God of Fishing

Chapter 1831: Identity Revealed

When Han Fei exploded with abnormal power, Li Xinghen gave up the fight for the first time and fled back at the fastest speed.

In other words, he retreated temporarily, but he didn't think he was defeated, he only felt that Han Fei was digging his own grave. As soon as the battle started, it was impossible for the body to be unburdened by using secret methods to increase strength. In the long run, this person's achievements and potential will be limited.

Because the strength is not at the same level, Li Xinghen has no fight, so he just stopped and let Bei Xuanbing come.

Originally, Han Fei's provocation was the first to take the initiative to rob Wuji Tian.

In this case, Bei Xuanbing could have made a move. Just now, I just wanted Li Xinghen and Han Fei to pass.

Now, seeing Han Fei explode into the sea-breaking power, he certainly had plans to take action.

On Wujitian’s boat, those who can come here are the top generations of Tianjiao of Wujitian. Therefore, what is happening in the scene in front of me...Many people already understand it.

Only a few people were shocked in their hearts: Even the strongest under the Promise Heaven and the Sea, can't beat this Han Fei? This Avengers pirate group is a bit strong!

Someone's heart is shaking: If the king does not make a move, then this Han Fei, has not reached the real invincibility under the sea?

At this moment, everyone's eyes are staring at the front.

Han Fei and Bei Xuan competed. In their opinion, Han Fei had no chance of winning at all.

Someone shook his head: "This person is bound to die, he can't live."

Some people looked solemnly: "Is this person showing the eyes of the legendary yin and yang god? If so...then he..."

Someone took a deep breath: "The rumored yin-yang sky, someone was born?"

Bei Xuanbing stood proudly above the void, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "This king is very curious. The only person who can have Yin-Yang divine eyes in this world is Yin-Yang Heaven, right? Eighty thousand years later, you are finally born."

Han Fei smiled and said, "Yeah! It's time to come out and settle accounts with you."


As if to hear something funny, she saw Bei Xuanbing showing a disdainful expression: "Who, by you? Boy, are you a king?"

While talking, Bei Xuanbing raised his hand too much.

With this raising of his hand, thousands of golden light spots appeared in the void.


The speed of those light spots was faster than the speed of Li Xinghen's Promise Phantom Silk just now.

"Swipe it~"

Han Fei's body moved in the void, and in an instant, there were hundreds of afterimages.

If you can freeze the picture in an instant, you can see: the golden light spots are little bugs, but because the speed is too fast, there is no time to see the data.


Bei Xuanbing, who was attacking Han Fei, suddenly tilted his head and felt something abnormal behind him. With a move of his mind, the claws of ice appeared in his hand, turning his hands, waved four times in a row.

"Boom boom boom~"

Even if Bei Xuanbing attacked lightly four times, the power that burst out was beyond everyone's imagination. The sea surface collapsed into a huge vortex.

Bei Xuanbing squinted his eyes and said, "It's a bit interesting, but you are still not strong enough."


Hearing Bei Xuan snorted coldly, his body disappeared in place.

The next moment, it has appeared in a difficult spot of light.

Han Fei wanted to fight to change the star, but as a result, he suddenly realized that he couldn't keep up with his speed.

Han Fei discovered: Except for his own eyes, neither the body nor the soul can keep up with the rhythm of Bei Xuanbing's attack.

The moment Bei Xuanbing moved, Han Fei felt this.


Only seeing Bei Xuanbing press down with one hand, there was a sudden explosion. A gray mist appeared in the void. Where is Han Fei's shadow in the mist?

Bei Xuanbing's speed is not unpleasant.

For the first time, he avoided the gray fog. But even so, he shot Han Fei's hand and it was still contaminated.

I saw Bei Xuanbing frowned in disgust.

Nose, mouth, and a nausea in my heart: What the **** is this? Why is it so smelly?

Of course, as a dignified king, Bei Xuanbing certainly couldn't show it upright.

When he waved his hand, the gray mist was shaken away, and then he said lightly: "The descendants of the Yin and Yang sky are born, which is a bit interesting. He was born before the sea was opened. It seems that the wild land is not a good place after all!"

At this time, Li Xinghen, who had just retired, said, "Master, then Han Fei, who is it?"

Bei Xuanbing said indifferently: "He can't keep his face from seeing him so many times in Wudi City. When it comes to Wudi City, you only need to buy an intelligence resource to know who he is."


In other words, when Han Fei was sniping the Wuji Tian fleet alone, the intelligence center in Wudi City suddenly released a blockbuster.

The reason is that someone who was robbed by the Avengers came to investigate the news about the Avengers Han Fei.

Originally, the news of Han Fei's identity could only be inferred from one by one. If it is a caring person, it is not difficult to guess.

However, how can the result of the speculation be directly drawn to a clear conclusion?

But just now, the Wudi City Intelligence Center directly hung up the signature information about the identity of the Avengers.

This quotation is a 500,000 best-quality spirit stone, or it can be exchanged for resources of the same price.

500,000 best-quality spirit stones, for the big immortal palace powerhouses entering and leaving Wudi City, and the thugs who lived in Wudi City for a long time, not considered big money, only slightly expensive.

It can be said that those who are willing do not care about the money.

Almost as soon as this information was released, more than 30 copies were sold.

Among them, none of the top ten pirate groups was missed. They bought this information in the first place.

Immediately afterwards, anyone who was robbed by Han Fei immediately bought it even if he knew it later...

As for the superpowers such as the Shark Race, the Hundred Demon Race, and the Undersea Human Race, how could it be possible to make a mistake after knowing that a power is rising?

Therefore, this information, Han Fei sent someone to sell it for 20 million top-grade spirit stones.

In the backhand, the trading center credited 15 million. Seeing that the cost is about to be brought back... the speed of making money is really terrifying.

At this moment, many people are studying intelligence.

In the intelligence, a lot of information about Han Fei has been linked together.

Intelligence begins.

The leader of the Avengers pirate group, Han Fei, is the contemporary heir of Yin-Yang Tian that has disappeared for 80 thousand years.

Identity, no doubt confirmed.

With just this sentence, the person who bought the intelligence knew that this shot was worth it.

After the information came out, just an hour later, suddenly another news came out.

The source is the gambling shop in Wudi City, and only someone said: "The leader of the Avengers Pirate Group, alone, hunting on the four big ships of Wuji Tian, ​​defeated Li Xinghen, the first powerhouse under Wuji Tian to open the sea. Later. , Fought head-on with Bei Xuanbing, the Promise Heavenly King, but was defeated by one move and has now escaped."

As soon as this news came out, half of Wudi City immediately set off a turbulent storm.

Wuji Tian, ​​that is the existence that the top ten pirate groups are unwilling to touch.

An unknown little pirate group, dare to rob? Besides, why ran away?

Everyone felt: This person is so bold!

After the news appeared, but Bai Xi, thirty-six Xuantian, ten pirate groups, various ethnic forces, intelligence on the Avengers, manpower.

At this time, the intelligence of the Avengers had sold 25 million Supreme Spirit Stones. The trading center has already recovered its capital and made a lot of money.

Song Kaiyuan and the others, who watched all this secretly, looked at each other at this moment: Is this the efficiency of Emperor Wudi City?

Just listen to Song Kaiyuan's words: "Lu Ran, you go and collect the money. By the way, buy a copy of the information about the Avengers, and let's advise."

Lu Ran said in surprise: "We provide the information, do we need to see it too?"

Song Kaiyuan: "Naturally, the information we give away may be interpreted in another way under the organization of others. Therefore, we naturally need to watch it and go quickly."

After finishing speaking, Song Kaiyuan looked at Li Kaitian and said, "You go rent a private courtyard, which is more spacious, but it should be low-key."

After half an hour.

When everyone in Lu Ran came to a courtyard in Wudi City near the downtown area in the west of the city, Song Kaiyuan said speechlessly: "Li Kaitian, do you have a wrong understanding of the word low-key?"

Just listen to Li Kaitian said: "Do you think it is easy to rent a house now? Most of the yards have been rented out. There are too many people here! This is a broken place, and it costs 300,000 top-grade spirit stones a month. . It’s hard for me to rent it for two months with 500,000 superb spirit stones ~www.ltnovel.com~."

Song Kaiyuan said: "Anyway, it's the captain's money, so I don't feel distressed."

At this time, just listen to Lu Ran said: "Don't talk, let's take a look at this information first! This is more comprehensive than what I revealed!"

Everyone hurriedly looked at it: In addition to the first sentence that directly solved Han Fei's identity, there are also a series of descriptions below.

Han Fei: Male.

Bone age: within a thousand years.

Realm: Half King

Strength: Suspected of a strange secret technique, it can burst out sea-opening combat power in a short time. At its peak state, the strength is at least 80,000 waves. Speed ​​and physique are both bonuses...The duration of the secret technique is estimated to be around 10-20 breaths. Depending on the intensity of the battle, the duration of maintenance will also vary.

Features: Good at camouflage, Gemini magic, swordsmanship, physique comparable to a king (suspected indestructible golden body).

Avenue: It is suspected that there are multiple avenues walking together, including Yin Yang Avenue, Power Avenue, Time Avenue, Space Avenue...

Identity: Suspected contemporary heir of Yin-Yang Tian, ​​the contemporary palace owner of Yin-Yang Tian.

Fact 1: Half a year after the wild abyss riots, the Avenger was formally established by fighting against the Pirates of Predators. At that time, Han Fei fought against the Four Crazy Kings and lost. However, in the presence of the Four Mad Kings, he broke through the boat formation and killed more than ten Venerables.

Deed 2: The land of Wang Yu, disguised as black and white impermanence, pseudonymous Fan Datong... abducted the royal princess of the shark, suspected to have a portable small world, the small world is suspected to be a sea map...

Deed 3:...

However, at the end of the deeds, there was an information reminder: "According to reliable sources, Han Fei once said that the scorpion tribe can communicate with the world outside the rioting sea. This news is still being confirmed.

When the news is perfect, we will release it as soon as possible. At present, supplementary information in an incomplete state, worth 1 million pieces of the best spirit stone..."


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