God of Fishing

Chapter 2117: Exit

The God of Fishing Xuankong Island Chapter 2117 exited, five years later.

   Han Fei came out of the sea of ​​origin.

   He Daoyuan's resources have been swallowed by Han Fei by 70% or 80% during this period. The main purpose is to practice Void Body Refining and Void Viewing Art.

   Han Fei was not in a hurry to continue to open up the original source sea. In the past three years, the first two years, he was not in the original source sea, but frantically rose from the endless void.

   Every day, while absorbing the Qi of Chaos, the rest of the time is to use the Xuan Huang Jing to absorb the Xuan Huang Qi.

   The last year left is his real time for cultivation.

   Now, in the sea of ​​his origin, there are as many as 500,000 strands of Chaos Qi, 100,000 celestial qi, and nearly 30,000 fierce qi.

   These resources, Han Fei used as basic reserves, were prepared for the sea world.

   Although he didn't know what kind of place the Sea Realm was, he believed that the Open Heaven Realm would never be everywhere, otherwise how strong would the Sea Realm be?

   glanced at personal information:

  Master: Han Fei

   Level: 101

   Cang Hai Wan Genealogy: 360201

  The Qi of Chaos: 500,000

   Mental power: 2143656

   Perception: 2.2 million miles

   Power: 1275052 waves

  The first spiritual vein: the original vein

  Second Spirit Vein: The Vein of Eternal Darkness

   The first talented soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 93]

   Second talent soul beast: Emperor Sparrow [level 99]

  Major exercises: "Void Fishing", the eighth layer, "Time Fishing" [Imperial Artifact]


   This information is in line with Han Fei's psychological expectations.

   After entering Kaitian, there will be an explosive growth stage, which is also the so-called strength consolidation stage. Before Han Fei's hurried consolidation, he did not fully use up his spare energy when opening the sky.

   Now, over 200 years of consolidating the cultivation base, the main task is to practice the Void Sky Viewing Technique, which makes the spirit more condensed, although it only increased by more than 200,000. But this number is actually very scary, almost twice as strong as it was before the opening of the sky.

Of course, because of my short training time, compared to power, the power of Divine Soul is not stronger than some of the Open Heaven Realm powerhouses who have practiced for tens of thousands of years. Even now, it is estimated that they are about the same as the Sword God. High will not go where it is.

   However, for a few years, it is not bad to be able to cultivate the strength of the soul to such a level.

   After all, I mainly rely on strength to feed, after all, I walked in the body training stream, so during this period of time, after the thorough consolidation of the cultivation base, there will be more than 100,000 waves.


   Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief: "It's time to leave."


   Thug Academy.

   When Han Fei appeared here five years later, the old man and the others narrowed their eyes.

   Ren Tianfei came out of the palace in the central holy city, and sighed slightly: "Are you leaving?"

   Han Fei: "The riots in the ocean can no longer make me improve quickly."

   Ren Tianfei was embarrassed, this guy has been a fisherman since he was a fisherman, and he has reached a point where everyone can hardly reach it for hundreds of years. Such talent, naturally should not be buried in the sea of ​​riots.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Ren Tianfei: "Everyone is actually waiting for you to come out. I hope you hurry up, and I hope you slow down. Well, let me inform you? "

   Han Fei smiled slightly: "No, I should know almost everything."

   In fact, the moment Han Fei came out of the Origin Sea, Sword God, Wang Yijian, Taiyuan and others had already looked over.

  Even, Han Fei felt a special guy in the Baihua Palace, Li Luoluo.

   Han Fei looked towards the void and said lightly: "Everyone, since you haven't been to the heavens, they seem to be waiting for me. In that case, come on!"

   Old man Jiang: "Smelly boy, don't you stay for two more years? It's actually not bad to have a comfortable life for two years after training."

   Han Fei smiled and said, "Master, you forgot, I have had two hundred years of comfortable life before. Life is too comfortable, it will always make people lazy."

Old man Bai: "That's good. After all, sooner or later, you have to go out. However, Han Fei, outside of the rioting sea, maybe it is really a legendary boundless land. This world is too vast and too big. It’s dangerous. Even if you have opened the sky, you should be cautious, you still have to be cautious..."

  Han Fei clasped his fists: "Thank you, the principal for reminding me, I will."


   I saw Zhang Xuanyu, Luo Xiaobai, and Le Ren Kuang walking out of the void one after another, each of them seemed to be ready.


   A number of silhouettes walked out of the void.

  The king of the human race, the king of the seabed human race, the giant beast has only one clone of its own, the elder tortoise and the snail emperor.

   Seeing Snail Emperor walking slowly with a cane, Han Fei couldn't help being surprised: "Senior Snail Emperor, do you want to follow it too?"

I saw the emperor nodded slightly: "The emperor has been thinking about whether he should go. It stands to reason that it is better to be conservative. However, the emperor has indeed lived too long in the riots. It seems that he should also be active. Move your body."

Han Fei nodded: "Then let's go together, but the king of each family will bring it by yourself. It is unpredictable to go to the sea, after all, it is better to open the sky, so if you want to leave with us, you can enter each family to open the sky. The origin is in the sea."

   Luo Xiaobai: "In the past few years of your retreat, our major kings have actually discussed it. Except for some new kings and Uncle Xuan, we will go to the rest."

   Han Fei couldn't help looking at Han Xuan: "Uncle Xuan is not going?"

Han Xuan: "Someone has to sit here. Moreover, Yin'er has been learning arithmetic and formation skills with Uncle Wei in the past few years, and has all gone, leaving a group of venerables and a few new kings. What should I do if something happens? "

   Yin'er has not opened the sky now, it should be to continuously release her potential.

   Even if it was his Nezha clone, he had already crossed the robbery and opened the sea. Although the giant beast clone did not break through, it quickly reached the high-ranking state.

   Mainly, Han Fei's ontology is too powerful. When there is consciousness sharing and massive experiences and insights fall on these two external incarnations, it helps them solve many problems invisibly.

   Yin'er came with Han Xuan. Seeing Han Fei, she couldn't help but said, "Brother! Your external incarnation..."

  Han Fei said bluntly this time: "Take it away together."

   This time, Han Xuan did not stop him. Han Fei had disclosed some outsiders to himself. If there is an external avatar, it is convenient to reserve a backhand.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Hole depth: "Undersea human race, go half of the king, leave half."

  Han Fei nodded, that's okay, it should be fine if Uncle Xuan sits down. When he scanned the crowd, he found that Mu Wuhua appeared with a little girl. This little girl is looking at Han Fei with her head tilted at this moment.

   Han Fei couldn't help but smile, is the Narcissus finally transformed again?

But Han Fei’s smile did not reveal much. He just listened to him: “Everyone who comes today, I remind you, once there is a riot, don’t mention the riot to anyone. When necessary, even if you blew up. I don’t hesitate."

   The kings looked solemn, they naturally knew the seriousness of this matter, if anyone could search for their souls, even if they didn’t know the way to leave and enter the riot. But what about it, they are just kings, how can they know the methods of the stronger?

To listen to Hong Yue said: "Don’t worry, the emperor, everyone knows that. This eastward crossing may be a great opportunity or a great disaster. Since we are ready to go, we have already done it in our hearts. Ready."

   Han Fei nodded slightly: "Okay, do you need a few more days to do something? I don't know when I will be able to return this time."

   Sword God: "The inheritance that should be left has basically been left. How many strong people can be born here depends on their chance."

   Even Zhang Xuanyu said: "No! Even I have left it for the inheritance~www.ltnovel.com~ I am afraid that the only thing left for the world here is you, right?"

   When Han Fei heard it, the corners of his mouth raised slightly. His eyes fell on the palace plaque in the central holy city. He grabbed it easily, and the plaque instantly shattered and turned into powder.

   But seeing Han Fei take out a piece of chalcedony with his backhand, it burned in the void, and it condensed into a plaque in the blink of an eye. On the backhand, he saw his fingers outlined in the void, and the wisps of Taoist rhyme turned into a sword light and carved two large characters on the plaque-"Dao Xin".

   When I saw the words Han Fei, even Wang Yijian, who had been silent all the time, couldn't help but brighten his eyes. In these two words, not to mention the inheritance of Dao Dao, and even carry the powerful Dao rhyme. Even if he saw it, he felt a trance and was a little touched.

   If it wasn't for leaving, Wang Yijian felt that he would like to talk to Han Fei once.

   The kings haven't recovered for a long time, Yin'er and the unawakened Narcissus are directly fixed on the spot. They can't recover for a long time, and seem to be fascinated by these two words.

  Han Fei glanced at Yin'er one last time, and then looked hundreds of thousands of miles away. It was Qu Jinnan and Yi Xiyan who were rushing back.

   Yi Xiyan hurried back, yelling, "Wait for me."

   She knew that Han Fei would definitely be able to hear them.

   Indeed, Han Fei looked at Zhang Xuanyu with a playful smile.

   Zhang Xuanyu sullen his face; "Wait for a moment."

   Han Fei: "Don't bring it?"

   Zhang Xuanyu snorted softly: "A woman will only affect the speed at which I draw my gun."


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