God of Fishing

Chapter 1847: Dao Gui 1 Sword

Outside, a group of kings are watching the excitement.

However, Han Fei was attentive at this moment.

He has many ways to break that terrifying sword directly. However, I haven't thought of a way to break this sword without causing any impact.

In fact, the key point for Han Fei to break this swordsmanship was not to break it, nor even to protect the torch. If only to protect the torch, Han Feida could engrave the formation around the torch.

But in this way, he lost the meaning of challenging this sword.

At present, Han Fei has gone through so many levels, it seems that all the levels are prepared for this level.

There are too many elements in this ray of sword intent.

Take a breath.

Two interest.

Three breaths.

Han Fei was still backing up, reaching out to the other side of Jian Qi.

Han Fei tried to draw the sword away from the strength of the sword aura. However, every time I can't really start.

Don't look at Han Fei now, even through 17 levels. In fact, each level is no more than a kilometer apart. It seems that he can return it completely.

However, Han Fei did not want to return!

Therefore, Han Fei must come up with a way to crack this attack within a kilometer back.

Similarly, if it is to pass the customs, Han Fei has already passed. However, what Han Fei wants is completion.

For others, this is a pass.

For Han Fei, this was the trial of the teacher, the trial from the Void Temple. The two concepts are completely different from each other.

"The key point of this trial is only comprehension. In other words, if you want to pass this level perfectly, you must first wake up yourself. Te Niang's, if the old Yuan is there, it will be fine."

Han Fei's face was dark, and after a while, he had backed more than 300 meters. The power of sword energy is getting stronger and stronger.

Han Fei held the torch in one hand, while backing away.

Just listen to Han Fei murmured: "This sword includes all the strengths experienced before. It stands to reason that so many avenues are merged together...it will inevitably conflict! I will collapse, but why this sword, But it's okay?"

"This is indeed a sword aura that combines multiple great avenues... but it is a ray of sword aura after all. It is not so much that multiple avenues are merged in this ray of sword aura... Rather, it is this ray of sword aura. Sword energy can be displayed in any form of avenue."

Han Fei raised his hand and saw the Holy Light appear. However, Han Fei didn't strike out, he was just trying.

When the Holy Light blended into the sword aura, Han Fei tried to blend into it with the Grand Avenue of Gravity. As a result, the holy light in his hand was annihilated in an instant.

"No, the great avenues are facing each other. There is absolutely a problem with the sword aura I saw."

Han Fei shook his head slightly, no longer looked at the avenue of sword energy, but backed away in silence.

Until he retreated to about 700 meters, seeing another 300 meters, he was beaten back. If at the last moment, he couldn't crack this sword, so he could only force it to shatter.


At this time, Han Fei felt a gust of wind, very slight.

Suddenly, Han Fei thought: The start of this third trial is to comprehend the charm. Then, continue to increase the difficulty on this basis.

Up to now, the difficulty has increased to the limit, forming this ray of sword aura.

Han Fei couldn't help but remember: How similar was the situation when he was just on the road of invincibility back then?

At the beginning, I made a cut at will, no one else knew how to stop it?

After all, they can't stop Invincible, and they can't avoid it. They can only force their way up, and the result is undoubtedly defeat.

Now, this ray of sword aura is equivalent to the road of invincibility, which is equivalent to cutting oneself with an invincible sword aura. If you are someone else, maybe you can break it.

However, what can truly contend against invincibility can only be a stronger Taoist heart than the invincible road at the time. If the heart is born, then this law is broken!

But, thinking of this, Han Fei's brows frowned even tighter. My own Dao Xin is now strong, but Dao Xin itself can't be used as power?


Suddenly, Han Fei's eyes lit up: What if it is his own way? Since the dismantling of one's own spiritual energy is 100%, Dao Xin is so strong that it can even be said that the entire rioting sea is unmatched.

Unless, in the midst of this turbulent sea, some people have dismantled the spiritual energy to 100%.

My Dao Heart is so powerful, how can I be afraid of a ray of sword energy in this mere ray?

This ray of sword aura has many Taoist rhymes, and he has also mastered many Taoists. Massive combat skills, but can't break this sword alone? Isn't it laughable?


The distance of retreat has reached 800 meters.

Han Fei suddenly smiled.

Just listen to Han Fei: "What's the use of cultivating thousands of great skills? In the end, it is not as strong as a ray of sword energy... it is better to give up!"


I saw Han Fei suddenly stop, his fingers slowly stretched out, turning into a sword. This sword does not contain any Dao rhymes, but it seems to contain many Dao rhymes.

This sword was simple and unpretentious, like a child stab, extremely slow, and like a king's blow, overwhelming.

When Han Fei used this sword, Zhang Luotian from outside, his eyes brightened, and he immediately shouted, "So daring."

Bai Yue said in shock: "I got it! This kid actually got it the first time."

Yan Meng: "What he has realized seems to be different. His ray of sword aura is even more complicated than the Eighteen Divine Sword. However, it seems that it is extremely pure."

The bearded man couldn't help but grinned and said: "Awesome, awesome, no wonder you can get the inheritance of Yin and Yang Heavenly Palace Lord in a half-king state. Sure enough, there is still capital!"

At this moment, Han Fei gave up a lot of Daoyun and gave up a thousand combat skills.

However, this simplest blow was in line with Tao.

Seemingly simple, but with invincible mood; seemingly insignificant, but sharp and sharp.

But Han Fei's Dao Xin does not represent Han Fei's Dao Xin. Han Fei has so many avenues, this blow is actually a sword that aggregates many avenues.

Even Han Fei's combat skills are all integrated into this sword. At least, in this sword, Han Fei forgot how many tactics...

At this moment, Han Fei created a swordsmanship.


There must be a slight noise, and I saw Han Fei's fingertips, as if hitting the king's air.

One pointed out that there is only one belief: the sword will break the barrier.

At this moment, Han Fei's left hand is holding a torch, and his right hand points the sword, sticking out.

In the front, the ray of sword energy that gathered all the avenues was crushed by Han Fei with the power of two fingers. The raging storm of sword energy, starting with Han Fei's two fingers, instantly crushed the sword energy ahead.

However, it is a pity that Han Fei also doesn't know: How strong is the blow he has displayed? Because my field of vision is limited. After the power burst, he was gone.


Han Fei let out a long sigh. Fortunately, at the last moment, I realized it myself.

Han Fei couldn't help lowering his head and looked at his fingers.

At that moment, Han Fei felt that his attack was very strong, stronger than the fist mark of sacrificing one's life, and better than drawing a sword. In terms of explosive power, it is stronger than these two great techniques, which means that this is an extremely great technique that can cross the border.

Han Fei couldn't help but sighed slightly: "Unfortunately, I only realized this trick. If I can realize a set, who is the opponent?"


Outside, someone couldn't help but say silently: "This kid, what do you think? He still wants to understand something like this? If it weren't for the enlightenment of these eighteen divine swords, he would become a king, and he would not be able to realize this blow. ."

Zhang Luotian said: "Okay! Enlightenment for half a day, my records in Emperor Wudi City have been broken, so what are you blowing?"


At this moment, the corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly aroused, and he couldn't help saying: "Zhang Xuanyu's stinky show, look, only you can create your own combat skills, right? Waiting for me to go back, I will show you to death..."

Han Fei licked the corners of his mouth: "What should be called such a strong blow? Hmm... This great technique is based on Dao Xin, and it is the result of abandoning and forgetting many combat skills... Hey, Isn’t it that Ren Tianfei’s fist imprint of the old man came up with that? No, I can’t learn from this old man. I have a name that I can call... This is the sword of Daoyun. When Dao Yun converged, it was called... One-finger Dao Sword? No, no, too weak. This is clearly a fusion of many great avenues... My, great avenues into one sword! This name is good, so it's called this."

Han Fei couldn't help but grinned: Dadao Guiyijian.

This is the first time in his life that he has created a combat technique. Moreover, it is comparable to the super skill of sacrificing fist and drawing a knife, enough to blow it by yourself.


After breaking the sword of the eighteenth pass, Han Fei came to the stone platform at this pass~www.ltnovel.com~ and lit the stone platform with a torch.

At the moment when the stone platform was lit, Han Fei sighed: This is only the eighteenth level, it is already so difficult. If there are still nineteenth and twenty levels, do you still have to create your own combat skills?

However, when the torch was lit, Han Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

Han Fei's eyes were no longer dark, but white.

Han Fei saw: There are steps in front of him. Above the steps, a giant gate stands, not the bronze gate, but what?


Han Fei swallowed and looked back, only to see that he seemed to be above the sky. Behind him is the blue sky, with clouds and mist lingering below.


Han Fei couldn't help swallowing again: "Should I, have you come to Nantian Gate?"

As soon as there was no one here, Han Fei had expected it: he was probably the first one to come here.

It's a pity that I can't tell Xia Xiaochan about my feelings...

However, even if I told Xia Xiaochan, there was no way!

I walked with her, not the same way.

Xia Xiaochan didn't have as many avenues as her own, so she was destined not to use the avenue to break the sword.

But no matter what, Han Fei knew: Xia Xiaochan broke through that sword forcefully. The previous levels could not stop her either.

Han Fei's expectation was correct: This bronze door should be the second half of the trial.

Yan Meng said: What is being tested here is the comprehension of the soul, think about it, it should be related to the soul?

Thinking of this, Han Fei stepped on the steps.

However, when Han Fei was standing on a step, he suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Han Fei turned his head suddenly, but immediately took a breath.

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