God of Fishing

Chapter 2106: He Daoyuan's Fall

He Daoyuan was horrified. The incarnation of the undead is his biggest trump card. The two have the same mind. In battle, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

   In fact, even though Han Fei is strong, under his own two open-world combat powers, even if Han Fei is unparalleled and terrifying, he cannot easily resist it.

   But, who knows, Han Fei just took out a mirror at will, and in a blink of an eye he put in his undead avatar.

  Moreover, he can clearly feel the fall of the undead's external incarnation.

  Where can Dao Yuan stop, I saw him grab it again, and the ancient Xuantian sword of the Taiqing Palace appeared. It seemed that the ancient sword of the hanging sky that had absorbed a lot of power, burst into a fiery sword.

   In this sword, He Daoyuan even dripped a drop of cyan water drop, this thing blended into the sword light, Han Fei clearly felt the light here, a sense of crisis in his heart.

   Han Fei was determined to destroy He Daoyuan's external incarnation of the undead, so he did not retreat, the immortal slammed out, and even carried the Fengyu Crazy Sword in his hand.

   Immortal spirit gas was injected frantically, burning thousands of miles above the sea.



   Immortal Sha suffered three breaths and collapsed. Han Fei was shocked. The power of his immortal evil is no longer what it used to be. What is that drop of green liquid? How could the ancient sword of the hanging sky be tyrannical to this point?

   However, this is the case, Han Fei still does not retreat, the moment he pulled out Feng Yu's wild sword, the sea of ​​thousands of miles seemed to have become his own domain.


   made a clear sound again, and Han Fei was repelled by a sword three thousand miles, half of his body was numb.

   But the corners of his mouth kept grinning, even if He Daoyuan's method was not weak, he couldn't hold back his many artifacts!

   If it hadn't been because the Blade of Limit had exploded, it would be a good time to pierce He Daoyuan at this moment.

   But there is no limit blade, Han Fei still has endless water. At this moment, endless water bursts out, and it also turns into a knife, slashing towards He Daoyuan.


   Han Fei spouted slightly, but turned his head and sucked it back. He is actually stronger than He Daoyuan, if he doesn't have that weird drop of liquid.

   However, this is the case, He Daoyuan's sword himself also blocked it.

   Han Fei couldn't help but grinned: "He Daoyuan, this is your trump card? But so, your undead's external incarnation should fall..."


   He Daoyuan is also well versed in fighting, fighting with momentum and decisiveness, looking for opportunities in the outbreak.

  Han Fei didn't expect that he would explode the Ancient Hanging Sky Sword. Good fellow, right here, he suddenly exploded, and his internal organs vibrated, and his blood flowed backwards.


  Han Fei spouted blood again, the sword collapsed from the exploding void, and the void storm swept over him. It is also due to his own flesh and blood being too tyrannical, and the bones of gold and jade are even more powerful. Although I felt a little exhausted, but fortunately, the Xuantian Ancient Sword was not a divine weapon, and he could resist it hard. Although hundreds of wounds had exploded on his body, they were all minor injuries.

   Han Fei realized that his outbreak was about to end, and he had to reverse time.

  It's just that, in the mirror of infinity at this moment, the apocalypse magic has not been able to completely annihilate He Daoyuan's external incarnation of the undead.

   That's why, Han Fei took advantage of the moment of the explosion and once again descended on the apocalypse magic technique to impact the infinite mirror.

   is always the undead of the Open Heaven Realm, it is indeed possible to block an invasion of the Infinite Mirror. But blocking the second time, the chance is very slim.


   He only heard He Daoyuan scream again, Han Fei also asked why Daoyuan broke out and attacked, but only heard a "click", and there were three cracks in the Mirror of Infinity!


   In the sky, a big blood-colored crack appeared, like a blood-colored abyss, and the sky was bleeding. This is the appearance of the emperor's fall.

  Han Fei couldn't help but feel shocked: "You even blew yourself out of the Open Heaven realm?"

  Han Fei took a breath, this is really a cruel person. It exploded a top-grade Dinghai Bizarre Treasure that was almost as great as an artifact, and now even the avatar outside the Open Heaven realm blew itself up.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Even if it is an external incarnation, it is also an open world! After all, the Mirror of Infinity was only a low-grade artifact. The emperor blew himself up, and it was not bad that it did not explode on the spot.


   Taiqing Palace was also killed here, the old snail forcibly protected the five immortal palaces, and Taiyuan took the fire that tried to make trouble.

   Sha Zhimeng and Mrs. Qiu did not resist. At this time, they did not need to resist fearlessly, because it was meaningless.

   and the sword god, Wang Yijian, and Kong Shen killed Xuan Qingzi and Yun Tianhe.

   The Taiqing Palace has just stood up, and blood-colored cracks have appeared on the sky, which is clearly the appearance of the emperor's fall.

   Xia Xiaochan arrived immediately: "It's not Han Fei!"


   After a pause, Luo Xiaobai and others breathed a sigh of relief.

   I only heard Zhang Xuanyu's strange cry: "A turtle son, isn't his current combat efficiency so high? How long has this been? Why is Daoyuan killed?"

   Le Ren Kuang: "He slaughtered the emperor when he opened the sea realm. I don't think it is strange that he can kill an emperor so quickly."

   Even Wang Yijian couldn't help being surprised. Is Han Fei's killing speed faster than himself? This sword of his own is still brewing, he has already ended the battle?

   Just listen, Luo Xiaobai drank, and the voice rang out: "He Daoyuan has fallen, and the great immortal palaces of Taiqing Wuji are returning quickly."

   When Luo Xiaobai and the others were relieved, they didn't know that Han Fei just killed He Daoyuan's external incarnation.


   said, in Han Fei's battlefield, as his mind moved, the time barrier appeared, and he retracted the infinite mirror. He took a sharp breath and plunged directly into time.

   No matter how strong Han Fei is, in terms of basic combat power, he is still inferior to Dao Fate. The gap of tens of thousands of years is not so fast to make up. In just over 20 breaths, He Daoyuan's external incarnation of the undead could be cut off, and he was forced to explode the Xuantian Ancient Sword, which is already very good.

   It’s just that, when reversing time, Han Fei saw He Daoyuan come by forcefully crossing time.

   just listened to him shouting: "It's this time that I'm waiting. This is the weakest time. Let's see how you can pick me up again."

  Opening the sky, you can observe a long river of time, and Han Fei didn't really step into the long river of time, but just a short time reversal, so it is easier to be noticed.

   This time, He Daoyuan dripped two cyan water droplets in succession, using the Kaitian Sanchi Sword as the carrier to cut into time, with the intention of forcibly killing Han Fei.

   It was too late, it was fast, and Han Fei was in the long river of time, and had to break out of Immortal Sha again.


   At this moment, time trickery broke out, but there were only two immortal evil spirits.

   Just now at the peak of his strength, even if he was cut back three thousand miles with a single sword, the immortal shame was only broken for three breaths. Now this blow is obviously not enough.

   But Han Fei didn't panic either. In the long river of time, there is enough power of time.

   Han Fei used the technique of drawing a sword to take a period of time and turn it into a sword, barely blocking that sword. After that, he immediately reversed the time at the moment He Daoyuan shot, but the three-foot-opening sword that was dripped with two drops of cyan liquid was only blocked for a breath, and then continued to kill.

   Fortunately, Han Fei has broken through time at this time, and most of his body has been drilled for a long time.


   Han Fei was swept by the three-foot sword, and the moment he jumped out of time, he began to cough up blood.

   However, fortunately, I can react fast enough. Once I walk out of time, I can return to the peak combat power.

   This time, it's a pity, because He Daoyuan attacked too fast just now, he could only go back to ten breaths ago.

   came out with Han Fei, as well as Kaitian Sanchi Sword.

   It's just that Han Fei's heart moved, and a jasper-colored wine gourd appeared in front of him.



   Han Fei was repelled thousands of miles by this weird avenue. He was hit by the Kaitian Sanchi Sword just now. He felt a strange power in his body and tried to absorb his own power.

   He had to forcibly block it with fairy aura, and at the same time performed another apocalypse magic. When the healing spirit fell on him, Han Fei felt that power was purified.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  Han Fei has ten breaths at this moment, only to listen to him sneer: "He Daoyuan, it seems that you have a lot of methods. What's the matter, you still have this blue water drop How many are there? As long as you have more than a hundred drops, I will let you go today. If not, then prepare to die!"

   He Daoyuan also sank his heart, and the magic of apocalypse was still as strong as ever. Such a baby, where do I have so many? When he opened the sky, he used one drop, and just used three drops. Only the last drop is left. How can he stop Han Fei?

   Mainly, Han Fei is surrounded by artifacts, which is too annoying.

   "The world of law."

   "The Eye of Invincibility."

   There are only ten breaths left, Han Fei needs to explode with all his strength. At least, He Daoyuan can no longer be given the opportunity to sneak attack on Origin Sea.

   The strength doubled again, and because of the world of law, it was 30% stronger.

   At this moment, Han Fei felt that his power had become unparalleled. On that day, a chain of order **** appeared inexplicably, trying to lock Han Fei.

   "Fuck! What's the situation?"

   Anyway, Han Fei didn't have time to mobilize the immortal evil spirit, so he could only point two fingers, blast out a avenue into a sword, and then immediately removed Faxiangtiandi.

   At the moment when the world of Fa Xiangtian and Earth disappeared, the chain of order in the sky had not disappeared, but he did not continue to do it.

   Han Fei couldn't help but think of the words of the old snail. Once he dared to use his full strength, the road here would dare to smash him. It turns out that this is true!

   Don't be beaten to death by He Daoyuan, but almost slashed here on the main road, it would be worth the loss.

   But, after all, his Dao Guiyi sword has been killed. He Daoyuan can only fight.

   I just heard a loud shout: "Han Fei, today, if I die, you don't want to live. My life is one, sword one..."

   At that moment, He Daoyuan took out an Eight-Rank Divine Pill and swallowed it directly in his mouth. Immediately, the power of the medicine was released in the blink of an eye, his body disintegrated, the gifted soul beast disintegrated, the open sky three-foot sword collapsed, and one after another merged into his avenue.


   He Daoyuan gave his life a sword, and when it collided with Dao Guiyi sword, it lasted for more than ten breaths.

Han Fei took advantage of this time to quickly reverse time and return to the peak~www.ltnovel.com~ When he reversed time, he once again smashed a fairy evil, and at the same time Fengyu mad sword slashed out a sword, Yin and Yang reincarnation sword, The same goes to kill with that sword.

   At the thirteenth breath, the sword that He Daoyuan used to transform his avenue and life into a sword finally smashed the avenue into a sword.

   After a breath, break the immortal evil spirit.

   Two breaths, breaking the phoenix feather mad sword.

   At the third breath, Han Fei's Yin-Yang Samsara Sword was cut out, and he saw that the sword light began to twist.

   "Qiu Meng..."

   I only heard an unusually angry roar from the sword light, and he should have hated Qiu Meng very much. Han Fei's heart moved, Qiu Meng? Mrs. Qiu?

   It seems that there is a problem with the pill that He Daoyuan swallowed just now!

   Seeing that the sword light was so weak that it was almost extinguished, but even so, this was a blow after He Daoyuan's remaining lifespan was poured into it, even if it were to be extinguished, it was still extremely powerful.

  Han Fei carried the huge and incomparable Qinglei Wine Gourd, and the celestial spirit was injected frantically.

   Just listen to Han Fei's roar: "You are desperate, but you just want to kill me, you are afraid that you are dreaming."


   The mighty ripples, crushing hundreds of thousands of miles in a radius, are completely covered by a void storm.


   The sky is the sky, and the cracks in the road burst again.

   And in that void storm, Han Fei was covered with blood, and the gourd did not know where he flew. His body was cut in half.

   "Bah! What grade of yourself, don't you have any points? Apocalypse..."

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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