God of Fishing

Chapter 2121: Wasteland

"God of Fishing (!

Han Fei was not worried that Ye Lan would say her doubts, because after this questioning, he would cut off Ye Lan's memory of this part.

At this moment, Ye Lan's heart was terrified.

Han Fei and the others will ask such questions, and they can almost only determine two kinds of identities.

One is from outsiders, which may come from the dynasty of the gods, or from places such as Quanmang Mountain, and broke in by mistake. Because if it wasn't a mistake, they couldn't help but know where it was.

The other possibility is terrible. They may come from the primitive cemetery.

However, what shocked Ye Lan was that there were so many powerful people in the primitive cemetery at once. Was it still a primitive cemetery?

The key is that these people seem to be human beings. Although I can't see through a few people, if they are transformed, then these people are too perfect.

Looking at the manners of these people again, it seems that they are indeed different from the scavengers, especially the one with the sword behind him, it doesn't look like a simple character at all.

Just listen to Ye Lan: "Report to your lord. Our entire domain, called the Chaos Wasteland, is the most remote and dangerous place under the rule of the Divine Capital Dynasty of the East China Sea in the East China Sea. It is also called an ominous place. ."

Han Fei's heart moved, and sure enough, the place was right.

Han Fei: "Go on! Talk as much as you can, you should know how much I want to hear."

Ye Lan didn't dare to disobey, but she couldn't help asking: "My lord, besides the Chaos Wasteland, I only know a general idea. It is all said by others. I don't know whether it is specific or not. Maybe I am familiar with only Scavengers 8091 sea area this small area."

Han Fei said indifferently: "Talk as much as you can."

Ye Lan secretly said, this is afraid to answer the guess in her heart, these people, it seems that they don't care that they know their true origins, are they planning to kill people?

Unfortunately, at this time, I couldn't violate it at all, and I could only hope that these people were the same human race, and would not attack me.

Just listen to Ye Lan said: "Several adults. As far as I know, the sea is divided into five major Shenzhou, in addition to the four major Shenzhou, east, west, north and south, there is also a Shenzhou Zhonghai. The place where we are is in the Shenzhou of the East China Sea. The dynasty and the heavenly clan are the strongest forces, dominating the Quartet. Among them, the powerful and famous are the Kingdom of God, the Gate of Heaven, the Fist Mountain Peak, the Oriental Sword Pavilion, the Ghost Strait, the Boundless Mining Area, the Tiankeng World, and our Chaos Abandonment Soil and so on..."

When Ye Lan introduced Dongfang Jiange, the sword **** and Wang Yijian both narrowed their eyes slightly. Jian Xiu had always only been interested in swords.

Therefore, as soon as the name Dongfang Jiange was released, they knew where their destination was.

And in Han Fei's mind, the old tortoise's voice sounded: "Also, there is another place called Demon God Sea..."

When the old turtle made a sound, the Sword God and others looked at Han Fei one after another. Han Fei's face suddenly turned dark, and his consciousness fell on the sea of ​​soul: "Lao Yuan, you are a soul now, don't you have any points in your heart? I am surrounded by emperors. If my soul is strong, what you say has been heard. I know you have something to say now, but don’t panic, it’s all coming out, and I have time for you to say it when I look back."

Sure enough, the old man couldn't help saying: "Han Fei! The human heart is sinister, and the eager soul body in your body shouldn't pose a threat to you, right?"

Han Fei responded: "Naturally not."

At this time, Ye Lan continued: "Our chaotic wasteland is said to have been the place where the gods once fought. There are a lot of primitive cemeteries here, which is the original place that was excavated..."

Tian Yuan interjected: "What is the original place?"

Ye Lan's heart was chilled, these people really came from the primitive cemetery!

Han Fei secretly transmitted a few people to: "Our rioting sea belongs to an initial place, and the initial place that has been swept and cleaned by the strong is called the primitive cemetery. Senior Taiyuan, let me ask questions."

One sentence from Taiyuan was equivalent to acknowledging their origins. Although Ye Lan might have guessed Han Fei's origins a long time ago, it was not very good to be confirmed by one sentence from Taiyuan.

Taiyuan nodded calmly, yes, he was too rash.

Followed by Ye Lan, he continued with a panic: "Xu is the aftermath of the war of gods, leading to the chaotic wasteland, and the ominous atmosphere is dense. Almost all the marine creatures here are contaminated with the ominous mist, and ordinary people will be eroded when they touch it. Divine Soul, they will go crazy, the six relatives do not recognize, just want to swallow the ominous aura, they are not conscious. But fortunately, these ominous creatures have pure crystals in their bodies. This is their natural crystallization and will not be invaded. Dyed."

Han Fei keenly grasped a question: "Why is that fish conscious and able to organize defenses?"

Ye Lan: "There will be a small number of ominously contaminated creatures that will give birth to some spiritual wisdom, but it will not be very high. More, it is the instinctive behavior of marine life, such as the houndstooth black bream just now, in fact, they would have formed It is normal for a leader to sacrifice oneself and protect the leader. If you really want to give birth to a simple intelligence, you must at least open the sea, but it is not high."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Hmm! You continue."

Ye Lan: "For everyone living in the wasteland, the sea is out of reach. No one can return from the sea alive. I don’t know why. Several adults, don’t take it lightly. Go there."

Han Feixin said, I have been there, but he naturally wouldn't tell Ye Lan, so he just nodded slightly.

Ye Lan: "In the Chaos Wasteland, there are three main forces and three main cities, namely the City of Scavengers, the City of Wanderers, and the City of Primitives. Among them, Primitive City is the very ancient Lord of Chaos Wasteland. The city, the villain doesn’t know when it started. And the city of scavengers, after the war of gods, there are too many primitive cemeteries here, and a large number of powerful seamen came to pick up waste, and then formed a city. As for wandering Because of the chaotic wasteland, the city is remote and extremely dangerous, but it is loved by some wanderers, so the city was built here. In these three cities, there are emperor-level powerhouses, and there is more than one ."

Han Fei: "Talk about the city of scavengers."

Ye Lan nodded: "The City of Scavengers has 13,000 domains under its jurisdiction. Our place belongs to the Scavengers 8091 Sea Area. I don’t know the scope of it. But if you want to go from one area to another, you may need to open the sea. Only those with a strong realm can go. The realm of a venerable one can hardly go from one realm to another alone."

Han Fei: "Is there a map of the sea area?"

Ye Lan shook his head: "The sea area map may not even have our village chief. At most, there is a sea area map of the mountain city territory where we are located. The mountain city is a small city that dominates our nearly 100 villages. It has an open sky. The lord of the realm sits in town."

"Oh? Open Heaven Realm rules over a hundred villages? How many people are there in one of your villages?"

Ye Lan: "There are more than 300,000 people in our village. It is said that the higher the ranking of the village, the larger the population base and the more powerful."

Han Fei nodded: "All humans and humanoids?"

Ye Lan shook his head: "There are also some other races, but humans account for the main part, and there must be 60%."

Han Fei: "Do you know human history?"

Ye Lan shook his head: "This, maybe only the village chief knows."

Han Fei: "Then you all cultivate by killing these ominous marine creatures that are contaminated with it? I think this place is a wasteland, but it's actually not weak. Why should you come to hunt these ominous creatures with such a big risk? "

Ye Lan shook her head slightly: "Our cultivation conditions are relatively difficult, and it is difficult for us to have enough resources for cultivation. Most of the resources are actually turned in. Not only our village, but other villages, it is the same."

"Oh? You can get a lot of resources? Need to turn in?"

Ye Lan shook her head again: "In fact, there are very few. Apart from cultivating, we are digging. After a little leisure, we can hunt. The rise and fall of a village requires the joint efforts of many people. In the chaotic wasteland, every After a period of time, usually about a hundred years, a tidal wave will erupt. We need to dig out the pure stone, cast a defensive array, and resist the tidal wave, so that we can survive, and then we can talk about cultivation and growth. However, how can we dig the pure stone? Not enough, plus every ten years, Lord Lord will send tax envoys to collect pure stones and some resources, so if we want to survive, we have to go hunting and grow up quickly..."

Han Fei couldn't help being moved. It sounded like this life is worse than the riots. After tens of thousands of years, many people will collapse, right?

These people are not strong enough. First of all, they can't get out of the chaotic wasteland at all. Even if the sea is opened up, the resources consumed may also carry the hope of many people. Life may not be much better~www.ltnovel.com~Although Han Fei I heard that Ye Lan meant to sell miserably, but I guess she was afraid of killing herself!

Han Fei said again, "Well, the last question, have you heard of Anjia?"

Han Fei didn't expect Ye Lan to know the existence of Anjia. In fact, as he expected, Ye Lan shook her head slightly in a daze. Obviously, with Ye Lan's strength, what he can know is also limited.

Just listen to Han Fei: "I want to cut off this part of your memory, don't resist."

Ye Lan just cut off the memory when she heard it, and her tight nerves suddenly relaxed. She would rather not remember anything. Sometimes knowing too much is a sin in itself.

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