God of Fishing

Chapter 2150: Lord of Silence

   (Welcome to the new leader "Spicy her" boss, old iron, I remember you, I have been chasing more true love...)

  Han Fei didn't intend to expose, he was ready to be overcast to the end, anyway, now it's four to four, neither side dared to make a rash move.

   As for cooperation, this is pure nonsense. The Anjia coveted the riots for a long time, and the Anjia Emperor did not try to break into the riots once or twice.

   It’s just that, at that time, more of them descended through the Conferred God Heaven, or non-subjects descended on the edge of the entrance to the sea of ​​riots. Although Han Fei didn't know how he found it, most of it didn't touch it from the entrance, maybe some other method was used. Therefore, the remnants of the Beastmaster and Chu Hao could barely stop them.

   Of course, in Han Fei's view, there is another strong person who guards the riots. This mysterious figure has never appeared.

   Since the An family knew all this, they should know the existence of the Beastmaster, and would not just send a few Open Heaven realms. Therefore, since they have drawn over, there must be an unknown hole card.

   Therefore, the Anjia person is only using a postponement tactic, which means that Zhang Wei and others cannot escape. Once they are done, Zhang Wei and the others will all die.

  While there are mysterious people, the Beastmaster and Chu Hao guarding the riots, Han Fei does not think that the Anjia’s plan will definitely succeed. Even if their plan really brought the power to defeat the Beastmaster. Then there are big brothers who can take action, so in this round, there is no possibility of accidents in the riots.

   Han Fei expected the result, so he had to wait until these people showed all the hole cards.

   Zhang Wei patted "Xue Fei" on the shoulder and said, "Old Xue, thanks to you this time. But we can't believe their words, so we have to guard against them."

   "Xue Fei" nodded slightly, but thought in his heart, you are all dying, and you don't know it yet.

   Both sides, keeping a certain distance, went to the depths of the original mist one after another. But because they are guarding each other, the speed is not very fast.

   In this primitive mist, it took a full half an hour before they found a crack in the ice that seemed to have nothing.


  Han Feizheng looked slightly stunned, why did he arrive? Where is the entrance?

   However, the black bead in the hands of the Anjia person is no longer in a blinking state, but continues to glow, seeming to sense that the entrance is here.

  Only listen to the humanity of Anjia: "The original place is hidden in the chaos. Everyone releases the chaos and opens the entrance. Since the city of scavengers are participating together, let's do it together?"

   Han Fei's heart moved, he released the chaos, can he open the entrance?

   Han Fei didn't know about this. It turned out that the way the entrance to the Original Land was opened was like this. No wonder they didn't see the exit at all after they came out, it turned out to be the reason.

   Zhang Wei and the others have no opinion, but the amount of Chaos Qi released is not a lot. They have to be kept for battle. How can it be possible to use up the Chaos Qi in order to find an entrance?

   But when the Eight Great Open Heaven Realms were shot at the same time, millions of Chaos Qi still escaped. Soon, a large amount of Chaos Qi began to converge, as if being sucked by a certain point, and it was being sucked in continuously.

   Soon, I saw a black cave appearing, really like an entrance.

  Han Fei's heart moved. In a moment, it should be time for those people in Primitive City to change their faces. And he had to let Xue Fei live to the end and see their hole cards clearly.

   But, just when a few people were happy and ready to enter here.

   Suddenly, a terrifying coercion descended. This coercion directly surpassed the power level of the Open Heaven Realm, and it could make the Eight Great Open Heavens open the heavens, and the body seemed to bear hundreds of millions of weights, to the point where it was impossible to move.


   Zhang Wei, Long Yunfeng and the others are not stupid. How can they not tell the pressure of this kind of fall? In addition to the emperor, who can directly suppress the Eight Great Open Heaven Realms by means of coercion?

   The few people in Primitive City all showed awe. Judging from the expressions, they didn't seem to be pretending.

   Therefore, Zhang Wei and others thought of Emperor Wanlin. After all, this is the site of the Scavenger City, and there is something wrong with the No. 101 farm. It is not impossible for the Emperor to pay attention to this place.

   just listen to the few people in Primitive City shouting at the same time: "Seal of God, open. Blood burst..."

   The aura of a few people skyrocketed in an instant, this is desperate, as if to take advantage of the emperor's arrival, first rush into the entrance.

   And Long Yunfeng and Zhang Wei burst out at the same time: "Thief, trying to come to the site of my scavenger city to find the original place, you are wishful thinking."

   When I thought that the emperor might have been watching here, where Zhang Wei and Long Yunfeng dared to neglect, it was a **** explosion, and they had to stop the people on the opposite side.

   Who would have expected that the situation is changing rapidly, just half an hour ago from an enemy to an ally, and now, from an ally to an enemy again.

   Including "Xue Fei" and Qiu Chen, all of them burst into blood, trying to stop each other.

   Among them, the fastest is Long Yunfeng and a female cultivator from the Primitive City. The woman burst out, and the speed was even faster than that of the Anjia man.

   This woman and Long Yunfeng went one after the other. The long spear in Long Yunfeng's hand was pierced too hard and cracks appeared. It can be seen how strong the spear marks and strength are?

   However, at the moment when the two of them were about to rush to the entrance, the void suddenly froze. All of them stayed in place for an instant, unable to move at all.

   And a man wearing an ice mask suddenly appeared, only to see him pointing on the forehead of the female cultivator in Primitive City and on Long Yunfeng's forehead.


   I only saw these two people, and they shattered into a little golden mist in an instant, and the whole disintegrated.



   Two visions broke out, which means that the woman in the Primitive City and Long Yunfeng fell at the same time.


   In this scene, even Han Fei was shocked, this is not the Anjia Emperor at all, nor is it the Great Emperor Wanlin. But this is definitely an emperor, he kills both sides. Moreover, with a single finger, the two great open world realms are gone.

   said yes, are there any zombies in the Open Heaven Realm? Even if there is no natal thing, at least it will penetrate the Origin Sea and cut its avenue!

   How did you get into the hands of the emperor, just point your finger, and these two people fell? Doesn't the emperor need to destroy other people's origin sea or life thing?

   At this time, Zhang Wei and Qiu Chen, a few people in their homes, are all in trouble. Isn't this the Great Emperor Wanlin, who is it? There is only one Silent Lord in Chaos Wasteland except for the Anjia Shuangdi and Wanlin Great Emperor.

   Everyone thought of this, and Han Fei naturally thought of it.

   At this moment, the moment the masked emperor appeared, his eyes only glanced at a few people, and he didn't stay too much.

   But when he looked at "Xue Fei", Han Fei knew that he seemed to be looking at himself.

  Because my Dao Xin was touched at that moment.

   "The former king?"

  Han Fei is not stupid, he is walking the way of the emperor, but the moment he saw the masked emperor, his heart trembled, and even a little repelled.

   Han Fei guessed, this person probably also sensed himself, but whether he can see through himself is not good.

   Zhang Wei and the others only feel that they are dying, and the Lord of Silence is here, why can they stop it?

   It’s just that everyone is puzzled, why exploring an initial place will attract the Silent Lord, one of the three major city masters of the Chaos Wasteland? Are you or he okay to run around in the remote waters of our city of scavengers?

   It was too late, it was fast, when the female repairmen of Primitive City and Long Yunfeng fell, they glanced at the Lord of Silence.

   The latter had no time to continue to take action and kill them. Everyone only felt that "buzzing" was coming three times in a row.

   "Gu Tingnan, you still couldn't hold it back after all, and you showed up."

   "Hahaha, the hard work pays off, the layout is so long, and finally you are drawn out."

   "The Lord of Silence, today is your death date."

   At that moment, above this, a man with crystal-clear scales and jade-like body walked out of the primitive mist ~www.readwn.com~ like a fairy. This person was surprisingly the Great Emperor Wanlin that Han Fei had seen in Xue Fei's memory.

   Zhang Wei and others were still dumbfounded, but Han Fei reacted in an instant. This turned out to be a bureau. From the killing of the tax envoy in the sea area No. 101, to the tidal wave, Han Fei and others gathered and came to ambush. Finally fight with the people of the original city. All this is one game. Several Open Heaven Realm powerhouses died, in fact, they died in vain, just a chess piece in this game.

   is to make the Lord of Silence believe that the city of scavengers and the original city, because of this initial place, a big fight has caused him to show up.


   Only saw the Great Emperor Wanlin grabbing the void with one hand, and abruptly breaking the frozen void. Zhang Wei, Xue Fei, and Qiu Chen were thrown aside.

   The three people who were rescued were overjoyed and shouted: "The subordinates have seen the emperor."


   The Great Emperor Wanlin answered, and then glanced at the three of them: "In a moment, I will enter this original place."

On the other side, Han Fei saw the strong Anjia who once had a relationship. Although it was just a phantom at the time, it was this phantom in Fengshentian that almost killed himself. Han Fei would never know **** himself. forget.

   He only heard the man shout: "Gu Tingnan, your death date is here..."


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