God of Fishing

Chapter 1832: 1 meal is as fierce as a tiger

Han Fei may be able to disguise, but in the series of battles experienced in the riots, it is impossible that no one else knows any kind of tactics.

Since Song Kaiyuan was able to analyze Han Fei's identity, he could naturally infer more after giving enough information to Emperor Wu.

At this moment, Han Fei's name immediately became louder in the circle of some powerful people.

After all, Han Fei's identity is already eye-catching enough.

Han Fei's guessed secret arts, magic arts, and immortal golden body are all places to covet.

However, Song Kaiyuan's first reaction after reading this information was: "No! Some information was deliberately hidden."

Just listen to Song Kaiyuan said: "This time, although we did not show any distinctive strength as much as possible, it is not difficult to find out as long as people who are interested in studying and pondering. However, in this information, nothing is mentioned about ours. Identity."

Mu Shui Sisi: "I'm afraid no one will find out, right? We are disguised after all. Besides, anyone can be a pirate, so why can we not be a pirate in the Fourth House?"

Song Kaiyuan shook his head slightly: "Coincidence? Even I guessed it. Those strong can't guess? The strong never believe in coincidences. We have appeared and are so strong at the same time. There is no reason that Wudi City will ignore us directly. Moreover, The identity relationship between the captain and Xue Zhan can actually be found in Lei Huotian during the initial investigation. It is necessary to investigate carefully... this level of connection can actually be broken."

Mu Shui Sisi: "Brother, what do you mean? You mean... the information about Wudi City is missing?"

Song Kaiyuan: "I even think that Wudicheng's intelligence is protecting the captain. This level of intelligence really has the background of losing the Wudicheng."

Mu Xi: "That must be our identity, hasn't it been discovered? It really has to be completely exposed. Wouldn't our Four Immortal Palaces and Snow God Palace become the targets of the riots?"

Song Kaiyuan's eyes lit up: "That's the truth. Although nominally, there are now five immortal palaces and the captain have a relationship. However, this relationship is likely to be wiped out by Wudi City. I even suspect that the captain was in Thunderfire City at first. Information such as those that have appeared has been quietly erased."

Lu Ran's heart moved: "Wait a minute, I'll go to the information trading center again. Investigate it and you'll know."

Song Kaiyuan: "Go quickly."

After only half an hour, Lu Ran came back with a look of surprise on his face.

As soon as he walked in, he heard Lu Ran say: "Big Brother Song said it was right. The details and some gossips on the ship are completely unavailable. Even if they were bought with a lot of money, they were not sold."

Song Kaiyuan squinted his eyes and said, "That's right. But, for what reason did Emperor Wu take the initiative to help the captain? Is it for the safety of my five fairy palaces, or is it just to help the captain?"

Mu Shui Sisi: "It doesn't make sense! Wudi City was built later. There was no Wudi City when Yinyangtian disappeared."

Song Kaiyuan: "That's... Emperor Wu didn't want to see that our Thirty-Six Xuantian humans were killing each other."

Li Kaitian hurriedly stopped and said, "Wait, why would Thirty-Six Xuantian kill each other after the captain was revealed to be in contact with our house? Just a cloudy and sunny day, wouldn't it cause such a big thing?"

Song Kaiyuan shook his head slightly: "This is a question of standing in line. Hiss..., or the last news the captain gave us is actually true?"

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, and looked at each other.

In fact, when Han Fei asked Song Kaiyuan to sell their own information, he also gave Song Kaiyuan an extra piece of information that people dare not think about.

The information read: "In the Age of Dominance, the gods fought on the other side of the sea. That battle swept across the world for three consecutive years, the sky cried constantly, and the avenue collapsed. And every avenue collapse usually symbolizes a statue. The fall of the God’s Mansion. Since then, all races have no way, and all the ways have returned to the void... After the fall of the gods, there was an oracle of the Holy Spirit carrying the gods of the sea, and the decrees of the gods were drawn up, ordering the sea people to slaughter the thousands of people. Open the chaos. The Sea Clan will have a large number of new gods who inherit the avenues and become the only masters of this world. With the emergence of the gods' decree, there is a thaumatism. The spell is unknown, but this spell can be entered into the emperor. Now this spell, Obtained by the Pure Emperor's Code. This person has secretly connected to the riots in the overseas realm. He has been cultivating for many years. It is very likely that he is hiding his strength, and he is suspected of calming the riots..."

At the end of this information, the source of the information was indicated, which originated from the private conversation between Han Fei and the princess Xia Xiaochan of the Royal Family of the Dragon.

This news, in the eyes of Song Kaiyuan and others, is that Han Fei deliberately planted a pure imperial classic.

After all, you kidnapped someone's princess and they killed you all the time. Of course not?

However, if it is really just framed and framed, the credibility of this piece of information is not high. Even if Han Fei concocted an awesome background, it would be useless, right?

But seeing Song Kaiyuan's rare horror on the ground: "What the captain said is true...All the rumors of the era of the end of the law that the captain said turned out to be true. This is easy to understand...The Emperor Wucheng is very likely to be temporary. The Captain of the Earth Security Bureau released the news by the way and let the interested people test it. They are in a wait-and-see state in secret... It's a pity..."

Everyone: "What's wrong?"

Song Kaiyuan looked ugly and said: "Our information is sold cheaply."

In other words, after the information on the Avengers came out, everyone originally only spent 500,000 Supreme Spirit Stones to understand the Avengers.

However, when I saw the last piece of supplementary news, all ethnic groups and major pirate groups couldn't sit still. Can the horrendous people link up outside the riots? This news was released by Emperor Wu, and the credibility must be extremely high.

Suddenly, the Wudi City Information Center was in the fryer.

People keep coming.

Customers were received one by one. The usual big customers have now become ordinary customer specifications.

Someone even shouted directly: "Bring me a supplementary information about the Avengers."

"Give me a copy too."

"And I."


If Han Fei saw this scene, it might be possible that tears would fall!

Originally, he just wanted to do things...Even if there was no such thing as Emperor Wu's inheritance, he was planning to come to Emperor Wu City.

The purpose of coming to Wudi City is to do things!

To be precise, it is a pure imperial classic...

If nothing happens, this servant will definitely be waiting for himself at the entrance of the Wild Abyss. If you are lucky, you can run away. With bad luck, this guy may also find himself.

Han Fei consciously: He hasn't overcome the catastrophe yet.

At this time, fighting with Chun Huang Dian was purely a broken brain. After all, an ordinary king can cast the projection on the yin and sun? Obviously, it is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, the strength of the Pure Emperor Code may be higher than I thought.

Since you can't fight, you can't fight, let others fight and toss. Just let that guy... no energy to trouble yourself!

After the affairs of Emperor Wucheng passed, he went to Snow God Palace to pick up the clone, went to Wandutian to buy some poison, and hurried back to Yinyangtian immediately.

As long as you avoid the Pure Emperor's Code and become a king smoothly, you won't necessarily be afraid of him when you reappear in the rioting sea.

However, what Han Fei never expected was that the news he released would be sold so outrageously!

In just a few hours, more than one hundred copies of the Avengers’ intelligence and supplementary intelligence have been sold.

Just supplementing the information, it sold for the sky-high price of more than 50 million top-grade spirit stones. Moreover, this stuff is still on sale. It is estimated that selling one hundred million a day should be easy.

At this moment, Song Kaiyuan's face was ugly, so naturally it was for this matter. He completely underestimated the power of Han Fei's intelligence. They only sold a mere 20 million, and this must be known to Han Fei...

Everyone couldn't help looking at Song Kaiyuan with sympathy.

Han Fei trusted him, so he was allowed to handle this matter. Now, the operation is obviously at a loss.

the other side.

The dignified place of the Avengers appeared in the port of Wudi City. Many people receiving in the harbor, when they saw the Avenger, all fell silent.


Suddenly, I saw the entire Avenger, disappearing.

A man in a black robe, and a woman in a red and white gauze walked over from the void.


"It's the Avengers, that's right."

"Who is this next? Is there such a beautiful woman on the Avengers?"

Someone whispered: "Do you know a fart? Regarding the identity of the Avengers~www.ltnovel.com~ It is said that there are some eyebrows. This woman is most likely the pearl princess of the majestic royal family and was given by Han Fei. Abducted!"

Someone was shocked: "Do they really dare? Just show up in such a grand manner? Are you afraid of being targeted?"

Someone sneered: "What about being targeted? This is Wudi City. Who would dare to be wild in Wudi City?"

Someone sighed: "I want to join the Avengers. I don't know if I have this opportunity?"

"Heh! Brother, you think too much. This Avenger, where to go, where to get revenge. You got on the Avenger, I'm afraid you won't be able to get off."

Someone echoed: "Yes, half of the top ten pirate groups have enemies with him. You are going to go, but I will not go anyway."

However, Wudi City has never lacked boldness.

Some people think: The Avengers can survive this situation, its strength must be extraordinary, or it is Han Fei's other means.

Immediately, someone said: "Captain Han Fei, will the Avengers still receive people? I am a high-ranking venerable, strong, and have a chance to join?"

Han Fei was pretending to be forced. Suddenly someone came up with such a sentence, but saw his gaze swept over, and said lightly: "The Avengers accept people, not half kings. Not Tianjiao half kings, don't accept them."


Suddenly, these people in the port were fascinated.

Everyone said in their hearts: You are a half king so much, can you manage it?

However, Han Fei ignored this person at all. He looked at the vast land in the sea, the boundless wilderness, and the towering black stone buildings in the distance...

The siren can walk on the land, there are morphic mackerel people staring sideways, there are octopus monsters twisting and tentacles looking curiously here, there are lobsters crawling on the ground...

In this scene, Han Fei felt that he had come to a monster concentration camp.

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