God of Fishing

Chapter 2118: Ice Age?

Three months later.


   Several silhouettes stopped on an endless sea, where a trace of mist has appeared. However, this is not a sea of ​​mist. This is a place that the emperors have never reached for so many years.

   Just listen to Han Fei said: "Everyone, no accident, we can leave within five days. I'll go and explore nearby first."

  Han Fei did this, this is not once or twice. Even if there is a Vientiane Navigation Device, it is mainly dragged down by the speed of the snail, so Han Fei will conduct an ultra-long-distance exploration in advance to avoid everyone taking only a short cut every day. Because he masters the Avenue of Time, he is not afraid of getting lost.

  On this day, it was an exception. When this fog appeared, Han Fei knew where he was.

   After thousands of miles away, Han Fei shouted: "Teacher, are you there?"


   The figure of the Beast King appeared silently from the void, and even Han Fei felt that the void was only slightly shaken, just like the movement of a breeze on his face.

  Han Fei: "Teacher, Haijie, I will go ahead. Do you have any warning?"

The Beastmaster said leisurely: "Although I was a teacher at the edge of the sea world, I encountered the battle of the emperor, so I got the chance and couldn't go out. However, the sea world is bound to be dangerous, and there are many races of various colors. Only the teacher can see There are not less than a hundred species. If you go, don’t be too sharp. If you can, try to understand the surrounding area where we are and find out who the guy who often takes action against the riots is. At that time, we will go together as a teacher and apprentice. Fuck him, eliminate that person, and the riot will be safe, otherwise, you will have to stay here as a teacher."

   Han Fei nodded solemnly: "Understand, this will be the first thing I do after I go to the sea world."


   Three days later.

   After Han Fei and the others completely entered a misty sea, under the leadership of Han Fei, they finally saw a different dimension like a dark barrier.

   Taiyuan sighed: "Unexpectedly, we just live in a world."

  Wang Yijian: "There have been speculations that there should be a stronger sword behind this darkness."

   Han Fei: "Everyone, there is no turning back now. The past was a great world, a world that could be extremely large."

   Hole deep: "Rather than being trapped in a cage, it is better to fall into the great world. Since it is here, let's do it all."

   Han Fei nodded slightly: "In that case, all kings enter the sea of ​​origin."

   Even if it is a sword repairer, the sword palace can also enter people. Most of the people who entered Han Feiyuanhai were the masters of the original 36xuantian celestial palaces.

   The other side is okay, but Han Fei has one more Liluo here, which is not familiar to everyone.

   And Luo Xiaobai and others, because they saw Li Luolu here, they were even more defensive.

   Luo Xiaobai also transmitted Han Fei's voice: "To go to the outside world, you have to let all the kings cut off the memory of these three months."

   Han Fei nodded imperceptibly.


   "Boom boom boom~"

   This dark barrier does not have the meaning of the enchantment type. It is a piece of pure darkness, more like a road to light.

   After Han Fei and the others entered the darkness, they could immediately feel a slight pull, as if they were about to pull them out. Even if there is no Vientiane Navigation Device, most of you can follow this suction force and leave the rioting sea.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   When he first entered the darkness, Han Fei waited for several emperors, the only feeling was cold.

   This kind of cold is not just as simple as cold itself, it seems to contain great power.

   Sword God: "This kind of cold requires Daoxin's resistance, and the Venerable Realm simply cannot survive here."

   Taiyuan: "Yes, this is so dangerous before we go out, everyone get ready."

   half a day later.


   In a dark and icy sea, here are some light gray patches of ocean currents like clouds all year round.

   only saw six figures in a row, walking out of a large gray mist.

   When Han Fei came out, his heart moved and his perception swept away, surrounded by a gray area of ​​more than a million miles, like a turbid ocean current, without a single creature.

   And directly above, that is, above the head, there seems to be a problem. When the perception reaches the sky, it is frozen, and it almost breaks the perception.

   And, at least in this gray turbid current, Han Fei and the others did not perceive a creature.

   Everyone saw that they didn't find any creatures, their second reaction was to look back. But they seem to have appeared out of thin air, and there is no way to come, and there are no space nodes to shuttle.

   Han Fei took out the Vientiane Navigation Device, with a thought that he continued to point in the direction of the sea world. But this time, the Vientiane Navigation Instrument did not turn around.

   The emperor looked at it and couldn't help taking a breath.

  Kong Shen: "This is already the sea world."

The Snail Emperor laughed, and saw that his body suddenly became strong. From the original appearance of the old dragon, he became a strong man in the blink of an eye, with many muscles bulging in his body. He only heard him say: "This is the sea world. That's right, the emperor feels that the power can be released, and there is no longer a way to suppress it. Finally, there is no need to go so slowly. This is definitely the sea world."

   Several people stretched their eyebrows, but Han Feixin said that the sea world should not be like this, and just listened to him: "You don't have to choose a direction, just find a direction and walk around."

   Everyone nodded, everything here is unknown, they can only be tentatively coming.

   It's just that when everyone has just passed a million miles or so, their eyes lit up because they can already perceive the outside. Here, except for the seemingly problematic space above, perception is not limited.

   After dozens of breaths, everyone left the turbid current vigilantly.

   And before their eyes, there is a shocking scene.

   Here, this sea seems to be a vast undersea iceberg world. On the seafloor, ice bodies are like flocculents, superimposed on each other, like huge marshmallows ranging from hundreds to thousands of miles up and down. There will be some gaps between the many irregular cotton-like ice bodies, and the gaps are flawless and pure ice blue, just like pure sapphire color.


   Han Fei was surprised to find that when he tried to spread his perception to a large area, he seemed to be corroded by some kind of force?

   Sword God suddenly said: "Perception cannot be released all the time. Although the sea here is not very cold, there is an invisible power that constantly melts the perception."

   Taiyuan: "I'm afraid it is a matter of the rules of the world here. If you release your perception for a long time, your perception will be frozen and you can't get it back."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Snail emperor: "Zoom out."

   The emperors perceive the release, from one million li to one hundred thousand li, and finally to ten thousand li.

   Soon, Han Fei said: "Perceived release is best within 50,000 miles, so that once the situation is frozen, it can be recovered in time."

   Han Fei: "However, even so, it is best not to exceed ten breaths when perceiving the release time."

   Everyone couldn't help looking at Han Fei in surprise, Wang Yijian said stiffly: "I am about eight breaths, and it will not be easy to take it back no matter how long it is."

   Taiyuan: "The emperor only has about seven breaths."

   The reason everyone was surprised was that Han Fei could continue to release the perception for ten breaths of time, and he could also take it back calmly, which made them realize that Han Fei's power of soul does not seem to be weaker than them at all, it seems to be slightly stronger. It's hard to imagine that Han Fei's power of the soul is so powerful at the same time he takes the path of refining the body.

   Sword God: "But it’s best to keep it about ten thousand miles away, so that it can be retracted and retracted, and even the eyes can directly see through. The only thing that can’t be seen through is the upper part."

   Several people have already discovered that since it is the sea, there must be a sea surface. Now, they can't perceive the sea surface at all. Once the perception reaches the sea surface, it will freeze instantly and can't get it back at all.


   I only saw Han Fei cast the twin magic skills, swiftly pierced through the air, penetrated the sea with one finger, and rushed up.

   As the saying goes ~www.ltnovel.com~Yi Gao people are bold, Gemini magic is used for adventure, which is definitely a magical skill.

   Within a few hundred miles, Han Fei arrived in an instant, but when he appeared on the surface of the sea, he only felt a terrifying force of ice and cold, which directly froze his entire black mist body. Even if the blood burst into his body, he could only resist five breaths.

   And within these five breaths, Han Fei can't release his perception at all, because if he releases his perception here, I'm afraid it won't penetrate even half a meter, and it will be directly frozen to pieces.

   As Han Fei could see, there was darkness above his head, feeling that half of his feet were on the land and half of his hands had touched the sea of ​​stars. The sky is black and full of stars. Surrounded by a vast expanse of white glaciers, crystal clear like the cold marrow of thousands of years, no creature can be seen. This makes Han Fei think of a word-"Ice Age".


   Han Fei's body in the dark mist finally couldn't hold it, and the ice cave that had just been pierced under him was basically frozen again at this moment, leaving behind a new, huge icicle.

   At this time, Han Fei and the twins were united, and he couldn't help but snorted, and an apocalypse magical technique descended on his backhand.

   Sword God and the others couldn't help but look dignified. It took too short a time to break the ice just now to repair the ice cave. Han Fei is a magnificent person, the power of one finger, and the blessing of Daoyun, if it is in the riots, the power of this finger will probably remain for thousands of years. As a result, only a few breaths of effort remained here, and it was ablated, as if the new one had never existed.

   Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief: "The surface of the sea is not suitable for survival at all, and the Open Heaven Realm is completely unstoppable."

  The emperors couldn't help taking a breath, is the sea world so perverted? Even the environment of the sea world may not be able to adapt to the open sky?

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