God of Fishing

Chapter 1881: Yiner Out

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The effect of the dragon transformation technique was beyond Han Fei's expectation. He did not expect it to be a magic technique that could transform dragons and double their strength. Isn't this special, isn't it catching up with the magic?

You know: your own invincible eye will double its combat power.

Thinking of the great technique of transforming dragons, it should be a great technique of all dragon clan. Come to think of it, this may also be the simplest big technique of Canglong.

Although Han Fei still had the heart to blackmail a bit, after all, Canglong was not a human race.

This great dragon transformation technique also requires the essence and blood of the blue dragon to be able to perform. I am afraid that other major techniques are not simple!

This time, I left the ideal palace and put some more Canglong essence blood on myself. Anyway, it would be fine to finally return the corpse of the blue dragon.


The trip to the Ideal Palace went very smoothly, which was beyond Han Fei's expectations.

From Han Fei's entry to the exit, it took less than a day in total.

When leaving the Palace of Ideals, Han Fei thought that his memories would disappear. However, when he felt that there was power trying to interfere with his memory, the Demon Refining Pot actually took the initiative to take the power away.

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: I knew this a long time ago, and I wouldn't be afraid of losing my memory!

outside world.

When Old Turtle saw Han Fei coming out, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Are you so fast? It's not a day since then."

Han Fei: "In the beginning, there was nothing serious. I went to practice in the refining world, you will continue to wait here. It has been a month, and it should be coming out soon."

In the past, the old tortoise lay and practiced in the refining world like the uncle. Regardless of it, I thought it was the master.

In the refining world.

Han Fei came directly to the corpse of the blue dragon, and the thousand-foot-long dragon could see that the corners of Han Fei's mouth were flying.

I saw Han Fei put his hand on the corpse of the Canglong, the palm of his hand, the gourd stuck out the vines, and only listened to Han Fei: "Suck me."

The old tortoise said in surprise: "Are you using the chaotic energy in it? Didn't you say you don't use it before?"

Han Fei: "At this moment, at that moment. Now, I am about to become a king. Didn't you say that Chaos Qi is of great use? Then I must not **** enough?"

The old tortoise was thrilled to see, and he sighed for the dragon in his heart. How bad is your luck? How can you meet Han Fei?

Han Fei's swallowing speed is quite fast.

It only took half a day. When Han Fei's Chaos Qi rose to 5206 strands, the entire body of the blue dragon had shriveled.

The old tortoise couldn't stand it anymore, and only listened to him: "You made the corpse like this, and it will almost become a sloughing snake. Looking back, if you let it out again, will you really not fight?"

Han Fei snorted: "Why am I so stupid?"

Just listened to Han Fei yelled: "Apocalypse."

At that moment, the apocalypse magic technique came, and I saw the flesh and blood of the corpse of the blue dragon, unexpectedly began to recover, and spontaneously drew spiritual energy and energy from Han Fei's refining world.

But for a moment, the corpse of the blue dragon turned into a corpse of the blue dragon with terrifying aura and boundless power.

However, when he saw Han Fei's "chicks", he began to bleed the dragon. He made the ground form a pond specially for bleeding.

While bleeding, Han Fei took a knife and wandered around the blue dragon.

"Clang, clang~"

After a while, I saw four dragon teeth, two dragon horns, hundreds of dragon scales, and tons of dragon meat in front of Han Fei.

Old tortoise: "Are you going to flatten him? Although your apocalyptic magic is very powerful, but it re-grows, it is a new life. He has to nourish him with his own dragon vitality. You once You can do it twice, and if you continue to do it, the dragon will be destroyed."

Han Fei was stunned for a moment: "Oh! Really? Let's forget it. It should be almost the same, just leave it in a complete body!"

The old turtle was speechless. Looking at the pool of dragon blood and hundreds of thousands of tons of dragon meat, if you don't have this apocalypse magic technique to lay the foundation, the dragon corpse will be cut into bones for you.

Han Fei patted the dragon corpse, let out two thunderous booms, and said leisurely: "It's okay, it's very strong."

Old tortoise: "..."


After half a month.

Han Fei couldn't stay anymore. He has read all the books he can read and the spells he can study.

In the refining world, there is time to accelerate, and half a month is more than a year. Han Fei's strength at the moment is beyond repair, so he has to go to the Immortal Palace and Heavenly Dao Fa to fight.

Five days later.

Suddenly, the old turtle reminded: "This ideal palace has changed."


He saw Han Fei "swipe" and instantly appeared outside the ideal palace.

Recently, the Sky Meditation Garden is overcrowded.

Here, it is naturally relatively deserted.

However, at this moment, the entire Palace of Ideals began to vibrate.

Above the Palace of Ideals, a large area of ​​blue light and shadow appeared. Gradually, this blue light and shadow formed a huge beam of light hundreds of miles in diameter, which went straight to the sky.

"Wow! What's the matter? There is something wrong with the ideal palace?"

"It must be Hanshuai. The Sky Meditation Garden is now too crowded to squeeze in. It is said that all the old visualizations there have been removed. The new visualizations are said to be effective on the same day, and the effect is better than Ten times before. Now that there is a problem with the ideal palace, it must be Han Shuai who is transforming again."

"Quickly. Go to the Ideal Palace and take a seat."

"Mother, I haven't caught up with the benefits of the Sky Meditation Garden, so I can't miss the ideal palace."

"Swipe it~"

Above the sky, countless fishing boats flew up and headed towards the Palace of Ideals at full speed.

However, at this moment, Han Fei's voice sounded over Thousand Star City: "Everyone, stop going to the Palace of Ideals. People around the Palace of Ideals, leave quickly... The Palace of Ideals will change drastically. I don't know this. What's going to happen here? Don't come here."


As soon as Han Fei said this, those who were madly rushing towards the palace of ideals were all dumbfounded: What's the situation? Didn't the transformation of the Sky Meditation Garden succeed? Is there something wrong with the transformation of this ideal palace?

"what's the situation?"

A large locust-like fishing boat stopped in the air, not knowing where to go.

Just listening to the sound of "bang", the blue light beam has a tendency to expand and the color becomes more intense.

"At this moment, the entire Thousand Star City has seen it. A blue beam of light rushes straight into the sky."

Han Fei has never seen such a scene either!

The blue beam of light rushed straight into the sky, out of reach.

Han Fei originally thought: With my own perception, catch up and take a look.

As a result, when the perception was close to the nine-day firmament, until the end of his perception, he could not catch up with the blue beam of light.


When a loud noise broke out, I saw a huge huge eye above Thousand Star City.

The eyes are bigger than Han Fei's imagination.

It no longer appeared in the size that Han Fei saw in the Yintian Immortal Palace. This time, it appeared like the sun in the sky, like the sun, moon and stars.

The whole yin-yang sky, eight million miles, could be seen all over.

Broken Star Island.

Xia Xiaochan was gathering with Luo Xiaobai, chatting about some things that happened in the sea of ​​riots, and by the way supervised Yi Xiyan and the others in their cultivation.

Suddenly, everyone raised their heads subconsciously.

Just above the sky, there is a huge eyeball, and the pupil is flowing out, a turbid current like lava.

"The Way of Heaven?"

Suddenly, Xia Xiaochan and Luo Xiaobai looked at each other.

They had heard this name countless times, but it was the first time that they had seen Tiandao Fayan with their own eyes.

At this moment, many people are looking up at Broken Star Island, Thirty-Six Town, and the third-level fishing ground.

On Yunjing's back, Tang Yan was born with a solemn expression.

Cao Tianzhi stood in the waters of hundreds of thousands of miles, breaking through the emptiness in one step, and heading to Thousand Star City.

At this moment, Han Fei gave a second warning: "Everyone near the Palace of Ideals, all evacuate."

In fact, there is no need to say that Han Fei, this movement has exceeded most people's imagination.

Just now, the people who were still rushing to the ideal palace stopped the fishing boat at this moment and began to retreat one after another.

Someone exclaimed, "Isn't it? Don't do it! A while ago, almost the entire yin and yang sky was relocated. This time, another big eyeball?"

"What's the situation? The enemy?"

"These eyes look too evil. They don't look like good things, right?"

"What did Han Shuai do? He got this stuff out?"


Next to Han Fei, Ren Tianfei appeared for the first time: "Heaven's Dao and Dharma Eyes are going to go?"

Han Fei: "How do I know? But looking like this, Yin'er should be coming out. I just want to know, is it time for what disappears now?"

Ren Tianfei: "Looking at it this way, 80% didn't run away."

Han Fei: "After the long river goes back, the eyes of heaven and law should have disappeared, right?"

Ren Tianfei: "It should be like this! But I haven't experienced it either!"


Inside the Pillar of Time, there was a second explosion.

At this time, a group of people appeared "swiftly"

Xia Xiaochan saw Han Fei~www.ltnovel.com~ and he was relieved, and then asked: "What's the matter? Where is Yin'er?"

Old man white: "Where is Yin'er girl?"

Old man Jiang: "What happened to the Ideal Palace?"

Tang Yan: "This is the Eye of Heaven?"



Immediately afterwards, it exploded again and again, that day as if Daofayan was just looking at it, like a spectator with cold eyes.

This pillar of time lasted a full half an hour, and a total of seven explosions broke out.

After the last time, I saw the weird fog outside the ideal palace, and it began to disperse.


Suddenly, a sound was heard emerging from the gray fog.

Immediately, Han Fei felt a special power, that was the power of time.

Han Fei's heart moved, and he quickly said to Xia Xiaochan: "Wait for me outside, I'll go."

Before Xia Xiaochan answered, Han Fei had disappeared into the fog.


Xia Xiaochan was about to shout, but he heard Ren Tianfei say: "It's okay. The power of time has basically been taken away. Now, this little power can't stop him."

The next moment, Han Fei was in the gray mist, saw the time dragon carp, and saw two people merged. That's not Yin'er, who can it be?

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