God of Fishing

Chapter 2134: All emperors deliberate

The God of Fishing, Hanging Island Chapter 2134, the emperors colluded that the lord of the mountain city, Xue Fei, was controlled by Han Fei, which meant that the mountain city changed ownership and treated the human race with the Ten Thousand Scales. How could Han Fei spare these kings of the Ten Thousand Scales in the mountain city?

   At this moment, the battlefield has just been cleaned outside, Yan Dong joined hands with the guards of the mountain city to report the results.

   Severe Winter: "Lord Lord..."

   "Go in!"

   Xue Fei is still the same Xue Fei, but he has become a puppet. Han Fei also wanted to test whether this puppet's way could be faked, even the closest people around him would not be able to find it.

   Severe Winter entered the gate, followed by the chief guard guarding the Sifang City Gate. Of course, the frogman guard commander controlled by Han Fei was among them.

   Xue Feiduan sat on the throne and said indifferently: "Say."

Yan Dong seems to have liked Xue Fei's attitude a long time ago. Although he is dignified, the lord is actually easier to talk. So he bluntly said: "The results of this battle have been achieved, and there is basically no injury. My mountain city has a total of 109 Fallen Venerables. Explore 1012 people in the realm of people. Falling strong, but just in case. Net stone consumption, more than 520,000 pieces, accounting for five thousandths of the current reserve of net stones. Harvest energy crystals, all from the citizens of the city, estimated More than 2 million energy crystal output..."

   Han Fei's heart moved, this record is indeed possible, but he has nothing to say. There are so many ominous creatures, many of them are powerful ominous creatures, under the action of the pure stone, the threat generated is pitiful.

  Han Fei once again felt that Apocalypse Divine Art was simply too suitable for the place of Chaos Wasteland, it was like a training place specially prepared for him.

   520,000 pieces of pure stones, which accounted for five-thousandths of the usage, means that the amount of pure stones in the mountain city's own reserves is a little more than 100 million.

   It’s just Han Feixin who said that there are still more than one billion people in my place.

  According to Han Fei's memory from Xue Fei, the total investment for each tidal wave must be between 600 million and 800 million at least.

Before   , Han Fei was not very understanding. With the advent of tidal waves, cities have the ability to concentrate stones, but those small villages do not have the ability to gather so many stones!

   However, after experiencing this ominous impact from creatures, Han Fei found out. In fact, to resist ominous creatures, in fact, as long as the great defense formation is shown. Ominous creatures are afraid of Jingshi. When the big formation is opened, the entire city is like a light shield. Ominous creatures do not flood like moths to a fire.

   However, in order to obtain more energy crystals in the city, in fact, there is generally a three-tiered defense formation. The first and second barriers on the outermost periphery will be opened intermittently, so that a large number of ominous creatures can be induced to fall here, and then the last great defense formation can be opened to have a smothering effect.

   Repeated this way, one tidal wave can get a lot of energy crystals.

   The operation method of the village is actually the same as that of the mountain city. However, villages and towns do not have so many net stone reserves. So when suffocating ominous creatures, the number of times will not be too many, because the number of pure stones is limited, so the number of suffocating will naturally not be too many.

   Listening to Severe Winter’s report, in fact, the result of this wave of ominous creatures attacking the city was not so good. It is equivalent to trading pure stone for resources. In the entire mountain city, it is not enough for one person to get one.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Therefore, it is obviously unrealistic to expect this wave of ominous creatures to attack the city to improve the overall cultivation strength of the mountain city in the next hundred years. This is probably the main reason why the mountain city keeps searching for clean stones from the village.

   Just listen to the severe winter and continue: "Since the first wave of ominous creatures has appeared, the tidal wave may arrive a few days in advance. It is expected that within three days, we will meet the tidal wave. Lord Lord, Jingshi..."

   Severe Winter wants to explain that the pure stone reserves in the city are definitely not enough now. This time, the ominous creature impact was only a small scale. Since it started for the first time, it will be more and more frequent since today. As far as these pure stones are currently reserved in the city, at most they can barely support until this tidal wave comes.

   Therefore, Severe Winter is asking for resources from the Lord of the Mountain City.

  Han Fei now has a very good understanding of the resources that the mountain city needs to consume.

   He just heard him hum: "Wait for you, after you become my puppets, it will be given to you naturally."


  Severe Winter, several people were taken aback, the next moment, beside Yan Dong, the frogman puppet suddenly shot.

   The severe winter had no time to react, because the surrounding void had been locked, and the terrifying pressure fell, and a terrible growl broke out in his mind. At that moment, the soul was turbulent, as if he was about to be defeated.

   Before Yan Dong and the three of them could react, the Lord of the Mountain City had already appeared in front of them.

   Severe winter immediately drank low: "Run."

   At this moment, he would be stupid if he didn't run anymore. There was clearly a problem with his lord.

   Unfortunately, when they wanted to run, it was already too late, and the surrounding void became extremely thick, even if they burned their blood and burst out, they couldn't move a step.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   At this time, Han Fei was in his own form, and one of them slapped Yan Dong and the others on their heads. With a palm, they almost abolished their spirits.

   The moment he entered the lord's mansion from the severe winter, his fate had already been decided.

   Of course, even if it didn't enter the lord's mansion, they could not escape the end of becoming a puppet.

   It took only a moment, and several people in Severe Winter, successively the lord of the mountain city, became Han Fei's puppets.

   Since then, this mountain city has been completely destroyed by Han Fei.

  , just two hours later, Han Fei had refined all the kings of the Ten Thousand Scales Clan in the mountain city into his own puppets.

   In total, there is one in the Open Heaven Realm and 21 in the Open Sea Realm.

   The rest were not the kings of the Wanlin clan, most of them came to the mountain city to temporarily avoid the tide waves, so Han Fei did not attack them.

   The Wanlin clan king who was controlled by Han Fei was soon arranged by Han Fei to return to his post.

   Therefore, I didn't notice any abnormality. After all, what was going to be talked between the king and the lord and disappeared for a while, that was normal.

   At this moment, Han Fei did not release the kings from the original sea.

   At this moment, in the lord's mansion, Taiyuan and others are waiting for the result of Han Fei's soul search.

   I only heard Han Feidao: "The map of the sea area leaving the Chaos Wasteland is available. However, there are only the map of the sea area of ​​the Chaos Wasteland. The sea area maps of other parts of the East China Sea Shenzhou are not available in this lord's body or in his memory."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Just listen to Wang Yi’s swordsmanship: "Enough. As long as we leave this chaotic wasteland, we can let go of our hands and feet. At that time, where we are going is Our own business."

Han Fei nodded slightly, and saw a jade slip in his hand: "This is a map of the sea area of ​​the Chaos Wasteland, missing the part of the City of Wanderers. Senior Sword God, Senior Yijian, you must go there. From the Eastern Jiange. Senior Snail Emperor, can you have ideas?"

   He only listened to the emperor with a slight smile: "The emperor hasn't considered it yet, so go out and have a look at that time."

   Taiyuan: "Han Fei, what do you think?"

   Just listen to Han Fei: "I will stay in the Chaos Wasteland."

   Everyone was taken aback, but then they were relieved. Han Fei is the Emperor of Humanity, and he is walking on the Avenue of Human Emperor. In the chaos wasteland, countless human races are still in dire straits, and it is indeed a bit unrealistic for Han Fei to go now.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "According to the results of my soul search. In the East China Sea, except for the Chaos Wasteland, the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons, and the Boundless Mining Area. It should be possible to go to other places. Moreover, it is accessible to all races. There are no special restrictions on race. For example, the Eastern sword pavilion, where there are countless strong sword repairmen from the ten thousand races. There is also the Fist Mang Mountain, Senior Taiyuan, if you take the path of physical training, there should be more suitable for you. Senior Kong Shen , Your path is different. The horror capital of the East China Sea, Shenzhou, should be your best choice. Senior Snail Emperor, where are you going, I really don’t have any idea, but if there is really nowhere to go~www.mtlnovel. com~Shendu Dynasty is the place where all the ethnic groups of the East China Sea gather. It is said that the system there is rigorous, you can consider it."

   Snail King nodded, and then said: "No one wants to kill cattle for treasure, right?"

   Han Fei smiled and said: "Among the ten thousand races, there are many powerful people who are pregnant with foreign treasures, or are full of treasures. If the dynasty of the gods can't protect even the inhabitants of the city, what kind of East China Sea is still in charge?"

   Sword God nodded slightly: "In this way, it seems that only the chaotic wasteland you are in is the most dangerous. The burden of guarding the rioting sea will be on your body."

   Han Fei grinned: "The Chaos Wasteland may be the most suitable place for me in the entire East China Sea Shenzhou. At least, it seems that there is still a lot to do here."

   Sword God: "Do you want to release the kings in the original sea?"

Han Fei's heart moved: "It's not for the time being. After the tidal wave, I will ask them about their choices. I control the mountain city. Only a few seniors know about it. It is better for others not to know. However, I still want to ask. Several seniors do one thing."

   Taiyuan: "You said."

  Han Fei: "I think, when I leave here, ask a few seniors to cut off the memory of coming out of the riots and going to the mountain city."

   Snail Emperor: "Doesn't this mean that I don't even know how to return to the riots?"

   Han Fei smiled and said: "You don't know now? As long as I don't die, this road will always exist. Even if I die, I will still have an external incarnation, and this road will not disappear completely."

   Sword God and others nodded slightly: "Okay! That's okay, to prevent me from waiting if something really happens, and it will be implicated in the riots."


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