God of Fishing

Chapter 2136: The collision of light and darkness

Originally, if Taiyuan and the others did not say, Han Fei did not intend to let them witness the tidal wave battle.

This kind of scene may be grand, but if it is only through retelling, it will actually let the kings know a basic situation of the Chaos Wasteland.

The reason why he agreed to it later was that Han Fei felt that seeing it with his own eyes might give people more shock and remind them of how dangerous the sea world is.

Han Fei has been in charge of the Xuantian Mirror for so many years, and it is not difficult for him to create a sky curtain.

The curtain of the day bloomed, showing the real-time conditions inside and outside the walls of the mountain city. Except for no sound, it was almost the same as watching a movie.

For a while, someone was surprised: "Is this the sea world? There are people with tails? Then there are people with horns on their heads."

Zhang Xuanyu: "There are a few people in that city, standing up, people are like swords, so weird creatures."

Han Fei: "That's not a creature, it's a family of blades. They are born with four bodies like swords. Only after transformation, they retain their two hands in the form of swords.

Musician: "What kind of race is that full of scales?"

Han Fei: "That is the Ten Thousand Scales Race, the ruling race in this super sea area where we are, and there are emperors in the race."



The kings took a breath, did you encounter such a powerful race as soon as it came out?

Le Ren Kuang dumbfounded: "The living emperor?"

Han Fei: "Could it be dead?"

Luo Xiaobai: "Are they fighting? Three lines of defense are laid inside and outside, and why are the weapons in everyone's hands glowing with milky white?"

Just listen to Han Feidao: "You need to understand this place. This place is called Chaos Wasteland..."

Outside, while the whole city was preparing for battle, Han Fei was giving Luo Xiaobai and others knowledge of the popular science chaos wasteland.

A group of kings who listened, for a time, exclaimed again and again.

"What, in a village of 300,000 people, there are strong seamen?"

"Huh? You can meet a group of ominous creatures in the realm of thousands of nobles at will?"

"How is it possible? Venerables account for 30% of a city, and dozens of seas? How come there are so many powerful people?"

"What, there is an Open Heaven Realm in a city of millions of people?"

For a while, all the kings were dumbfounded. If what Han Fei said was true, then this sea world would be too terrifying. This is still the most remote place in Shenzhou in the East China Sea. It is said to be the prosperous Shendu Dynasty. What kind of place is it?

However, when Han Fei finished explaining all this, everyone couldn't help but move their hearts. Since there is an Open Heaven Realm in this city, Han Fei can release them all now. What does this mean? It meant that during the time he was waiting for someone to stay in the Origin Sea, Han Fei had already killed an Open Heaven Realm powerhouse.

And Luo Xiaobai glanced at Hong Yue, and then thought of Han Fei's methods, as if he had guessed something.

Han Fei was able to control others, and Luo Xiaobai and the others had known about this long time ago. A few days ago, Han Fei also specifically visited Hong Yue, but what did Hong Yue do? He is a corpse refiner. Therefore, Luo Xiaobai almost thought that since Han Fei dared to let them out, he was afraid that the lord should have been controlled.

As for whether the corpse was refined, she didn't know, but she was definitely not dead.

Among all the people, the most excited one, even the guy who was so excited that his body was trembling slightly, was Hong Yue himself.

Hong Yue thought that the world Han Fei expounded was simply innately prepared for him. In the past thirty-six Xuantian, at that time, it was just a civil war of the human race, or fierce battle with the sea monster.

When everyone is about the same strength, it is very difficult to kill a sea-breaking realm powerhouse. They need a complete corpse to refine the corpse. Even if he is sure that he can kill a king, he is not sure to leave the whole corpse of that person.

However, in this chaotic wasteland, there are other races enslaving the human races. As soon as he thought of Han Fei's practice of corpse training a few days ago, Hong Yue had already understood seven points in his heart.

He estimated that the royal family in this city now, and even the Lord of the Open Heaven Realm, might have become the biggest corpse. Although he didn't know how Han Fei got on this road, the facts proved that Han Fei succeeded.

Hong Yue knew very well that this place was very suitable for corpse training. Moreover, from the perspective of Emperor Han Fei, what kind of Ten Thousand Scales Clan actually enslaved the Human Clan, that is the absolute enemy.

In this way, he immediately became one of the kings who was most likely to help Han Fei. As long as the corpse training is good, he will help Han Fei go down a few more cities in the future. Not only is he a human hero, but he can also quickly improve his strength. How can he not be excited?

Han Fei glanced at Hong Yue and didn't bother to say anything, because this guy had guessed right, he really had to reuse this guy. Refining the corpse together, really only this guy can leave.

Han Fei: "Alright! The news from the sea world, you slowly digest. Next, it is the tidal wave that I said. You only need to watch it here."

Being able to let them see is already Han Fei's current bottom line. Without absolute certainty, Han Fei would never let them know where the mountain city was.

Among these kings, most of them will leave with Taiyuan, leave the chaotic wasteland, and head towards a great world. No matter what the relationship between them was before, but now, these people are all human races.


About half an hour later.

The ominous creature rushing in the forefront has already appeared in the vision of the mountain city guard army.

Just listen to the great kings on the city gate, shouting: "Freedom to attack."

Because the ominous creatures that continue to come are not so dense, if it is shot from a distance, a lot of pure stone resources will be wasted in vain.

Ordinary people are allocated a total of 300 pure stones, why are they willing to spend it here?

Therefore, I saw the south gate of the mountain city directly opposite, and bear the brunt. More than 300,000 statues, massive explorers, come out in full force. At this time, it was the time for them to harvest, because once the ominous creatures gathered and the chief guard began to call for retreat, this wave of resources would have nothing to do with them.


"Kill in an orderly manner, without fighting."

"Puff puff puff~"

When several major city gates began to attack one after another, the nearly a million sages shot at the same time, and the picture, like a sky full of light and shadow piercing the sky, burst into a gorgeous and holy brilliance deep in the sea.

The ominous creatures that came in the first wave of shock almost met each other, and were slaughtered in an instant.

Powerful people in the Venerable Realm will generally not attack the ominous creatures in the Explorer Realm, because it is not worth wasting the pure stone in their hands. Therefore, the ominous creatures of the explorer level fell into the hands of the explorer.

At this moment, the people of the mountain city are like a devouring machine, so many ominous creatures come to face each other and disappear. If it weren't for them to have a sense of measure and dare not attack Taiyuan, they might have gone 100,000 miles at this time.

In the lord's mansion, Zhang Xuanyu and the others were shocked when they watched this scene.

Someone lost his voice: "There are really millions of venerables?"

Someone was stunned: "With such power, what kind of invasion is needed to break through?"

Xue Nu: "Ominous creatures, fear the white light. That stone should be a good thing to purify the ominous."

Liang Yin: "However, with so many people using it, the consumption of this thing is amazing. Ocean creatures are endless, no matter how many reserves of this stone are, I am afraid it will not be used!"

Zhang Xuanyu: "You think so much? If there is no means, how can people live in this place for hundreds of thousands of years?"

This battle lasted for two hours.

Two hours later, when a batch of swift and gleaming demon sailfish rushed in, for the first time a relatively large number of strong men fell on the human side.

This swordfish, if a sharp sword penetrates the sea, the power of a sword, ordinary venerables dare not easily resist it. When hundreds of sages were stabbed and exploded by this swordfish in an instant, the voice of retreating came from the city.

I only heard the king shout: "Retreat to the mountain city, and the whole army retreat to the mountain city."

A Venerable has just released his unique trick, wasting five or six pure stones, and purifying a dozen ominous creatures. Although he knew that the demon swordfish was coming, he couldn't bear the loss of his five or six pure stones. Seeing that a dozen energy crystals were right in front of him, he was very heartbroken and prepared to fight~www.ltnovel.com~ Take things back and return them.

But this one hesitated, faced with the dense, swarming demon sailfish has arrived, and it was too late to retreat.

Even if the person regrets it, dozens of pure stones will be detonated at once. But at that moment, he had been pierced and shattered, leaving some pure stones, but there was no room for display.

Such people are not in the minority. At least, at that moment, the number of people who fell like this reached nearly a thousand.

The Venerable can be reborn by dripping blood, but under these circumstances, it is meaningless to be reborn by dripping blood. Rebirth is also death.

As a result, some people chose to blew themselves up.

"Boom boom boom~"

When the explosion occurred again and again, Luo Xiaobai and the others couldn't help being shocked, just like this, thousands of strong, just like this?

If the fallen are mostly explorers, they can understand. However, most of the fallen ones were venerables, which made them shocked, so he almost lost a thirty-six mysterious sky in every minute!

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