God of Fishing

Chapter 1880: Dragon Transformation

In fact, Han Fei could not use it to find Canglong.

Anyway, the corpse of the Canglong Dragon is on his body, so he can use it whenever he wants.

Anyway, he now also mastered the Dragon Slashing Technique. Later, if there is a real problem, it will be done by directly killing the blue dragon.

However, this Canglong and my mother had an agreement to guard the Chaos Yuanshui physically for tens of thousands of years. Its grudge with Zhao Jianglong is not a grudge with Yin Yang Tian. Therefore, things can and cannot be done.

I said at the beginning: I took the golden page and helped it find the corpse.

Now the page was found, and the body was found. Even if you want to use it, you must use it with integrity.

On the eve of crossing the catastrophe, although Han Fei wanted to gain more Chaos Qi, similarly, he did not want to leave any obstacles in his heart.

At this moment, Han Fei pointed at Canglong with a bad expression: "A mere drop of Canglong essence and Dragon Transformation Art wants to get a corpse from me for nothing? Under the world, such a beautiful thing is only in a dream."

Canglong's huge body, slowly, the entire dragon head came out, the two stared at each other for full breath.

Han Fei's surging fierce spirit left Canglong's heart lingering.

This son is totally two people.

His own coercion had no effect on him.

It secretly said: This person's strength, I am afraid, has reached a very strong point. At least, it has reached the point of preparing to cross the catastrophe. Otherwise, it is impossible to need so much Chaos Qi.

After a hundred breaths, Canglong finally compromised: "You can take the Chaos Qi. What you did is nothing more than this. Give you a drop of essence and blood and the great dragon transformation technique. You give me my body."

Han Fei said: "One more condition is needed."

Canglong whispered: "Neither humans nor dragons are as greedy as you. You want too much? Although the dragon is trapped, it's really crazy. Just look at me. Can you shake this place?"

Han Fei said indifferently: "This condition is very simple. You need to tell me about the Dragon Race and why the Dragon Race is going to war with the humans in the Dragon Sky? After all, they are the humans who summon you."

Canglong was asked this question suddenly, and immediately felt a bad feeling: Zhao Jianglong's soul ball, chasing himself for too long, almost killed himself. Now, this person is also a human, will he have something to do with Jianglongtian?

Canglong said: "I don't understand what you are talking about?"

Han Fei snorted: "This is nothing to pretend. I know about Jianglongtian. I know about Zhao Jianglong. He is still trapped in a formation and cannot get out. He is him. I am me, I just need to know more about the Dragon Race. For example, how did you come here? Do you belong to this era?"

Canglong: "What do you want to do?"

Han Fei: "I want to understand the situation outside the riots. You should know, where is the riots? If you say you don’t know, you will assume that I have never been here today. Let me see if you can be blamed. ?"

Canglong hesitated a little: "My dragons, naturally, have not fallen into the long torrent of time. However, it is no longer the glory of the year. The reason why it will descend on the Dragon Sky is because of the Royal Dragon Art of this ancient era. , Was excavated. And this person who descended from the sky has the technique of cultivating this imperial dragon art. My dragon family has a high bloodline. How can ordinary humans be able to impede them with a high lifespan? But, although they do not Master the essence of dragon dragon art, but can summon us through the endless void. As a result, you should know that if my dragon clan refuses to accept it, it will naturally go to war."

"Yulong Jue?"

Han Feixin said: Then Zhao Jianglong still hid his hand! He taught himself dragon cutting skills, but didn't teach himself dragon dragon art.

At least, it sounds like Yulong Jue is a higher level than Dragon Slashing Technique.

However, Han Fei now has no interest in this Yulong Art.

Zhao Jianglong almost destroyed the entire descending dragon sky because of this Yulong tactic, causing the fall of countless human races. If you learn it by yourself, just in case, you will bring in another one that is not easy to deal with... Yin-yang sky, I am afraid it will be ruined.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Where do you dragons live? Is it outside the riotous sea?"

Canglong said: "Naturally, this world is very big. Although the sea of ​​riots is not small, but it is still too small compared to the outer world. In addition to the sea of ​​riots, it is the territory of ten thousand races. There are many ethnic groups there, except for my dragon who lives in the Dragon Palace. In the Dragon Valley, there are countless races. Even in the sea of ​​stars, there are strange beasts rampant. Therefore, this dragon does not think: What kind of intersection will occur with the humans here? What this dragon does Everything is just leaving the riots."

Han Fei was puzzled: "Can you leave?"

Canglong: "Dragons can wander through the endless void. While wandering in the endless void, although you may get lost, you may also open a brand new exit. Although this dragon cannot walk through your rioting sea, it can go from the endless void. go away."

Han Fei despised: At the beginning, you were caught in the endless void. Now, still blowing away from the endless void? Can I believe it?

However, Han Fei is not interested in how the Canglong goes. He only listened to him secretly: "You can tell me as much as possible about the outside world, about the ten thousand races, the relationship with the sea monster, etc. A series of news. Don't worry, I will not talk to What is your request."

However, Canglong shook his head slightly: "I'm afraid I can't tell."

Han Fei wondered: "Why?"

Just listen to Canglong said: "My dragon clan has been hiding from the world for millions of years. What is the outside world you are talking about? I have long been unclear. The ten thousand clan I told you are also from the elders. Although occasionally There are also dragon clan powerhouses who are unwilling to be lonely, and ran out... but they were all gone forever, and there was no news. This turbulent sea is the only place outside the dragon that the dragon has ever been to."

Han Fei: "..."

"Yes, Bai asked, asked Xiao Bai."

Han Fei was speechless at the time.

Han Fei's instinct told himself: This Canglong did not lie to himself. Since I didn't lie to myself, it is possible that this dragon race is indeed an escape from the world.

After asking for a few more words about the place where the Dragon Palace was located, this Canglong also couldn't tell why.

Han Fei couldn't help thinking of Old Turtle's words.

It is a person who has survived from the age of the gods, but when it first talked about the dragon clan, it said that it had never heard of the dragon clan.

Even, it doesn't even know about Dragon Palace.

But if the old tortoise knew the news, he should have told himself long ago, and would not wait until now.

At first glance, the dragon didn't know anything, Han Fei lacked interest in the dragon clan, so naturally he had no interest.

Just listen to him: "I will take your essence and blood. You will give me the dragon transformation technique! If nothing happens, this place will disappear soon. Then, I will take you. Return the body to you."

Canglong obviously hesitated. Doesn't it know whether to believe Han Fei?

When the chaos is gone, it is gone.

What he eats daily is Xuan Huang Qi. Chaos Qi is only a natural force, and Xuan Huang Qi is his main means of fighting.

The dragon transformation technique is actually nothing, it is nothing more than a transformation technique that can obtain a part of the dragon's power.

In a place like Riot Canghai, even if this person has learned the dragon transformation technique, what else can he do besides pretending to be force at the door of his house?

But what Canglong was afraid of was: he gave it, but Han Fei didn't let it go!

Han Fei could naturally see Canglong’s concerns, and only listened to him: "I have no interest in you. I don't think you need to pretend to be stupid with me. You should know where your body is? Why are you suppressed? Where? I’m just telling you that the long river of time here is about to disintegrate. The Heaven’s Dharma Eye is about to disappear. When the day’s Tao Dharma Eye disappears, it is when you leave this place."

Hearing the words, the blue dragon whispered: "Humans, you will cross the king's robbery. You should know the importance of promise! If this matter is deceived, this dragon wants to incarnate into a demon and evil dragon and entangle you."

Han Fei curled his lips and said, "Do you think that I was so idle that I came to lie to you? I just used the chaotic air in your body, isn't it fragrant? I even came to tell you specifically?"

Canglong thought: The same is true. If Han Fei really used his body directly, he really had no way of doing it.


Only saw that Canglong opened his big mouth, and in the dragon's voice, there was a piece of blood jade falling in front of Han Fei.

Han Fei stretched out his hand and touched it for a moment, only to feel that a brand-new and unknown dragon language rushed into his mind.

Just listen to the Canglong said: "If you want to learn how to transform the dragon, you must be based on dragon language."

No, Han Fei thought: Just now, I learned a great skill!

It turned out to have learned Dragon Language. Whoa, whoa, can't you talk normally?

When the dragon language was imprinted in his heart~www.ltnovel.com~Han Fei then felt: in that **** jade, the last message. After it came into my mind, it turned into a big technique.

"The Great Art of Transforming Dragon" [No Product]

Introduction: Dragon Transformation is an inherited combat technique and has no grade support. The Dragon Transformation technique can temporarily transform part of the body, or even the entire body, into the body of the dragon. After performing the Dragon Transformation, you can borrow the power of the dragon clan to get the power of a dragon in the same realm. To cast this technique, dragon language and dragon blood are required as sacrifices.

Deduction: Cannot deduct

Effect: All dragons or some dragons are transformed, and the strength is doubled.

Disadvantages: The Dragon Transformation technique will imprint the dragon breath.

Remarks: This technique is the basic inheritance of the dragon clan's combat skills, and its effectiveness is extraordinary.

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