God of Fishing

Chapter 1882: The birth of the fairy palace

Sure enough, the existence of the ideal palace was never prepared for others, but for the brothers and sisters Han Fei.

The same scene, the same process.

I walked it again, and now, Yin'er walked it again. The old body merges with the current body, so that Fang can be regarded as a true modern person.

This conspiracy that spanned a long period of time has finally come to an end today.

When Yin'er's old body merged with the current body, Han Fei felt: Yin'er's strength was soaring crazily.

In a short moment, he broke through the three realms and came directly to the peak of the explorer.

At the peak realm of the explorer, after about a hundred breaths of time, Yin'er directly broke through to the realm of half-sage.

This scene is very similar to the original self.

It's just that I started from a junior law enforcement officer to the peak of law enforcement.

And Yin'er, from the junior explorer, directly to the half statue. With the same nature, it can only be said that Yin'er has a larger span.

Time Dragon Carp glanced at Han Fei and said, "This long river of time has returned to the real river of time. The secret of your brother and sister is the magic eye of heaven, and you can't find it now. Not a moment or a half. , The eyes of heaven and law, are about to dissipate, you can prepare to cross the catastrophe.


When I heard the news, Han Fei felt a little blown up in his head: finally, can I open the sea?

With regard to Bihai, Han Fei was both excited, looking forward to it, and still a little bit worried.

I have never opened the sea before, and I don’t know what my sea-opening will be like?

At this moment, Yin'er's integration has basically been completed.

And Yin'er's appearance had some rare changes unexpectedly.

Her skin is fairer. Although her facial features did not seem to move much, they seemed to be much more refined. Her height is also slightly higher.

If Yin'er before, she was still a fresh girl with an ordinary appearance... Now she can be called a beauty.

The problem is, you haven't felt it yet: How much has changed in her?


Yin'er wakes up, looks at Han Fei, as if complex emotions pass through her heart, and finally smiles, "Brother, I'm back."

Han Fei didn't understand women's thoughts. Although there is something wrong with Yin'er, how can he take care of this now?

Just listen to Han Fei: "Go, go out first!"


When the two appeared outside the ideal palace, everyone's eyes lit up.

Xia Xiaochan breathed a sigh of relief: "Just come out."

Luo Xiabai: "Huh! Yin'er's strength almost spans an entire realm."

After speaking, Luo Xiaobai also glanced at Han Fei. You know, Han Fei was in exactly the same situation.

In the hearts of everyone, although they knew: Yin'er must be in the Palace of Ideals, which triggered a major event. However, this is a more private matter. Unless Yin'er is willing to talk, they won't ask.

At this moment, Han Fei and Yin'er raised their heads to the giant eyes above the sky.

Yin'er squinted slightly: "What is that?"

Han Fei: "The way of heaven has suppressed the yin and yang sky for tens of thousands of years, and there can be no kings."

Yin'er glanced at the almost elapsed time and looked at Han Fei: "It's all because of, this?"

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Yes!"

At this time, Tang Yan said, "The eyes of heaven and law seem to be getting smaller."

At Tang Yan's reminder, everyone noticed.

The eyes of heaven and law are indeed slowly getting smaller. It's just because it's too big, so everyone didn't notice it the first time.


Ren Tianfei glanced at Han Fei and said, "Is it time?"

Everyone couldn't help looking at Han Fei, and their hearts moved: What does Ren Tianfei say? What is the time to say?

Although everyone is speculating, Ren Tianfei asked, is it Pihai? However, he didn't say anything, just watching Han Fei's reaction.

Han Fei took a slight breath, he took a breath slowly and said, "It's time."

After speaking, Han Fei turned his head and looked at the people: "I'm going to the Central Holy City. The gray mist of this ideal palace is about to dissipate, and it is very close to the Central Holy City. You are here, wait a moment."

Xia Xiaochan: "I'm with you."

Han Fei shook his head slightly and said, "I'm going to the Immortal Palace. There may still be covered by the Eye of Heaven, waiting for me here."

Although it was a robbery, it was not so fast. It's not that I'm past, and I'm over. First of all, he had to make sure that the eyes of the heavenly law disappeared.


Han Fei stepped a thousand miles in one step.

Within a few steps, he disappeared at the entrance of the Gods Memorial Tower.

Xia Xiaochan stomped slightly, but let Ren Tianfei say: "We will naturally see it when crossing the Tribulation. But now, it is indeed not the time to follow the past. Now, whether the fairy palace is dangerous, no one can tell. If you go there It may become a burden on him instead."

Zhang Xuanyu took a breath: "Go to the legendary fairy palace?"

Luo Xiaobai: "Trust him. If he goes alone, naturally there is a reason for someone to go."

The old man sighed slightly: "This kid has a heavy burden on him! So if he can't become a king, who else can become a king?"

As for Tang Yan and Cao Tianzhi, they were not in a hurry to say, can they survive the catastrophe?

Han Fei told them about the dangers outside. If it is true as Han Fei said, even if Han Fei can overcome the catastrophe and become a king, the number of kings of Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian is still too small.

Therefore, what they can predict is: after Han Fei crosses the robbery, maybe they should become kings. Instead of competing for the first to become king in this kind of thing.


In the central holy city, above the holy temple, Han Fei stepped into the teleportation formation without hesitation.

The reason why he didn't wait for the Eye of Heaven to completely disappear, one is that the long river of time has returned. It stands to reason that the Eye of Heaven will not stop others from going to the fairy palace.

Secondly, there is too much energy and aura above the fairy palace.

Last time I was here, it was a whale swallowing the sea, and I couldn't **** one percent of it. Han Fei was afraid of the disappearance of Heaven's Dao and Dharma eyes, and dispersed all these forces.

If this is the case, it would be a shame.

Although these forces are not very pure, they are triumphant. Maybe, the road to becoming a king is here.

How could Han Fei allow them to dissipate between heaven and earth?

However, when Han Fei appeared in the Immortal Palace, a strong fire element instantly filled his body. During this time, the energy was still extremely violent.

But what made Han Fei horrified was that the eyes of the heavenly law did not completely disappear.

At least, above the fairy palace, this heavenly law eye still exists. However, its distance began to move away, and its size seemed not as big as what he had seen before.

The most important thing is that when he appeared in the fairy palace, there was no demon body appearing.


Han Fei let out a long sigh of relief.

Just as I expected: the power of the fairy palace is dissipating. The boundless energy and spiritual energy are madly escaping around, escaping into nothingness.

"The sons of a tortoise belong to Lao Tzu. No one is allowed to run."


I saw Han Fei projecting hundreds of them instantly. For each projection, multiple large gathering spirit formations are stepped on the foot in the first time.

"Boom bang bang~"

However, what Han Fei didn't expect was that these great gathering spirit formations began to collapse one after another as soon as they appeared. It seems that there is no way to stop the dissipation of this energy.

"Damn it, this is Lao Tzu's fairy palace, why does the aura escape?"

Just listen to the old turtle: "It seems wrong. Although this king feels that there is a huge amount of energy escaping, it seems that there is also a huge amount of energy pouring in. I don't know where the energy is pouring in?"


Han Fei was slightly taken aback.

After hearing the words of the old turtle, Han Fei's perception swept across the fairy palace in an instant.

When he perceives into the fairy palace where the source water was originally stored, Han Fei discovered that a natural formation of heaven and earth has formed here, drawing strength from nothingness.

"Huh? The power confined by the eyes of the Heavenly Way seems to be the power gathered to maintain the existence of the eyes of the Heavenly Way. However, the power gathered in the natural array of heaven and earth has nothing to do with the eyes of the Heavenly Way. That seems to be the true source of power of the Immortal Palace. ."

Han Fei flipped his hand, and the Multi-Vision Instrument appeared in his hand, but the pointer pointed to nothingness.

With a move of Han Fei's heart, he immediately took out the pegs of the natural formation in the fairy palace, and with a thought, he appeared in the palace in the center of the island.

And before Han Fei's eyes, it was the natural formation of heaven and earth that he had cultivated at the beginning, and it was also the core formation that controlled the entire Yin and Yang Palace.

Just listen to Han Feidao: "The method of heaven has suppressed my Yin and Yang days for tens of thousands of years. Even if these forces are to escape, they should not be in this small independent world."


Outside, the whole world is looking up at the sky.

The eyes of Tiandaofa shocked the world, and ordinary people would hardly see such a scene in their entire lives.

In the eyes of countless irritation and fear, suddenly, a huge shadow wrapped in white mist appeared on the sky.

Thousand Star City, over the central holy city.

Suddenly, a large white mist appeared.

Immediately after ~www.ltnovel.com~ the fog began to escape, revealing a large red light in the fog.

At that moment, massive amounts of energy and aura escaped outward.


At this moment, countless people exclaimed.

At this moment, the Thousand Star City is like the annual Sky Fire Festival, with abnormally hot heat, ample spiritual energy, and even mysterious sounds.

For most people, this is an excellent time to practice.

At this moment, just listening to the nine heavens, Han Fei's voice resounded between the heavens and the earth like a powerful bell.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "My name is Han Fei, today I want to cross the king's robbery, and reign in the sea... Nian Yin Yang Tian has a thin aura and low energy, and I will bring the fairy palace to the world and bless all beings..."

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