't it? Single-handedly, stop my Wujitian fleet?"

Someone shook his head: "This is the so-called Avengers? It's clearly stunned. Even if we don't have a king, Li Xingchen is not something he can deal with, right?"

Someone grinned: "This kid is dead, he may not even know what he is doing."

When the distance was only three thousand miles, Li Xinghen raised his hand, and Wuji Tian's boat slowly stopped.


Seeing Li Xinghen stepping on the void, a gilded ancient robe was added to his body, with golden light on his forehead. The breath swayed, surrounded by Gengjin spirit.

Just listen to Li Xinghen: "Avenger, Han Fei?"

Han Fei curled his lips: "Who are you? I don't know...get the money."

Li Xingchen's expression remained unchanged: "Single-handedly, you dare to stop my boat of Promise Heaven, you are very courageous. I heard that your combat power is extremely strong. If so, then come and try."

Han Fei shrugged: "There is so much nonsense. To wait for you, I missed a meal. Without a few million compensation, how can Han Fei stop?"

I only saw that Li Xingchen's body was golden and brilliant, showing his invincible fighting spirit.

I saw a pair of strange gloves on his hand, as if there was a hidden weapon on each finger.

When the two stood opposite each other, after a full five breaths of time, they saw that they shot almost at the same time.


Han Fei shot with two knives in his hands, cutting out the bright blades, breaking through the emptiness, swept thousands of miles, and went straight to Li Xinghen.

Li Xinghen's eyes were full of golden light, and people just moved slightly in front of the ship, letting the blade light come close to him, it burst into pieces. The rolling wave shook the hull back dozens of miles. The terrifying waves rolled back into the sky.

After this blow, he saw a golden light barrier of the ship, which was completely broken. The wind around Li Xinghen was no longer something ordinary venerables could resist.

After feeling Han Fei's attack, Li Xinghen's mouth slightly aroused: "It's interesting, the strength is almost reached the sea level. Unfortunately, it is still not enough."

And Han Fei was also slightly surprised: This person is also walking the road of invincibility?

Although Han Fei has not yet used the power of the Dao, this person is by no means an ordinary role to be able to block his own blow so lightly.

Han Fei immediately knew who this person was. The only one who walked on the road of invincibility, Li Xinghen, could also be called the number one powerhouse under the Wuji Heavenly King.


Suddenly, Li Xinghen raised his hand.

At the moment Li Xinghen raised his hand, Han Fei suddenly felt a hint of crisis. A Dou Zhuan Xingyi appeared directly from the other side.

However, at the moment when Han Fei appeared, a golden thread reached the extreme speed, and it reached Han Fei's eyes almost instantly.

Han Fei did not move, and suddenly there were turtles in front of him.

"Ding! Click!"

Although the Tortoise Array only blocked the extreme time for Han Fei, it was enough for Han Fei to raise his hand and make a sharp cut. With this stab, only the sound of "chill" resounded through the world.

Han Fei felt it just now: There was a thread that broke three thousand miles in an instant and arrived in front of him.

Han Fei curled his lips: "Wuji Phantom Silk? It looks pretty normal!"

Song Kaiyuan said that the Promise Phantom Silk was obtained by the Promise Palace Master and the others in the imperial palace, and later bestowed on this Li Xinghen. Together with Li Xinghen's invincible road, this thread can burst out terrifying lethality.

It can be said that in the entire Promise Heaven, no one is more suitable for this treasure than Li Xinghen.

Of course, this Promise Phantom Silk naturally didn't run away in Dinghai Yibao.

Just now, Han Fei's knife seemed to have smashed the silk away, but in fact, he just chopped it out all the way against the silk thread, and made a sound when rubbing against the silk thread.

The next moment, Han Fei tilted his head.

Li Xingchen just wanted to take a shot, suddenly his face changed slightly, and he left the ship, raising his hand and punching.



There were two more roars in a row, and the sea was hit into a depression.

Li Xingchen was surprised: Where did the attack come from? I didn't even see Han Fei making a move! Could this attack be born out of thin air?


Even Bei Xuanbing couldn't help frowning. Even he didn't know where the two attacks just came from? One is the blade light, and the other is the soul-cutting knife.

To put it bluntly, with just this hand, there are very few ships that Wuji Tian can block.

It was also Li Xinghen who made the shot, otherwise, the others might really not be Han Fei's opponents.

Just listen to Bei Xuanbing said: "Quick battle and quick decision. Such a tentative attack cannot dig out the opponent's strength."

Li Xingchen nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ and swiped the ground, turning into a light that was approaching the extreme.


Han Fei directly merged Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, and when the yin and yang divine eyes appeared, his avenue was also moved.


But seeing Bei Xuanbing suddenly stand up: "Yin and Yang God Eyes?"

At that moment, Han Fei raised his hand with the Blade of Hope in his hand.

Slash with the double knives again, this time is no longer the tentative attack just now, but the attack after using the avenue bonus.

"Promise Storm!"

Only Li Xinghen appeared in the air. Around his body, tens of millions of silk threads between the tangible and the intangible were spinning and intertwined.



In the roaring explosion, Li Xinghen's body turned into a piece of golden light, which spread out from all directions. But how can this escape Han Fei's eyes?

Just now, Han Fei clearly felt the power of the fusion of talented soul beasts. In an instant, this person escaped instead of completely blocking his attack.

The two rounds of Yin and Yang reincarnation swords, at this moment, all killed before the ship of Wuji Tian.

When a piece of golden light intertwined, Li Xinghen showed his body, and saw his face solemnly said: "You, used the secret method?"

Li Xinghen felt: Han Fei's power was several times stronger. This leap is really too big.

This means: Han Fei's combat power at this moment is far beyond the king who has just entered the sea realm.

Li Xinghen thought it was a secret method, so he retired. I am going to get the inheritance, not at this moment, to fight for life and death.

At this time, only Bei Xuanbing suddenly shot. Seeing him stretch out his hand and hold it, the yin and yang reincarnation knife in front of the ship collapsed.

Just listen to Bei Xuanbing said leisurely: "The one who actively provokes the king is not among the protection ranks of Wudi City! Boy, who gave you the courage to find the fault of Wujitian?"

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