God of Fishing

Chapter 2135: The tidal wave is coming

The God of Fishing, Hanging Island Chapter 2135, the tide waves come. Han Fei, the Sword God and others have made their own choices. For Han Fei, staying in the Chaos Wasteland is far more beneficial than leaving the Chaos Wasteland.

   They are different from the Sword God. The Sword God and the others have lived for tens of thousands of years. The Sword Palace and the Origin Sea are already large enough. What they lack is to prove their path and seek a breakthrough.

   However, Han Fei has not yet come to seek a breakthrough. He is now at the stage of laying the foundation. Filling up resources, expanding the source of origin, and enhancing his strength are what he needs to do most at the moment.

And the chaotic wasteland, there is a huge amount of resources hidden here, an energy crystal, Han Fei can not look at it, tens of thousands of energy crystals are also optional for him, but a million, tens of thousands, tens of millions A... a lord, provided himself with 30 million energy crystals in a blink of an eye.

   Including searched from the origin of many Wanlin clan kings, the number has reached about 40 million. Although there is a distinction between high and low energy crystals, even if you count it blindly, the masterless soul in the energy crystals can make yourself **** a scalp and numb.

  Before, in Xiaohai Village, a venerable energy crystal contained 8 strands of chaos, 102 points of unowned soul, and 110,000 points of spiritual energy. What is the concept of that 40 million?

   So, before the tide wave came, Han Fei could say that he didn't do anything and went directly to the source to expand the Chaos Sea.

   When the endless chaotic energy was extracted from the energy crystal by Han Fei, its number unexpectedly reached 200 million strands. Han Fei couldn't help being shocked. If he opened the endless void every day to suck, when would he have to suck?

   So, Han Fei is in the original sea, using Yin and Yang to refine the Qi of Chaos and transform the Qi of Immortal Spirit every day. It took a full two years to completely convert this part of Chaos Qi into Faerie Spirit Qi.

   No, even the resources haven't been transformed yet, but the mountain city has already ushered in the eleventh attack of ominous creatures. Moreover, the scale of siege by ominous creatures is gradually increasing.

  According to Shancheng’s past practice, all ominous creatures before Tidal Wave attacked the city on a first-come, first-served basis.

   is exactly this, consolidated the rule of the Wanlin clan. Before the tidal wave, the number of ominous creatures attacking the city was generally about ten times. This situation is uncertain, but there is no more than 20 times at most.

   For ordinary people, they only hope that this level of siege, the more often they come, the better. The more times they get, the more benefits they get.

   And this time, the mountain city has only ushered in 11 attacks by ominous creatures, although many people are also very sorry. However, this is also in their calculations, 11 times are good, and the least in history is only 5 sieges, and the gains are pitiful.

   And today, it was half of the eighth day that Han Fei and the others came to the mountain city. The ninth day was not arrived, and the tide wave came.

   This tidal wave came about five days earlier than expected. The arrival of tidal waves is not very fast. It is like a sandstorm or a sea wave. It takes a certain amount of time from being discovered to arriving. This time can be as slow as about half a day, so there is enough Time for the strong in the city to respond.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   comes one wave earlier than the tidal wave, naturally it is an ominous creature. This should be regarded as the most majestic attack of the ominous creatures in the early stage.

   The duration of this siege will last at least three to four hours. Of course, not every moment countless ominous creatures rush into the city. The number will not be more than the previous few times, or even less. But the continuity is far from comparable in previous times.

On the square city wall, Han Fei’s puppets are shouting: "Explorers and above, all people will go to battle, go to the city gate, and receive the pure stone. Each person is limited to 300. After the war, each person needs to pay according to their own strength. 120 grade energy crystals. Quickly, within half an hour, all will be on the battlefield..."

   Such roars sounded one after another.

   A person’s power is ultimately limited. But with millions of people participating in the war, the energy crystallization that can be obtained in the end after a battle will be a terrible number.

   And everyone receives 300 pure stones first, this is not a gift, but a loan. If there is a loan, it is of course to be repaid. According to the usual method of the mountain city, given 300 pure stones, 120 energy crystals have to be recovered. According to the result of a one-to-one battle, it is equivalent to the mountain city lord collecting 40% of the harvest. Of course, in battle, there is bound to be wastage. It is impossible for everyone to exchange 300 energy crystals for 300 pure stones. Under normal circumstances, 200 pieces can be returned, which is not bad.

   Excluding the wastage during the battle and the amount that must be turned in, generally, if the combatants are not dead, the calculation is based on the previous income and expenditure ratio. This time, Han Fei estimated that the average number of energy spars obtained may remain between 180 and 220, so they can save about 60 to 100 energy spars by themselves.

   If the 11 waves of ominous creatures attacked the city in front. In fact, the energy spar that the public can obtain is actually a lot earned by those who participate in the war. Of course, compared to the rulers, they naturally get too little.

   More than 2 million people shot, and the total income after the war was more than 50% more than the leader of the mountain city took away.

   Of course, there is no shortage of powerhouses who can increase the usage rate of pure stone to more than 90% in the battle of tide waves. Generally these people have excellent talents and aptitudes. After every tidal wave, some outstanding talents will be selected among these people and sent to the city of scavengers.

   The more is the more, the less is the less. Of course, there are generally no more than a thousand people. This can be decided according to the wishes of each lord.

   this moment.

   When the challenge began, the people in the mountain city heard that the number of pure stones available this year was about 300, which was 30 more than the highest in previous years. This makes many people happy.

Someone said: "This time the number of pure stones has increased, but the number turned in has also increased. Be sure to pay attention to the efficiency of the use of pure stones, and you should not use them blindly, otherwise you will not get much benefit if you participate in the war for nothing. That’s not worth the gain."

Someone’s face is dignified. If a father tells his son: "Listen well, my son. Under the tide, the probability of falling is greatly increased. Remember, don’t take risks and don’t be greedy. Once you are in danger, even use a few more nets Shi, we must also protect our own safety."

   A wife and husband said: "You and I are working together, which is equivalent to 600 pure stones. You have to put out a hundred pieces for protection. Once you reach the one hundred cordon, you will immediately fight on the edge. Otherwise, if you die, I cannot live alone."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   When the tide wave came, the whole mountain city was caught in an inexplicable tension. However, in Han Fei's view, this is nothing.

   Because of such an impact, the probability of falling is less than 10%, which is actually pretty good. Compared to the Heavenly Desolate City I once saw, the once guarding battle of Broken Star Island, and the once thirty-six Xuantian, what is this?

   As soon as Han Fei came out of the Origin Sea, he heard the voice of the Sword God: "Han Fei, should I let the kings come out to take a look at such a scene? Otherwise, miss this time, I am afraid that they may not see it in this life."

   Taiyuan: "If you control the mountain city, you need to be secret. If you don't trap them in the mansion, they are only observable, inaudible, and unable to obtain all the information around you. What do you think?"

   Han Fei thought a little, and nodded slightly: "Yes, but I have to change my opinion."




   In the lord's mansion, among the formation enchantment, Luo Xiaobai and others appeared one after another, except for one Li Luoluo.

   Han Fei couldn't see through this Li Luoluo. He guessed that this woman shouldn't be that simple, so this tidal wave siege might be able to be seen by others, but Li Luoluo can't.

   At least, he can believe that others were all Thirty-Six Xuantian, who had been found by his own family and beaten down. There is only one ten-colored sky, only one Li Luoluo is left, and she herself, the origin of UU reading www.uukanshu.com is unknown.

When everyone left, Han Fei was in the original sea and directly said to Li Luoluo: "About the outside world, I will only tell you a very simple outline, but I don't believe you, so I won't let you participate in some things. . Can you understand?"

   Li Luoluo curled his lips slightly: "Is it so untrustworthy? I don't understand the sea world either!"

  Han Fei chuckled: "Don't follow me in this set. When you go out in the future, there will be time to understand."

   did not talk too much nonsense with Li Luoluo, Han Fei's distrust of her was on his face.

   Outside, when Luo Xiaobai and the others appeared, they found themselves and others trapped in the enchantment, for a while, they were all dumbfounded.

   Luo Xiaobai: "Han Fei, what does this mean?"

   Zhang Xuanyu: "No! How come we are trapped in this enchantment?"

Just listen to Han Feidao: "There are some things that I can only let you see, but I cannot let you participate. I can't tell you where this is. I am afraid that in the future, if there is any accident, my layout here will be leaked. . But, I want you to see the world again, so I can only let you watch through the canopy..."

   Luo Xiaobai and the three of them immediately understood that Han Fei would be making a move in the sea world so soon. Since it is a second-hand, these kings have a lot of mixed mouths, and they may not be together in the future. If there is an accident, it is indeed necessary to be cautious.

   Xuenv: "Everything should focus on the overall situation, and the emperor don't have to worry about me waiting."

   Hong Yue: "Everything is up to the Lord's orders."

   Zhang Xuanyu: "No, just do it. It's good to watch the sky."


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