God of Fishing

Chapter 2005: 1 terrible hand

  Chapter 2005 A Terrible Hand

Endless water absorbs the essence of water, but what Xue Nu and the others encounter is not the essence of water, but more like other endless water. After the two merge, it becomes the endless water of the best Dinghai different treasure level. .

  To talk about how powerful the best Dinghai Bizarre Treasure is, it seems that only Lei Qing can forge it in the entire riot. Even if Lei Qing had done it for others, the total number of riots in the sea would not exceed ten, and even five would not be known.

  This time, Han Fei seemed to have picked up a bargain for nothing. I just don't know if there is such an endless water essence ahead. If there is, it will naturally be better. Maybe it can be difficult to say that endless water can be advanced to the level of artifacts.

  Han Fei grinned, golden light flashed, and chased in the direction where the snow girl and the giant toad were going.

  In just a few hundred breaths of effort, Han Fei saw a deep blue underwater cave.

  Navigating the Vientiane, Han Fei got in without hesitation.

  As soon as he entered the black hole space, Han Fei only felt that the world was turned upside down, and he turned around and appeared on a small island.

  Of course, like other places, it is impossible to perceive on this small island. But the devastating scene here, the strong blood, and the still violent power impact, let Han Fei know that there seems to be a big battle here.

  Han Fei stepped into the void and leaped towards the center of the island. The strong of the sea-piping realm, even if they can't perceive it, know the source of the battle through the judgment of the power pouring.

  Only more than ten breaths later, Han Fei flew about fifty thousand miles, and finally came to a land of mineral veins and mountains.

  Han Fei hadn’t arrived yet, he saw a huge figure, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, flying over from a distance. While flying, the blood is soaking, isn't this the big toad that has just taken the lead?


  The toad flew back first, and the snow **** the other side also flew over. Her body was stained with blood, and her body was covered with cracks, but when she took a closer look, the fragments were all ice, not the body of the snow girl.


  The big toads that are more than a few hundred miles away collide like a meteorite, hitting the ground, rolling hundreds of times, setting off a mighty energy and flying dust.

  When Han Fei discovered the toad, the toad naturally also discovered Han Fei. The heart said that such a terrible flow of ice blades, engulfing the power of the sea, and endless blades, was it so easy that it was cracked by humans?

  Just listen to the toad shouting: "Faldi, there is danger ahead, we have to go quickly."

Although    was reminding Han Fei, how could Han Fei not know what his intentions were? It was obviously to get close to himself to alleviate the embarrassment that it had escaped first.

  Just listen to Han Fei Youyou: "Who is a fellow daoist with you? You still don't want to shout."

When it was over, Han Fei lifted a single hand, and a beam of light fell, Healing Shenhui hit Xue Nv's body, and the latter said with a sigh of relief: "It was originally a place of water curtain. But the opportunity here has obviously been taken. And there is something terrifying here, and the strength is afraid of reaching the open world."

  Han Fei was not good at the time. I just played Kaitian, but now it’s Kaitian again. Are you kidding me? Is Open Heaven Realm so worthless now?

  I saw Han Fei's face change: "Do you think I can beat the Open Heaven Realm?"

  Open Heaven Realm Skeleton and Open Heaven Realm living creatures, this is basically two different things. It is still a trick to kill a skeleton in the Open Heaven Realm by himself. In the face of living, unless his strength is 50%, then he still has the confidence to do it.


  At this moment, in the sky, another huge shadow of the blue dragon flew across the sky. When he fixed his eyes, it turned out to be a first-born, one-horned dragon. The small half of his body was chopped off, and the blood surged.

  Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: "No, how many sea-free realms are there?"

Snow Girl: "Seven, two giant beasts, I, one from the mackerel royal family, one from the Haitian human race, and one from the Hundred Monster race. There is also a Haitian king named Lingbo, somehow, we are already crazy. We are crazy. His opponent is him, and he is probably already open."

  Han Fei was puzzled: "If six people can't do it, then go up and do it?"

   Xue Nu: "The exit is guarded by Ling Bo. There is no choice but to fight."

  Toad Giant Beast: "Friends of Taoism, at this moment, I should work together and open a way out."

  Han Fei squinted at it: "Did you not let me run just now?"

  Toad Giant Beast: "I mean you don’t go inside, you guys, that man on the bottom is really weird. He has a terrifying arm that is indestructible. None of the six people like me are his enemies."

  Han Fei raised his brows, so ostentatious?

Although Han Fei really wants to kill this toad, there are still many unknown factors in this imperial palace. Although this toad is the king, he is estimated to be at least as good as the snow girl. Even if it breaks out completely, it won’t be. Own opponent.

  So, Han Fei glanced at Toad and Snow Girl: "Since you want to go, don't be shy. Go, let me go and see."

"And I."

While Han Fei was talking, he saw a cold-faced woman in black scale armor flying by, watching her blood collapse severely, and there was a single horn on her head. This was not the single horn that was swept away just now. Jiaolong, right? This is also a giant beast.

  Han Fei couldn’t help but glanced sideways at Toad: “You can’t be an individual. Is such a big person going to be beaten as a sandbag?”

   And the snow girl directly transmitted Han Fei: “The so-called allies are only temporary at best. Here, except for the unknown position of the giant beast, the others are all enemies. You will think about uniting or interception later.”

  Han Fei nodded slightly, of course he could not really unite with these enemies who were originally enemies. It's just that there are always people going to some places, and the people are all cold, so you can only rely on yourself for what you encounter in the end.

  Although these people are not necessarily strong, but their respective avenues are running, and they really cooperate with each other, even if they are themselves, it is difficult to kill them instantly.


  Han Fei flew out. After just a few breaths, he saw a guy with a burly appearance, gills on his neck, webbed palms, and scales on his body. His right arm was shining, and his whole hand looked like a pure gold.

  Han Fei looked at it, and was speechless: "I'm going, Qilin Arm!"

  A king of the Undersea Human Race and the Hundred Demon Race facing the enemy, when he saw Han Fei, his whole face was shocked. Why is this demon?

  Even the strong man of the king clan, his face was cold at the moment. Han Fei's fierceness is now famous in the riots. But fortunately, Han Fei is in love with his princess, and he should not embarrass himself too much.

  Furthermore, Han Fei does not necessarily have the ability to solve the immediate troubles, so I am afraid that everyone will fight together later.

  No, the three of the royal family and the hundred monsters, although they are uniting against the enemy. But when Han Fei came, everyone had their own thoughts. It looked at the guy named Ling Bo, the unicorn arm with the meaning of extinction, bombarded with one punch, and directly knocked the three of them into flight at the same time.

  Under the terrible power, the shield armor of the big tortoise of the Hundred Monster Race had been shattered, and the three ice crystal pieces of the man of the King Man Clan had also shattered at this moment.

  No, if Han Fei arrives, everyone will have hope.

  In fact, as far as his body strength is concerned, Han Fei is now only 300,000 waves. Although he is already very strong, he has been a king in a short time after all, and he is young.

  Han Fei knew that 300,000 waves were still a little too weak for the Open Heaven Realm. So he didn't hesitate to run the avenue. If this person is easy to solve, he will cut off the other kings by the way.

  That's why Han Fei Avenue was running, and nearly a million waves of terrifying power hit him with a punch. Because he knew he was strong, Han Fei was not afraid of killing him with a punch.

  The latter, his eyes were crazy and bloodthirsty, and when Han Fei came, he greeted him with a backhand.


   With a fist facing each other, the landslide and the ground were cracked. The Snow Girl and the others were ready to help out, but they were directly affected by the aftermath and flew out for more than a hundred miles. Terrible energy ripples directly crushed all the vegetation on this island into nothingness.


  I saw a figure, like a meteor, rolling hundreds of times on the ground, and was also smashed into the air for hundreds of miles. When the smoke clears, take a closer look, it is not Han Fei, who can it be.


  Han Fei retreated more than a thousand meters, moved his arms, his face suddenly became serious. He was no longer shocked by the strength displayed by the opponent at this moment. Rather, when the person fisted against himself, he felt as if his blood had been drawn away.

   Suddenly, Han Fei's whole person is not good, and a strange desire surfaced in his heart.

   "Get it, get it..."

  Han Fei’s eyes were a little red, and only listened to the old tortoise shouting: "Meditation, meditation..."

  Han Fei suddenly regained consciousness, could not help being shocked, he almost lost control just now?

  Just listen to the old tortoise: "The emperor felt an extremely powerful evil thought appearing in your soul~www.ltnovel.com~What happened?"

  Han Fei: "There is a problem with that hand."

Old tortoise: "Needless to say, the emperor also knows that there is a problem with that hand. It is clearly not the hand of Lingbo, but it was replaced later. Otherwise, the emperor firmly does not believe that in this violent sea, there can be a sea-breaking state. It can overwhelm you in strength."

Han Fei: "Because it is not his hand, that hand can withstand my strength, but that Lingbo can't do it, then that punch, his flesh and blood is almost broken into blood by me, on his own, fundamentally Impossible."

  And the giant toad beast and the unicorn female dragon are also looking horrified at the moment, what kind of fairy power is Han Fei showing? This guy actually banged the monster head-on.

  At this moment, everyone naturally placed their hope on Han Fei.

   And Han Fei grinned and said: "Everyone is listening. If you want this king to help you stop this person, you don't really think you don't need to pay anything, do you?"

    The third update... The recent imperial palace plot, if you don’t want to chase it every day, you can wait a few days and watch it again, no more than a week! Hmm...Finally, a monthly pass is required!



  (End of this chapter)

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