God of Fishing

Chapter 2138: And cherish

The reason why Han Fei personally entered the ominous fog was just to confirm his specific situation in the ominous fog. He needs to prove that Apocalypse Avenue is really suitable for Chaos Wasteland.

Because in the ominous fog, people cannot permeate perception, because the touch of perception must be ablated, and even affect themselves, so even the emperors only saw a faint ray of light in the dark fog.

When Han Fei stepped into the ominous fog, he suddenly discovered that the visibility was only ten meters at most, and the black fog was filled everywhere.

Xue Fei used to illuminate the Quartet with pure stone flying scrolls. Han Fei's body was radiant, like a bright moon shining in the dark.

At this time, Han Fei saw the thousand-foot-long snake.

At that moment, in Han Fei's eyes, information emerged:

[Name] To the dark snake (dirty)

[Introduction] The marine creatures polluted by the ominous tidal waves have engulfed endless ominous creatures. They have born consciousness and have extremely strong growth**. They can swallow the negative emotions of others, influence the emotions of others, and stimulate inner darkness.


【Quality】Fresh alien species

[Realm] Kaitian

[Combat Skills] Taiyin and turbid water, indestructible monster body, to dark tide, out of control roar

[Available] Pure energy crystal

[Absorbable] non-absorbable

[Remarks] Don't touch the ominous living body easily.


Han Fei had just seen the information clearly, and felt his eardrums vibrate. This dark snake even started an out of control roar at himself. As a result, Han Fei felt his heart sinking at the time, and he wanted to calm the Wanlin Clan. Even Han Fei gave birth to the idea of ​​swallowing all the gains from this battle in Shancheng.

However, Han Fei is a newcomer, and his goal for the Chaos Wasteland is simple, to kill the Ten Thousand Scales and save the people from fire and water. The other is to kill Anjia and protect the riots.

That's why, there is really nothing dark in Han Fei's heart now, but his breath is slightly unstable, Han Fei snorted coldly, and the apocalypse magical technique skyrocketed to the sky.


Apocalyptic magic in this boundless black mist, seemed to be an indelible shining light, and the beam of light could not come in an instant. When the Heavenly Enlightenment Art blasted down on this dark snake, the servant turned into a ball of black water, and a black water column was resisting the Heavenly Enlightenment Art.

This should be the turbid water body of the Dark Yin Snake, as if an evil force is erupting.

Of course, the cloudy and turbid water is constantly being purified. Obviously, the Apocalypse Divine Art has an absolute suppressing effect on even the ominous creatures in the Open Heaven Realm.

However, Han Fei also discovered another thing, that is, this so dark snake can draw a lot of ominous air from this massive amount of ominous air to supplement itself.

Of course, this replenishment speed is not as fast as it can be purified by itself.

However, Han Fei discovered that if he wanted to thoroughly purify this thing in this tidal wave, it would be possible at least to consume ten thousand years of life.

After all, they both open the sky, and they can also absorb the ominous air in the tidal waves. Han Fei didn't fight hard, but instead asked Xue Fei to form an enchantment with a stone-cleaning formation, trying to wrap this place.


When one after another, one after another, the black water ripples that were stronger than one, burst out in the void, only a large number of pure stones were tarnished and shattered in an instant.


Han Fei saw that with the superimposition of each of these ripples, the speed of the Jingshi collapsed faster and faster, and even a single ripple could not be resisted by 10,000 Jingshi.

Moreover, when the second wave of ripples were superimposed, 10,000 Jingshi was not enough to resist, and the Jingshi barrier was almost broken. Han Fei made up millions of pure stones in his hands, making a super enchantment formed in this tidal wave.

The massive amount of pure stone, coupled with Han Fei's apocalyptic magic arts, finally suppressed this extremely dark snake in the Open Heaven realm. Millions of pure stones were almost exhausted. With Han Fei's continuous use of five apocalyptic magic techniques, this extremely dark snake in the Open Heaven realm was finally purified.

After killing this dark snake, Han Fei's heart was shaken. One million pure stones plus a few apocalyptic magic arts, in fact, not much at all. The mountain city resists ominous creatures, at every turn, hundreds of thousands, millions. With the same consumption, killing an ominous creature in the Open Heaven Realm, how much accomplishment would it be? This is much easier than killing a normal Open Heaven Realm powerhouse.

Han Fei figured that as long as he had enough pure stones, he could kill a lot of ominous creatures in the Open Heaven realm such as the Dark Yin Snake.

Until the fall of the dark snake, there was no celestial phenomenon to show. I don't know if it was because of tidal waves that the celestial phenomenon could not be shown.

But the energy crystallization that Han Fei got was a bit extraordinary. It contains chaotic energy, 180,000 strands, more than 100,000 points of the Lordless Soul, more than 30,000 fierce qi, and aura up to ten million.

Such an energy crystal, if it is used by ordinary people, it can almost always be used for him to become a deity, or even become a king. This is the terrible energy spar of the Open Heaven Realm.

When Xue Fei and Han Fei returned to the mountain city. The first heavy defense formation was already full of holes and scars, and it just happened to be broken.

When the ominous creatures and tidal waves almost rushed to the side of the city wall, the major guards yelled: "The second heavy defense formation is on."

It has the same effect as the first heavy defense formation. It keeps using the method of catching turtles in the urn to trap a group of ominous creatures and start killing them freely.

Compared with the first heavy defense formation that only persisted for two hours, this second heavy defense formation lasted for a full eight hours. The number of net stones burned is also an astronomical number, which is a thousand miles outside the city. The ground is covered with energy spar.

The third major formation is the main city formation. Unlike the previous two great formations, the main city formation invested the most pure stone. But it still maintains the consistent operation method of catching turtles in the urn.

This stop lasted for two days and another hour before this tidal wave slowly disappeared.

During this period, Han Fei made a total of six shots, killing six ominous creatures in the Open Heaven realm.

However, after the tidal wave, the battle does not mean the end. Although the tidal wave disappeared, it was tens of thousands of miles or farther away. There was still a small amount of ominous air remaining, and some ominous creatures were fighting.

This is the time for free hunting in the city. People are free to hunt down ominous creatures. Anyway, no matter how they hunt and kill, the amount that needs to be turned over is the same.

During this period, the layer of energy spar on the ground was left behind by the ominous creatures that had been purified by the moat formation against the impact of the tide, and ordinary people couldn't collect it.


In the city lord's mansion.

Han Fei said, "This is the tidal wave of the chaotic wasteland, and ominous creatures attack the city. It will erupt once every 100 years. This time is over, and it's time for you to leave."

Just listen to Han Fei's solemn expression: "The chaos wasteland is only part of the East China Sea Shenzhou. The East China Sea Shenzhou is also only part of the sea world. To put it bluntly, in the sea world, those who open the sea are like this tidal wave. There are almost countless ominous creatures. In the sea world, opening the sea is just the beginning. How each of you walks and what you can become depends on you. But you have an advantage, because you Living for a long time and having a deep foundation, it is not comparable to the ordinary sea-breaking of the sea world..."

Just listen to Hong Yue said: "I would like to follow Master Ren Huang, I am the first Hong Yue not to leave."

Han Fei gave him a straight look: "Don't make trouble, Chaos Wasteland may be suitable for a small number of people, but it is definitely not suitable for most people."

When it's over, Han Fei said, "Those who want to leave, enter the Primordial Sea of ​​Senior Taiyuan later, as long as you leave the Chaos Wasteland, you will be free."

Taiyuan also said leisurely at this moment: "Here, there are only a handful of people who can adapt to the chaotic wasteland. Moreover, the city of scavengers has been suppressing the human race. Not only does it have no days to stay here, but also needs to walk on thin ice. Han Fei's words Yes, you have to think carefully."

Xue Nu: "I will go with Senior Taiyuan. When I reach the sea, my strength can only be said to be ordinary. We must be cautious, becoming stronger, and revitalizing the human race. This is our goal."

Liuli: "I agree, I will also go with Senior Taiyuan."

Lei Qing: "This place is not the place where the human race stays for a long time~www.ltnovel.com~ we shouldn't have missed the important affairs of the emperor here, we must go."

Huang Jie: "Hey, in such a big world, it would be a big loss if you don't go out for a while."

Just listen to Zhang Xuanyu; "We..."

Han Fei: "You have to go too. The city of scavengers is not suitable for the human king to stay. I stayed because I have a countermeasure. If you stay, it will hinder me."

Le Ren Kuang: "We should also seek a stronger way."

Luo Xiaobai: "Yes, opening the sea is just the beginning. We always have to set foot on our own way."

For a time, everyone expressed their opinions, which was exactly what Han Fei wanted. If they didn't leave, they would hinder him.

In the end, just listen to Han Fei said: "Ten thousand races are fighting for hegemony, you and I are human races, and the battle is for the rise of the human race in this great world. I don't care what means you have or what means you use, the human race is your root. This The roots are destroyed, and you and I fall again, there will be no human race in this world. Therefore, this trip, do it and cherish it..."

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