God of Fishing

Chapter 2140: Cramming growth

Han Fei left a projection in Xiaohai Village. This projection possessed the strength of the sea-breaking realm, but it showed only the Venerable's pinnacle realm.

Han Fei chose to replace a cultivator at the peak of the Venerable Realm who had hunted and fallen outside in recent years. Han Fei transformed into this person, using his name, Ye Fengliu, and lived in Xiaohai Village.

The only thing Han Fei dissatisfied with this person is his name. What are your special conditions? You, in this world where life is unsatisfactory, you are still romantic, romantic!

Unfortunately, Han Fei could only use it reluctantly for his own plan.

This day.

Outside Xiaohai Village, Han Fei’s projection came to the entrance of the village.

I only heard the chief guard Zhou Hai exclaimed: "Ye Fengliu? I'm not mistaken, am I? Where did your special mother die?"

"What? Xiaoye is still alive?"

"Merry? You are not dead?"

However, because Han Fei had no memory of Ye Fengliu, his face was cold and alert at the moment. Anyway, Han Fei did not act twice.

Seeing a large group of people rushing over, Han Fei drew a knife and said, "Don't come here."

"Huh? Brother Ye, what's wrong with you?"

"Merry, what are you doing? Can you still be infected by the ominous atmosphere?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people were wary. Yes, Ye Fengliu's team, after going out, none of them came back. Obviously there was an accident. Why is he returning alone now?

I saw Han Fei pretending to be nervous and said: "I only have some familiarity with this place. I don't know how to find it. Can anyone tell me who I am?"

Suddenly, a group of people took a breath.

Zhou Hai was surprised and couldn't help saying: "Amnesia?"

Someone was surprised: "It seems that something happened to the team of Brother Ye back then."

Someone said: "The point is, where did Merry come back from?"

Someone asked: "Where are you from?"

Han Fei: "I came from a mountain ice layer 30 million miles away. You guys, know me?"


At this point in the acting, Zhao Jing appeared.

"The village chief, it's Ye Fengliu. He is not dead, but he obviously has amnesia."

"Village chief, Feng Liu is afraid that this is not an ominous anger, right?"

Zhao Jing pretended to look at Han Fei, and silently said for a moment: "If you are contaminated by the ominous aura, the Venerable Realm would have already gone crazy."

Just listen to Zhao Jing's question: "Can you experience tidal waves a few days ago? You should have an impression of tidal waves? It's just that the black mist is filled with the impact of a large number of undead creatures?"

Han Fei shook his head blankly: "I haven't seen it before."


When Zhou Hai and the others were shocked, Zhao Jing categorically said: "It should have been accidentally entered somewhere in the original cemetery."

Primitive cemetery? Everyone couldn't help being surprised, how did Ye Fengliu discover the entrance to the original cemetery?

Zhao Jing asked again: "Where do you come from, are there powerful creatures?"

Han Fei shook his head: "That's not true, they are all ordinary creatures. But I swallowed a drop of weird blood there..."

Zhao Jing: "What?"

Han Fei pretended to be a little dazed and stretched out his palms, untied his battle clothes, and saw that his body was covered with dense scales.

"Hi! Ten thousand scales?"

Zhou Hai and others' complexions changed drastically, and some even showed hostility in their eyes. But Zhao Jing yelled: "Shut up, it's not the Ten Thousand Scales Clan, this kind of scales are a bit like Flood Dragon scales..."

Zhao Jing couldn't help but suddenly shot, grabbing Han Fei, only to see Han Fei retreating quickly, and she was able to counterattack.


Han Fei was stunned back by a single blow, with anger in his eyes: "Why shot?"

Zhao Jing: "Just try."

Zhou Hai and others: "Village Chief, what's the situation?"

Zhao Jing: "I'm not sure, but it should have swallowed some kind of strange treasure. It has caused a surge in strength. You see that his strength has reached the half-king level now. The half-king level can block my blow so easily. Hai...I am definitely not its opponent."


A group of people in Xiaohai Village shouted in exclamation, isn't even the village chief his opponent?

Zhao Jing deliberately asked: "Are you going to open the sea soon, and you can't find the memory, which hinders your road to sea?"

Han Fei nodded: "Not bad."

When Zhou Hai and others saw Han Fei and Zhao Jing playing around, they couldn't help being in a trance. Very smoothly, I was deceived by these two people.

This deception, as expected, Zhou Hai and these people were all fooled, thinking that Ye Fengliu was about to overcome the catastrophe, but suffering from the loss of memory, he had to find Xiaohai Village and search for the memory.

Isn't this the equivalent of picking up a King of the Sea-Piercing Realm for nothing?

Suddenly, Zhou Hai, as well as people who were familiar with Ye Fengliu before, gathered around. You can't let go of such a solid sea-breaking realm!

They thought that although Ye Fengliu had mutated, he was still a human race after all. It is a human race, that is, one's own family, and everyone's acceptance is very high.

After all, foreign races can accept it, it is the Ye Fengliu of human race mutation, why can't it be accepted.

The moment Han Fei entered Xiaohai Village smoothly, Han Fei's deity quietly left.

From today, this matter is almost complete, and then Han Fei will leave time for himself. In the past few days, I have obtained too many resources. Apart from giving Taiyuan and Sword God a large sum, I didn't reserve much for Luo Xiaobai and the others.

But in fact, Han Fei has already given them a lot, and it is entirely possible to open up a sea of ​​30,000 miles at least. If you really gave them a large amount of resources, the resources that were gained in vain, how can you cherish the resources you get? And it will not be conducive for them to experience, explore and so on in order to find resources.

Mountain city.

Han Fei opened up an underground barrier under the lord's mansion.

He will practice here for three years, because after three years, as usual, it is Xue Fei's turn to return to the Scavenger City to report on his work.

The major lords of the Scavenger City report on their duties once every 100 years, and at other times they are happy and happy, so there are actually many people fighting for the position of this lord.

Fortunately, although Xue Fei is at the lower middle level, he is closer to the middle reaches. Even if the lord is replaced, it is mainly the lord behind. Especially for lords beyond a hundred, the possibility of being replaced is extremely high, and it is difficult to sit for ten thousand years.

Origin sea.

Han Fei looked at the massive energy crystals, and now he didn't have time to care about them, because the previous batch of 40 million energy crystals had not been digested yet. Even the qi of chaos hasn't completely transformed into the qi of the fairy, let alone the soul of no master.

Therefore, Han Fei used the spirit of the immortal spirit to open up the original sea, while transforming the chaotic energy, anyway, he could hardly use the chaotic energy.

I don't know if I open up, I am surprised when I open up.

Han Fei, Japan and Japan have expanded the Origin Sea for ten years, and the fairy spirit in the Origin Sea is as much as 420,000 wisps. Previously, that sum of 200 million strands of Chaos Qi, the transformed fairy Qi, consumed a full 1.7 million dao, which is worthy of opening up 50,000 li of the Origin Sea. Yes, Han Fei has only reached the current Origin Sea Only 180,000 miles, less than 190,000 miles.

Han Fei couldn't help being shocked, really admiring people like Beiluochen, Shipohuang, He Daoyuan before. For a hundred thousand years, I'm afraid that I haven't done anything, so I cut open the endless void every day to absorb the aura of chaos, right? Otherwise, how did they expand the original sea to more than two hundred thousand miles?

Han Fei estimated that the remaining celestial auras should not add up enough to expand the Origin Sea to 200,000 miles, so he simply gave up. So, he finally remembered the massive masterless souls in the Origin Sea.

In fact, Han Fei felt that he was too early to start, and he shouldn't touch Xue Fei's 40 million energy crystals. It was all saved by Xue Fei himself, so the quality was excellent, most of which were the energy crystallization of the Venerable Realm.

In fact, the composition of this batch of energy crystals that he has collected is mainly calculated according to the overall strength structure of the mountain city. There are many venerable states in the city, so more venerable state energy crystals will be harvested. There are many explorers, so the harvest of explorer-level energy crystals will be more ~ ​​www.ltnovel.com ~ Mountain City, obviously, the Venerable Realm is still relatively small.

Of course, Han Fei didn't dislike the low-grade energy crystals at all.

You know, even if it is a low-grade energy crystal, any one can still have one or two ray of chaos, and there can also be seven or eight points of the unowned soul.

One or two may not be a big deal at all, but when the number rises to 10,000, 100,000, or a million, try again?

Han Fei didn't dare to use the energy spar of the Open Heaven Realm. This kind of high-end goods is rare in a century. If you use it, you will use it. If you don't pick it, you will naturally keep the good things.

Han Fei saw that even if nearly 50 million pieces were sent out, and there were still 180 million pieces of energy crystals left, he felt that he would not be able to use them in the short term.

Because Han Fei felt that he might not be able to absorb so many Borderless Souls at all. Forty million energy crystals, even if one of them only has ten-pointless soul, it would have to be as many as 400 million. What's more, this high-quality energy crystal contains even more masterless souls.

But what about yourself? His own soul is only more than 2 million, and there is obviously a huge gap with the unowned soul, which is often hundreds of millions.

It's a pity that it has only been five years since the last meeting in the Void Temple, and it is still too early to the next meeting. It seems that my teacher asked the senior brothers and sisters of the Void Temple for help.

Therefore, Han Fei could only turn over Xue Fei's memory. Of course, Han Fei can also ask Lao Yuan, but Lao Yuan is not as good as Xue Fei at all. He is still asleep. The understanding in this respect, to be honest, is not necessarily better than Xue Fei.

No, Han Fei suddenly felt a lot of doubts when he saw this.

After a while.

"Huh! Isn't it that the heart is enough, the power of the soul is endless? Why can't it be absorbed after a certain level?"

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