God of Fishing

Chapter 2148: Three Emperors (Part 1)

   In Zhang Wei and others, the seventh day of ambush.

   "Xue Fei" felt that his avenue was touched. It was not that he was discovered, but that someone had walked into his dream.

   At that moment, Han Fei's heart was shocked: "It's a coincidence, it's just seven."

   Yes, seven people in a row broke into the dreams they had woven. And the first dream I wove was exactly the same environment as the surrounding environment.

   This is the simplest and most difficult way to weave dreams. The seven people didn't find any problems when they entered here.

   There are five men and two women, all of whom are very handsome in appearance.

   They are very cautious, stopping for a while every tens of thousands of miles.

   Suddenly, I saw one of the men with double wings on his back. Han Fei would never forget the wings that were as thin as a cicada's wings.

   "Cicada's wings?"

   Han Feidun felt cold for a while, and as expected, the Primitive City was where his hometown was. Only the An family will have the blood of the cicada on this day.

   "Got it!"

   The sound of the cicada vibrated on the bottom of the sea, and the sound resounded in countless crevices in the ice like a scanner. The person seemed to judge the route through the echo. It's a pity that the first dream that Xue Fei weaves completely simulates the surrounding environment, which is half-dream and half-awake.

   At the moment this sound rang,'Xue Fei' said: "Here, seven."

   Zhang Wei's five people were shocked. However, Zhang Wei and Long Yunfeng couldn't help frowning slightly. Seven people, even if two were killed in the first time, there are still five behind, it seems not very easy to do!

   However, Zhang Wei and Long Yunfeng looked at each other and decided to fight. Because this is not just a matter of fighting, it also involves the fight for the original land.

   As long as the two opponents are killed, there may still be a battle. I wait for others to work with ease, even if I can't clean this group of people, but they are thrown back, the problem shouldn't be a big deal. More importantly, since the hunt is out, the hole cards must be prepared. Therefore, Zhang Wei nodded slightly, indicating that the plan would not change.

   And the few people in Primitive City, every time they crossed some cracks in the ice, they would stop for a while. However, one of them suddenly took out a black orb, which was shining with a faint light.

   "I felt it, it really was around here."

   This situation shocked several people, and they found this place after all.

   Regardless of how much they had done in Farm No. 101 before, this time, it was the arrangement of Emperor Zun. Since the emperor can call them, then they are not afraid of exposure.

   Several people couldn't help speeding up their pace and rushing into the depths.

   "Xue Fei" quietly, has successively planted multiple dreams. But at the beginning of their march, these dreams did not break out, so these people traveled more than 100,000 miles without being able to find them.

   and "Xue Fei" warned that it was only a hundred thousand miles away.

   I only saw that Long Yunfeng had already held their spears, ready to go.

  Han Fei was also surprised that Xue Fei's avenue was actually quite easy to use. It was used to cooperate with hunting, and the effect was indeed extraordinary.

   After a while.

   The Primitive City, the seven kings, swept through the cracks of countless icebergs, seeing the brightness of the black beads in his hands becoming more and more obvious.

   just listen, and the leader shouted: "Look, it's the original mist."

   At that moment, several people were shocked, and the joy on their faces was beyond words.


   A few people rushed into the primitive mist without hesitation, and there were even signs of acceleration. Suddenly, the few people only felt a terrifying coercion coming, and only saw a figure, not knowing when they actually stood in front of them.

   The headed person looked at it and suddenly exclaimed: "No, it's Zhao Honghuang."

At that moment, several people were horrified. Who was Zhao Honghuang? How could they not know. As one of the two great gods in the city of scavengers, Zhang Beihai stayed in the endless mining area all year round. The city of scavengers was always occupied by Zhao Honghuang. . They never expected that Zhao Honghuang would be here.

   It stands to reason, shouldn't Zhao Honghuang be in the City of Scavengers at this time?

   Immediately, one of them was shocked: "Is it his body?"


   These people are also horrified. They all know that what Zhao Honglong stays in the Scavenger City is only an external incarnation. No one has ever known where his body is.

   Now, they feel that Zhao Honghuang’s mysterious body seems to have been met by themselves. How can they not be surprised?

   However, the leader suddenly felt something was wrong. When his thoughts moved, he suddenly shouted: "No, all this is fake. This coercion is not real enough. Although it has Taoist rhyme, it can't shake my Tao. This Zhao Honghuang is fake, and we are ambushed. Up."

   And when this person discovered this scene, Zhao Honghuang suddenly moved, covering the sky with one hand, and patted a few of them.

   This is the first dream woven by "Xue Fei". Even if they knew that Zhao Honghuang was fake, they couldn't help resisting Zhao Honghuang one after another.

   And at this moment, in an instant, the nine dreams are superimposed one after another. Even if this dream is broken, they will only fall into the eighth dream.

   And the eighth dream state was when they first arrived here, the moment the cicada flapped its wings. These two dreams are the only dreams that can confuse this group of people. Because from the time of the third dream, they will inevitably directly connect with the heavens, and once they find something wrong, they will instantly break the dream.

   And outside, ‘Xue Fei’ suddenly shouted, "Do it."

   It's too late to say, it's fast then.

  Long Yunfeng, slammed into a violent attack, and exploded with a gun. In an instant Fanghua, he saw a woman among the seven and was directly exploded.

  Han Fei couldn't help being speechless, this guy was really cold enough, he didn't engage with so many men, he even targeted women specifically.

   Zhang Wei and Qiu Chen shot at the same time, slapped at the same person with one palm and one knife.

   It's unrealistic to kill the three Kaitians at once. Their goal is to kill two of them first.

  Opening the realm of heaven, it is not a big deal to blow up, the hard part is to penetrate their destiny.

   Zhang Wei's subordinate, an Open Heaven Realm was also penetrated. After finishing, Zhang Wei shouted: "Brother Li, help Old Xue."

   "Clang clang clang~"

   I only saw that a bell appeared in Zhang Li's hand. The bell vibrated, and the seven days opened up, causing blood to bleed one after another. And out of instinct, after Long Yunfeng and Zhang Wei took action, the remaining Primitive City people, even if the souls were still entangled by the nightmare, their instincts kept them in a defensive state.

   Zhang Wei and the others were only responsible for penetrating these people, but the task of killing the enemy fell on Xue Fei.

  At this moment, the nightmare Zhao Honghuang has been crushed, and Xue Fei’s spirit took the opportunity to manifest in their dreams, embodying the nautical universal instrument, and penetrated into their original sea.

   Han Fei just tried it, but he didn't expect it to succeed. Xue Fei’s avenue can be used to interfere with dreams, follow the other’s soul, and enter the sea of ​​origin of others.

   However, Han Fei felt that this was too slow. As the saying goes, it cuts the mess with a quick knife. In the dream world, Xue Fei is actually the master. What is the realization of a nautical universal instrument?

   As long as the woven things do not exceed Xue Fei's ability limit, he can weave them.

   And because Han Fei’s spirit and soul blend with him, in a sense, the secret of the Vientiane Navigation Device does not exclude Xue Fei, so he can weave it all at once.

   It's too late to say, it's fast then.

   In this unconscious state, if there is an original thing in the original sea, it will definitely be urged at this moment.

   It's a pity that when "Xue Fei" entered the first origin sea, the other party did not carry the avenue in the form of origin things at all. The other party merged the avenue into the sea of ​​origin.

  It’s just that, in this way, it’s not difficult to destroy them.

   I saw "Xue Fei" manipulating nearly tens of millions of energy crystals, spreading the origin sea of ​​210,000 li.

   Tens of millions of energy crystals, what kind of concept is this? When converted into chaotic air, it is an astronomical number. Han Fei had converted Xue Fei's 40 million energy crystals for decades, and there were still a large number of Masterless Souls that were useless.

   Now, Han Fei is the crystal of tens of millions of energy casually, who can stop it?

   "Boom boom boom~"

   "Xue Fei" quickly retreated from the source of this person~www.ltnovel.com~ Don't brag, so many energy crystals detonated, if his avenue continues, Han Fei can commit suicide.

   Sure enough, but seeing the cracks in the heavens, the sky changes suddenly, and the blood is filled here.

   Zhang Wei and others looked at them and were immediately delighted. They didn't expect Xue Fei to kill one person so simply this time. This efficiency is extremely high.

   By the same means, Han Fei quickly got into the soul of the second person. This person had just been blown up, and was squeezed by Zhang Li's magic sound. At this moment, he was confused, and out of the will of the emperor, he was instinctively reborn.

   As a result, before his consciousness returned, he was detonated again in the sea of ​​origin.



   When the second emperor fell, Zhang Wei and others couldn't help but wonder, when did Xue Fei become so brave? In a short period of time, even Tu two statues, can this guy hide his strength before?

   And Han Fei only knew that Xue Fei used this method to kill an Open Heaven Realm powerhouse in the past. However, he didn't know that the previous Xue Fei wanted to get into the other party's Origin Sea by means of Divine Soul, and the speed was much slower.

   At this moment, "Xue Fei" suddenly shouted, "I will leave one of them in the dream, and the others will be handed over to you."

   Long Yunfeng: "Okay! Brother Xue is the first to work today."

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