God of Fishing

Chapter 2131: Ominous creatures siege the city

Three days later.

   Han Fei’s frogman guardian puppet has always been sitting in the East City. Arranged together, the two great kings of the human race, and the three kings of the blade clan, plus the five scavengers of the frogman clan who are incarnation of Taiyuan and the others, a total of 11 sea-breaking realm powerhouses.

   In the entire East City, there is no king of the Ten Thousand Lins tribe. Almost all people used were outsiders, and Han Fei was naturally happy. Even if he arranged, he would arrange himself and the six frogmen sea-breaking realm powerhouses together.

   On this day, Han Fei used the normal range of perception of the king and occasionally took a look at the external perception.

   Suddenly, he discovered that a black, ominous creature appeared more than 500,000 miles away.

   Followed, Han Fei's face changed as he did his duty, and he roared to the sky: "Ominous creatures are coming, the whole army is preparing for war, and all the kings return quickly."

  While Han Fei shouted, he felt the sense of the lord of the mountain city swept here.

   Following, Nancheng and Xicheng have found traces of ominous creatures one after another, and they started to drink. In the mountain city, the strong of the venerable realm quickly returned to his place. Among them, Han Fei has the worst manpower on their side. There are only more than 200,000 people in the Venerable Realm, and the rest are of the Explorer level.

   It can be seen that it is not unreasonable that there are many kings on the East Side. Anyway, they are all foreign kings, and they are all affiliated races of the Ten Thousand Scales clan. In the eyes of the Ten Thousand Scales clan powerhouses, being able to give them this is pretty good.

   But, Han Fei doesn’t matter. In the 3,000-mile city, what are you really going to do? Isn’t that a momentary effort?

   In the past few days when Han Fei took office, he has seen through the memory of this frogman guard chief. These ominous creatures are just foreplay, not tidal waves.

  Tidal wave is a large black fog shock wave. When the tide wave comes, the entire sea area will be enveloped in darkness. At that time, it was time for Shancheng to start the purification formation.

   Now, it's just these ominous creatures coming from the impact that they don't need Han Fei to take action. It's all about those venerables. The king is here to play a role as a leader.

   No, just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Jingshi Jianyu, prepare. Purification Wall, listen to my orders, and be ready to start at any time."

   The walls of the city are already full of powerful masters of the Venerable Realm. These people will use war bow techniques, such as war bow techniques, which are free to the public in the mountain city.

   Of course, the real war bow magic skills, that is not something ordinary people can get.

   Everyone held their breath and focused, only Han Fei and the others, who were quite curious about the ominous creatures siege the city.

   When those ominous creatures approached 10,000 miles, Han Fei would broadcast it once.

   "One hundred thousand miles."

   "Eight thousand miles."

   "Thirty thousand miles."

   When these ominous creatures hit 2,000 miles away, they only heard Han Feiduan shout: "Shoot."


   Then I saw the holy white light in the sky, densely packed with hundreds of thousands, like fireworks in full bloom, flying across the sky.

   In Han Fei's field of vision, he saw the masses of ominous creatures, like bubbles. Under the purification of the pure stone arrows, they exploded and turned into patches of black mist, which were quickly swallowed by the nearby ominous creatures.

Even those pure stone arrows that have not attacked the ominous creatures will almost fail, and they will explode, forming a lightning grid like a pure stone mine. This lightning grid may not kill a statue with one blow. The ominous creatures of the realm. But once the number is large, the ominous creatures in the Venerable Realm still have to be purified.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   If this wave continues, not to mention killing one hundred thousand ominous creatures, it would also cost fifty thousand. Han Fei couldn't help sighing, is there so many powerful creatures in the Chaos Wasteland?

   However, this wave of arrows did not stop the momentum of the ominous creatures attacking the city.

  Han Fei, they can only hold the east side, but the places where the ominous creatures impact are high in the sky, straight ahead, and even overhead.

   So, at the same time the arrow rain broke out. Han Fei drank again: "Above his head, the wall of purification. Right in front, rotate the light wing."

   I saw that some of the Venerables who had been prepared for a long time, holding shields made of pure stones in their hands, went straight into the sky. When the pure stone shield hits upwards, it can unfold into a holy barrier with a width of up to 100 meters. After the barrier is opened, there will be flashes of electric light, and most ominous creatures that collide with it will be purified by the released electric light.

   Directly ahead, the so-called rotating light wing is like a rotating fan, pushing out all the way, wherever the fan passes, it will naturally strangle a large area of ​​ominous creatures.

   is this series of triple shocks. It can be said that at least hundreds of thousands of ominous creatures have been purified. Of course, not all of these ominous creatures are in the Venerable Realm.

It can be seen that the ominous creatures are actually afraid of the power of Jingshi, so after a round of impact, the offensive slows down, and a large number of explorer realms are mixed with ominous creatures from the venerable realm. After a pause, they continue to attack. Come.

   At this time, Han Fei shouted: "One stick of incense time, free to attack, and all the profits here go to you and others."



   Many people are waiting for this moment, this is when they make a lot of money.

   In fact, before the tidal waves over the years, the situation of ominous creatures attacking the city is very similar to today. This wave of resource income is something that the Mountain City Lords look down upon. It is mainly used to reward the people of the Mountain City and stimulate their fighting spirit.

  As the saying goes, people die for money, birds die for food, and practitioners can also spare their lives for resources.

   At the moment when hundreds of thousands of people rushed out together, Han Fei couldn't help but slap his tongue. The scene was indeed spectacular. Because the weapons held by these people are basically forged from Jingshi, the combat effect of this kind of whole army attack is actually very good.

   At least, in the face of these ominous creatures killed overwhelmingly, the effect is quite good.

   Normally speaking, in this first wave of shock battles, the number of people who fell from the mountain city should be less than half of them. It is even said that the number of people who may fall is only about one-thousandth of that of the mountain city.

   After all, this city has been prepared for the tidal wave once in a hundred years for so long, how can it be destroyed even if it can't even go through an opening? If this were the case, this mountain city would have long since disappeared.

  Han Fei is fighting here, Taiyuan and the others just stayed away and watched.

   Snail Emperor couldn't help but talk through the voice: "Han Fei, this kid is very adaptable, and he can command combat in a blink of an eye."

   Taiyuan: "How do you think the name of the emperor came from? Human expedition, which one is not ruthless?"

   Sword God: "I'm just curious, does he completely control the frogman guardian? I can't tell what is wrong with that person."

  Kong Shen: "Perhaps, he has already entered the corpse."

   Everyone can't help but nodded secretly, this kind of thing falls on Han Fei, it's very possible. After such a long time of understanding, who doesn't know that Han Fei walked on multiple roads?

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   He walked over so many avenues, and there is a corpse puppet avenue, and he must not be bothered by it.

   Not only Tai Yuan and others are looking at Han Fei, in fact, even the lord of the mountain city can't help but nod to Han Fei's command. At the beginning, it was because this guy was good at fighting that he left the position of the guard of the mountain city to him. This person also succumbed to himself completely, and he was satisfied just thinking about getting more oil and water. Don't be foolish for such a talented person who has no ambition, but has the ability to fight.

   After a stick of incense, a large number of ominous creatures were killed, which was considered to have consumed a wave of pure stone reserves in the mountain city.

   But, the more ominous creatures die, the more black mist will escape. In the end, the black mist was swallowed by a powerful black shark, causing him to directly grow into an ominous creature in the sea-breaking realm.

   Seeing that the ominous creature had formed, only listened to Han Fei shouting: "All retreat. Xu Mao, Chen Qing, you two quickly kill the murderer."

The three of the    Blade and Edge clan saw that Han Fei had no intention of making any move, but instead directed the human king to do it. I couldn't help but shook his head slightly, saying that the human race was indeed the lowest race in the scavenger sea area, and even the frogman race could easily command it.

   When everyone thinks like this~www.ltnovel.com~ Actually, Chen Qing and Xu Mao have not really complained about Han Fei, because they have always been treated as the bottom, so the amount of resources obtained is small.

   Killing this ominous creature in the sea-clearing realm can get his energy crystals, nothing bad.

   And Han Fei actually thinks so. If such a large piece of energy crystal is not given to my human race, can it not be made to the blade clan?

   The ominous creatures in the sea-breaking realm, because they were just born, although they also have talents, they tried to swallow these two human kings.

   But, who can leave the village and come to the mountain city, which of the human kings is not brave and good at fighting? If they didn't know that they couldn't grow up in the village, how could they easily come out?

   Therefore, Xu Mao and Chen Qing fought fiercely for 10 breaths to purify the ominous creature.

   At this point, the ominous creatures have retreated, and Han Fei has lost a few people in specific battles. That is something the defending army should understand. Han Fei is only responsible for wartime mobilization.

   The fall of this ominous creature in the Sea-Piercing Realm means the end of the first wave of siege.

   I only heard Han Fei shout: "Sweep the battlefield in half an hour, and quickly return to the city."

   On the other side, after the army of ominous creatures was wiped out, three embarrassed kings of the Ten Thousand Scales clan appeared directly behind them in the sight of the lord of the mountain city.

  It is the tax envoy of the three thousand scales who went to Xiaohai Village to collect taxes. Of course, he is now Han Fei's puppet.

   But others don’t know!

   I only heard many Wanlin clan kings exclaiming: "Er Qing? How did you come back? Did you catch up with this wave of siege?"

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