God of Fishing

Chapter 1871: Yin and Yang Grinding Disc

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After a long time of accumulation, at least Han Fei felt that after a long time, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai finally became respected. It stands to reason that the growth of the companion spirit is usually not slower than that of the master, but Han Fei's growth is too fast, causing his companion spirit, the contract spirit beast to grow very slowly.

The only thing that amazes Han Fei is the Emperor Sparrow. According to the speed of the Emperor Sparrow, I am afraid that it will only take a few more years before he can gain the honor.

Of course, Han Fei decided to stay in Yin and Yang for decades, so he was not in a hurry. I have a world of refining and time to accelerate. If Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are given a ten-year situation, it will be equivalent to more than three hundred years. Why not worry about their strength?


Xiaobai's breakthrough was completed, and appeared in front of Han Fei like a wisp of white silk flying across the sky. At this moment, Xiaobai's eyes were clever, and she lost his immatureness.

Xiao Hei looked even more cold, like a lurking hunter, ready to give the enemy a fatal blow.

What Han Fei was surprised at right now was that yin and yang grinding disc technique. This is the big grinding wheel that seals the barren abyss, but when Xiao Hei Xiao Bai breaks through, he awakens?

Doesn't this mean that he can also exert the power of this yin and yang grinding disc now?

Han Fei couldn't help thinking, "Yin and Yang grinding disc."


Seen suddenly, above the sea. The vortex suddenly grew, and the yin and yang map of one thousand meters grew larger and larger, expanding outward at a very fast speed. It stretched for about 800 miles before it slowly stopped.

The yin and yang grinding discs, black and white are reversed. I saw that the surrounding masses of energy converged, the waves of anger surged, getting bigger and bigger, and the spiritual energy and energy within thousands of miles converged at an extremely fast speed.

These energy entered the grinding disc, and under the crushing of the Yin and Yang grinding disc, in the center just above the grinding disc, incomparably pure energy and aura emerged.

Han Fei couldn't help being surprised. How similar is this yin-yang millstone to the one that seals the wild abyss? Transform the mixed energy and aura into pure aura and energy.

Moreover, the speed of absorption and transformation is beyond my expectations.

Almost in an instant, Han Fei thought of one thing, if the Yin-Yang Grinding Disc is used in the Wild Abyss, who else can practice faster than himself?

Even though he understood this truth, Han Fei had nothing to repair now. In addition to the power of the soul, he was actually a king now.

After all, in the refining world, I have too many resources available, and I only need to wait a few days before I take Yin'er to the Sky Meditation Garden and become a king, and he is officially on the agenda.

With a thought, Han Fei lifted the yin and yang grinding disc, put away Xiao Hei Xiao Bai, and walked away directly.

After half an hour.

Han Fei stood and appeared in the rift in the abyss, in the secret realm of the Nine Palaces.

Han Fei placed both the Narcissus and the Divine Child in this outer world fairyland. At this moment, when he came back again, he suddenly discovered that two-thirds of this mysterious realm had been swallowed by the Narcissus. The upper and lower thirds remain the same. And where the son of God was, it grew into a small red sapling half a meter high.

Han Fei couldn't help but said speechlessly: "God, you are a bit slower, right? At this rate, in two years, the teacher will be able to give birth to spiritual wisdom, and you probably have no place to survive."

Han Fei swept away the senses and found no sign of spiritual consciousness recovery, so he left here.

On the offshore platform, no one is here now. Because there is an inexplicable sucking around here, it will **** away people's aura energy, causing them to be inaccessible within 20,000 miles.

When Han Fei arrived, he stretched out his hand and a directional teleportation array appeared.

When Han Fei stepped into the teleportation formation, he came directly to the altar of the offshore platform. It stands to reason that with the skill of Emperor Sparrow, it should not be difficult to know that he is here.

Sure enough, a voice soon appeared in Han Fei's mind: "Come again at the time of Wang Jie."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei's whole person was not good at that time, yes, you are all masters, can't I leave?

I thought I was going to leave for a day, but Han Fei didn't even use a day, so he touched Huihui's nose and returned to Broken Star Island. He said in his heart that there are millions of resources in me that you don't know how to cherish.

When Han Fei came back, he happened to meet Xia Xiaochan and Luo Xiaobai who were arranging the Forest of Terror.

Because Luo Xiaobai hadn't accepted Han Fei's Innocent Profound Body inheritance, the first time he saw Han Fei, he glared at him.

When Ziluo, Haizhu and others saw Han Fei's return, they immediately became frustrated.

Just listen to Luo Xiaobai said: "Your demon plant in the Forest of Terror, because the size is too large, the demon plant who cannot be normalized at the moment, really don't station near Broken Star Island. I am already on the sea map of Yin and Yang, I'll give you more than ten places where the upper grassland-like spiritual plants live. You can live in temporarily. However, you must set up a habitat nearby, and the strong half-king must have someone sit in the town..."

Luo Xiaobai talked a lot, and when he finished speaking, Han Fei added: "Also, the demon plant of the Forest of Terror can exchange resources with humans. Don't be stingy with your spiritual fruit and spiritual liquid. , If you want to integrate into my human race, you need to come up with some practical benefits."

Haizhuren: "This is nature, I am the Forest of Terror. There are not many others, but the number of spirit fruits is extremely large. Every year we will provide more than 100,000 spirit fruits for establishing diplomatic relations with the human race."

Luo Xiaobai took a look, and said that Han Fei's words were different. He had mentioned it once before, but this Haizhu person did not respond.

As a result, Han Fei was next to him, and only added an understatement. The Haizhu people even gave detailed numbers.

Just listen to Han Fei saying again: "By the way, I know you have a gap with the Monster Beast Alliance, but if the Monster Beast Alliance settles in my Yin and Yang Heaven in the future, both of you will not fight again. Of course, I will also restrain the Monster Beast. People of the Alliance, don’t fight with you."

Zi Luo: "Han Fei Immortal Lord, the war between the Forest of Terror and the Monster Beast Alliance was originally due to a resource dispute. Now that the human races are in the middle, there is no need to compete for resources with each other, naturally there is no reason to fight again."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "That's all right, you go to arrange the Demon Zhi to come over! Most Demon Zhi in the explorer realm, still don't let them leave the cage or leave the cage too far. At present, the cultivation of Yin and Yang days Resources are limited. Since they can practice in a cage, it is best not to compete with humans for resources."

Although Zi Luo and others didn't want to, they could only nod their heads. After all, no one wants to stay in a cage anymore. However, at present, there are indeed limited resources.

Ziluo asked tentatively: "The Immortal Lord Han Fei, although Yaozhi can't enter the resource Yinyangtian in large quantities, can he come to the world occasionally to see it? After all, most Yaozhi stayed in cages for a lifetime."

Han Fei nodded: "Yes. If you can change into a human form, no matter how different it is, you can visit Broken Star Island and stay temporarily."

The few people from Ziluo breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and quickly handed over: "Thanks to Immortal Lord Han Fei."


As soon as things were over here, Han Fei's heart moved, and his avatar came back?

After a while.

After Han Fei collected the external avatar into the refining world, he said to Luo Xiaobai and Xia Xiaochan: "As expected, the Monster Beast Alliance and the Human Race Immortal City have appeared in Shuimutian. I have to go there. trip."

And half a day later.

Mizuki sky.

Because Xia Xiaochan was cooperating with Luo Xiaobai to accept the people in the Forest of Terror, only Han Fei came.

In the passage, Han Fei felt the power of sealing the passage, and this force was trying desperately to suppress himself. Yes, Han Fei's shoulders are under a lot of pressure.

However, the power of this seal has not been able to completely suppress Han Fei. It can be said that if Han Fei really fights back now, this channel may not really be able to block it.

After Han Fei came out, he had seen Qianmu and the dead tree guarding the passage. One step directly across to the fairy palace.

Han Fei's sudden arrival, without any warning, caused the Lord Bat, who had been guarding here all the year round, to suddenly change his face.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Can the queen be here?"

Venerable Bat warned; "Yes! Your strength surpasses the half king?"

Han Fei smiled softly: "Forget it!"

I didn't talk to Venerable Bat~www.ltnovel.com~ The figure of Han Fei appeared directly in the teleportation array, and appeared in the fairy palace the next moment.

Jing'er was not there. Han Fei was at the entrance. Looking from a distance, she saw the Queen of Life watering the flowers.

Han Fei: "Junior Sister, why are you still working with the Monster Beast Alliance? My external incarnation should explain the situation. The Monster Beast Alliance is our ally."

The Queen of Life looked up: "You come to question me?"

Han Fei's expression was slightly dark: "I'm criticizing you for questions or not."


Han Fei only felt that the power of the king was pouring in in an instant, but now he dared to call himself a senior brother, and he was afraid of the queen of life.

I saw Han Fei's momentum suddenly rise, and he broke through this force in an instant.

The Queen of Life's palm shook slightly, and her heart was so terrible that her strength had increased, and she was invincible in the fairy palace?

Just listen to Han Fei: "There is nothing to be surprised, and we have nothing to do. I will tell you about the outside pattern, and you will know that whether it is my Yinyangtian or your Shuimutian, now I am extremely lacking in strength."

The Queen of Life frowned: "They wanted to become a king as soon as they came out, and they too regarded this place as their own home. The resources of Shuimutian and the rhyme of heaven and earth are at best enough to become a king. Now, why is it their turn? ?"

Han Fei: "You are wrong. Up to ten years, the total number of sea-opening realms with Yin-Yang and Shuimu-tian, requires more than five people. In another ten years, it is best to reach ten. Believe me, the cage is broken , The resources and the rhyme of heaven and earth are sure to be enough for people to become kings."

The third thing... In these two days, I need to prepare for becoming a king... Deal with chores... Do you want to see Han Fei become a king? It's only a few days anyway...

(End of this chapter)

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