God of Fishing

Chapter 2139: Tax cuts

Chapter 2139 tax reduction


   After the tide wave.


   Thousands of miles away from the mountain city, Han Fei, Sword God and others bid farewell again.


Han Fei each gave 10 million spars and said: "Several seniors, this difference, I don’t know when we will meet again. However, I believe that as long as everyone does not fall, we will always have the opportunity to rise. The line of giant beasts, or the submarine human race, will rise in the sea world."


   Sword God: "You yourself are in the Chaos Wasteland. You have to accumulate your strength, not against the Ten Thousand Scales clan. Anyway, you need to wait for your own strength to be strong before considering these things."


  Han Fei nodded: "Naturally, although I am proud of my strength, I have not yet reached the point of challenging an emperor-level powerhouse."


   Taiyuan: "Although you have walked along the corpse puppets, you must not focus on this road. The corpse puppets are far from your other avenues, so you must be cautious."


   Han Fei handed over: "Thank you for the teachings of Senior Taiyuan."


   Wang Yijian: "If I can see you again, you and I will discuss it together."


   Han Fei smiled and said: "Definitely!"




   Luo Xiaobai, Zhang Xuanyu, Le Ren Kuang and Han Fei bid farewell in person.


   Luo Xiaobai: "I don't know if I can see you again now. If I have a chance, I will leave some clues marked by thugs. In the future, if I have a chance, I can see you by this."


Zhang Xuanyu's eyes lit up: "This is a good idea, and I did the same. No! If you are in the Chaos Wasteland and you really can't match the Emperor, you might as well leave the Chaos Wasteland temporarily and seek some opportunities. This should be The one that suits you best."


   Le Ren Kuang: "Then you pay attention, there may be clues to me where there are food. Also, we will definitely get together again."


   Han Fei smiled and said, "That's natural. By the way, I have something for you."


After that, Han Fei gave three of them a jade slip and a star shell and said: "There are three attacks of mine sealed in this. There are also some energy crystals, not many, only a million. Give too much. , It’s not necessary, it may even affect your growth."


   Luo Xiaobai and the three nodded, indeed, the more Han Fei helped them now, the less conducive it would be to their growth. But this jade slip is only used to save life, but it is also very good.


   Luo Xiaobai: "As a last resort, I won't use it."


Han Fei: "Send you a thousand miles away, you must say goodbye. The predecessors of Taiyuan are waiting. The chaotic wasteland is not a long-term place. After the tidal wave, the city of scavengers and the small town under its jurisdiction will inevitably attack and hunt ominous creatures. Therefore, you have to leave as soon as the major cities are gathering resources...I will get it back."


   Zhang Xuanyu took a breath and patted Han Fei's shoulder, "See you next time, guess if I can catch up with you."


   Han Fei smiled and said, "I guess you can't."






   After bidding farewell to Zhang Xuanyu and the others, the sword **** and others left without stopping for a moment.


   are all people in the Open Heaven Realm. They are determined to do everything. They are not lovers, and they don't have so many reluctances.


   One day later, Shancheng.


   Han Fei sits in the Lord’s Mansion and looks at various statistics.


  This time in the battle against tidal waves in the mountain city, the total loss of net stones was about 750 million. If you add the net stones accumulated by the people in the city, the total amount may reach about 900 million.


   But Han Fei actually spent 600 million pure stones, which should recover 240 million energy crystals. But the money is not all his own. There must be at least 100 million crystals of energy, which will flow to the city of scavengers. Among them, the amount of tribute is almost 100 million. This is determined based on the rank of the lord. Xue Fei's mountain city ranked 80, and his tribute amount was as high as 80 million. If you spend one more flower in the Scavenger City, it will be equal to one hundred million.


   Compared with previous years, this time, the advantage is that Han Fei does not need to reward those who are strong in the Ten Thousand Scales clan. The rest of the sea-clearing realm powerhouses, because they are mainly outsiders, because of the protection of the city, Han Fei will reward more than ten thousand energy crystals, which is already very good.


  Outsiders, they originally came to take refuge. The mountain city blessed them, and it seemed very generous to give some resources as compensation for defending the city. At least the Wanlin clan always thinks so.


   And this time, after excluding all factors, Han Fei collected a total of about 236 million energy crystals. After giving some to the Sword God and them, there are less than 190 million pieces left.


   The loss of combat power in the mountain city is not much. There are 40,292 people who have fallen in the Venerable Realm, and 85,698 people in the Explorer Realm, for a total of 125,990 people. It accounts for less than half of the total population of Shancheng.


   After a hundred years, under the accumulation of a large number of spiritual resources, these lost populations will be quickly made up.


   And in this tidal wave, the average number of energy spars obtained by the mountain city participants was 198. The part that went out and turned in means that on average everyone has obtained 78 energy crystals. This number is very good.

   In the lord's mansion, Han Fei was not in a hurry to use these resources.


   At this moment, all people are immersed in the joy of harvest. Suddenly, only listening to the lord’s mansion, Xue Fei’s voice sounded throughout the mountain city, and only listened to him: "Listen well, everyone. In the next three hundred years, the taxation in the sea area of ​​the mountain city will be reduced from 50% to 30%. This 300 years In the next year, the emperor will select some potential tianjiao into the city in the sea area of ​​the mountain city. The people in the mountain city are also selected objects... Therefore, you will have to work hard for these three hundred years."




   "What? A full tax reduction of 20%?"


   "Thirty percent of the tax, lasting for three hundred years? Lord Lord's courage, in order to select some elites, he actually gave up such a **** capital?"


   Someone was shocked, and couldn't help but feel excited: "Tens of thousands of years? This is the first time. Who remembers when was the last tax reduction or exemption?"


   Someone exclaimed: "That was more than 10,000 years ago, and it seems to be for the purpose of selecting talents."


   Many people secretly guessed: "Could it be that something big is going to happen in the city of scavengers, that's why there is this tax reduction?"


   And Han Fei, what he wants is this effect. The reason why he wants to reduce taxes and fees is really not to select talents. However, it can be used as a reason.


   Because every hundred years, every city needs to send some talents with good talents to the Scavenger City. There are not many Shancheng sent past each year, and there are not many elite players either. But this time, Han Fei has his own plan.


   Of course, planning is just one of Han Fei's goals. He can't control the more than 10,000 areas in the Scavenger Sea area now, and can only make the humans in the mountain city sea area not so depressed.


   When Han Fei was carrying out the tax reduction and exemption, there were still some people in the city, but they were not too excited. They showed a puzzled expression.


   "There is a sudden tax reduction and exemption, and nothing major has happened recently! Why is this?"


   Someone squinted his eyes and said inwardly: "This is big news, you have to report to it."


   When Han Fei talked about tax relief, he already knew that the news spread quickly across the scavengers sea, because such a low tax burden was rare, and only a few cities had done it.


   When Xue Fei went to the Scavenger City to report on his duties, he would be questioned. At that time, it was the time for this plan to begin.




   a few days later.


   Xiaohai Village.


   When Han Fei’s Wanlin clan puppet came to report the news, Zhao Jing was immediately dumbfounded.


   "What? The tax is reduced to 30%? Envoy, take this seriously?"


   "Lord Lord, how can there be falsehoods in selecting Tianjiao? For these three hundred years, in your village, please work hard!"


   "Yes, uh... yes, thank you Lord Lord."


   Zhao Jing is like a dream, telling him instinctively that something is wrong this time, the lord is still alive? If he is alive, how can he not know about the fall of the tax messenger? It doesn't matter if you don't send people down for investigation, so much tax is reduced.


   But no matter what, this is a big event, a great happy event.


   Just as Zhao Jing was about to tell the people in the village the good news, a voice suddenly rang in her ear: "Come and see me."




   Zhao Jing's face changed a lot~www.ltnovel.com~ When she swept through her perception, she found that there was a person in her house that she could not forget. This person is not Han Fei, but who can it be?


   After a while.


   Zhao Jing: "My lord, you haven't left yet?"


   Han Fei: "How, 30% of the tax, how?"


   Zhao Jing couldn't help taking a breath: "Is this an adult... you did it?"


  Han Fei was noncommittal and didn't say much to Zhao Jing. He only listened to him: "There are only you who know what I am going to say next. Do you dare to listen?"




   Zhao Jing couldn't help swallowing, and said decisively: "Sir, please speak."


Han Fei: "The mountain city is in my hands, but it is far from enough. I can determine the taxation of the mountain city sea area, but it cannot affect the taxation of other cities. Now, I need an identity, the identity of a talented genius, and this The origin of your identity lies in your Xiaohai Village..."


   Zhao Jing didn't understand too much, but said blankly: "My Xiaohaicun?"


  Han Fei: "Find me an identity, an identity that the whole village can accept. Only you know this matter..."


  Second more...It's time to fight alone...






   (End of this chapter)


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