God of Fishing

Chapter 2108: Terran Fusion

The civil chaos in the human race was calmed down, and Han Fei and the sword **** and others had no conflict at all.

With this magical existence of Jian Xiu, they have no interest in this type of fighting at all. All they care about is Sword Doctrine.

The reason why the Sword God wanted to resist Taiqing Wuji, from the very beginning, he felt that Taiqing Wuji's behavior was unreasonable to split the human race.

The sword **** they valued more is to go out. The swordsmanship they could touch was no longer. They stayed in the rioting sea, and they didn't feel anything other than the cold from the heights.

The purpose of the old snail is to carry forward the line of giant beasts. Since Han Fei has an external incarnation of the line of giant beasts, so that the human race and the giant beasts have no conflict, this is the long-term solution.

Moreover, Han Fei is very strong, controls the human race, and can also leave the rioting sea, which laid the foundation for the behemoths to go to the sea in the future.

Taiyuan, a guy who basically never participated in all kinds of battles, only occasionally shots to do small things that are not painful, but in the end he became the final winner. This point, He Daoyuan, they would not be envious, because people have always been like this, and they have been following this law of birth for tens of thousands of years.

The last is Kong Shen. Since Han Fei has chosen to accept them, he will not attack them again. Facing the unknown place of the sea world, they, as the aboriginal people of the rioting sea, should deal with the outside world together.

However, Han Fei couldn't completely trust Kong Shen. But if he leaves the riots in the future, Han Fei will definitely take him out.

The war ended.

Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan came to the royal family. At this time, it was impossible for the human race and the mackerel royal family to go to war. On the Terran side, Han Fei's prestige is in full swing. It is really hard to say whether the majestic royal family can be defeated by the addition of the various open heaven realms.

In particular, Xia Hongzhu's injury has not healed, and it is impossible to be an enemy of Human Race.

This time, unlike the last time, this time Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan walked back dignifiedly. Han Fei has already opened up the heavens, and no one knows about the majestic royal family now.

Moreover, today the Four Emperors have fallen, but Han Fei can appear, which means that Han Fei has won, and the human race is really unified by him. At this point, Han Fei was the emperor of the human race, and the ordinary shark human race did not even dare to look directly at Han Fei's face because he couldn't help but want to worship.

Along the way, no one dared to stop.

Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan arrived at the palace where Xia Hongzhu was. Han Fei still saw the face he didn't want to see, and hummed at the pure emperor's code, and finally ignored him arrogantly.

Chun Huang Dian looked indifferent, and the corners of his mouth also showed a trace of disdain, even if Han Fei killed two emperors by himself, Chun Huang Dian still looked down on Han Fei.

When Xia Hongzhu saw Xia Xiaochan, his eyes fell on Xia Xiaochan's abdomen for the first time.

Xia Hongzhu slowly retracted his gaze until Xia Xiaochan, who was watching, was unsure of what to say.

After a long time, Xia Hongzhu said, "When did it happen?"

Xia Xiaochan whispered: "Just a few years ago."

Xia Hongzhu didn't know that Xia Xiaochan was the child of the gods, so he hummed softly: "You are not allowed to leave the rioting sea before the child is born."

Xia Hongzhu was talking to Xia Xiaochan, meaning to tell Han Fei that even if he wanted to leave the rioting sea as soon as possible, Xia Xiaochan had to stay. After all, there was an agreement between you and me, that if you want to leave, you should go to the outside world to lay a piece of land and talk about it.

In fact, the danger from the outside world is still fresh in Xia Hongzhu's memory.

Xia Xiaochan: "Mother! We are here to tell you. I will not leave in a hundred years, but the hatred of setting up a home is not just your hatred! I also want to avenge this hatred."

"By you?"

At this time, I only listened to Han Fei's voice: "By me!"

Han Fei: "In dealing with the goal of relocating, I agree with the Royal Family. Therefore, one is to tell the mother-in-law that the girl is pregnant, and the other is to ask the mother-in-law to share the relocation. Related news."

Xia Hongzhu couldn't help looking sideways and said: "Oh? You have to deal with Anjia? Anjia has the emperor."

Han Fei grinned, and couldn't help looking at the Pure Emperor's Code: "The strong, isn't it just for stepping on? Although the emperor is powerful, but I am not stagnant."

Xia Hongzhu shook his head slightly: "The size of the sea is unspeakable. An family rules a realm, and there are two emperors who have passed ten in the Open Heaven realm. You still have to think about how to find a place to live after you go out. Right! As for the settlement, it’s hard to know whether you want to stabilize it or not."

When Han Fei heard it, it seemed that this Anjia was indeed powerful! One hundred thousand years ago, there were two emperors and more than ten in the Open Heaven Realm. Isn't this level of strength able to suppress the entire riot with one family?

After all, with the addition of the Beastmaster, Riot Canghai is no more than an emperor, plus a dozen or so Open Heaven realms. Can't even compare to a family in the sea world?

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Xia Hongzhu's words were done here, and Han Fei didn't ask any more questions. Because Han Fei heard that Xia Hongzhu meant to intimidate himself, a little too exaggerated the danger of the sea world.

However, if you put yourself in the position and think about it, you are also in the Open Heaven Realm.

Moreover, he naturally wouldn't bother to settle down as soon as he went out.

There must be serious information asymmetry in the sea and the riots. Just like Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian, ​​after coming out of the small world, the strength of the whole people soared.

It's not because of the higher concentration of aura in the riots, the stronger the strength of the marine creatures, the more resources, and the more practice methods.

The principle is the same when the riots go to the sea, this is the difference in level.

Of course, Han Fei didn’t plan to go right away. He just opened the sky, and there are many things he needs to do. In addition to accompany Xia Xiaochan to give birth, he still has a lot of great skills to practice, such as Void Refinement. , Practicing at this moment, oneself must have great room for growth.


Three months later.

The riots in the sea, the inner waters.

First, Yinyangtian and Shuimutian were born, and the sacred tree of Yunhai slowly moved to the sea area that Taiqing Wuji and the others had indulged in.

After three months, when ordinary people found out that no one would threaten them, they just attacked some special exchanges and special institutions, ordinary people were not affected.

Ordinary people don't care about their lives, and they don't care who is in control of Thirty-Six Profound Sky.

Moreover, they are also quite looking forward to the forthcoming Outland Immortal Palace.

Someone sighed: "In the future, we should merge with those guys in Outland. It's really uncomfortable!"

"Hush! You are crazy. The new order is issued. If there are people who discriminate against people from outside, the punishment is quite serious. From now on, everyone belongs to the human race, and there is no so-called internal and external division. Do you understand? ?"

Someone sneered: "Who is fine to listen to the corner? But the people who belong to Outland are not talented. When they come, they have to divide our resources, and they have to communicate in large quantities on our land, which flatly lowers our level of living?"

"What is your level of life?"

As soon as this person's voice fell, he saw that a strong man in the explorer realm had appeared in front of this person, and his expression was not good?

Just listen to this humanity: "The emperor's order, cancel the division of internal and external domains, I don't think you are very happy, then go mining!"

The man was astonished and said quickly: "I just complained."

"Humph! It is because of the complaints of people like you that the human race is divided. The local law enforcement really regards oneself as a noble group of people. Grandpa is from a foreign land and is responsible for listening to the Quartet. Do you think you are still running? "


After speaking, this person grabbed it with a big hand, and carried this person away like a chicken.

Someone shook his head again and again: "Remind him how many times, but just didn't listen. Isn't this asking for trouble?"

Someone sighed: "It's good to be alive, and mumble, really think this is the original Taiqing Palace?"

Someone said: "In the future, you must never say anything like this. After ten years of mining, who can hold it?"

The integration of human races requires maintaining a voice. Discriminators of this kind take one after the other. To this day, only Taiqing Wuji has arrested more than 500,000 people.

These people will all be detained for mining and transformation. Mining with them is a large number of volunteers from outside areas. Many people are not strong enough and resources are scarce, so they can only earn resources through mining.

Han Fei just hopes that these people can face each other squarely, merge with each other, and eliminate the boundaries between internal and external domains.


Suddenly, just after this person from Taiqing Palace was taken away, there was no time to stick incense, and the fairy palace suddenly shook.

In another half an hour or so, the vibration subsided slightly, but countless people in the Taiqing Palace were sighed. What happened?

Some people were surprised: "What's the matter? Is the fairy palace unstable?"

Some people wondered: "Looking around ~www.ltnovel.com~ Suddenly, someone pointed to the branches and leaves that were slowly emerging in the distant sky, and exclaimed: "Look, it's a big tree, it's bigger than the Tianque star tree. Countless times. "


"I can't see where the top is. Is this still a tree? Why didn't I see the trunk!"

"You are blind! That branch is not a trunk?"

"I'm talking about the backbone."

When the huge tree body of the Cloud Sea God Tree appeared, it directly shook the people of the two immortal palaces of Taiqing Wuji. On the suspended island, there were tree-viewers everywhere.

At this time, just listen to the mighty sound of the sky.

"I am Han Feiye. From now on, the Thirty-Six Immortal Palace of the Human Race will soon return to the throne. The Human Race will usher in the first great integration in history in 100,000 years."

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