God of Fishing

Chapter 2141: The conflict between soul and body

From Xue Fei's memory, Han Fei discovered that they were bothered by this problem just like himself.

In the energy crystallization, there are a large number of unowned souls. In theory, practitioners will be extremely happy when they see the unowned souls. Because this is the power of the soul, which can be easily assimilated into his own.

However, although Xue Fei was puzzled by how to use these Borderless Souls, Han Fei found another problem because of this. That is, whether it is the Explorer realm or the Open Heaven realm, the basic level of their Borderless Soul is the same. One point is one point. A little soul in the Open Heaven realm is essentially the same as a little soul in the Explorer realm.

The difference is that the Open Heaven Realm can blend into the aura of the Great Dao when it is deployed, and has the spirit of war skills, so the use of the spirit is extremely efficient.

This is also the fundamental reason why it can be absorbed directly when encountering the soul of no master. And Han Fei, only now did he really confirm this truth.

The essence of Divine Soul is the same, so the quantity becomes the decisive factor of the strength of Divine Soul. The old tortoise said before, Daoxin determines the upper limit of the soul.

However, thinking about it now, this statement is not entirely correct. Because Xue Fei's soul power is actually lower than his own, only about 2.2 million.

At first, I thought that Xue Fei's Dao heart was not enough. However, after reading Xue Fei’s memory, I discovered that it was not that Xue Fei’s Dao Heart was not enough, but that when his soul power had absorbed about 2.2 million, his body would reject the Soul of No Master, and his body would become complete. Can't keep up with the rhythm of the soul.

Han Fei's understanding is that the strength of the soul is too high, but the strength of the body is not enough. Maybe the soul has already reacted, but it takes a long time or even several times the time for the body to react.

This has led to the complete disparity between the soul and the body. When the strength of the soul is stronger, the function of the body becomes smaller. The extremely imbalance between the two brings great pressure to the practice.

As for what solution is there, the most basic solution is to train the body together. If the physical body is strong, the upper limit of the spirit and soul will be higher. The state of harmony between body and soul will be better.

Han Fei looked at the souls of no masters, and said that he was not tempted. He felt that even if the physical body and the soul were not compatible, he had to elevate the soul to the highest peak he could reach.

After all, oneself is the physical cultivation, and physical training is one's basic skill. But Divine Soul, even if you use the Void Guantian Art to practice, it doesn't come quickly!

So, three years later.

When Han Fei felt that the power of the soul seemed to be directly excluded from the body, he had to wake up from the retreat. He only felt that the world was different. His perception and the sensitivity of the soul had been greatly improved.

Han Fei subconsciously looked at his message.

Owner: Han Fei

Level: Level 101 (open sky)

Canghaiwan Genealogy: 360201 (evolving: 2598022)

Chaos gas: 1.2 million

Spiritual power: 3476332

Perception: 3.5 million miles

Power: 1586542 waves

First Spirit Vein: Primordial Vein

Second Spirit Vein: Vein of Eternal Darkness

The first talent soul beast: twin Yin and Yang spirit swallowing fish [level 93]

The second talent: Soul Beast: Emperor Sparrow [Level 99]

Main practice: "Void Fishing", the eighth layer, "Time Fishing" [Imperial Artifact]


When Han Fei saw this information clearly, the whole person was a little confused, and his strength skyrocketed by 300,000 waves. He could understand this, because his origin sea suddenly opened up more than 50,000 miles and his strength increased by 300,000 waves. Han It feels normal. After all, before and after opening the sky, my power doubled. Now only 300,000 waves have been added.

However, the growth of the power of the soul caused Han Fei to breathe a sigh of relief. This almost skyrocketed by 1.33 million points in one breath.

Even when the sky was opened, the power of the soul had not soared so outrageously. However, just because of some energy spar, the power of his own soul suddenly soared to this point, which made Han Fei's grade confused. Can cultivation be so simple?

However, in fact, when Han Fei tried to get up and live his muscles and bones. As soon as he got up, Han Fei suddenly discovered that his soul had left his body, and his body was still sitting there.

The two seem to be completely out of sync. It can even be said that the body and the soul are almost completely separated from each other.

"not good!"

Before, Han Fei felt that his physique should be able to control the upper limit of the soul. But in fact, it didn't work.

Han Fei tried to connect his body with his soul, and finally felt the body, but found a strange situation. He found that his body was abnormally heavy, as if he was pressing a mountain on his body, and he couldn't control his body flexibly.

At that time, Han Fei's whole person was not good. That feeling was like a ghost pressing a bed, with an unusually clear consciousness, but the body seemed to fall into a deep sleep. It's hard to move, is this the root reason why Xue Fei and others have energy crystals, but the power of the soul can't continue to improve?

Han Fei couldn't help but said: "Old Yuan, ask you something. Didn't you say that the heart determines the upper limit of the power of the soul? But why didn't you say that the body also limits the upper limit of the power of the soul?"

The old Yuan seemed to realize what had happened to Han Fei, and couldn’t help saying, “Hey! You are the sequelae of the sudden increase in the power of the soul? Even if the power and soul of the cultivator will increase, it needs a steady improvement. Let the body and the soul slowly accept the stronger and stronger self. But suddenly become too strong, it is difficult for you to control this power at once, a bit like pulling out the seedlings to promote growth. You have to use time to digest this improvement Although you used to practice fast, but not so fast, you used to grow fast, but you have also experienced a lot and battle is enough...but now..."

Han Fei: "In other words, the main reason is that I improve too quickly, and my body cannot accept such a big improvement?"

Lao Yuan: "That's right. And, even though I said that the heart determines the upper limit of the soul. But the upper limit of the soul shouldn't come from this way. There is no free lunch in the world, and the soul of no master is a good thing, but all of a sudden Absorbing so many unowned souls, even if it has been assimilated by you, your control will be greatly reduced. For example, after you have tried hard to practice, you can only control 100 souls, but your soul suddenly becomes 200. Point, but your control has not changed, then these 200 points will not be able to be well controlled, but will be out of your control..."

When Old Turtle explained this, Han Fei immediately understood, meaning that he not only acted too hastily, but also didn't have enough control. In general, I am not stable enough.

The old turtle said again: "The body may also have something to do with the soul, but the emperor doesn't know! The emperor has never received so many masterless souls before, and has not felt the pain you feel now."

Han Fei: "Then what should I do now?"

Old tortoise: "Perhaps, should I cultivate my body?"

Han Fei rolled his eyes, and said to his heart that what's the difference between what you said and didn't say? I also know that I should cultivate my body.

It now appears that the strength of the physical body absolutely limits the strength of the spirit, and the physical body is equivalent to a container that can hold how much of the spirit. Once exceeded, the spirit will be out of control, and the container will overflow if it is too full.

Therefore, you should actually do it step by step, and should not be greedy too much at once.

But when Han Fei's tried to continue to mobilize his physical body, he keenly discovered that in his body, two spiritual veins with completely different directions had started to spin slightly.

The speed of this operation is very slow, but they are indeed working.

"Have the Primordial Pulse and the Pulse of Eternal Darkness pulsate?"

When these two spiritual pulses moved, Han Fei's soul seemed to have a chance to relax, and immediately sat back in the body.

If the two spiritual pulses didn't move, I felt uncomfortable, then now the two spiritual pulses are circulating, Han Fei feels that they seem to be adjusting the relationship between his physical body and the soul.

After a day.

Han Fei made a weird discovery that his power of soul has been reduced a bit, and his power has increased.

Han Fei was not sure if this was an illusion, so he waited for a few more days.

As a result, every day that follows, the power of the soul will decrease a little, and the power will increase by a wave.

"Hi! These two spiritual veins are balancing the relationship between the physical body and the soul. But, this speed is too slow, right?"

Han Fei pondered for a while, and calculated at this speed. In one year, it can only convert 365 points of soul power. Even if it is 256 times the time acceleration of Origin Sea, only 93,440 points of spirit and power can be transformed in one year.

It is equivalent to that, in 256 years, he can only transform the soul and power of less than 100,000 points.

Thinking of this, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Han Fei is not good at all.

Sure enough, the explosive promotion was momentary, and when the cultivation base was stabilized, it would be uncomfortable. It would take a lot of time to wipe out this unbalanced relationship between the body and the soul.

Outside time, three years later.

Han Fei has been cultivating for 768 years, and finally made some improvements to the imbalance between his body and soul.

Although it is still unbalanced, the situation is much better than before.

Now, look at your own information again.

Owner: Han Fei

Level: Level 101 (open sky)

Canghaiwan Genealogy: 360201 (evolving: 2628022)

Chaos gas: 1.2 million

Spiritual power: 3196012

Perception: 3.5 million miles

Power: 1866862 waves

First Spirit Vein: Primordial Vein

Second Spirit Vein: Vein of Eternal Darkness

The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 94]

The second talent soul beast: Emperor Sparrow [level 99]

Main practice: "Void Fishing", the eighth layer, "Time Fishing" [Imperial Artifact]

Han Feixin said that it is because of his own time to accelerate, otherwise, if it is a long time to calculate, it will take him at least several thousand years to balance the power of the soul that has been improved in just a few years.

Of course, the benefits are also there, that is, whether it is the power of the soul or the pure power, it has been greatly improved.

Han Fei felt it. Although he didn't seem to be able to display 100% of his body's combat power, he could barely display 70%, which was not weaker than before.

And once one's soul power and power are fully balanced, and when one can exert one hundred percent of his combat power, his comprehensive strength will still skyrocket.

Therefore, this wave is not a loss.

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