God of Fishing

Chapter 2120: Scavengers eight thousand and ninety-one seas

220 Scavengers 09 Sea Area

  Han Fei, they never thought that they would meet humans here.

   They felt that the size of the outside world might be the world of ten thousand races, and human beings are only one of ten thousand races, how could it be so easy to encounter?

   However, the actual situation is that they just came out of the riots when they encountered human beings.

   But Han Fei reacted quickly: "Not all, there are humanoids, look at it."

   But there are two men among the five young men and women, they actually have scales on their bodies. At first, Han Fei thought it was a battle suit, but when he saw a trace of spiritual energy circulating on those scales, he immediately judged that the opponent should be just a humanoid creature.

   Wang Yijian: "They are hunting this school of fish."

   In Wang Yijian's opinion, the group of houndstooth black sea breams is not worth hunting at all. They are too dirty and detrimental to their souls.

   Moreover, they don't think that only five young people can hunt these houndstooth black breams. Even those tens of thousands of houndstooth cubs are only in law enforcement. However, there are still nearly a hundred adult caninetooth black breams, most of which are in the state of venerable.

   But these people came, indicating that they are sure, Han Fei and the others are naturally not in a hurry. After all, it is a good thing to discover the existence of human beings. When these people lose, it will not be too late for them to make a move.


   On the other side, there was a woman in the lead, who had reached the peak of the nobleman, and the remaining four were all in the high noble state.

   Just listen to the woman shouting: "Jingshi mine, prepare."


   Five people each held a white jade sparkling with an electric arc in their hands. After the leading woman broke out at her limit speed in an instant, she cut through the sea and rushed towards the school of houndstooth black snapper.

   Upon seeing the headed Houndstooth Black Sea bream, he made a "chi chi" sound. Nearly a hundred adults Houndstooth Black Sea bream came forward, forming a black fish wall.


   only saw the woman's body twisted in the void, which made Han Fei's eyes brighten. It turned out to be a space secret technique similar to Dou Zhuan Xing Yi.

   In a blink of an eye, the woman moved behind the group of houndstooth black breams, where there are tens of thousands of small houndstooth black breams. Throwing out the flashing stone in the woman's hand.

   "Zi La~"

I only saw the explosion of electric light and a large interconnected arc of thunder, and I saw the tens of thousands of houndstooth black sea bream, making a "chicking" sound, like a bubble, everything that was touched by the arc would explode. Open and turn into a cloud of smoke.

   However, there was a large thumb-sized crystal in the smoke.

   With just one blow, almost 90% of these tens of thousands of houndstooth black breams were wiped out. After all, what is a group of law enforcement in the hands of a powerful person in the Venerable Realm? But this kind of high-efficiency attack really made Han Fei and others shine.

   Taiyuan also glanced at Han Fei and said, "There is a very pure power in the milky white arc. These creatures seem to have been purified."

   Taiyuan means that if Han Fei’s apocalyptic magic is performed here, it is probably a possible ability equivalent to a big killer.

   After the woman's shot, a young man had already met him head-on. The same arc weapon was thrown out, but from the front, a phantom of a dozen charges suddenly erupted.

   This is the natural ability of the Houndstooth Black Sea bream. It charges in the night, and the sense of sight of a fish rushing to kill. Under the effect of the natural ability, it seems that a thousand fish are charging.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "嗤嗤嗤~"

   The houndstooth black bream that charged out were purified in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a fist-sized crystal.

   I only saw the discoloration of these five people, and only listened to the woman shouting: "No, this houndstooth black sea bream seems to have given birth to some spiritual sense, and the instinctive reaction is stronger. I must quickly kill it."

   Only one man was in control of the sea, and turned into countless cones of ice to shoot out. Another woman pinched her fist and tried to smash through the fish wall in one fell swoop.

   However, in her fist mark, there is a pure stone mine hidden. This point was obviously discovered by the leading Houndstooth Black Sea bream, and five or six Venerable Houndstooth Black Sea bream rushed in front of him.

And this dogtooth black bream leader, hiding behind, opened his mouth and sucked, and the other dogtooth black breams around had a strong black mist out of his body. When he was inhaled by the dogtooth black bream, he was about to break through again and return to the half king realm.

   Just listen to the leading woman from the human side shouting: "Don't save it, use the two together."

   finished. This woman shot from behind, bursting out a bright sword light, as if she wanted to cut through the fish wall.

   However, all I saw was the group of Houndstooth Black Sea bream, which had formed a spherical shape, and even wrapped up the Houndstooth Black Sea bream head.


   The explosion of two pure stone mines directly purged nearly 40 houndstooth black breams in the Venerable Realm, and the rest totaled only more than 30.

   However, the faces of these five people are not good at all, because the leading houndstooth black bream has returned to the half-king state.

   is at that moment, on the human side, the woman headed by shouted: "Help me take good care of my brother."

   "Ye Lan, don't be impulsive, it's a big deal to give up this battle."

However, the woman did not waver, she saw her whole person holding a knife and slashing straight. Seeing the houndstooth black sea bream rushing forward, she saw her punch and the long knife popped out, touching a houndstooth black sea bream. At that time, it exploded.

   Taking advantage of the moment of the explosion, this woman, moving in a void, appeared in front of the Houndstooth Black Snapper leader. When a large black mist hit, she saw that she took out a pure stone mine again.

But by coincidence, the explosion caused the Houndstooth Black Sea bream to charge indiscriminately. Before she detonated the Jingshi mine, she was hit by a Houndstooth Black Sea bream. The Jingshi mine in her hand was missed and only three ordinary ones were taken away. Houndstooth black bream.

The Houndstooth Black Sea bream leader was naturally furious. He could have created tens of thousands of troops, but he was destroyed by this woman ninety-nine percent. He opened his sharp teeth and the speed of the half-king realm exploded, as if he was about to make the human woman Gnaw on the spot.

   "Sister Lan~"

   "Ye Lan~"


   Just when he and the woman felt certain that they were bound to die, and had already mobilized all the strength to prepare to explode, they saw a strange figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   I only saw that the remaining twenty or thirty houndstooth black breams were blown to pieces almost instantly.

"Be careful."

   The woman didn't know who saved her, but she immediately reminded her when she saw the black mist coming on her face.

   However, the man in front of him, with a single finger, the holy light was released, and all the black mist was instantly purified without a trace.

  Han Fei then slowly turned around and looked at Ye Lan: "Five people, dare to hunt so many houndstooth black breams, are you crazy?"

   Ye Lan and others looked at Han Fei in surprise, first surprised, then vigilant, and finally saluting.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "In Xia Yelan, the leader of the scavenger 09 sea hunting team, I have seen this scavenger, thank you for your help."


  Han Fei's heart moved, he was identified as a scavenger?

   I heard this woman say, what is this 09 sea area, what does it mean? Does this mean that there are more than 000 such sea areas?

   Behind Han Fei, Tai Yuan and others arrived one after another. However, all of them had hidden their strength and revealed a little coercion, which happened to be the strength of the new sea realm.

   Taiyuan and others saw that Han Fei had hidden his strength, so naturally they also hid it. After all, when they first arrived, it was not necessarily a good thing to be too strong.

   When Ye Lan and the others looked at it, they suddenly felt shocked. They turned out to be the Scavengers of the Sea Realm. It seems that this is also a powerful scavenger squad!

   When Han Fei saw Ye Lan speaking, he focused on those energy crystals, and immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed one in the void.

   only saw the information in his eyes:

   [Name] Energy Crystal

   [Introduction] The only pure energy nucleus in an unknown life body, with a small amount of chaotic energy, a small amount of vitality, a small amount of masterless soul, and a large amount of spiritual energy, which can be used for cultivation.



  [Contains the air of chaos]

   [Contains the soul of no master] 02 o'clock

  【Contains Reiki】0234 points


   [Remarks] Ordinary Venerable Realm crystals, which can be used for basic cultivation.

   Han Fei took a look, this thing is actually not bad, there is this thing in the riots, many people are afraid that they will practice quickly, right?

   At the moment when Han Fei caught this crystal~www.ltnovel.com~ Han Fei felt that Ye Lan and others' heartbeats accelerated, and their breathing seemed a little quick.

   Obviously, they were afraid that Han Fei would steal these energy crystals.

   Han Fei casually threw the energy crystal to Ye Lan: "I! Collect these things by yourself!"


   When Han Fei heard that he didn't want it, a few people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately gathered a large piece of energy crystals. It has to be said that these few people have gained a lot with their small abilities.

  Han Fei pointed to Ye Lan and said, "Come here, we have to ask you something alone."

   "Sister Lan!"

   Among the few remaining people, the woman couldn't help but speak out, very worried about Ye Lan's danger.

  Han Fei didn't care too much. He and others didn't understand too much about this place, and he had to ask someone to ask.

   Ye Lan motioned to the person not to make a sound. Respectfully came to Han Fei and the others, he couldn't help but sighed. They all saluted Han Fei, and then said sternly: "Ye Lan has seen all the adults. I don't know if you have any questions. Ye Lan must Know everything."

   Han Fei nodded and said: "First of all, tell me, what exactly is this place? Scavenger 09 sea area, and what is it? What's the matter with these black aura marine creatures?"


   Suddenly, Ye Lan suddenly looked at Han Fei and his mind exploded.

   These people actually don’t know anything about the Chaos Wasteland? Are they not scavengers? So where did they... come from?

  Second more...please vote...let me slowly unravel the worldview of the sea world

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