God of Fishing

Chapter 2004: The origin of endless water

  Chapter 2004 The Origin of Endless Water

  Han Fei has no interest in Qiu Yueming. His current strength is against the powerhouse of Beiluochen. The purpose of his trip, in addition to being to get chance, Han Fei also had a guess, that is, the test of the Void Temple, which should be here.

  Being able to enter the Void Temple is two different things from being a named disciple. King Wu couldn't enter the Void Temple, even if he managed to crush the rioting sea, what would he do? The only thing he can suppress is the riots.

  But the purpose of Han Fei’s trip was not to suppress the riots. He just wanted to enter the Void Temple purely, and once he entered the Void Temple, Bei Luochen and He Daoyuan would be caught in a hand.

  But Han Fei discovered that he had already made a lot of profits before he found the Void Temple.

  Sent away Qiu Yueming, but Han Fei did not leave immediately. Still the same sentence, walking should not be too hasty, he was thinking about why such a greedy temple appeared in the imperial palace?

  Based on the strength of the skeleton just now, Han Fei estimated that even if the three of Qiu Yueming joined forces, it would not be her opponent. Unless there are seven or eight kings here, and their strength is at the top of the riots. There are even two or three powers that can burst out of the Open Heaven Realm. Only by suppressing the corpse in this way can this temple of greed be truly settled.

  But Han Fei estimated that even then, at least one person would have died.

  Either, they really contributed their wealth and precious resources. From the massive resources here, we can draw a conclusion, I am afraid that this skeleton bones can fool people.

  Now, I met two people, a mirror. Han Fei didn't know the connection between the worm man and the greedy skeleton, and probably didn't have any connection. But the mirror is hard to say, this may be a treasure in the imperial palace, it just happens to be in that place.

  But I heard from Qiu Yueming and several people that they have encountered several dangerous places. If everyone has encountered several dangerous places, how many dangerous places does this imperial palace have?

  This is just the place where the king has walked, and the place that the venerable state encounters will definitely not be less.

  In so many dangerous places, there are actually a lot of opportunities. These opportunities are the fundamental reason why so many people get great opportunities here, and even become kings.

  But there are more opportunities, and it's easy to get lost. The imperial palace is the residence of the emperor. Is it true that the real great opportunities must be obtained through these small opportunities?

  Han Fei has the Vientiane Navigation Device in his hands. He feels that he should be uniquely endowed. No one can quickly and directly find the real opportunity than himself.

  So, Han Fei estimates that if he wants to, he should be able to get more than others.

  However, as the high risk of the temple of greed is accompanied by big gains, Han Fei also yearns for it. After all, for myself, with my own strength, I can still break into these places.

  Such an opportunity, why don’t you?

  So, Han Fei sorted out his thoughts, and immediately moved his heart: "One year, three years, at most one year spent in some great opportunities for explorers. No matter what happens later, the next two years must go to the Void Temple."

  After making such a judgment, Han Fei took advantage of the trend and resumed visualization for a day.

  On this day, one is to put yourself at its peak. One is to wait for three opportunities to use the Vientiane Navigation Instrument again. One is to consume the resources in the original sea with mind, and it is imperative to open up the original sea. The gains from this trip are not small, and he is worth a little, so he directly used 500 million top-grade spiritual stones resources to open up the original sea.

  Of course, this amount of resources is far from enough, but I am still looking for opportunities.

the next day.

  Han Fei sees no one is coming.

   So aura touched the Greedy Word token, and a formation appeared.

  But Han Fei did not go directly into the formation. Instead, he took out the Marine Vientiane and said bluntly: "Find a place that suits me."

  Han Fei pays attention to suitability, instead of excessively pursuing opportunity itself. Mainly because he confirmed yesterday that this is a random transmission, or one-to-many fixed-point transmission.

  Since it’s this kind of teleportation, where you go depends on the timing of your entry.

Although a place like the Temple of Greed is good, the uncertainty is too high. If Han Fei is not in the mirror world, he has a deeper understanding of the Dao, so that the Dao will run, and his strength will be tripled again. Then, the result of facing the bones of greed is a great possibility, which is impossible to beat.

Or, even if you want to play, you have to use the time technique many times, and you have to explain all the cards such as Invincible Eye, Dragon Transforming Technique, Five-Rank Dao Pattern Pill, Emperor Sparrow, etc., before you have the opportunity to barely be able to do it. .

  So, here is the Temple of Greed, and I just happen to be able to win. If it is really sent immediately, and if there is a similar place, it is really hard to say whether one can win.

  Han Fei disappeared in the teleportation array once the Vientiane Navigation System stopped.


  Han Fei's eyes lit up, and as soon as he appeared, he knew that he was in a piece of sea water. The key is that the water inside is extremely sharp, and I feel as if I am in a sea of ​​knives.


  Before Han Fei could observe the situation around him, there was the aftermath of the battle sweeping at him.

   "Huh! Someone has arrived?"

  Han Fei's first thought was naturally one of Qiu Yueming's trio. Some of them might have come here, and they encountered an enemy.

  And the enemy of mankind can only be the Hundred Demon Race, the Undersea Human Race, or the Shark Man Royal Family.

  Han Fei looked around, it was like an ordinary seabed landform, without any special features. He followed the direction of the battle, a golden light flashed, and he leaped away.

  A moment later, when Han Fei just arrived here, he saw the ice-covered place for thousands of miles, the air wave like a knife. The snow girl and a huge toad beast are resisting a violent sea.


  When she saw Han Fei's arrival, Xue Nu was also very surprised. She didn't expect that she would meet Han Fei so soon.

  Snow Girl: "The seawater here is abnormal, comparable to the strongest treasure of the sea. You must break through this abnormal seawater, otherwise it will be impossible to pass."

And the giant toad looked at Han Fei warily, his big claws smashed a wave of swords in front of him, and the voice of Weng Long: "Now, let’s make a joint action to break through this fierce water. There was a nasty seaman. , Even taking advantage of our strength, rushed through here by myself, I hope you don't do this, otherwise..."

  Faced with the threat of this toad, Han Fei naturally didn't care, and saw his figure appearing in the violent sword tide waves.

   "Clang clang clang!"

   "Ding Ding Ding!"

  Han Fei carried the crazy attack with his physique. When he saw thin white marks on his body, he couldn't help being moved.

   "Endless water?"

  Han Fei's face changed slightly. He had always felt that the origin of endless water was extraordinary, a kind of growthable treasure of Dinghai. Unexpectedly, the heaviest weapon of a city came from here.

  Toad and Xuenu saw Han Fei directly standing in the wave of such crazy swords, they were totally fine, and they couldn't help being moved.

  Xue Nuxin said, Han Fei wants to rush through?

  Toad is shocked, this person is so strong! It stood in that horrible wave so grandiosely, wave after wave, just now it tried to forcibly rush through the barrier, and it was abruptly cut and wounded all over its body.

  I saw Han Fei’s mouth slightly aroused: “Sure enough, it’s an imperial palace, it’s a huge treasure house!”

  I saw him turn his hands, endless water appeared in his hands,


  The endless burst of water flashes into a beam of light in the water, just like when I first saw it.

  When the endless water turned into a beam of light, I saw the pressure of the toad behemoth Yume, and almost suddenly disappeared.

  Han Fei took a look, the waves, like a cold current, rushed frantically to the place where he was.

  Han Fei couldn’t help frowning, if it weren’t for seeing endless water absorbing the essence of water crazily. Han Fei doubted whether he had been targeted.

  As soon as Han Fei was targeted, the giant beast toad immediately moved his heart and jumped directly into the depths of this sea area.

  Only listen to Han Fei’s voice: "Just now, didn’t you want to form an alliance with this king? Why did you run away now?"

  The giant toad didn’t look back: “I’ll wait for a chance and form an alliance with you again. Obviously, this water is aimed at you, I’m sorry.”

  At this moment, layers of mysterious ice appeared in front of Han Fei, and Xue Nu tried to make a move. But Han Fei shook his head slightly and said, "Go chasing the toad. If there is a chance, it should fall into the hands of my human race! There is still no way to stop me here."

   Xue Girl: "Are you really okay?"

  Han Fei: "It's okay."

   Xue Nu looked at the endless wave that was rolling in. To be honest, she really couldn't stop it. So, the snow girl gritted her teeth and chased the toad away.

  And Han Fei directly used the power of the avenue, tripled his combat power, and wore a robe and jersey. Endless water changes, I don't know if it is good or bad. But endless water is now its own weapon, it belongs to itself, it will not collapse, and it shouldn't be destroyed by this wave.


  When the ocean current rushed towards Han Fei, he laid a hundred formations in front of him, which can be said to be broken. Following that, there is a huge amount of blade power, cutting on his body. Han Fei's conceited body is already extremely strong, but if there are too many cuts in the same place, bleeding marks will also ooze.

  Fortunately, most of the terror waves ~www.ltnovel.com~ have been caught in a beam of light transformed by endless water.

  Following a stick of incense, Han Fei also performed a magical apocalypse on himself during the period, and then he came over.

  When the beam of light dissipated and Han Fei saw the endless water again, information emerged.

  [Name] Endless Water (Can grow)

  [Introduction] There was an emperor in the past, and when he is about to fall, he will understand the path of the emperor, and fear that the path of the sword will be lost, the avenue will be broken, the water will be condensed and called endless water. Endless water means endless meaning of knife. Endless water, the strongest form, transforms into Tao, can enter the soul, can cut the avenue.

  [Quality] Supreme Dinghai Different Treasure

  【With soul】No

  【Effect】Transfiguration of impermanence, cutting the way

  【Not recast】


  [Remarks] Barely reaching the extreme state of Dinghai Bizarre Treasure, affected by the host, it is impossible to go further.

    The second more...please ask...



  (End of this chapter)

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