God of Fishing

Chapter 2109: Heaven and Earth

This day is destined to be the most extraordinary day in human history.

Many fairy palace islands are flying towards the inner waters. The huge sacred tree of the sea of ​​clouds, even with millions of miles of grassland on the sea, slowly soared and finally reached the ground.


In the big fairy palaces classified together, all the humans near the edge of the island are looking out.

Some people cheered: "The spiritual energy here is so strong? I feel that by practicing here, my strength will skyrocket."

Someone pointed to Yuankong: "Look, it should be the legendary Shuimutian Cloud and Sea God Tree, but unfortunately only one cluster of branches and leaves can be seen. If you are free, you must have a panoramic view of it."

Someone sneered: "If you look at it, it is said that at the half-king level cultivation level, you can't see the length of a branch of the Cloud Sea God Tree. Just you, you, do you want to see the whole view of the Cloud Sea God Tree?"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed: "Look. That fairy palace, dragons are all around, could it be the Dragon Heaven?"

While everyone was enjoying the scenery, they saw a young man flying by, carrying a huge tree of incomparable flames.

Someone exclaimed: "That is also a tree? Why are the leaves burning?"

Someone was surprised: "This tree can still fly?"

Someone was speechless: "I know how to fly a fart, it is obvious that there is a strong man hunching, it should be the tree of the Golden Crow Heaven, but why I flew here, then I don't know."


Golden Wutian.

Huo Bulie was smashed by Wang Yijian, and the dragons had no head, and the lords were fighting for hegemony.

You know, if anyone can sit in the position of the fairy palace, how can their strength be weak?

Someone scolded: "I am a big disciple of the Fire King. I should enter the fairy palace. You don't even recognize me. Is this trying to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor?"

Someone sneered: "You are quite courageous, and Huo Buliee helps you to abuse him. The emperor will not tolerate him. I am surprised that you, a big disciple, haven't been arrested until now. You still want a fairy palace? What are you? ?"

Someone yelled, "Whoever holds the Immortal Palace should speak with strength."

Some people disdain: "In the fairy palace, how can you allow you to decide at will? Without the master fairy palace, there will be strong people who will take the seat."

Just at this moment, I saw the sky red, a huge tree of flames flying by.


"Fire, fire, flame tree?"

The venerables were shocked, and the sacred flame tree, which had disappeared for more than 80,000 years, reappeared?

When a group of venerables were dumbfounded, they saw a bald young man falling down carrying the tree.

The young man's strength just came out of the Venerable Realm, and saw him carrying the sacred flame tree, looking at the Golden Crow Heavenly Immortal Palace and saying, "Are you waiting for me?"

Some people wondered: "Who are you?"

He only listened to the bald head with a smile: "My name is Golden Crow, I am here to take over the Golden Crow Sky."


Suddenly, a group of people were speechless. Some people looked at their bald heads like a fool and said, "You think you are called the Golden Crow, and you want to be the master of the Golden Crow? What do you think of a mere Intermediate Venerable?"

However, I only listen to the Golden Crow said: "The Emperor is my uncle."




"Little bald head, don't you dare to make a joke."

Jin Wudao: "First of all, I may be the reincarnation of the Lord of the Golden Crow Heaven who fell 80,000 years ago. Secondly, my teacher is the queen of life of Shuimutian, and my teacher and the emperor are brothers and sisters, so the emperor is my uncle. Is it okay? Here, look, I even carried the tree."

All respects: "..."

Seeing that no one responded to him, Jin Wu shook his head slightly, carrying the tree, and stepping directly to the fairy palace.

The venerables were dumbfounded, and when the golden crow completely disappeared into the fairy palace, the venerable vented his sigh: "Let’s say it! How can the fairy palace be controlled by us? The reincarnation of the first Lord of the fairy palace is Come out, we still fight, fight for a fart!"

Someone took control of the Golden Crow Heaven, which was originally Golden Crow's territory, and Han Fei returned it to him.

Wu Jitian, Song Kaiyuan of Taixuantian went to take over. Han Fei's intention was to let Zhang Xuanyu go, but Zhang Xuanyu didn't go. Song Kaiyuan, who had just crossed the catastrophe, took over.

The Taiqing Palace was taken over by Jianhui.

Except for one Shisetian that even Han Fei hadn't found, or hadn't looked for it, now the Thirty-five Immortal Palaces of the Human Race have been merged together.

This day.

Just listen to the voice of Han Fei from the sky above the heads of the trillions of human races: "Today is the day when the 36 Immortal Palaces of my human race will be unified. From today onwards, the human race will have no foreign enemies. The Hundred Monster Races have been destroyed. , The undersea human race has been attached, and the shark royal family has reached a peace consensus with our human race..."

In the main cities, villages and towns of the big fairy palaces, countless people looked up and listened.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "One hundred thousand years ago, the human race made a big move eastward. The first king of the human race led some human races and left here. From today onwards, the human race no longer needs to hang above the nine heavens. People return to their homeland, and the human race should also Return to the dust, let you and my homeland, rebuild the foundation and thrive."


Countless people were dumbfounded.

"What, isn't the Hanging Island suspended?"

Someone was surprised: "We are going to land on the sea? Will this be dangerous?"

Someone thought: "Now that the external enemies have been eliminated, the conflicts within the human race have been resolved. It seems that there is indeed no need to levitate in the sky!"

Someone firmly said: "Landing on the sea, this is a great pattern. When falling on the sea, the strong will inevitably clear the surrounding sea and create a large safe sea. This is more helpful for us to hunt at sea. Moreover, the land is connected, All kinds of trade are also easier than a group of major cities flying in the sky."

Just listen, Han Fei’s voice is leisurely: “From today, the Human Race’s 36 Immortal Palaces will exchange what is needed. Combat skills and techniques below the 36 Immortal Palace’s Heaven level must be put on the market for low prices, or even sold for free. . Since our human race is unified, the major immortal palaces should no longer cherish their own broomsticks... Heavenly level and above exercises and combat skills are equally open. However, it is necessary to practice properly according to the cultivator’s aptitude, strength, and talent. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult for the weak to practice hard. Getting started is not beautiful."


The trillions of human races are all in an uproar.

Han Fei's move has a lot to do with it. How many ordinary people can get the Heaven-level exercises at will? Most people just want to live, even in this world of practice, the strong are rare.

They couldn't cultivate or get a technique that was too strong at the heaven level.

Below the heavenly level, the aptitude and potential of practitioners are not valued much, but most people can't get good ones either.

Now, Han Fei sells everything below the heavenly level at low prices, and there are even free ones, which will surely make countless people who want to learn better exercises and combat skills, there are a lot of exercises and combat skills to practice.

Even Han Fei put the first three layers of the Void Fishing Technique in these techniques. Isn't the void temple selecting disciples? As the choice of the thirteenth disciple, I should start from this moment.

At last.

Han Fei issued the last decree: "From today onwards, there is a huge difference in strength between those above the realm of the nobleman and those below the realm of the nobleman. In order to prevent the strong from chaosing the law with their strength, this emperor's decree divides the human race into the two realms of heaven and human. The heavens only preserve the fairy palace itself. It is used by the kings and venerables to live in. Under the venerables, they are all in the world. The heavenly world, the human world, has a southern gate, and anyone who enters the venerable can pass through the southern gate and enter the heavenly realm. Above, it is not allowed to attack the world at will. If the world encounters a catastrophe, there will be a strong man in the heavens. The world prohibits all families with the respectable state or above, and must not use the respectable state as a family resource. If there is a violation, it will be Punish..."

This last order was decided by Han Fei after pondering for a long time.

On the one hand, it is because there is indeed a huge gap between the Venerable Realm and the lower realm.

On the other hand, Han Fei always has to give ordinary people a goal. Now that there are no powerful enemies, they can't really let them live and work in peace. After all, this is the world of practitioners. As long as you are born in this world, you have to practice.

Therefore, Nantian Gate is a goal, a starting point for mortals to lead to the strong.

In addition, the human race has a drawback, that is, the prosperity of the family. Now in the major fairy palaces, which main city is not lined with families?

Powerful family members gather resources and use resources to forcibly pile up some waste. How could it be better to have personal experience.

In short, Han Fei adheres to the principle of equality in the world.


At that moment, I saw the immortal palaces sinking, first the main city, descending to the height of the town, 36 towns gathered, and then countless villages gathered. How to assemble the suspended islands will be arranged by the kings themselves.

Anyway, when it reaches the sea, land will be reclaimed from the sea, and all the main cities will be combined again.

Ordinary people do not have such a high degree of acceptance and imagination, and they all walk out of the house and wait for the immortal palace to change.

When one fairy palace after another really fell into the sea, from a suspended island to a land, Han Fei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. This is what the world is like.

Luo Xiaobai and others, standing next to Han Fei~www.ltnovel.com~ only listened to the madness: "It's a bit unaccustomed, from now on, the hanging island is gone?"

Zhang Xuanyu: "Are you stupid! Isn't there a fairy palace anymore? But this fairy palace should be enlarged? Oh, fortunately I didn't become the master of this fairy palace, otherwise, what's the point of guarding an island? what?"

Luo Xiaobai: "The Thirty-Six Immortal Palace exists in name only. From now on, the heaven will only become a direction for people to work hard."

Xia Xiaochan: "Anyway, I don't want to live in the heavens. I want to live in the world. It's fun to get along with those people."

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At this time, I saw Wang Yijian stepping on the empty space. His intention is also simple. Looking at Han Fei, he said simply and clearly: "When will I go east?"

Han Fei looked at Xia Xiaochan, "How about giving me a hundred years?"

Wang Yijian nodded slightly: "Okay! Waiting for your child to be born."

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