God of Fishing

Chapter 2107: The end of an era

He Daoyuan fell, Han Fei was swearing, apocalypse magical arts descended from the sky, and the injuries on his body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The half of the body that was almost cut open is also joining each other.

If it is someone else, it can be reshaped with a little energy if it is cut in two. But for Han Fei, this is already an extremely serious injury.

His bloodline is of high level, and the riots are unique.

His golden and jade bones are as strong as an old snail.

But even so, under his multiple attacks, he almost missed He Daoyuan's sword. If it hadn't been for Mrs. Qiu's tricks in his Eighth Grade God Pill, the last time, he would be really a bit horrified.

After a while, Han Fei spent 2000 years of vigor to restore himself to the top.

He realized that power is not everything, nor can it break all laws. His own strength is more than twice as powerful as He Daoyuan's peak state. But when the real war started, with full eruption, He Daoyuan's kendo could not be shaken at all.

A trace of doubt flashed in Han Fei's mind, is power really worthless?

This doubt just flashed past. Judging from the situation of the fight with He Daoyuan, his current strength is not bad, and his explosiveness is not weak, but he is not as sharp as Jian Xiu when he bursts out.

In addition, in the future, it is best not to keep shooting in the strongest state. When you reach the Open Heaven Realm, you can penetrate the time. This means that it is not safe to reverse time.

So next time you run the road by yourself, if possible, it's better not to expand together with five times the power. Otherwise, although the combat power is strong, the maintenance time is not long, which is not conducive to long-term combat.

Today, the opportunity for Han Fei to win is mainly because He Daoyuan built an external incarnation of the undead, which happened to be restrained by himself. Otherwise, the situation is not optimistic if you are one enemy and two.

"After all, the time to enter the Open Heaven Realm is too short. If you don't have these chance treasures, I'm afraid it would be nice to have a tie with He Daoyuan."

Han Fei made a quick self-judgment, and took out the Vientiane Navigation Instrument with his backhand. With the operation of the Vientiane Navigation Instrument, Han Fei found and broke the origin of He Daoyuan.

Because He Daoyuan is not a pure sword repair, so he is different from Jian Xiu's sword palace, he has a source of origin. It's also very big, the biggest among everyone Han Fei has ever seen.

Han Fei looked at the original sea of ​​270,000 miles, and said that if he wants to transform the star, even if it starts now, it will take at least tens of thousands of years, and then it will take more than him to open up the original sea. Only resources can be successfully transformed into stars.

At this moment, this sea of ​​origin is in chaos, and there is no vitality. Obviously, the last blow of He Daoyuan just now exploded all the power, even his lifespan was exploded.

However, He Daoyuan didn't have any resources left. He could detonate flexible resources, but he couldn't consume some fixed things.

For example, the mineral veins in the sea of ​​his origin.

Of course, it is different from the naturalization of one's own origin sea, He Daoyuan's origin sea. It is just as I did before, to allocate resources. Therefore, in terms of the origin sea level, He Daoyuan's origin sea is one level weaker than his own.

Han Fei came to the projection to gather resources, and he himself was attracted by a drop of green liquid that had not been consumed. This drop of cyan liquid appears to be floating. It is estimated that Daoyuan wanted to use this thing to explode for the last time.

However, he didn't expect that the eighth grade **** pill he got from Mrs. Qiu was actually an eighth grade poison pill. As a result, this drop of green liquid became useless.

Han Fei took a closer look, but saw information emerging in his eyes:

【Name】No barrier sword fluid

[Introduction] The origin of the sword intent born in the imperial sword fetus, the barrier-free sword liquid contains the sword intent of the emperor, which has the ability to break defenses and kill lives.


[Effect] When used in conjunction with Jian Yun, it can explode several times the true meaning of kendo and cut the enemy invisible.

Han Fei couldn't help his heart move, no wonder He Daoyuan's sword intent burst out so strong. Han Fei thought that he was weak, and there was a gap of tens of thousands of years of cultivation from He Daoyuan.

It turns out that this is not the case. The co-author is that this co-author has such a powerful baby.

However, it's a pity that I didn't go on a sword path. Putting this thing in my own hands, the effect will definitely be greatly reduced. This thing will be used as a clone of Nezha, and there may be unexpected effects in the future.

In addition to this barrier-free sword fluid, Han Fei thought he had obtained another thing, which was actually a Dinghai Chart. In the origin sea of ​​He Daoyuan, there are a total of six.

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When the sky appeared in the second phase of the Emperor's Fall, the kings who were fighting in the Taiqing Palace were shocked at this moment. Why did the Emperor's Fall appear so quickly that Wang Yijian killed the enemy?

However, once again, Wang Yijian hasn't done anything yet. Xuanqingzi and Yun Tianhe have not fallen, so where is this special vision?

The kings couldn't help looking at Xia Xiaochan again, but Xia Xiaochan also looked confused, she shook her head and said, "It's not him."

Xia Xiaochan knew if Han Fei had an accident, because Han Fei's life monument was placed on her body. If it was Han Fei's accident, Xia Xiaochan could not have known it.


At this moment, Wang Yijian broke out, it seems that his shots are only about killing with one blow. Kong Shen and Xuan Qingzi were fighting fiercely. When Xuan Qingzi was under pressure, there was no time to be distracted. A bright sword light pierced in front of her eyes.

Xuan Qingzi just glanced at the sword light, and the whole person fell into a mystery barrier, and after that, the soul seemed to be broken, and the body and soul were swept into nothingness by a sword.

Even, others didn't know that Xuan Qingzi's origin sea revealed a sword mark, Ling Ling's sword intent bloomed in the origin sea, and a sword cut his origin sea away.


The sky opened a **** eye again, and the sky was full of blood. Who would have expected that the three emperors would fall in one day.

When Yun Tianhe saw this, the five fairy palaces could not be detonated at all, and all the fairy palace arrays were controlled by invisible forces. With the sword **** personally intercepting it, his state is no better than Xuan Qingzi.

Wang Yijian can kill Xuan Qingzi with one sword, and naturally he can also kill him with one sword.

Just listen to Yun Tianhe's burst of shout: "Sword God, don't force me."

Just listen to the sword **** You You said: "It's not that I forced you, an emperor fell, is the rise of countless people. You should have thought that when Taiqing Wuji had a strong summit, there would be a time of decline. Here, it shouldn't have been long since. Under your control."


The sword **** put his hands together and made a sword in the void of thousands of miles, condensing the rhyme of kendo, and the sword aura traverses the world.

Kong Shen's scepter hit the sky, and also slew towards Yun Tianhe.

But when the old snail's Taoist rhyme unfolded, the whole void became sticky, and Yun Tianhe just wanted to escape and there was nowhere to escape.

Wang Yijian raised the sword during the sword battle. At this time, he cut the emperor, and the sword intent was at its peak. The four emperors came out at the same time, and each one was stronger than Yun Tianhe. How could he resist?


The fall of Yun Tianhe symbolizes the end of an era, and symbolizes that the human race has walked out of a decade of disintegration for a hundred thousand years.

Huo Bulie: "I surrender! Golden Crow Heaven returns..."

"Puff chuff~"

Huo Bulie didn't say everything, Wang Yijian cut it off with a backhand, and everyone knew who could stay and who should be killed. You say surrender, then surrender, how old are you?

Huo Bulie couldn't believe that he was a majestic man, and he was still a very strong one, why these people could easily kill him.

With the lesson from the past, the dream of yarn weaving, the old lady Qiu and others did not resist at all, even if it is dead, face can not be lost.

Kaitian has fallen, how can the remaining kings of Taiqing and Wuji compare with the kings of the human army? They can be crushed in quantity.

Just listen to Hong Yue: "The Emperor said that if the king does not stay, he will kill all of them."

Ever since, above the sky, cracks appeared one after another. It's just that a few Open Heaven Realm emperors have no more shots.

In the Venerable Realm, there are only a few who are stubbornly resisting, and I don't know what they are resisting?

This battle lasted only half an hour before it was declared over.

A venerable yelled: "The human race is unified, and the world is unified."

There are kings who are shocked: "There is still a way to survive the surrender. Ordinary people, don't panic, soon the human race will be unified. Taiqing Wuji dominates the world, and it has become the past. Then, the emperor will stand, and the people will submit."

Han Fei came back two hours later.

Fortunately, he can find a location from the constantly appearing celestial phenomena, otherwise it may take a few days before he can return.

When Han Fei came back, the great formation of the Five Immortal Palaces had been unlocked, the battle had subsided, and only the **** rain had not stopped.

His Holiness is undergoing verification.

Hundreds of millions of people in the five immortal palaces are all worried at this moment. The pride of countless people in the Taiqing Palace was shattered, but no one dared to say anything bad about Han Fei.

Here, at this moment, kings are everywhere, and the five emperors are sitting in town. Who dares to mumble?

Most people ~www.ltnovel.com~ just have sullen faces, and their expressions are not very happy.

When Han Fei returned, Sword God and others cast their eyes, and Xia Xiaochan and others, who had been waiting for anxiously, greeted him directly.

Xia Xiaochan: "Are you okay? Why are there two appearances of the emperor's fall?"

Zhang Xuanyu: "If you hadn't left the monument, we would have thought you had an accident."

The old snail also said: "Did you kill the two kings?"

Han Fei smiled slightly: "He Daoyuan has an incarnation outside of the Open Heaven Realm, which has fallen at this moment."

Taiyuan couldn't help asking at this moment: "I just want to know, how did you do it, these five immortal palaces are not controlled by them? If it weren't for your promise, I wouldn't take it easily."

Han Fei smiled and said, "This matter is confidential."

Han Feixin asked if I wanted to tell you, did I go through the back door again, and let Teacher Di Zun take a shot, shouldn't it be cheating?

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