God of Fishing

Chapter 1872: Get through the inside and outside of the cage

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In Han Fei's view, the Queen of Life is too conservative.

In the past, it was completely understandable that Cao Tianzhi and Tang Yan were not allowed to come to Shuimutian.

After all, there were internal and external troubles at that time.

If the strong man in the Yin and Yang sky also runs here to cross the robbery and become a king, the relationship between the two sides will not only completely collapse...maybe, there will be an additional enemy.

But this time, another time.

The confinement of the cage is broken, but not all enemies are in the cage. The two forces of the Monster Beast Alliance and the Human Race Undead City must be received by Shuimutian and Yinyangtian.

The Queen of Life glanced at Han Fei deeply: "Tell me why I have to accept it."

Han Fei said, "You should know where I have been in the past two years."

The Queen of Life nodded slightly: "Although I don't know how you went out, you shouldn't be in Yin Yang and Shuimu Tian in the past two years."

Han Fei stood up: "The outside world is called Riot Canghai. The remaining 26 fairy palaces are divided into 13 days in the inner region and 13 days in the outer region. They are not united. In addition to the human race, there are Wudi City, the Hundred Monster Race, and the Undersea Human Race. A line of giant beasts, the royal family of the sharks, the top ten pirate groups and many other forces. Among them, the top ten pirate groups come out randomly, and all have kings. The other major forces, at least one sea-breaking realm strong, There are dozens of powerful sea-breakers. Oh, as for the Venerable State, I can tell you frankly, the number of the Venerable State is no less than 100,000 in the entire riot. As for the Explorer State, it is countless. Now, do we need to care about Shui Mutian having one king or two kings?"

The Queen of Life frowned slightly: "Outland is so powerful?"

Han Fei shrugged, "It's worse than I said. Let me tell you that, where we are in Yinyangtian and Shuimutian, we are actually just a Jedi in the riots. To get in and out of this place requires special The method. And the breakage of the cage here should be related to my entry and exit. I will give you an estimate. It will not exceed a hundred years, and the entire cage will inevitably collapse. At that time, we will no longer be able to prevent the entry of strong outsiders."

Queen of Life: "Have a grudge?"

Han Fei sneered; "More than hatred? Enmity is as deep as the sea. The Golden Crow did not appear in Shui Mutian inexplicably. More than 80,000 years ago, the Golden Crow, the Nine Palaces, the Jellyfish, and the Yin and Yang Four Palaces came here because of a certain The pursuit of these fairy palaces. This enmity has been settled for 80,000 years, do you think it can be resolved easily?"

The Queen of Life pondered for a moment: "What strength are you now?"

Just after feeling it, the Queen of Life discovered: Han Fei's strength has exceeded her imagination.

Although Han Fei is still in the half-king state, this half-king state and the previous Han Fei are completely different from each other.

At the moment just now, she felt: Han Fei had no feelings for her strength.

Han Fei grinned and said, "If there is another chance, Emperor Bai Jia is in my hands, so I should not be able to make a hundred moves."


The Queen of Life was shocked, and half of the clean water in the scoop in her hand was spilled. Han Fei's words have another meaning. With her current strength, in front of Han Fei, shouldn't be a hundred tricks?

The Queen of Life has never thought: Han Fei will grow so fast!

Only a few years ago? When Han Fei first entered Shuimutian, his law enforcement peaked. Now, in a sudden change, can you cross the border to kill the king?

Queen of Life: "The Monster Beast Alliance and the Human Race Undead City, you go to negotiate... you want to break through in the water and wood sky, but if something goes wrong, I don't necessarily have that ability."

Han Fei smiled and said: "No need to go around. When they understand the current situation, they naturally know how dangerous their own situation is? We are the most, and only have a hundred years of life. During these hundred years, if we can't practice the water, wood, and cloudy sky. Those who have improved their strength by two or three levels...When the cage is broken and the desperate situation is opened, everyone is in danger."

"Two or three grades?"

The corners of the queen of life's mouth twitched, and her heart said: What you said, don't you have a toothache? The improvement of the overall strength of a clan cannot be accomplished overnight at all!

Upgrade two or three grades?

This means: the average strength of the entire race spans two or three dimensions. Once, the mainstream of hanging anglers was going to become the mainstream of explorers... What an exaggeration is this?

Han Fei said, "The broken cage is actually a good thing. A large amount of spiritual energy and energy in the cage poured into Yin-Yang Sky and Shuimu Sky. This force will sweep the two realms in a short time. People's spiritual foundation , It must be upgraded at least two grades. So, I am not exaggerating, at least I have to try."

The Queen of Life looked at Han Fei: "As you said, how many more kings can block the bunch of outside forces?"

Han Fei shook his head slightly: "No! However, I have already drawn six immortal palaces as an ally in the outside world. Although it is still not enough, at least we need to work hard to grow. Others, wait until I become a king. ."

Queen of Life: "You are yin and yang sky, and you are still suppressed by the eyes of the law of heaven, how do you become a king?"

Han Fei: "I have my own plans. I am here just to convince you. After all, I am more persuasive than an external avatar."

Queen of Life: "They are on the Wall of Death near the Blood Sea God Wood City, and on the Baibei King City... Now, the two forces are trapped in the cage by me. Jing'er and the Insect King are with them Negotiation..."

Han Fei nodded: "That's right, I will deal with this matter."


Cracks in the cage.

On the Monster Beast Alliance, big monsters gather, and the strong are like clouds. An army of hundreds of thousands of explorers, ready to go, wailing constantly.

At this moment, the beast roared at the crack behind the old sheep.

Xiong Chaoshuai: "Lao Yang, when do we have to wait? The Bull Demon has been there for a day. Up to now, there is still no letter. Isn't it... that **** doesn't care about us?"

Mad Lion: "Don't fart! Talk about it a little bit. Brother Niu said that he is going to the main body. The strength of his Junior Venerable Realm will naturally slow down."

Jiao Mengyue: "Be patient, don't be too impulsive. After all, there is a king here. It's no good for us to fall out."

Ma Youhun: "Look at the arrangement of the old sheep, what's the use of you just wailing?"

At this moment, Yang Shenji was standing in the crack, chatting with Jingjing.

The sheep **** said: "Girl, your strength has reached the pseudo-king level, right?"

Quietly shook his head; "There is no such thing as a false king. A king is a king. How can the truth be said?"

Yang Shenji sighed: "The old man sees your luck, which is quite extraordinary. I am afraid that it will be the next king here. Your queen, should you be a king to cultivate?"

Tranquility: "I won't talk to you. You old man, you are very bad. When Han Fei comes, he will tell you."

Yang Shenji smiled and said, "He will let us out."

Tranquility was silent for a moment.

According to Han Fei's situation, accepting these people should indeed be acceptable. However, they can go to Yin Yang Tian! In this way, the Queen does not have to worry.


At this moment, suddenly, the void vibrated, and a figure appeared beside Tranquility as if it appeared out of thin air.

Tranquility was surprised: "Are you here? These people say they know you very well. However, no matter how familiar you are, you can't help but ask! What do you think?"

Over there, Yang Shenji looked at Han Fei: "Are you here?"

Han Fei nodded slightly and looked at Tranquility: "Okay, I've already told the Queen of Life, I can let them in. Even if it becomes a king, it doesn't matter."

Tranquility: "How is it possible? The world's resources are limited. So many of them come in and eat our homes directly, how can it work?"

Han Fei said, "It's not that exaggerated. The fate of all races is the same in this disaster. I will tell you the specific reasons. But for now, let them in first."

Tranquility: "Don't lie to me."

Han Fei: "I lied to you to have sweets? Here, this is a ray of her mind and soul, you see for yourself."

Han Fei handed Tranquility a touch of blue jade slip.

The sense of tranquility swept away, only to hear the Queen of Life said: "Listen to Han Fei."

Tranquility gritted his teeth, stomped his feet and said: "Let's go! Go in, go in, go in..."

Here, when Yang Shenji heard it, he immediately opened his mouth, spit out a strange light, leading to the crack. I only saw behind the cracks, densely packed, all kinds of monsters.

Jin Hu wailed: "Brother Niu, have you negotiated this? The cage is cracked, why are they blocking us?"

Xiong Chaoshuai: "Brother Niu, are you a half-king? Or, before joining you, who came to our Monster Beast Alliance, is just an external incarnation?"

Han Fei was speechless: Did I tell you...I have made breakthroughs all the way in a few years?

Just listen to Han Fei yelling: "Everyone, don't yell at first. Venerable Realm~www.ltnovel.com~ first come out and talk."

With Han Fei's words, a group of monsters couldn't wait.

I saw a few lightning flashes, lightning and other Leopards appearing outside the cage.

After that, Mad Lion, Xiong Chaoshuai, Jinhu, Jiao Mengyue, etc. all flashed out.

Just listen to the crazy lion said: "The spiritual energy here is too thin, right?"

Xiong Chaoshuai exclaimed: "I have never seen such a quiet sea."

Han Fei looked at the windy sea. What do you call quietness?

Jiao Mengyue: "It's very safe here. It's comfortable, it's too comfortable! It's like a massage."

Ma Youhun said with a smile; "Yes, although the quality of the aura is a bit poor, but we always come back."

For a time, 300 respects, all appeared outside.

At this time, Han Fei said, "Don’t yell, everyone, listen to me first. Here, the aura is thin, and it’s much weaker than the cage. And the range here is only 8 million miles...So, if you do it all at once Come out all, the aura and energy possessed here will make the cultivation of most people stagnate. Therefore, my advice is not to come out all at once. We will open up the inside and outside of the cage, and then exchange the existence of..."

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