God of Fishing

Chapter 1848: Soul body practice

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The moment Han Fei turned around, he was fascinated.

Han Fei saw: At this moment, there is another self, standing under the steps.

Han Fei's first reaction was to take a look at himself and quickly determined his current state. He is clearly a soul body now.

No wonder Yan Meng said: This third trial has two parts: the physical trial and the soul trial. Co-author, what I have just experienced is just a physical trial.

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: It's just a physical trial, if it's so difficult, then what is this trial of the soul?

Of course, what Han Fei said is the difficulty of perfect clearance.

If it is forced to break the barrier, the difficulty of the previous physical trial can only be said to be okay. In level 18, at least 50% to 60% of the testers can be wiped out.

At this moment, Han Fei stepped up the stairs, he hadn't felt the test from this divine soul trial yet.

Han Fei also doesn't know: What is the test of this trial?

I thought that this place would be like an ideal palace. However, when Han Fei wanted to call out his weapon, it was useless at all.

It's just that when Han Fei wanted to use power, he felt that his soul was available, but he didn't know how to use it.

This feeling is like that there is a power bound in this soul body, unable to burst out the power.

Divine Soul can be used for combat, Han Fei’s Celestial Sting, Yin-Yang Reincarnation Knife, and Soul Eater Roar can all be used as Divine Soul combat skills.

Han Fei raised his hand, wanting to burst out the power of the **** thorn. However, I don't know why, this power stayed at my fingertips, unable to burst out, as if locked by the soul body.

No, Han Fei just ascended a hundred steps. For some reason, he felt a little warm on his body. However, Han Fei knew: This is not a physical body, but a soul body.

The soul body, how can it become hot?

After seeing it, Han Fei continued to climb and climbed up the ladder. Finally, the heat on Han Fei's body turned into a hot sting.

At this time, Han Fei stopped and looked at the bronze door.

That door seemed to be a door high in the nine heavens. Looking from the bottom up, it is very majestic.

At this time, Han Fei noticed: Above the bronze door, in the T-shaped portrait, the snake-like figure seemed to have strange light in his eyes.

"It turns out that this is the test?"

The eyes of others, like divine light, suppressed his soul body. A look in his eyes forced the power of his own soul, which could not be released at all.

Sure enough, everything is for a reason!

I just came up, after walking through a thousand steps, I already encountered this kind of situation. If nothing happens, if you step up to the next level, you will experience another feeling.

This seems to be the custom in front of bronze doors.

Last time, last time, it was all coercion.

And this time, it was just another way, and the suppression was only the soul.

Of course, even if the road behind was dangerous, it would not be possible to stop Han Fei.

Han Fei has already come here in order to pass the examination of the Void Temple.

Han Fei admits: I have passed the previous trials perfectly. You must never lose this level!

The bronze door is right in front of him, although Han Fei doesn't know what the so-called fourth trial is? However, the bronze door is at this level, and I must get it.


When Han Fei lifted his foot and stepped over a thousand barriers, he felt his soul, as if burning.

It was completely different from the faint tingling just now.

This kind of burning is like being caught in the flames. Although he didn't cause harm to his soul body, the painful feeling was clearly abnormal.


In an instant, five days passed.

I saw that on the steps, another person suddenly appeared.

If Han Fei looked back, he would definitely find that, beyond his expectation, the people here were not from Taiqing Palace and Wujitian, nor from Chaos Dropping the Dragon, but Song Kaiyuan.

In other words, Song Kaiyuan has extensive knowledge of Guangji and has a wealth of knowledge. After going through the 18th level, he meditated for five days and finally found a solution.

At this moment, when Song Kaiyuan appeared in front of this step, he saw Han Fei's back at first glance.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his gaze and saw the immortal, magnificent and breathtaking bronze door.


Song Kaiyuan couldn't help taking a breath, and slowly walked to Han Fei's side and said, "Captain, what are you doing here? Why don't you climb?"

However, Song Kaiyuan asked this but did not get a response.

When he turned his head to look, he found that Han Fei was like a piece of wood, motionless, as if he hadn't heard himself at all.


Song Kaiyuan immediately realized something was wrong.

When he looked at this step again, he seemed to understand something. This level should be a trial of the soul, and since Han Fei did not respond, it means that his soul is probably undergoing the trial.

Song Kaiyuan immediately glanced back, then stood beside Han Fei, and stepped up the steps in the same step.

Song Kaiyuan was moved by this step.

He suddenly turned his head, but found that his physical body was also set in place. Immediately, he understood. Sure enough, this divine soul trial is a trial method that is free from the flesh.

However, he looked up, but he did not see Han Fei's soul body.

His first reaction was: It wasn't that Han Fei had an accident, but that he couldn't see it at all.

The soul bodies on this road cannot see each other at all. This also made the divine soul trials that everyone experienced seemed to be a way to complete alone.

outside world.

Yan Meng said, "When we arrive at the Divine Soul Proving Ground, we won't be able to see it. However, there are a lot of people who have been wiped out now. It is estimated that a thousand people will go in for the trial in the end... it is already very rare."

Zhang Luotian said: "Leave Han Fei aside, Taixuantian's people are really incomparable in intelligence. This Song Kaiyuan cracked the Eighteen Divine Sword, and his junior sister followed. Taixuantian is not good at fighting. , But it cannot be underestimated."


In other words, when Song Kaiyuan stepped onto the steps, if he could see, he would definitely find that Han Fei was sitting cross-legged on the 1999 steps.

At this moment, above Han Fei's soul, a raging flame was burning.

This strong flame does not burn the soul, but destroys the will.

However, Han Fei has an invincible heart and a firm Dao heart. How can this mere flame burn through himself?

However, what made Han Fei stand still was because he saw: on the upper steps, there was a figure. The figure seemed to be waiting for himself.

Intuition tells Han Fei that once he walks through the 2000 steps, he can only escape if he starts a fight with that person.

Can't make a move, this is my biggest problem right now.

It stands to reason: his soul body also possesses a lot of power, but it is suppressed.

In the past, Han Fei had considered the soul body, but he only thought that he had the soul body combat skills to repair, that is, the soul body was fighting. However, it is not.

At this moment, Han Fei discovered: Divine Soul combat technique is only Divine Soul combat technique. It was most likely a manifestation of the power of the soul with the help of the physical body.

But now, without the physical body, and only having a pure soul body, Han Fei suddenly discovered that all his power is bound by his soul body and cannot burst out.

Han Feixindao: The 2000 floors in front can be leveled with Daoxin alone. However, this last thousand layers is not that simple.

At this moment, Han Fei is constantly urging his momentum. However, he always felt that the power was in his body, but it just couldn't be used.

After half a month.

Han Fei is still trying again and again.

Han Fei looked back many times and saw the number of people under the steps as many as a hundred. And Xia Xiaochan was among these hundred people.

However, he did not see: the soul body of any of them appeared on this step.

Han Fei guessed: The soul body is probably not visible to ordinary people. Just like the original Yin'er, she often haunts the Sky Meditation Garden, but how many people can see Yin'er?

On this day, Han Fei was upset and cursed secretly: "There can be no power, but it can't be used! Unless...this power is fake."

Han Fei missed that. But if the power is false, why can I feel it?


Just at this moment ~www.ltnovel.com~ Han Fei felt that a figure appeared on the same step not far from him.

The figure seemed to be suffering from tremendous pain. As soon as I got up the steps, I just squatted down and sat on the steps, panting.

"Song Kaiyuan?"

Han Fei said in surprise: "Are you here?"

Song Kaiyuan was also taken aback, and looked at Han Fei, who was sitting cross-legged here, but all over relaxed.

"Captain? So, where are you?"

Han Fei couldn't help but glanced back: "So, you can only see it when you come to this step?"

Song Kaiyuan said, "That's the case. But, Captain, how long have you been sitting here? As soon as I came, I saw your body and stood there."

Han Fei suddenly said annoyed: "Stop talking. I have been sitting here for half a month."

Song Kaiyuan: "..."

At Song Kaiyuan, the whole person was not good: What Han Fei meant was that it only took him half a day to pass the previous physical trial?

However, thinking of Han Fei's special status, Song Kaiyuan was silent: Who is the owner of the fairy palace?

Just listen to Song Kaiyuan: "Captain, you don't seem to be in pain, why are you still sitting here?"

Han Fei snorted and said, "Hey! There seems to be someone in front of me. I am full of strength, but I can't break out, and I may not be able to beat him."

Song Kaiyuan stared at the steps, looked at it for a long time, and then replied, "Why can't I burst out with strength?"

Han Fei looked sideways: "Could it be that your power can burst?"

Song Kaiyuan was stunned for a while, and saw him wave his hand casually, and the phantom of the Shutian pen appeared. When the Jietian pen was portrayed in the air, the soul power sword light appeared, which directly stared Han Fei in a daze.


Han Fei suddenly became speechless: "What did you do?"

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