God of Fishing

Chapter 2130: Puppet plan

Han Fei didn't expect that the growth limit of what he got accidentally would be so high.

   This is only the opening of the heavens, and further deduction will damage the demon pot. It can be seen that there is still a long way to rise this way, and it should be possible to enter the emperor's ranks by visual inspection.

   In the sea of ​​origin, time accelerates. The three drops of blood from the Ten Thousand Scales Taxation Envoy that Han Fei grabbed, unlocked the seal at this moment, and saw these three drops of blood, gushing out a large amount of resources and energy.

   The rebirth of a drop of blood can be done in the Venerable Realm. Han Fei only left them a drop of blood, and the three tax envoys could only rebirth with this drop of blood.

   It's just that, at the moment when the three of them were just reborn, they suddenly saw Han Fei standing in front of them.


   The expressions of the three of them changed drastically at the same time, and they wanted to run, but the whole person couldn't move. The world seemed to have infinite gravity on them.

   Even if it blew up, they couldn't control it, because the bloodline seemed to be controlled by this space.

   "The Origin Sea?"

   The three of them realized almost at the same time that this is Han Fei's original sea. Here, Han Fei can mobilize all his power as he wants.

   The tax envoy of the Wanlin tribe, who was headed by him, struggled and snarled: "You dare not kill us. I wait until I die, and the city lord will have the feeling. At that time, the entire mountain city, and even the entire city of scavengers, will hunt you down."

   I only saw Han Fei smile, and the man's mouth was sealed by gently closing his two fingers.

   "Noisy, how many days do you think the lord of the mountain city can live?"

   The three people's eyes suddenly widened, and their hearts were shocked. Is it possible that this person still wants to snipe Lord Lord? Is he crazy?

   Seeing Han Fei's heart move, three wisps of blue soul fire floated from the center of his eyebrows. He needs to try to use this puppet of the living dead to see how much power of the soul is needed to refine a king to transform the soul of the other person.

   But seeing Han Fei stretch out his hand, a large amount of chaotic energy and the rhyme of corpse law, wrapped in a strand of his own soul, poured into the body of the tax envoy.

   Although the tax envoy didn't know what Han Fei was doing, it was definitely not a good thing.

   Sure enough, when Han Fei's power was integrated into his body, he only felt as if his mind exploded, with a thorn-like pain, and plunged into his soul.

   At the same time, he felt that his flesh and blood, without knowing why, was losing contact with his consciousness, as if blocked by a kind of terrible Taoist rhyme.


   In the depths of the tax envoy, Han Fei's soul fire exploded with a "bang", forming a spirit vortex, causing the spirit of the ten thousand scale tax envoy to be continuously inhaled. When this whirlpool swept across the whole piece of spirit of the tax envoy, the wisp of Han Fei's spirit gradually blended with this person's spirit.

   "Hey! 300 points of soul seems not enough!"

   Han Fei couldn't help frowning. It stands to reason that this puppet of the living dead only needs a few souls to control a king. It seems that it is still more than he expected.

   So, Han Fei threw another 200 souls into it. After a while, when these souls blended with this tax collector's souls, it felt enough.

  Han Fei couldn't help but get a move. To completely control a sea-breaking realm powerhouse, he needs 500 soul power. Many are not many, but once the number of people controlled is large, it is not a small number.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Moreover, if this number is needed to control the sea-opening realm, then the cost of controlling the open-day realm is at least ten times more. But the problem is not big. With the power of more than 2 million souls, he can control a few strong people in a small amount, and he only needs to control the sea area of ​​the mountain city.

   After all, the entrance to the sea of ​​riots is within the sea area of ​​the mountain city. If you want to control more lords, it may attract attention.

  Even this method of refining the corpse of the puppet of the living dead can replace the lives, opportunities, avenues, etc. of others with a ray of his own soul. However, these people can't cultivate. After a long time, problems will definitely arise.

   is inevitable to be discovered by the emperor of the Scavenger City. His main task is not to slowly control the Scavenger City in secret. It is to get in touch with the practice methods of the sea world as much as possible, deprive more opportunities, and make oneself grow hard.

   Only the city lord who really killed the Scavenger City is truly foolproof.

   At this moment, this corpse puppet has actually been refined.

   Han Fei let go of the pressure on this person, only to see him bow his head to Han Fei and surrender: "I have seen the master."

   Han Fei looked at it slightly: "Yeah! My eyes won't be hollow, not bad."

   The other two tax envoys of the Wanlin clan were horrified at this moment. Under what circumstances, is Erqing being manipulated?

   When they saw such a situation, they immediately tried their best to blew up. It is a pity that no matter how they mobilize their own power, it is all in vain.

  Han Fei then slowly moved his gaze to them, and smiled softly: "Now, it's your turn."


   Han Fei controlled the frogman clan guard chief to return shortly after, this person was also refined into puppets, and Han Fei no longer had to buckle them with a thread of nothingness.

Han Fei, who came from   , quickly made a list based on the memory of this frogman guard chief.

   "Well! Blade scavengers? These are outsiders. It's useless if you ask for it, you can ignore it."

   "There are as many as 18 tax envoys from the Ten Thousand Scales, plus the mountain town law enforcer named Yan Dong, a small town, there are 190,000 Ten Thousand Scales kings, and one Ten Thousand Scales king.

   Han Fei grinned slightly, then, all of them were made into my corpse puppets.

   "Huh! There are actually two powerful sea-piping masters in the human race?"

   Because after entering the mountain city, Han Fei did not perceive the whole city. Therefore, when Han Fei discovered from the memory of this frogman clan guard commander, he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled after discovering two humans who were strong in the sea-breaking realm.

  According to the Wanlin Clan’s attitude towards the Humans, the Human Clan’s Sea Boundary Realm would theoretically be thrown into the village. How could they be here?

   Han Fei's heart moved, and the frogman clan guard chief directly looked for it.


   Chen Qing and Xu Mao are now cross-legged in a house in Dongcheng District.

   Xu Mao: "We have been out for 200 years. If we count this time, this is the second tidal wave we have experienced in the mountain city. I don't know when we will leave the mountain city and go to the city of scavengers!"

   Chen Qing shook his head slightly: "Unfortunately, the lord won't let it go, what can you and I do. When the tide is over this time, we, we apply to return to the village."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Go back to the village? Then why did we come out?"

   There was a surprised expression on Xu Mao's face. Unexpectedly, after only 200 years, Chen Qing would think about returning to the village.

   I saw Chen Qing glance at Xu Mao with a complicated expression: "I thought you should understand."

   "You should have returned to the village long ago."

At this moment, the frogman guards who had become Han Fei's puppets came here for a long time, just listening to it: "With your two human races in the sea, do you still want to go to the city of scavengers to find a career? If you are lucky, you might as well go to the primitive cemetery and pick up the waste."

   Han Fei said deliberately with Yin and Yang, as if he looked down on these two people very much.

   Xu Mao and Chen Qing looked at the head guard, but their expressions changed slightly. Just listen to Chen Qing said: "Master Guard, come here so late, I don't know what the so-called?"

   Even if Han Fei felt the anger of these two people, what they said was still so weak. However, this is also understandable, for the time being to swallow, there is nothing wrong with it. However, after Han Fei had seen the memories of three Wanlin clan powerhouses, he already knew that the human clan had no future in the city of scavengers.

   A race will not accommodate a second strong race under its own rule, and the Wanlin race will not give the Human race a chance at all. Even the frogmen ~www.ltnovel.com~ is only a subsidiary race under the Wanlin tribe, at best it is better than the human race, but it is not much better.

   Just listen to Han Feidao: "I'm here to inform you that the tidal wave is coming, and you two need to guard the East City. Remember not to be greedy for the ink energy spar, or you will be discovered, tusk..."

   Xu Mao and Chen Qing both had dark faces, and said in their hearts that if it were not for the decline of the human race, they would have killed you a long time ago.

But Han Fei rerouted and said: "Oh! By the way, your human race is weak, and I don’t make it difficult for you. I will give you a message in advance. In the next hundred years, taxes may be reduced. I think you might as well go back to the village. Take care of it."


   "Tax reduction?"

   Xu Mao and Chen Qing both changed their faces and looked at Han Fei in surprise.

   Han Fei's face suddenly turned dark, and he couldn't help saying, "What are you bluffing? Just record it in your heart, let alone me. After this time, let's go back!"

  Han Fei made a special trip to remind these two people that Pihaijing is in the city of scavengers, and there is no day to nod at all. If you want to get ahead, unless you become a running dog of the Wanlin tribe.

  As a human emperor, how can Han Fei watch the two human races break the sea and become running dogs of other races? Therefore, it is a good thing to entice these two people to go back with the help of tax relief.

   As for the city of scavengers, even if you want to go, you will go by yourself.

   Han Fei couldn't help sighing. He thought that as soon as he came out, he only had to find Anjia and deal with Anjia. Who knows that as soon as he came out, he found that a large number of human races were in dire straits. As a human emperor, could he ignore it?

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