God of Fishing

Chapter 2137: Defensive battle

At this time, there are only two hours left before the arrival of the tidal wave. The density of ominous creatures has greatly increased, and the cost of free combat is rapidly increasing.

Most people, already knowing that something is wrong, shouted: "Go back, don't be greedy for those energy crystals."

When the defenders of the city returned to their positions, the already prepared defenders started the offensive of the Jingshi Arrow Rain in the previous encounters. Only the rain of holy light and arrows in the sky was seen, cutting through the sky and blocking the retreat of the troops. After the enemy broke.

At this time, these garrison troops consumed war preparations and did not belong to them. Because they can't participate in free hunting, after the war, as long as they don't die, they can get more energy spar.

Of course, not everyone can join the garrison. These people are all in the Venerable Realm. Without exception, the selection is very strict, so other people can only be jealous.


Round after round of arrow rain sweeps, if you look at it from the third perspective, the scene is like a meteorite burst. The holy arrow light never stops. In just one incense stick time, the amount of net stone consumed is astonishing. Of more than 5 million pieces.

Of course, outside the mountain city, a large amount of energy spar was also left behind.

In the lord's mansion, Zhang Xuanyu and others were surprised: "Is that the so-called Jingshi? This is completely a war of attrition! There is no level in the battle."

Luo Xiaobai: "You can't say that, maybe this is the particularity of this chaotic wasteland. What is shot out is the resource, but what is reaped is also the resource. It is equivalent to doing a resource exchange with these ominous creatures. But. The exchanged resources can greatly help the practitioners to grow rapidly."

Le Ren Kuang: "I'm thinking, what should I do if I finish hitting this kind of stone? It will be hit once in a hundred years. What about ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years? This is just a city."

Someone said: "Even if it is the resources of the rioting sea, we have not been able to dig clean, not to mention the vastness of the outside world, there must be a lot of such pure stone veins."

Not to mention that Zhang Xuanyu and the others were shocked. In fact, it was Han Fei and Taiyuan who were also shocked. With every breath, there were tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of pure stones being consumed. If it is consumed at this rate, when the tidal wave arrives, it will consume nearly 100 million pure stones, or even more.

About an hour later, only the speed of the Jingshi Arrow could not completely withstand the impact of these ominous creatures.

However, the guards of the mountain city have already responded, stretching thousands of miles outside the mountain city, a large number of clean stone mines have been planted. Over the city, the Jingshi Great Shield is also ready.

"Boom boom boom~"

When a large number of ominous creatures impacted, the burst of pure stone mines illuminated the entire mountain city, as if the holy light enveloped the earth, and most people's vision was only white, and they couldn't tell where the front came from. How many ominous creatures.

However, the guards at the outermost periphery were all ready for battle at this moment, only waiting for the commander of the guard to issue an order.

Under the large flash of thunder, when the first ominous creature rushed into the area within a hundred miles of the mountain city, only a sound of "hum" was heard, and a barrier of holy light suddenly rose 2,000 miles away.

This holy light barrier gradually wrapped up the entire mountain city, and the mountain city defense formation had been opened half an hour earlier.

Only the audience king shouted: "The whole army is attacking, and the fighting time is only a stick of incense."



I only saw ripples constantly appearing on the great formation of the moat. It was countless ominous creatures in the impact that had hit the great formation.

However, this kind of collision vibration is rapidly decreasing. Han Fei and the others could perceive that at the moment when the moat formed, a large number of ominous creatures took the initiative to avoid them, no longer attacking the mountain city, or knowing where to rush.

Seeing this scene, Han Fei and the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Sure enough, the ominous creatures were afraid of the power of Jingshi. When the entire city was enveloped by the light of Jingshi, they lost interest in the mountain city.

But Han Fei knew that in the ten years after the tidal wave, it was also the peak of hunting. Although the tidal wave passed, a large number of ominous creatures would stay in the chaotic wasteland. These creatures will occasionally attack the city, but at that time the number will not be as dense as it is now.

Therefore, the ten years after this war will be the ten years in which the people of the city will practice the fastest. Even a small number of people will save some pure stones for hunting at that time.

Of course, those ten years were also the most dangerous ten years. Ten years after tidal waves and tidal waves, it is very easy to give birth to powerful creatures among ominous creatures, and even creatures in the open heaven realm.

After all, a large number of ominous creatures are not the same species, and they will swallow each other.

Therefore, in the ten years after the war, it can only be said that a small part of the ominous creatures were killed artificially, and most of them were swallowed up by themselves.

In the end, these ominous creatures will form some relatively powerful ethnic groups, and strong people will be born within them.

2000 li outside the city was blocked, and the deities were killed frantically. This time to kill, one is to kill these ominous creatures, because the more you kill, the more you get. The reason is that simple, you don't want resources, others want them.

When nearly a million powerful people of the Venerable Realm rushed away, the war in this scene was like the collision of a torrent of steel.

Some people use great techniques to trap ominous creatures, and then use pure stones to purify them.

Someone was directly penetrated by a thorny light that did not know where it came from, and a large amount of black mist entered the body.

Someone killed ominous creatures, but fell into the hands of others.

Someone made a strong attack and fought a three-in and three-out.

In a mere 2000 miles, not many ominous creatures were actually circled. After a few rounds of rushing, the ominous creatures were slaughtered.

When the army retreated, the garrison once again planted clean stone mines, and Han Fei reopened the large formation, once again circled in a large number of ominous creatures.

In this way, after only repeating the operation twice, only hearing a "bang" sound, the tidal wave finally collided. A large amount of black fog directly envelops the entire mountain city.

Just listen to the chief guards, one after another shouting: "Everyone can't fight."

The moat is divided into three layers. 2000 miles away is one heavy, this major formation will inevitably be broken, because the coverage is too large, and the larger the scope, the more the consumption of pure stone.

Therefore, the outermost large formation will only last for two hours. The duration of the tidal wave can be as much as 2 days.

An hour later.

"Puff puff puff~"

Suddenly, people shouted one after another: "Look, the first heavy defense formation, speak."

The guard grew up and shouted: "The whole army listens to the order and prepares for an attack."

When there was a breach in the first heavy defense formation, it meant that this major formation was not far away from collapse. As more and more breaches appear, more and more ominous creatures will rush out of the breaches. Of course, there is still an ominous spirit who rushed in this time.

However, the amount of ominous air is not very much. Everyone can use the first heavy defense formation to carry out the final round of rush before the first major formation is broken before the first major formation is broken.

In the formation, the army is rushing to kill.

Outside, Han Feiben tried to release his perception, only to find that once the soul touched the overwhelming ominous air, it would be dissolved.

After half an hour.

Seeing that the first heavy defense formation was almost full of holes and sore, all of a sudden, I heard a "bang", there was a loud noise, and then it cracked. Something suddenly broke through the formation. It was a long A head of more than 300 meters.

In the city, those kings who were not controlled by Han Fei changed their colors.

"No, there are powerful ominous creatures in this round, and this birth rate is too fast."

Han Fei’s puppets burst out loudly at this moment: "The whole army retreats."


The first major formation is rapidly rupturing~www.ltnovel.com~ Seeing that the speed of the moat formation will collapse faster, if you are not careful, the mountain city will suffer heavy losses. Han Fei conservatively estimated that it would have to fall by at least 10%. population.

The Sword God and the others still pretend to be frogmen, and Han Fei is naturally not very suitable for shooting.

By Xue Fei's side, Han Fei yelled, "Blow him out of the battlefield."


It was too late, it was fast, Emperor Xue Fei was mighty, and killed instantly, holding a thousand pure stones in his hand, and blasted out the snake head with one blow. At the same time, Xue Fei also broke out of the battlefield and fell into that black ominous air.

As for Han Fei, he also wanted to take the opportunity to realize the strangeness in the ominous air, so he also appeared outside the formation.

However, Xue Fei relied on Jing Shi to resist the ominous air.

The holy light shrouded Han Fei's body, this is the eruption of the apocalyptic magic.

Countless powerhouses in the mountain city were horrified, and the lord took action. Could it be that the ominous creatures of the Open Heaven Realm came?

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