God of Fishing

Chapter 2147: The hunt begins

   Han Fei obtained relevant information about the city of the wanderers from Mo Qi, the city of the wanderers, the city lord is known as the lord of silence. It is the only emperor in the city of wanderers.

  At the beginning of the establishment of the City of Wanderers, it is said that the two emperors of the Primitive City took action to try to maintain the dominant position of the Primitive City in the Chaos Wasteland.

   But that time, the City of Wanderers dispatched four warlords to smash the Primitive City to rule the emperor, slaughter the Sevenths and retreat safely, forcing the Primitive City Emperor to return to the city and sit down.

   In that battle, the four warlords in the city of wanderers were famous. It is said that these four people all possess the posture of proving the Tao.

  , after all, is an emperor-level powerhouse. After the real battle, the two emperors failed to win the Lord of Silence, which is enough to prove the power of the Lord of Silence. Later, the Primitive City was equivalent to acknowledging the existence of the City of Wanderers, after all, they were also afraid of the Lord of Silence's revenge.

   It's just that, what made the Primitive City never expected is that the City of Wanderers is extremely attractive to casual cultivators. The Lord of Silence declared outside that the wanderers are a paradise for the rest of the world. In the city of wanderers, no one will pursue your origins. There is no oppression, no rule, and mutual assistance of resources. He wants to build a country of casual cultivation.

   In the realm of the sea, there are too many casual cultivators. Many casual cultivators have no resources, no exercises, and are bullied. These, in the city of wanderers, are not a problem, here you can exchange for any resources you want. A radius of tens of thousands of miles is a safe zone.

   The only thing that is not allowed in the city of the wanderers is that someone destroys the foundation of the city of the wanderers. To this day, many undercover strong men have been uncovered, and no one has ever survived.

  Even, there is the Open Heaven Realm of the Primitive City, once mixed into the City of Wanderers. As if it had revealed some secret, that time, the entire city of wanderers launched a beheading operation on the original city. The Lord of Silence personally took action to intercept the two kings of the Primitive City. The Four Great Wars will urge several cities in a row, nearly a hundred open days, burning blood, and tens of thousands of seas strangling the eight cities under the Primitive City.

   In that battle, the city of wanderers fell into the heavens and thirteen people and 800 people were in the sea. The Lord of Silence was suspected to be hit hard.

   And all this is to kill the traitor who was sheltered by the Primitive City.

   This battle really established the position of the City of Wanderers in the Chaos Wasteland, because they were crazy enough and mad enough, they would rather kill a thousand enemies, hurt themselves by 800, and absolutely defend the City of Wanderers.

   This kind of madness forced the Primitive City to make concessions.

   Later, according to Mo Qi's information to himself. For unknown reasons, this Silent Lord had fought against the Great Emperor Wanlin. The specific result of the fight is unknown. Upon learning of this, Primordial City attempted to unite with Emperor Wanlin to suppress the support of the wanderers in a three-to-one attitude.

   But the result is that the City of Wanderers is still crazy. In ten thousand years, it has fought a thousand times in a row. And the Lord of Silence, it seems that he doesn't need to practice at all, he doesn't follow the rules of the original city and the city of scavengers, and makes frequent shots.

   A dignified emperor who frequently participated in the battles in the city caused a headache for the several emperors in the Chaos Wasteland. They only felt that the Lord of Silence was a lunatic at all and didn't talk about martial arts.

   The last great war is said to have been less than a thousand years ago. This is the longest time that peace has been maintained.

   When Han Fei had understood some basic information about the City of Wanderers, he couldn't help but admire the Lord of Silence. He was indeed a ruthless generation.

   And the facts have also proved that the emperors of Chaos Wasteland are also bullies and fears of hardship. As long as you are ruthless and decisive, they won't be able to take you.

   Of course, the premise is that the strength also keeps up, otherwise everything is empty talk.

   Actually, the information Han Fei needs is basic information. Because he didn't plan to actually do something during this time period.

   After all, his strength has not yet returned to the peak, and he just wants to shoot, not at this time.

  Finally, Han Fei asked, "Are you not afraid that I will run away? No one will save you and leave."

   Mo Qi chuckled: "Joke, you spent so much effort, is it just for such a bit of news? You don't want the mountain city? Believe me, you will always have something to come to me."

   The corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly aroused: "I hope!"

  Han Fei didn't stay here too much. After getting some basic information and some list of lords in the Scavenger City, he quickly left.

   After Han Fei left, Mo Qi narrowed his eyebrows slightly, revealing a shallow smile.

   "The Avenue of Time that hasn't been discovered until today? Should he be introduced into the Temple of Time? It's really tangled, let's observe it for a while!"

   After leaving Mo Qi, Han Fei only felt a chill in his back. Sure enough, the outside world is very dangerous. Before seeing the emperor-level powerhouse, it has been seen through. It seems that I have to cover the Avenue of Time, otherwise, who else will be able to see it.

   "Attract each other on the road?"

  Han Fei couldn't help shaking his head. There is really no good way to do this. Although he already knew that this avenue would attract each other. Even long ago, when the old tortoise talked to him, he had guessed whether it would attract the strong and the weak in order to harvest the weak.

   Now, it seems that it may not be as bad as I thought. Or maybe, I haven't met a stronger person who walks the same way.

   After leaving Mo Qi, Han Fei did not stop in Scavenger City because there was basically nothing he could buy.

   It is extremely rare to be able to directly buy things that are good for oneself after reaching the Open Heaven Realm. Chaos Wasteland, after all, is only Chaos Wasteland, not a place of prosperity like the Kingdom of Gods.

   Chaos Wasteland, even auctions or trade fairs for those in the Open Heaven Realm, are extremely rare. As short as a thousand years, as long as several thousand years, only once. This year, the major lords just came to report on their duties, which shows that this kind of scene is gone.

   ten days later.


   Before going to the No. 86 farm, Han Fei returned to the mountain city in advance.

   "Hong Yue."

   "Master Renhuang, I am here."

   Hong Yue was originally worried about Han Fei going to the Scavenger City. If Han Fei had an accident, he would basically be unlucky.

   "Master Renhuang, is this trip going well?"

   Han Fei nodded slightly: "It's okay! From today, you have to pretend to be the human king who has come to take refuge."

   Hong Yue's heart moved, is this something to guard against? But since he was tied to the same boat as Han Fei, he didn't ask more at this time. What Han Fei says, he can do whatever he wants.

The day after    came back, Han Fei left again and went to farm No.86.

   The No. 86 farm managed by Zhang Li, with a total of 126 domains, is in charge of Li Cheng. This time, he could no longer follow Xue Fei as a severe winter. This kind of hunting event usually involves the participation of the Open Heaven Realm. If severe winter occurs, there will be a problem.

   However, Han Fei is naturally impossible not to go. If No. 101 Farm, there really is an entrance into the rioting sea. Whether it was Zhang Li or Anjia, he had to find a way to get rid of them.

   Therefore, Han Fei directly turned it into a bracelet and hung it on Xue Fei's hand. When necessary, it is convenient to attack others by yourself.

after one day.


   As soon as Han Fei arrived, he saw Zhang Wei, Long Yunfeng, Zhang Li, and a Qiu Chen. The four of them were all there, plus himself, and the world opened up.


   Han Fei came, and couldn't help being surprised: "Huh! You guys came so early, and I am the slowest one with me?"

   Zhang Li smiled and said, "It’s not bad that you can make it three days in advance. I bet with them, you must pinch some."

   Zhang Wei also smiled and said, "How could Old Xue miss such a good thing."

  Long Yunfeng: "Since Old Xue is here, brother brother, it's time to go."


   No. 101 farm.

   The five Qiu Chen quickly passed through the crevices of the ice. In the end, the five stopped in an ice cave that was only about 2,000 miles from the sea.

   This place has been wrapped in gray mist. Han Fei also read Xue Fei's memory before he knew that this mist was called Primitive Mist.

   found the original mist, which means that the original cemetery has been found. Here, it already belongs to the category of primitive cemetery. Of course, they are more willing to believe that this is the beginning.

Qiu Chen: "Just here, the information I left for them is not comprehensive. They don't have a few months of experience, and it is impossible to find here. In the primitive mist, even if they fall, the celestial phenomenon is extremely small, and at most it is the monument of fate. Fragmentation, and the celestial phenomena will not attract the attention of the Scavenger City. Afterwards, it may be the passage to the original land. Fighting there, if the opponent gets into it, it will be bad."

   Zhang Wei suddenly took out a big umbrella. As soon as the umbrella was opened, all five people including Han Fei were enveloped in it.

   can hunt the strong, how can they have no capital? This is Zhang Wei's strongest secret treasure Hunyuan Umbrella. As long as you are under the umbrella of this umbrella, you can't even notice it.

   Han Fei was able to feel some abnormalities from the air formed by the Hunyuan umbrella. It seemed that the space here was completely hidden by this umbrella, as if it did not exist.

   After Zhang Wei took out the Hunyuan umbrella, everyone couldn't help but look at "Xue Fei." Why did you take Xue Fei with him? Naturally, he took a fancy to his avenue.

   Now that the few people have hidden their tracks, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will be Han Fei's turn.

I only saw "Xue Fei" sitting on the ground, just listening to him: "I will lay down the Nine Layers of Dreams on this road. But when it comes to the Open Heaven State, if it is connected to the Heavenly Dao, I will soon find that something is wrong. The Nine Layers of Dream State, how long can it last? , I don’t know, I will find their destiny as soon as possible. At that time, I still need Brother Li’s help from the maze, messing up his mind, and cooperating with me."

   Zhang Li nodded: "Don't worry, even if there are as many as five people in the Open Heaven Realm from the other party, let's get around first, we must kill two for him first."

   Long Yunfeng: "I have brewed a shot since before the tide wave came. Even if my strength exceeds me by 20%, this shot can also explode it. At that time, Lao Xue had better kill one person first."

   After finishing speaking, Long Yunfeng looked at Qiu Chen; "Brother Qiu, you should take the strength together. It is better to be able to penetrate one person first when it is explosive like me. So, we have the opportunity to take down two people first."

   Qiu Chen solemnly nodded his head: "I will try my best."

   If Qiu Chen wasn't the initiator, Zhang Wei and the others would not take him with him. After all, his avenues are nothing special.

   But Qiu Chen looked solemn at this moment, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

   Suddenly, Zhang Li asked, "What if the opponent's Open Heaven Stage exceeds five people?"

   Zhang Wei said directly: "Seven or more, no fight."

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